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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Transmission of viral infections from mother to fetus is an important issue as it can affect both the maternal and neonatal pregnancy outcomes. The world is currently struggling with COVID-19 which has affected all countries regardless of their economic status. There exist similarities between the genetics of COVID-19 and other members of Coronavirus family, including SARS and MERS (1); therefore, it has been supposed that similar to SARS and MERS (2), COVID-19 has no vertical transmission (3). . .

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Background: Addiction not only causes social and behavioral disorders but also affects various aspects of physical health, causing huge financial damages to individuals, families, and societies. Addicts have lower health and physical activity than the general population. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of six weeks of aerobic training (in the morning and afternoon) on some cardiovascular indices and quality of life in drug addicted women. Methods: In this semi-experimental study, we selected 30 addicted women in Bojnourd city in 2016 by convenience and purposeful sampling method and divided them into experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. The training protocol comprised six weeks of aerobic training (three sessions per week in the morning and afternoon) with each session lasting 45-60 minutes with an intensity of 50-70% of maximal heart rate reserve. All participants were briefed on all study procedures and potential risks; they signed a written consent form after having read and understood the details of the experiments. We used paired sample t-test and ANCOVA to compare within and between-group variance changes; P<0. 05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: Weight (66. 93± 3. 23 vs 65. 89± 3. 13), body mass index (24. 23± 1. 95 vs 23. 86± 1. 97), body fat percentage (18. 84± 2. 00 vs 17. 96± 2. 03), fibrinogen (345. 80± 36. 46 vs 338. 06± 38. 74), and serum C-reactive protein (167. 40± 7. 66 vs 159. 80± 13. 96) decreased significantly at the end of the six-week aerobic training period (P<0. 05). There were significant differences between the experimental and control groups regarding the mean changes of weight (P=0. 001), body mass index (P=0. 001), body fat percentage (P=0. 005), maximal oxygen consumption (P=0. 01), physical restraint (P=0. 001), general health (P=0. 001), vital force (P=0. 004), social activity (P=0. 001), physical performance (P=0. 001), emotional performance (P=0. 001), and life satisfaction (P=0. 001). Conclusion: Six weeks of aerobic training in the morning and afternoon is likely to improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis in female drug addicts.

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Background: Anxiety disorders are psychiatric illnesses that are most common in developing countries. Obesity is thought to be a risk factor for anxiety and intimate relationship disorders. The aim of the present paper was to investigate the effect of compassion-focused therapy on social anxiety and interpersonal relationships among women on an overweight diet 2019-2020. Methods: The study research design was quasi-experimental with a control group, pre-test, and post-test. We narrowed down 100 women according to the inclusion criteria; among them, we randomly selected 30 women on an overweight diet referring to the diet therapy clinics in Tehran province from December 2019 to April 2020. Afterwards, they were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group (n=15) was treated with compassion-focused therapy for ten weekly 90-minute sessions while the control group (n=15) did not receive any treatment. At the start of the study, after 10 weeks, all participants were tested using the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) and the Revised Communication Skills Questionnaire (RCSQ) methods. In addition to descriptive statistics, we used Chi-squared, independent, and dependent t tests to interpret the results; we employed the SPSS-25 program for all the analyses. Results: According to Mean± SD, there was a significant difference between the experimental (1. 41± 0. 03) and control (2. 01± 0. 43) groups regarding social anxiety and regarding interpersonal relationships there was a significant difference between the experimental (2. 50± 0. 21) and control (1. 83± 0. 21) groups, respectively. The experimental group had significantly lower posttest scores in terms of social anxiety (P=0. 04) and interpersonal relationships (P=0. 001). Moreover, there was a significant change in the experimental group from the pre-test to the post-test concerning all components of social anxiety (P=0. 001) and interpersonal relationships (P=0. 001). Conclusion: The findings showed that compassion-focused therapy could help with overweightness. Therefore, this intervention program is recommended for preventing social anxiety and interpersonal relationships among women on an overweight diet.

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Background: The gap between women’ s reproductive intention and contraceptive behavior could be attributed to the increasing rate of unintended pregnancies globally. The present study was conducted to explore nursing mothers’ perception of contraception, identify the pattern of contraceptive uptake, examine the variations in pregnancy intention, and ultimately, to identify factors influencing contraceptive uptake and pregnancy intention in Nigeria. Methods: The current study adopted sequential explanatory mixed method. We collected the quantitative data from 400 nursing mothers in Irewole and Ife Central Local Government Areas of Osun State, Southwest Nigeria employing semi-structured questionnaire. Our nursing mothers were selected through multi-stage sampling technique. This excluded mothers whose index child were older than 2 years old. Focus Group Discussion was conducted with use of focus group discussion guide was conducted for the qualitative survey. Eight discussants selected by convenient sampling participated in each session. We analyzed the quantitative data using SPSS software at univariate, bivariate and multivariate levels. Binary and multinomial regression analysis examined the association between dependent and independent variables while the level of significance was considered at p< 0. 05. The qualitative findings were reported thematically. Results: The participants in this work perceived that inappropriate contraceptive use influenced pregnancy intention, 8. 5% of the nursing mothers used barrier method of contraception, 9. 5% used intrauterine device, 4% hormonal pills, 8% hormonal injections, 6. 5% implants, 1% calendar methods, and 0. 5% traditional methods whereas 62% did not use any form of contraception. About 37% of the nursing mothers had previous pregnancies unintended, 52% were ambivalent while 11% had their pregnancies planned. Age (P=0. 02, relative risk ratio (RRR)=0. 42, CI=0. 20-0. 87), parity (P=0. 001, RRR=10. 38, CI=3. 27-32. 92), ethnicity (P=0. 002, RRR=0. 13, CI=0. 03-0. 48), and religion (P=0. 048, RRR=0. 26, CI=0. 07-0. 99) were the main predictors of pregnancy intention while Islamic religion (P=0. 02, OR=2. 23, CI=1. 16-4. 26) and grand multiparty (P=0. 01, OR=3. 61, CI=1. 37-9. 51) significantly influenced contraceptive choices. Conclusion: Nursing mothers’ parity, age, religion and ethnicity were the main predictors of pregnancy intention, among which religion and parity significantly influenced contraceptive choices. These variables should be incorporated into future intervention programs which aim to develop effective strategies towards improving uptake and utilization of reproductive health services.

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Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder associated with clinical manifestations such ashirsutism, acne, reduced fertility, menstrual and obesity disorders, and psychological and mood problems. Anxiety is an unpleasant feeling that has been identified through several ways. We assessed the approaches to reducing anxiety and their association with the age of patients suffering from PCOS. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study on the methods for reducing anxiety and the relationship between the type of method and patients’ age. Through the use of a checklist, we examined 80 women of childbearing age with PCOS. Chi-square test was used to analyze the data, and 5% level was considered as the significant level. Results: Based on the results obtained 45 subjects (56. 2%) reduced their anxiety through prayer and religious deeds, 30 (37. 50%) by crying, 27 (33. 8%) by listening to music, 12 (15%) through fighting, and nine (11. 25%) by sleeping. Seven participants (8. 75%) did yoga and exercised, and 21 (26. 25%) used other methods to reduce their anxiety. There was also a significant relationship between people’ s age and prayer (P=0. 038). Also, people’ s age and listening to music (P=0. 043) were observed to decrease anxiety and in other cases, no significant relationship was observed. Conclusion: The most common strategy for reducing anxiety among patients was to pray and perform religious deedsalong with other methods. There was also a significant association between the participants’ age and praying and listening to music as ways of lowering anxiety.

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Background: The low breast cancer survivorship in India compared to developed countries has been found to be attributed to late detection. Breast self-examination (BSE) still remains a viable screening option among poor and marginalised communities. We conducted the present study to determine breast cancer awareness and practice of BSE and their determinants among urban underprivileged women. Methods: We conducted this cross-sectional study in an urban underprivileged area in Bangalore city in early 2020, among women aged 25 years or more. Our sample size was estimated as 714 subjects. The interview schedule included Breast Cancer Awareness Measure We employed chi-square test for associations and logistic regression analysis for adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals. Results: Out of the 751 women, 60. 3% were not aware of any symptoms and 61. 1% were not aware of any risk factors of breast cancer. Only 6% had heard of BSE and 3. 4% reported performing BSE in the past year. The practice of BSE was found to be more prevalent among women who were aware of at least one symptom [OR=6. 8(2. 5-18. 2), P<0. 001] or one risk factor [OR=12. 9(3. 943. 6), P<0. 001] of breast cancer and among those with past attendance at a breast cancer screening camp [OR=31. 4(13. 3-74. 1), P<0. 001]. Conclusion: Poor awareness concerning breast cancer and woefully inadequate practice of BSE among urban underprivileged women highlights the requirement for targeted interventions in such communities. The importance of awareness of breast cancer as a precursor to practice BSE was evident in our study, which emphasizes the need for increased access to quality and credible health information. This study emphasizes the importance of community-based programming, like breast cancer screening camps, in order to improve practice of BSE.

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Background: Menopausal symptoms severely affect a woman’ s lifestyle and health. Lifestyle, including physical activity, is known to be an effective factor on the menopausal-associated symptoms. We conducted the present study to evaluate the effects of an eight-week Pilates training on menopausal-related symptoms, including somatic, psychological and sexual symptoms, body mass index (BMI), and anxiety as possible effective factors on menopausal symptoms. Methods: This was an experimental study conducted in the summer of 2020. The participants in this study were 27 postmenopausal women (aged 60-65, BMI: 24-30) who participated in the study voluntarily. They were randomly divided into two groups of control (n=12) and exercise (n=15). The subjects in the training group participated in Pilates training for eight weeks, three sessions per week and each session lasted 75 minutes with progressive intensity. BMI was measured and the participants completed anxiety and depression questionnaires (HADS) and menopausal symptoms rating scale (MRS) before and after the exercises. We utilized paired t-test and analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA) to analyze the data. Results: BMI (P=0. 023), anxiety (P<0. 001), physical score (P<0. 001), psychological score (P=0. 001), and the total (P<0. 001) score of menopausal symptoms reduced significantly following Pilates training compared to the control group. No significant changes were observed in the sexual symptoms of menopause following Pilates training compared to the control group (P=0. 60). Conclusion: An eight-week Pilates training reduced most of the postmenopausal symptoms (somatic, psychological, and total) as well as potentially aggravating menopausal symptoms, including anxiety and BMI.

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Background: Women experience variations in postpartum amenorrhea, the length of which depends on the type of breastfeeding and women’ s physiology. We conducted the present Study to assess the perception and pattern of resumption of menstruation, and identify the determinants of resumption of menstruation and proportion at risk of unplanned pregnancy among exclusive breastfeeding women. Methods: Study employed sequential explanatory mixed method research design and was conducted between September and November, 2019. We collected the quantitative data using a semi-structured questionnaire from 497 exclusive breastfeeding women selected through a two-stage sampling technique in Southwest Nigeria. In addition, Focus Group Discussion guide was utilized to conduct qualitative study. The quantitative data were analyzed with SPSS version 22 using appropriate statistic, and the level of significance was P<0. 05. We analyzed the qualitative responses thematically. Results: Our result revealed that 43. 4% of women whose postpartum period begins in less than eight weeks were amenorrheic, 65. 6% of women whose postpartum period occurs between the 8 th and 16 th week were also amenorrheic, 85. 8% of women whose postpartum period begins between 17 th and 24 th week remained amenorrheic. 76% of the women studied relied on Lactational Amenorrhea for contraception. Age (P=0. 001, OR=0. 24, CI=0. 10-0. 50), parity (P=0. 04, OR=0. 55, CI=0. 31-0. 79), and postpartum length (P=0. 002, OR=0. 23, CI=0. 18-0. 75) remained significant determinants of the return of menstruation. Conclusion: A significant proportion of women studied perceived themselves to be at no risk of unplanned pregnancy which may ultimately influence timely postpartum contraceptive uptake. Advocacy should therefore focus on addressing effective contraception among this group of women.

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