With an acceleration in the growth of urban areas, it becomes increasingly difficult to prevent rapid widening of income disparities between rural and urban areas. The flow of poorly educated people from rural areas into urban slums and having a rise in underemployed urban population associated with a wide income disparities. are the natural aftermath of this process. The case becomes more serious and important in Iran as opening the urban economy to trade and broader liberalization of the economy bring acceleration in the rate of growth of urban income.Acceleration in agricultural development seems to be the only key to reduce the rural income disparities; nevertheless. it requires a high rate of growth of the agricultural sector with strong multipliers from that growth to the rural non-farm sector. Because of a high proportion of agricultural output coming from irrigated lands that are well suited to increased production of high value commodities for which both domestic and export demand flow rapidly, Iran enjoys a good potentiality to achieve that high rate of agricultural growth.With an open economy and substantial investment from oil resources and even through a foreign direct investment, this country can experience an eight-percent annual rate or even a higher. There are two means by which rural income can keep up with urban incomes: first, a rapid decline in rural population, and consolidation of farms into larger holdings; second, intensification of farming through increased yields and increased cropping intensity.The great potential for closing the rural urban gap lies with high value commodities, including horticulture and livestock. There is also appropriate condition to increase the production of these commodities.It is clear that a major thrust needs to be made to ensure the very high growth rates that are achievable in the high value commodity sub-sectors of agriculture, that requires special efforts in dealing with the marketing problems of perishable commodities and the technology development requirements for export market. However, the other sectors require attention as well. The most important point is to consider a priority for research in the horticulture commodities in Iran
With an acceleration in the growth of urban areas, it becomes increasingly difficult to prevent rapid widening of income disparities between rural and urban areas. The flow of poorly educated people from rural areas into urban slums and having a rise in underemployed urban population associated with a wide income disparities. are the natural aftermath of this process. The case becomes more serious and important in Iran as opening the urban economy to trade and broader liberalization of the economy bring acceleration in the rate of growth of urban income.Acceleration in agricultural development seems to be the only key to reduce the rural income disparities; nevertheless. it requires a high rate of growth of the agricultural sector with strong multipliers from that growth to the rural non-farm sector. Because of a high proportion of agricultural output coming from irrigated lands that are well suited to increased production of high value commodities for which both domestic and export demand flow rapidly, Iran enjoys a good potentiality to achieve that high rate of agricultural growth.With an open economy and substantial investment from oil resources and even through a foreign direct investment, this country can experience an eight-percent annual rate or even a higher. There are two means by which rural income can keep up with urban incomes: first, a rapid decline in rural population, and consolidation of farms into larger holdings; second, intensification of farming through increased yields and increased cropping intensity.The great potential for closing the rural urban gap lies with high value commodities, including horticulture and livestock. There is also appropriate condition to increase the production of these commodities.It is clear that a major thrust needs to be made to ensure the very high growth rates that are achievable in the high value commodity sub-sectors of agriculture, that requires special efforts in dealing with the marketing problems of perishable commodities and the technology development requirements for export market. However, the other sectors require attention as well. The most important point is to consider a priority for research in the horticulture commodities in Iran.