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پژوهش حاضر با هدف ترسیم شخصیت و سیمای زنان مقدس قرآنی به عنوان بدیلی شناخت شناسانه در برابر الگوی مسخ شده غربی از زن انجام شد. روش پژوهش اسنادی بود که از طریق بهره گیری از مطالعه کتابخانه ای (اسناد و مدارک، مجلات، کتب و مقالات معتبر داخلی و خارجی) به بررسی موضوع مقاله پرداخته شد و ضمن ارائه شواهد تاریخی از وضعیت اسفبار زن در فرهنگ غربی، با اصل قرار دادن قرآن و سیره معصومین علیهم السلام و با استخراج اطلاعات لازم از متون تاریخی و فقهی و در کنار هم قرار دادن آن ها، به مقایسه دیدگاه غرب و اسلام به زن و همچنین ترسیم شخصیت و سیمای زنان مقدس قرآنی به عنوان الگوی مطلوب اسلام و جایگزینی شناخت شناسانه برای الگوی مطرح شده غربی، پرداخته شد. نتایج نشان داد که تشریح صفات و ویژگی های برجسته زنان مقدس قرآنی همچون حضرت آسیه (س)، حضرت مریم (س)، حضرت خدیجه (س) و حضرت فاطمه زهرا (س) که از جمله ویژگی های آن ها، تسلیم محض نسبت به خداوند، عبادت، پاکیزگی، تلاش و ایثار در راه تمامی ارزش های الهی بوده، می تواند به عنوان بدیلی شناخت شناسانه در برابر الگوی غربی از زن که در قالب حقوق بشر زنان در حال نشر است، معرفی شود. از این رو، پیشنهاد می گردد نهادهای مسوول از یک سو در ممانعت از انتشار الگوهای غربی درباره موضوع زن و از سوی دیگر در جهت معرفی و شناساندن اندیشه های ناب اسلام محمدی (ص) درباره زنان، اهتمام ورزند.

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Purpose: the purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of teaching religion-based spiritual concepts on children' s behavioral problems. Research method: In this study, a single-case experimental design (type AB or repeated direct observation) with one-month follow-up were used. For this purpose, after available sampling of population, three female students in the third grade of primary school that gained more than 9 in the teacher form of Rutter problem behavior scale (1967), were purposefully selected and received religion-based spiritual interventions for 13 sessions of 45 minutes. In order to collect data, Rutter behavior problems scale (teacher form) in three stages of baseline, intervention and follow-up was used and finally data have been analyzed by using Graphic analysis and Percent of improvement methods. Findings: The results of percent of improvement of three references after treatment demonstrated a significant reduction in their scores in Rutter behavioral problems scale that, continued during the one-month follow-up.Conclusion: It can be concluded from research findings that teaching religion-based spiritual concepts has a significant positive effect on reducing children' s behavioral problems.

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This research studied the efficacy of emotion-focused group therapy in interpersonal forgiveness and hope in divorced women. The present study, a quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest design with a control group is unequal. The study population consisted of all women (women) under 40 years old are divorced that in June 2015 two regional counseling centers in Mashhad is visited. Sampling method was purposeful and voluntary. at first, the divorced women referred to counseling centers in Mashhad Region 2, 30 divorced women were selected purposefully and voluntarily and then randomly divided into 2 experimental groups (n=15) and control group (n=15) were divided. the research instrument was questionnaire of interpersonal forgiveness (IFI-25) and hopes (Schneider). both groups were given pre-test and then emotional group therapy for experimental group was accomplished in 10 weekly 90-minute sessions. after the end meetings, from both experimental and control groups post-test was taken. data was analyzed using Manova. there was significant difference between level of interpersonal forgiveness in both experimental and control groups. It means that emotion-focused group therapy on interpersonal forgiveness and hope in divorced women was affective (p<0.001). according to the results of treatment can be said that emotion focused group therapy increases the level interpersonal forgiveness and level hope in divorced women.

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Purpose: Post-traumatic growth refers to positive changes in life that resulted from traumatic events. many findings emphasized that the traumatic events, such as cancer can bring many positive results and provide growth. This study aims to provide a model of post-traumatic growth factors in cancer patients.Methods: This study is a qualitative study was conducted using the method of grounded theory. Participants were selected using purposive sampling and until to theoretical saturation, Finally 15 cancer patients were selected. The patients with high Post-traumatic were interviewed in semi structured and in-depth method and analyzed using the constant comparative method of Strauss and Corbin.Results: The results indicated that the central concept of post traumatic growth is self-actualization. causual conditions is the confront with suffering of cancer pain. For experimental conditions, factors related to self and factors related to the close aristocrats, factors related to society and factors related to health personnel were extracted. for strategies, strategies related to self and strategies related to the close aristocrats were extracted. Spirituality as the underlying and context conditions was achieved. And finally, the ultimate consequences derived from the study was post-traumatic growth.Conclusions: post-traumatic growth, is a positive consequences process that in the context of spirituality and in line the family to occur. Of course, to achieve growth, individual, family and relatives, medical staff and the community are involved and this growth requires specific strategies.

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The purpose of this study was to test the model of initial maladaptive schemas of the cuts and rejection areas and the marital conflict with the mediation of lovemaking styles. The method of research was correlational. 300 persons were selected by the method of multistage random sampling from the all women are married with marital conflicts that were referred to counseling centers in Isfahan at the winter of 1395. The instruments were the initial maladaptive Schema questionnaire Young, triangular inventory of love Sterenberg, marital conflict questionnaire Barati and Sana' i. Data analysis was conducted by Structural equation modeling using the software AMOS / 16. The results showed that the direct effect of initial maladaptive schemas of the cuts and rejection areas and styles of love on marital conflict was significant. Also, lovemaking styles (desire, commitment, intimacy) had the role of mediator in the relationship between initial maladaptive schema of the cuts and rejection areas and the marital conflict. So, Given the significant role of Initial maladaptive schemas and Lovemaking styles in marital conflict, therapists can explore the initial maladaptive schema of the cuts and rejection areas and the lovemaking styles in the study and treatment of marital problems.

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The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of two types of group behavioral-cognitive therapy and group logo therapy on reducing depression and increasing life expectancy in the empty nest syndrome in the city of Ghorveh. The universe under study included all men and women of the city of Ghorveh whose children had either left them or got separated from them. A sample size of 36 people was selected by the sampling method in access. Then, people were randomly divided in three groups (Two experimental groups and one control group). An experimental group received 10 group logo therapy sessions, the second experimental group received 13 behavioral-cognitive psychotherapy sessions while the control group received no intervention. To collect data, the Beck BDI-II depression questionnaire and Snider et al life expectancy questionnaire were used. This research is quasi experimental including pretest and posttest with the control group. To analyze data, the descriptive and inferential statistics (Covariance analysis test) were applied. Findings revealed that behavioral cognitive therapy is effective in reducing depression while logo therapy is found to be more effective in increasing life expectancy. It is concluded that both types of group behavioral-cognitive therapy and group logo therapy are effective in reducing depression and increasing life expectancy in the empty nest syndrome.

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This study was conducted to aim of family oriented problem solving training to parents and the impact on the child's perception of parents. Research design was semi experimental, of a kind pretest, posttest, follow-up with the control group. Total of 120 students were selected by random sampling method and with random assignment were divided into two experimental groups (n=60) and control (n=60). After 10 training sessions to parents and teachers, the experimental group was trained family/school oriented problem-solving program for three months. For data collection were used of Version perception of children from parents (Grolnick, Deci & Ryan, 1997) form children. findings according to the report's child showed that in three step pre-test and posttest (on three months) and follow-up (on one month) that in the experimental group there was a significant difference between the scores of pretest and posttest scores on the subscales of child' s perception of parents but there wasn' t a significant difference between the scores of posttest and follow-up on the subscales of child's perception of parents. Accordingly, it can be concluded that family-centered problem solving training to parents was effective on the child's perception of parents and the child's perception of parents has improved.

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Introduction: Job stress is one of the biggest threats to the mental health of worker at industrial- organizational psychology viewpoint. This is a major concern of human resource managers in organizations so that special attention has been focused on the issue of work-family conflict. Based on previous studies, work-family conflict is one of the most important factors causing stress. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship among work-family conflict, job stress and psychological capital in the Research Institute of Petroleum Industry.Methodology: this study is applied research and the method of data collection is descriptive and correlational based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study population is RIPI worker and to collect the data, work-family conflict Carlson et al (2000), psychological capital Lathan’s (2007) and job stress Hlrygl and Aslvkam (1996) is used. Collected data using SPSS 20 and PLS software were analyzed.Results: The results showed that the model is a good fit with the data of this study. The relationship between work-family conflict and stress is significant and psychological capital in this regard moderated role plays.Conclusion: The presence of work-family conflict on employees caused by job stress, Considering the role of psychological capital moderated in this regard, it can promote capital in the organization to reduce job stress and health promotion achieved.

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Background & Aims: Due to the increasing rate of divorce and its negative effect on quality of life of divorced women, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of solution-focused therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy on depression and quality of life of divorced women.Method: this study was quasi- experimental with pre - posttest. The population of the present research included all the divorced women who had referred to the counseling centers of Sanandaj city, in 2016 and depression was diagnosed for them based on clinical and diagnostic interview. This research was conducted on 48 women selected by available sampling method and were divided into three experimental (n=12) and one control group (n=12). The experimental groups of ACT, Cognitive-Behavior and Solution-Focused Therapy received 9 two-hour treatment sessions once a week. Data were collected using Beck Depression Inventory and World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) and analyzed using Multiple Analysis of Covariance in SPSS 20.Results: The results of study showed significant differences between the mean scores of the pre-test and post-test of the experimental and control groups (p<0.001). In addition, comparison of experimental groups indicates Cognitive-Behavior Therapy was more effective in decrease of depression and increase of Quality of life (p<0.001).Conclusion: The present findings indicate that ACT, Cognitive-Behavior and Solution-Focused Therapy can be useful in reduction of depression and improving life quality in divorced women.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate teaching reality therapy on increasing the resilience and life expectancy and quality of life of infertile women have infertility center in Sarim. The population studied all infertile women referred to Mrkznabarvry city Sarim has been Given that this research is quasi-experimental with pre-test and post-test with control group and placement on a non-random and is voluntary, the sample size for training reality therapy in infertile women referred to Mrkznabarvry city Sarim was 30. Method of data collection to measure the variables of the study, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (2003), life expectancy questionnaires Schneider et al. (1991), the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (1989), as well as teaching reality therapy based on treatment protocols during 8 sessions and the questionnaire was conducted on a sample. To analyze data, descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, variance and plot the...) and inferential statistics to test the research hypotheses test (ANOVA and Tukey post hoc test) software environment for spss was. The results showed that: learning ways to increase resilience and improve the quality of life of patients unfertilized reality therapy, but had no effect on their life expectancy. Results also indicate the impact on the subscales of reality therapy resilience, but also spiritual reality training of health effects was not significantly different.

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