About the question that did the prophet (peace be upon him) before the mission worship to God or not? and if yes, based on what Sharia he was praying? have been proposed three viewpoint: 1-Based on a theory that is attributed to Fakhr al-Razi, a group of Shafeis, Abu Hussein Basri and his followers, prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before mission did not worship to God and did not followed any Sharia; this group to prove its claim have argued some verses and consider the performance of worship by prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before mission according to habit.2-Most believe that the prophet (peace be upon him) before being raised to the prophet, has worshiped the God. followers of this theory has been disputed in the sharia; some consider him following previous sharias -the unknown or a group of prophets or one of the prophets-. most Ahnaf, Hanbalis and some Malikis and Shafeis believed that the prophet (peace be upon him) has worshiped before the mission based on previous Sharias; as Imam Shafi' i, Abu Mansur Matoridi, Abo Isaac Isfaraini, Judge Abuyala and Shawkany are on this view. verses and rational arguments are the basic argument of this group. In contrast, based on the theory of most Malikis, most theologians and Ash'arites and most Mu'tazilite prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) before the mission worshiped to God according to his own sharia. as Imam Malik, Abu Ghazi Baqlani, Abu Hussein Basri, Fakhr al-Razi, Ibn Abedin, Tuosy and Majlesi believe. they have argued to the Hadith and rational arguments. 3-Some, like al-Ghazali, Amedi, Syed Morteza, Sobky, Nawavi and Gweyni are attributed to stop in worship or not worship of the prophet (peace be upon him) before the mission. according to this theory: in principle, is no events and also the teasons of tow previous groups are incompatible and no one is over the other. By analyzing the reasons, it can be said: the prophet (peace be upon him) before the mission has worshiped to God. but about the determination of sharia before the mission, since the essence of divine Sharias is one and all the prophets, are a series of connected loops, he has worshiped according to the Sharias of his earlier prophets as unknown.