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2021 - 2011


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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Some strains of Rhizobia known as the most useful soil bacteria are able to produce 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase and reduce stress ethylene level in plants. In this research, four strong (R4-Sm, R35-Sm, R71-Sm and R122-Sm), one mild (R94-Sm), two weak (R11-Sm and R64-Sm) and two ACCd- (not containing ACC deaminase) strains (R138-Sm and R162-Sm) from Sinirhizobium meliloti were selected for root elongation assay in wheat plant. Experimental treatments were 9 levels of rhizobia and one level as a blank, 2 levels of L-TRP as the precursor of IAA production, 2 levels of Ag as a chemical inhibitor of ethylene action and 2 levels of IAA. The experiment was conducted in completely randomized design in a factorial arrangement with four replications in 24 days, then root length and shoot length were measured. Results showed that ACC deaminase containing rhizobial strains could significantly increase root length in comparison to the blank. Such increase was observed in shoot length as well. Strains R71-Sm and R122-Sm (strong) and R94-Sm (mild) were more effective in improving growth factors of wheat plant.

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To evaluation of drought tolerance of advanced barley lines, 12 genotypes were grown at 2 experimental conditions of irrigated and drought condition at two growing seasons (2005-2007) in Gachsaran dry land agricultural research station. These experiments were performed as complete randomized block design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Data were collected from some agronomic and morpho-physiological traits and stress susceptibility-tolerance indices i.e. MP, GMP, HARM. STI, SSI and TOL. Results of combined analysis of variance for irrigated and stress conditions showed that the effects of year was non-significant and other effects (genotype and genotype × year) were significant at 1% level of probability. Average reduction of yield caused by drought stress was 28.05%. Grain yield for drought condition ranged from 2.682 t/ha (genotype L7) to 4.071 t/ha (genotype L6) and for well watered status ranged from 4.245 t/ha (L4) to 5.952 t/ha (L5). Two lines possessed higher tolerant indices i.e. 0.89497 and 0.88295 respectively than other genotypes. In consideration of grain yield in rain fed and irrigated conditions and different sensitivity/tolerance indices, principal components analysis and means of agronomic traits, genotype of L6 (average yield of 4.996 t/ha) could be released as more adaptive genotype for warm and dry land regions. Moreover, STI and GMP were recommended as appropriate indices for improve grain yield under both optimum and stress conditions.

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    4 (97)
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In order to increase the yield of Nikshahri alfalfa landraces and maintain genetic diversity, the success of mass selection and reduction of environmental impacts, honeycomb mass selection method was used. This method was performed to get improvement on landrace of that. To achieve to this common goal, seed samples were collected from area of planting Nikshahri alfalfa and national plant gene bank, a sample were planted according Fasoulas pattern on farm. The distance from a plant to other plant was 0.5 meter and 1300 plants were planted. In the first year, the plants were allowed to establish and in the second year, separately all single-plant was evaluated for the high of stems, number of stems per plant, their injury by diseases and insects and every plant was weighted for its hay production.Before of flowering time, none choosing plants was removed and selected plants were pollinated together with a mixture of pollen collected from all the plants of this group In the third year, the new mass was planted for yield comparison with previous mass. According to the results, a new mass was found superior in comparison with first mass and the new production had significant difference with old population. Also mass selection was decreased non-uniform mass in comparison with the first mass.

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    4 (97)
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Accurate information about spatial distribution of soil nutrients and application of fertilizer is important in modern agriculture. Ordinary kriging was used to map of organic carbon, available phosphor and potassium in Eslamam-abad agriculture research station. Soil samples were collected on 50m*50m grids and analyzed for organic carbon, available phosphor and potassium. Results showed that distribution of organic carbon and available potassium data are normal but Logarithmic transformations were used for available phosphor content to fit it in normal distribution. The best semivariogram model for organic carbon was spherical model. Semivariogram of available phosphor and potassium data were fitted by exponential model. Variogram analysis indicated that spatial dependence for organic carbon and available potassium is moderate (nugget to sill ratio is between 25 % and 75 %) and spatial dependence of available phosphor is strong (nugget to sill ratio is less than 25 %).  Ranges of variogram for organic carbon, phosphor and potassium are 579, 5058 and 588 m respectively. Kriging maps showed spatial variability for three soil fertility properties. Fertilizer recommendations based on Kriging maps provided optimal application of fertilizer and reduced bioenvironmental risks.

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    4 (97)
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In order to evaluation of most suitable seed moisture content at harvest for production of high viability and vigor seed of two Oil-seed rape cultivars, this study was conducted during 2000- 2009 in Dezfoul. Therefore samples of Hyola 401 and Hyola 308 cultivars seeds by 10%, 15%, 25% and 35% moisture content harvest from seed multiplying field and at central seed analysis laboratory of Seed & Plant Certification & Registration Institute(SPCRI) in Karaj by conducting standard germination test, some seed quality indices like as primary and final germination percent (seed viability), normal and abnormal seedling number, mean daily germination speed(MDG), daily germination speed (DGS), seedling length, fresh and dry seedling weight and seedling vigor index ( seedling dry weight × viability) measured. Obtained data by 2×4 factorial experimental based on completely randomized design with three replication, combine analyzed and results revealed that expect of normal and abnormal seedling number, all measured indices affected by studied factors and primary and final germination percent, mean daily germination speed (MDG), fresh and dry seedling weight and seedling vigor index (seedling dry weight × viability) affected by cultivar × seed moisture content × year interaction. Highest primary and final germination percent obtained at 15 percent seed moisture content for both cultivars. Also the highest rate of mean daily germination speed (MDG), fresh and dry seedling weight and seedling vigor index (seedling dry weight × viability) obtained at 15 percent seed moisture content for both cultivars. In addition to, primary and final germination percent of Hyola 401 was more than Hyola 308. This result revealed that seed quality and its various aspects affected by environmental factors and seeds harvested at 15 percent moisture content have highest seed quality.

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    4 (97)
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In order to study the effects of different nutrition systems (Organic and Chemical) on quantity characteristics of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) under water deficit stress, an experiment was conducted in a split plot arrangement in randomizes complete block design with three replication at the field station of Tarbiat Modares University in Peykan shahr during 2009 cropping season. In this study, the main plots were three irrigation regime levels (Soil water contact 40% (Favorite irrigate), Soil water contact 60% (moderate stress) and Soil water contact 80% (sever stress) and Sub-plots were different nutrition systems (without organic manure, 100% manure cattle, 100% spent mushroom compost and 50% cattle manure with 50% spent mushroom compost and 100% N). Results showed that different nutrition systems and drought stress significantly affected all of measured traits. Also Interaction of drought stress ´ nutrition systems was significant. The highest yield and the least grain yield was Interaction of consumption Soil water contact 40 Chemical systems and Interaction of sever stress without Nutriation, respectively.

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    4 (97)
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In order to study the effect of planting patterns and component of herbicide on reduction of herbicide consumption and weeds of fields corn (Zea mays L.)  , an experiment was conducted in 2007 at research field of Department of Weed research, Plant Protection Research Institute, Tehran, using split plot design with 4 replications. Experimental factors were corn planting patterns in 4 different types (one row planting on each ridge with 74,000 plants ha-1 and two rows planting on each ridge with 74,000, 92,500 and 111,000 plants ha-1) in main plot and 5 components of herbicide (1- Atrazin 0.8 K /ha plus EPTC 4L/ha, 2- Atrazin 1L/ha plus EPTC 5L/ha, 3- Atrazin 1L/ha plus EPTC 6L/ha, 4- Atrazin 1L/ha plus Allachlor 5L/ha, 5 EPTC 6L/ha) in subplot. Control plots were consist of complete weeding and none-sprayed. Results indicated that two rows planting pattern on each ridge increase yield, as the highest amount was observed in two rows planting on each ridge with 74,000 and 111,000 plants ha-1.Under all planting patterns after the complete weeding control plots, Atrazin 1L/ha plus EPTC 5, 6 L/ha and EPTC 6L/ha cause highest reduction in weed density and dry matter respectively.

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    4 (97)
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In order to study the effects of Di-ammonium phosphate fertilizer on different growth stages of sunflower (var. Alstar), an experiment was carried out by 16 treatments in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications at faculty of Agriculture, University of Lorestan in cropping season 2006-2007. In this study the fertilizer was supplied in four rates (180, 90, 60 and 45 kg/ha) and was supplied in different growth stages of plant (Sowing time, 15 cm height seedling, Heading and anthesis). The results showed that the different levels of Di-ammoniom phosphate fertilizer had significant effect on seed yield, 1000-seed weight, oil yield, oil percentage and protein percentage. The mean comparisons revealed that the treatment 90 kg/ha di-ammonium phosphate fertilization at sowing time and 90 kg/ha di-ammonium phosphate fertilization at 15 cm height plant were found the most suitable treatment for seed yield, 1000-seed weight, oil yield, oil percentage and protein percentage.

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    4 (97)
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Identification of chromosomes carrying genes controlling yield production in bread wheat which are related to stomatal and flag leaf characteristics under non-stress and drought stress conditions, this experiment was executed using chromosome substitution lines series which chromosomes of Timstein variety were substituted with homologues chromosomes of Chinese Spring. Twenty one substitution lines were examined within a Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications under two irrigated and drought stress conditions in the greenhouse, Shahrekord University. Stress condition was started at booting stage. In non-stress condition plants were irrigated in a period of 2-4 days. In stress condition plants were irrigated like non-stress condition before booting stage and afterwards in a period of 4-6 days. Irrigation periods was done based on air temperature and growth degree day (GDD).  The results showed that substitution lines significantly differed for all traits. Mean comparison of lines displayed that, chromosomes 3A, 7B and chromosomes 7A and 7B had the most effective genes expressing yield productivity in irrigated and stress conditions, respectively. Significant differences were found among substitution lines in terms of flag leaf size, stomatal frequency, stomatal size and yield. Positive but not significant correlation were found between stomatal size, flag leaf size and yield in stress condition while positive but not significant  correlation were observed between stomatal frequency and yield in irrigated conditions. The results also showed that the chromosomes of D genome had the most effectiveness on flag leaf size in stress condition while chromosomes of A genome appeared with the most effects on the stomatal size.

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    4 (97)
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In crops improvement, comparison of promising lines with local cultivars can be effective for assessing breeding programs. In order to study the relationships between grain yield and some agronomic traits of rice, a field experiment was conducted on seven promising rice lines Shiroodi cultivar at in Rice Research Institute of Iran (Deputy of Mazandaran-Amol) 2005. The experimental design was randomized complete block with four replications. In this study 11 traits including grain yield and yield component, grain and plant morphological characters were measured. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences among genotypes in terms of traits under study, which indicates the existence of genetic variations. Mean comparison showed that line 2 are better based on their yields and some other traits. Grain yield showed was positively significant genotypic and phenotypic correlations with plant height (g=0.72**, p=0.64**), length panicle (g=0.78**, p=0.59**), weight panicle (g=0.81**, p=0.59**), number of filled grains (g=0.79**, p=0.55**) and flag leaf area (g=0.64**, p=0.5**). Overall results of this study showed that No. 2 line to the superior ratio Shiroodi cultivar for traits, flag leaf area, number of filled grains, weight panicle and length panicle.

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    4 (97)
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Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is a major oilseed crop in temperate regions. In order to study the effects of genotype and plant density on seed yield and agronomic characteristics of sunflower, an experiment was conducted at the research farm, College of Agriculture, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran in 2002-2003. Four plant densities and three cultivars (Azargol, Armavirsky & Zaria) were used in a randomized complete block design as factorial experiment with four replications. The seeds were drilled in plots at row distances of 60 cm apart and 15, 18, 21 and 24 cm between plants within rows (11.1, 9.26, 7.24 and 6.94 plant per m-2, approximately). The results showed seed oil percentage was affected by genotype cultivars significantly (p<0.01). Azargol had the highest oil percentage (47.2%) and Zaria had the least (45.2%) between cultivars. Oil percentage was increased when plant density increased. Plant height was affected by genotype cultivars significantly (p<0.05), that Azargol had the least and Armavirsky had the highest plant height. One thousand grain weight was affected by genotype cultivars significantly (p<0.01). Zaria had the least and Azargol had the highest one thousand grain weight between cultivars. There weren’t significant differences between grain yields of cultivars; however Azargol had the highest seed yield ha-1 (2809.9 kg ha-1). Increasing in plant density leads to higher grain yield. Oil yield was affected by genotype cultivars significantly (p<0.05) and Azargol had the highest oil yield among cultivars. Oil yield was increased by increasing plant density. The best seed and oil yield were obtained by Azargol and Zaria with 11.1 plant m-2. Thus based on this experiment, Azargol with 11.1 plant m-2 is suggested for Shahrekord region. Zaria is able to change with Azargol, when there isn’t Azargol hybrid.

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    4 (97)
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In order to evaluate effects of different levels of N fertilization on availability and uptake of Zn in soil and maize (Zea mays L. var. S.C. 602), in condition competition with redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) an experiment in factorial design with 3 replications was conducted at west of Tehran. Factor A consisted of three levels of N (142, 190 and 237 kg/ha) and factor B was three levels of redroot Pigweed densities (0, 5 and 25 plant/m-2). Results showed that with increasing nitrogen application, Zn uptake by corn increased, but not by weed. Zn uptake by corn was significantly higher in 5 weed/m2 compared to no weed. In according to these results, weed density under critical level, not only is not disadvantage for crop, but also it can increase Zn uptake and so seed yield.

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    4 (97)
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In order to study the relationships among seed yield and its components on Carthamus tinctorius, path analysis and factor analysis on agro-morphological traits was performed of 18 genotypes of the species. Genotypes evaluated in glasshouse using a completely randomized design with four replications in Payam Noor University, Zavareh. Seed yield had  positively correlation with biomass, pappus number per plant, seed number per pappus, oil yield and lateral branches number. Results of stepwise regression analysis for seed yield as dependant variable showed that biomass, pappus number per plant, seed number per plant and oil percent entered into model in last step, respectively, and justified 98 percent of total variation of seed yield. Path analysis showed that biomass and pappus number per plant had the highest direct effects on seed yield per plant. Factor analysis revealed three factors that justified 91.31 percent of the total variation among the characters. The factors were named efficiency factor (seed yield, oil yield and biomass), yield components factor (lateral-branches number and pappus number per plant) and pappus characters factor (pappus weight and seed number per plant), respectively. Therefore, the research seggested that biomass, pappus number per plant and seed number per pappus had the most relative importance on seed yield appointments and can be suitable selection criteria for improving seed yield per plant in Carthamus tinctorius.

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    4 (97)
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The main purpose of this study was to determine the parameters related to irrigation management in planting soybean in the field. This experiment took place based on randomized complete blocks design with three replications at the Tehran University in Karaj in 2008. Furrow surface irrigation treatments consisted of full irrigation (FI), conventional deficit irrigation treatment at 75 and 50 percent soil moisture deficit compensation (DI75% and DI50%) and partial root drying treatment at fifty percent soil moisture deficit compensation (PRD50%). Results showed that soybean crop coefficients in four stages consisted of: initial (Kc ini), developed (Kc adv), middle (Kc mid) and also in final stage (Kc lat) during soybean growth stage was obtained 0.34, 0.7, 1 and 0.44 respectively. Average stress coefficient (Ks) in DI75%, DI50% and PRD50% was estimated 0.89, 0.76 and 0.7 respectively. These data show that although crop water requirement decreased for PRD50% treatment as compared with FI, DI75% and DI50% by 75%, 50% and 25%, respectively, but stress coefficients did not change at the same rate. This observation could be related to adaptability of crop under partial root drying scheme.

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Diversity of 35 foreign rice lines along with 2 Iranian lines was evaluated using 8 morphological traits. Genotypes were planted in a randomized complete block design with three replications at research farm of Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University. Coefficients of phenotypic variations were high for most of traits revealing existence of sufficient variation for studied traits. Among principle components obtained through principle component analysis, three of them were explained 68.22 percent of total variation. First component related to grain filling characteristics, while second component showing importance and positive correlation of grain number with panicle length and third component showing importance of reproductive traits against vegetative traits. Coefficients of correlations showed positive and significant relationship of yield with filled grains per panicle. Cluster analysis of genotypes using Ward’s minimum method and Euclidian distance criteria classified fertility restoring lines in three different groups. Results of this study indicated that, foreign lines via hybridization with Iranian cultivars could produce new hybrid varieties.

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View 995

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    4 (97)
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In each plant, planting date is the research priorities and in rainfed production is of great importance. In order to selection of suitable planting date for access of good growth and yield of various sunflower cultivars, special in dryland region, a field experiment was carried out in 2009. Treatments arranged as a split plot in randomized complete block design with three replications in Dryland Research Station of Agricultural Research Center of Kurdistan. Main plots consist of four levels planting date with ten-day intervals from (March 30-April 30) and sub plots consist of three cultivars: Record, Zarya and Azargol. Results of evaluation total dry matter (TDM) showed that Record cultivar (92 g/m2) had more range of total dry matter. In various planting dates observed that sunflower plants had slow growth in primary stage afterwards had a quick growth, so in second planting date sunflower plants had a quick growth with received 1220 growth degree days. Among various cultivars (varieties), Record had more crop growth rates and relative growth rate. Planting date and cultivar had a significant effect on grain yield, to be delayed in planting date grain yield reduce, Record had more grain yield (504 kg/ha) but not statistical significant different with Azargol cultivar. Also, among cultivars observed statistical significant different about the productivity efforts. With delay in planting date oil yield reduced. Maximum oil yield (261 kg/ha) was obtained from Record cultivar.

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