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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In a literary text, repetition is attractive both literarally and semanticly. Literally, repetition is an element of creating harmonic, musical tone in the text as it causes emphasis on the meaning and its further implications. Repetition as one of the most important rhetorical figures has received special attention by contemporary Arab poets. Among these poets is Yahya Samavi, Iraqi poet living in Australia, whose divan entitled "Ghalilake La Kathirahonna" has been composed about his wife and sufferings of his country which have been ever his real source of griefs, sorrows and memories.Using descriptive-analytical method, the present study aims to study aesthetics of repetition in Yahya Samavi’s divan in terms of lexicon repetition (singular lexicons, lexicons related to nature, antonyms, and pronouns) and phrases repetition (repetition of independent sentences, of title of odes, of different styles, of interrogatives and vocatives). The results suggest that the poet has shown his own sorrow and sadness for living far from his homeland Iraq, using repetition which is the main structure of the divan. The results also show that there is complete propriety between repetition figure and meaning of verses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Emergence of any literary movement, whether poetry or prose, needs a suitable environment. Appearance of epic among the Greek and the Iranian implies this fact that birth of each literary phenomenon is impossible in vaccum atmosphere, but they need special circumstances and means for their development and evolution.Movement of free verse developing in Arabic lands was in fact reaction to artistic, social, political and cultural needs of these countries. Birth of this movement was in Iraq but not in other Arabic states because this country had higher ability and readiness for it in addition to a rich literary heritage due to dominance of autocracy and colonialism than other Arabic countries.However it seems that the main and distinct reason for birth of free peotry in Iraq has been its pioneers' ability to be influenced by movements which dominated European and western literature, though it may be possible that literary men of this country have known about Persian free verse and its evolutions which has been more due to Iraqi modern peotry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Sociology of literature has relation with sociology on the one hand and and the literature on the other hand. Delving into the relation between literature and society forms basis of socialogical criticism of the literature.This approach focuses mainly on the structure and content of literary work and its relationship with society and interactions of literature, society and reflection of social issues through author's intellectual, belief and social views are investigated in a literary work. This article is to criticize and study the novel Curse of the Land by Jalal Al-e-Ahmad from sociological perspective. The theme of the novel is consequences of Land Reform Law and enterance of technology into Iranian villages. The author portrays properly status of different groups of rural community in this work after enforcing Land Reform Law and losing traditions and invasion of modernism. He expresses political and social issues from position of a social critic and makes interaction between society and the novel by artistic expression.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The early traces of Islamic Nation awakening after a deep sleep in which it has fallen and caused its mustiness appeared in fourteenth century AD.Following it, intellectuals and elites of Islamic communities tried to encourage common people to think about reasons of ignorance and did best of their efforts to remove these reasons and restore Islamic Nation's lordship and dignity. Among them, we can refer to Sayed Jamal Al-din Asadabadi (known as Afqani) as many reformer elites and writers have been influenced by his thoughts and ideas and each was claiming for reform of Islamic Nation.And of these people at present is Farooq Jovaideh, the brilliant Egyptian author, poet and expert who applied his poetry and literature in awakening Islamic nations and dedicated all his effort to principles of expressing Islam and making it free from control of colonial authorities and western thoughts.In this article, authors were to find manifestations of invitation to Islamic awakening in Farooq's two poetic plays entitled"Al-khadivi" and "Bloods on the Curtains of Ka' aba" in addition to investigate these literary works.The result of this study is that the poet did nott composed his works merely for doing a literary or artistic masterpiece but he applied it to reach holy ideal of Islamic awakening and informing Islamic nations about bitter reality in which they were living.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nature has always been the source of inspiration for poets and writers in different parts of the world especially among Arabic speakers who have close connection with it. While reading Ebrahim Al-kooni' s works, we can clearly observe existence of deserts as well as living and dead nature. Therefore, he has frequently used the elements of nature and using these elements, he induces his thoughts and ideas to his readers. Ebrahim Al-kooni in "Al-tabar", chose camel as one of the elements of nature and hero of the story and considering supreme human values for the camel, he not only regards a higher place for it than other animals but also he prefers it over all humans and even his own wife and child.This study tries to investigate function of this animal in this novel using descriptive –analytical method and the results indicate that the writer with considering ancestors' traditions, beliefs and myths has used the animal as a symbol in service of Sufic concepts and thoughts like companionship, love, sin and its consequences and patience.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Researchers paid special attention to statistical stylistics studies such that recognition and discrimination of different styles in every text can be possible applying this method. Bosiman's statistical stylistics is quantitative but not qualitative. In this study, We have investigated examples of Hamedani's and Yazeji's Maqamat based on Bosiman's equation in the paper. This equation adjusts Maqamat's style. The style of both authors in their Maqamat is based on this equation of literary style and passiveness degree is different from a Maqameh to another. Main element leading to increase of adjective-verb ratio in Maqamat of Hamedani and Yazeji is excessive usage of literary prose and poetry of Maqameh and also because Maqameh is considered as means for practicing writing and standing against religions of prose and poetry. Maqameh is similar to spoken word and that is including dictionary and expressing society status and its emotions. Among theme elements, only age has effect on Maqamat and this element is effective in raising of verb- adjective ratio for both of the authors. This paper is to investigate and study the style of Hamedani and Yazeji in some of their Maqamat based on Bosiman's hypothesis.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Color is one of important elements in area of feelings that plays an important role in our life and is a symbol for expression of feeling as sadness and happiness. Therefore, color is an additional aspect that provides many meaning for a literary man so that he can picture beauties of creation by means of it. It is decodification of secret meanings of the colors by which litreary man's thoughts are understood.Having investigated meanings of different colors, this study investigates color and its meaning in Mohammad Al-Maghut's divan in analytical- descriptive and statistical method to find results including role of poet's thoughts in choosing colors. In this rating, highest frequency belongs to red color that can be a symbol of promotion and encouraging the audience to rise and defend his own rights while lowest frequency is for black color though before census, it has been expected that this color would occupy top position because of Maghut's hoplessness and pessimism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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