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Silver nano particles have anti-microbial property and can affect the growth quality of. laboratory experiment was carriedout to examine this effect on growth quality of shirally cultivar of canola.a completely random design and 4 repeats with 6different seeds were covered by 5 different concentration of silver nanoparticles.the so sample was cleaned just by ethanol, S1sample was covered by 30 nanometer silver nano particles, S5, S10 and S50 were covered by the same size silver nano particlesbut the nano particles consent radions were 5, 10 and 50 times of S1 respectively.the result show that the covering of seeds bysilver nano particles up to a certain level can improve the quality of canola seeds.the maximum positive effect was observed forthe seeds which were covered by 30 nano meter nanoparticles.Increasing of nanoparticle concentrations did not improve thequality of the S50 samples with the highest concentration just the dry weight of primly leaven was observed but hasnegative effect on the other factors.

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To study the effect of zeolite on potassium uptake and potassium and urea fertilizer use efficiency by wheat in a high specificsurface soil in Golestan Province, a combined analysis used two completely randomized block design in this study (with20 ton/ha topsoil zeolite clinoptilolite incorporated and without respectively) each of which included 5 treatments with 4 replications.Treatments were combined urea fertilizer, potassium sulfate, diammonium phosphate at (a) 0, 0, 0, (b) 200, 0, 250, (c) 200, 100, 250, (d) 200, 200, 250 kg/ha respectively and also (e) urea fertilizer+DCD+potassium sulfate+diammoniumphosphate at 200, 15, 200 and 250 kg/ha. Potassium and nitrogen tissue concentration and soil potassium and nitrogen at bothpre-heading and harvest were determined. Results show zeolite raised the potassium uptake and improved nitrogen and potassiumapparent fertilizer use efficiency by grain and straw improved and their economic return.

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The study was conducted to evaluate surge irrigation against continuous irrigation in terms of irrigation and water use toproduce Zea Mays (var. indentata SC704). The experiments were conducted in the loam clay soil of Agriculture Research StationIslamic Azad University Eglid (Fars province). The furrows were120 m long and 0.6m center-center width with 0.002 m/mof slop. The treatments consisted of randomized complete block design (RCB) of four treatments CF (continuous flow) andSF surge flow where SF1 (15 min on-off time), SF2 (20 min on-off time) and SF330 (min on-off time) with three replication.The results showed that based on water use, difference between CF and SF treatments was significant. As well as the averageof water use in SF2 and SF3 treatments were lower than the other treatments. But based on yield did not exit any significantdifference between CF and SF3. Thus the SF3 treatment is recommended due to less water use and high yield compared to theother treatments.

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In order to evaluate the effect of crops rotation on agronomical and non agronomical characters of cotton in KarkandehStation in Golestan Proviences.The first and second years planted cotton and stems were cut to pieces and ploughed in soil.In the third and fourth years 15 treatments includes: soybean, barley, onion, ploughing, ploughing+100kg nitrogen, tomato, wheat, lettuce, broad bean, green bean, green pea, sesame, sorghum, colsa based on randomized complete block design withfour replications were planted. The yield, boll weight, percentage of earliness, sympodial length, monopodial number, monopodiallength, disease indexes of wilt and Verticillium wilt percent were measured. Population of Verticillium dahliae, in driedsoil were assessed before and after treatments by using semi selective Alcohol agar medium. The results were compared usingDuncan’s multiple range test. The results showed that the highest yield of cotton in cotton+urea+cotton, and plowing+plowing+and cotton+, sorghom+cotton, and lowest yield in succession, canola+forage barly+cotton and Cotton+Cotton+garden cress, widest monopodial length forage barly+cotton+cotton and the highest of sympodial length, cotton+sorghom+cotton, that the highest of monopodial number, barely+spinach+cotton and, the highest percentage of earliness barely+spinach+cotton were measured. Percent increase in the population of ofVerticillium dahliae in cotton+Cotton+Cotton+Cotton+Cotton sequence from first to fifth respectively 52/5, 25, 5/13, 5/6 and 0, respectively.The results showed that, populationofVerticillium dahliae, were incresed after cotton in first year (35%- 70%), in second year (14%- 36%), third year (12%-15%), fourth year (4% - 9%) and fifth year without increase. Population ofVerticillium dahliae, were increased after wheat (66.7%), barley (68%), colsa (33.3%0, forage barly (48.5%- 54.5%), lettuce (25%- 39%), onion (52%), soybean (36%), ploughing (36%), ploughing+100kg nitrogen (50%), green bean (12.5%) and sorghum (62.5%). population ofVerticillium dahliae, were decresedafter tomato (6.6%), and sesame (26.6%).

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In order to study the effects of terminal drought stress on yield, yield components and drought indices of 19 promisinggenotypes of barley, two separate experiments in randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted atthe Agriculture Research Center of Birjand during 2009-2010 growing season. To enforce drought stress experiment, irrigationstopped after the 50% of heading stage until harvest, and in the normal condition experiment, irrigation followed to the lastgrowth stage. Grain yield, number of seed per spike, grain weight, spike and peduncle lengths and plant height were measured.The reactions of barley lines were different in the two conditions. Drought stress leads to reduction of yield and yield components.Also, MP, GMP, HARM, SSI, TOL and STI indices estimated. Lines No.11, 13, 15, 18 and 19 were the most tolerant inboth control and stress circumstances and lines No.2, 5 and 7 have a good yield in the control condition. MP, GMP, HARM andSTI had a high correlation with grain yield under both conditions, which considering to the correlation between all toleranceindices to drought, were the best indices in both conditions.

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Increasing the water use efficiency in crop production is an important issue today. An experiment was conducted in 2009in order to evaluate the corn reaction to partial root zone drying at Fars province. Treatments consisted of four irrigation levels(control, alternative furrow irrigation during whole season, alternative furrow irrigation until flowering then full irrigation andfull irrigation until flowering then alternative furrow irrigation after flowering) and three potassium levels (0, 100 and 200 kgha-1 potassium sulfate). The treatments were arranged as split plots (Irrigation regimes as main plots and K fertilizer levels assub plots) and the data was analyzed based on a randomized complete blocks design with three replications. The results showedthat irrigation had significant effects on grain yield, water consumption, grain weight and grain number per ear. The highestgrain yield obtained in control irrigation but it was not significantly different from alternative furrow irrigation until flowering.The lowest water consumption was observed in alternative furrow irrigation until flowering treatment. Potassium treatmentshad significant effect only on grain yield. In conclusion the results suggested that with alternative furrow irrigation water usereduced and water use efficiency increased compared to conventional methods.

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In order to study of defoliation based on leaf position and nitrogen effect on seed yield, yield components and germinationtraits of produced seeds in maize, a field and a laboratory experiments were conducted in Kermanshah in 2013. At the fieldexperiment, studied factors included defoliation based on leaf position (no leaf removal, removal of leaves at the top of ear, removal of leaves under the ear and all leaves removal) and nitrogen rates (0 and 100 kg ha-1). Produced seeds from the fieldexperiment were used at the laboratory experiment to determine maternal plant environment effect (field treatments) on seedgermination traits. Results showed that complete defoliation at tasseling stage, had no seed number per column, seed numberper row of ear and seed yield. Under no leaf removal, nitrogen application reduced seed yield. Removal of leaves at the top andunder the ear and nitrogen had no significant effect on germination percentage, caulicle and radicle length and seedling weightof produced seeds. Under nitrogen application, removal of leaves at the top of the ear reduced seed vigor based on weight. Itis recommended that if nitrogen is applied at tasseling stage, it can be possible to harvest leaves under the ear to feed animalswithout maize seed yield reduction

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Nanoparticles (NPs) are atomic or molecular with dimension 1-100 nm that can modify their physico-chemical propertiescompared to the bulk material. In present investigation, Ag nanoparticles were synthesized from AgNO3 (20mM concentration)using leaves extracts of Aloe vera and effects of these biologically Ag nanoparticles and Ag at different concentrations (0, 40, 80ppm) were studied on growth characteristics and leaf flavonoid contents of Wheat. Formation of Ag nanoparticles wasidentified using UV–visible spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Synthesized Ag nanoparticles were confirmed by theabsorption maxima at the wavelength of 460 nm. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that the size of synthesized silvernanoparticles had 25nm. The result of treatments biologically Ag nanoparticles and Ag at different concentrations on Wheatshowed that at 40 80 ppm of Ag nanoparticle and at 80 ppm of Ag increased root and shoot fresh weight. Application of 40, 80ppm of both Ag nanoparticles and Ag increased flavonoid contents at 300, 330nm wavelengths but had no effect flavonoidcontents at 270nm wavelength.

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Plant breeding is based on the genetic diversity. genetic diversity origin from the natural evolution and it is the most importantcomponent of the stability of biological systems and ensure long-term compatibility and the survival of the population.One of the main goals plant breeders is the Cultivars resistant to stem for autumn cultivation of sugar beet. There are morethan bolting to a decrease of sugar content, root yield and purity of the raw juice are low. The purpose of this experiment wasinvestigate the genetic diversity among Half sib breeding lines for resistance to bolting and some morpho-physiological traits.For this purpose, a test with 47 lines in a randomized complete block design with 3 genotype controls were implemented. Theresulting of variance Analysis showed that the effect of genotype on percent of bolting, percent of sucrose, percent of cold resistance, leaf area, height bolting, total of root weight, length and diameter of root were significant at the 1% level. The effect ofgenotype on the characteristics of ionic liquids and specific leaf area was significant at the 5%level. To determine the geneticrelationships among genotypes for all traits, cluster analysis using Ward’s method and squared Euclidian distance as distancemeasure are used and the genotypes were divided into 5 groups. The discrimination function analysis group in obtained from thecluster analysis confirmed result. Also The cluster analysis based on trait of bolting with method of Ward divided genotype in to6 groups that HSF-780 along with control varieties resistant genotypes Eudoro and Giada were in the top group.

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To determine the correlation between grain yield and its components in some grain corn hybrids and their cause and effect relationships in various fertilizer application methods, an experiment was carried out as split plot based on randomized complete block design with two fertilizer application methods (urea foliar application and soil application method), four grain corn hybrids (Ns 640, Konsur 580, Jeta 600 and control Sc 704) and four replications at horramabad Agricultural Research Station. ANOVA results showed that fertilization method had significant effects on ear weight, grain yield, 400 grain weight, cob percent and plant height traits and the greatest amount of ear weight, grain yield and 400 grain weight were obtained from soil application method. The highest grain yield was achieved for NS 640 that was due to higher ear weight, number of grain rows per ear, number of grains per ear row, ear length and plant height. Correlation analysis indicated that plant height and ear weight had the largest positive correlation coefficient with grain yield in both urea foliar application and soil application method respectively. Results of stepwise regression analysis revealed that in urea foliar application, plant height, number of grain per ear row, ear length and 400 grain weight and in soil application method, ear weight and 400 grain weights are important contributors on grain yield. Path analysis revealed in urea foliar application the highest and positive direct effects on grain yield through ear diameter, plant height and number of grain per ear row and in soil application method ear diameter and ear weight had the highest and positive direct effect on grain yield, then they are very important traits for selection.

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Regarding the intense degradation of rangelands of Iran in recent decades and limited water resources in this country due to being located in arid and semiarid region, using new technics to increase the water storage capacity in soil is necessary.Hence, the aim of this research was exploring the impact of three soil conditioners including synthetic polymer, biopolymer and biopolymer with Silica Nanoparticles on growth features of plant including the percentage of seedling emergence, establishment, and height of the plant in two Atriplex species to select the best option. It was carried out in Tehran University’s greenhouse in Karaj. The treatments were synthetic polymers in 0, 1, and 3 gr/lit levels, biopolymer in 0, 3, and 6 gr/lit levels, biopolymer with silica nanoparticles as 6 gr/lit of biopolymer and 3 weight percent of nanosilica, and every other day, once in four days, and once in eight days irrigation, and also two species of Atriplex. Based on the results from factorial design, independent impact of all three factors namely irrigation, material and species on growth features of plants and two species and material factors were significant. In general, the most effective superabsorbent materials in this research were synthetic polymer in 3 gr/ lit level and biopolymer with nanosilica. Regarding the biodegradability of biopolymers, using biopolymers with nanosilica, AtriplexCanescence and once in four days irrigation in greenhouse condition was suggested that is an effective step to decrease the impacts of drought tensions in germination and growth of plants in arid regions and also in decreasing the irrigation costs.

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In order to study the effect of planting pattern on vegetative and reproductive traits of caster bean, an experiment was done during (2010) in Agriculture and Natural Resources Research Institute, West Azerbijan, Iran. This study performed as a split plot in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. The treatments include 3 row spacing (60, 80 and 100 cm) as the main plot, the plant spacing in the row (30, 40 and 50) as the sub plat. The results showed that the effect of row spacing on the length of main ear, the number of branch, leaf weight, the ratio of female/ male flowers, 100 seed weight on the main ear, biological yield, oil yield, oil percentage, grain yield and its components, such as, the number of capsules and grain/main ear, were significant.Also, the effect of inter row spacing on the length of main ear, number of branch, ratio of female/ male flowers, leaf weight, stalk diagonal, biological yield, oil percentage, seed weight/ main ear, seed yield and its components, such as capsule/ main ear and weight of 100 grain were significant. The interaction between row spacing and iner row spacing, the most biological yield produced in 60 intera row*30 inter row and most seed and oil yield were assigned to 80cm intera row*50cm inter row spacing. In this experiment, a positive correlation between grain yield and number capsule/ ear was found. According of this study planting in 80*50cm (intera row * inter row) suitable for castor bean plant in West Azerbijan.

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In order to study the effect of different green manure crops on qualitative and quantitative traits of canola, a field experiment was conducted in experimental farm of Agricultural Faculty of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz at 2013-2014 growing season. Experimental design was split plot on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. In recent research, main plot was different green manure crops including Millet, Barley, mung bean, intercropping of millet and mung bean and fallow (without green manure application) and subplot were different nitrogen sources at three levels includes (no nitrogen fertilizer (Control), 50% chemical nitrogen+biological nitrogen fertilizer (Nitroxin) and 100% chemical nitrogen). The result showed that the highest grain yield (4467.2 kg/ha) was related to millet mung bean intercropping and 50% chemical nitrogen+ biological nitrogen fertilizer (Nitroxin) and the lowest (1434.2 kg/ha) was obtained at no nitrogen fertilizer and green manure treatment (control). The highest grain protein (31.1%) was revealed at mung bean green manure and 100% chemical nitrogen application and the lowest (18.23%) was obtained at fallow and no nitrogen application. The highest oil content (45%) was obtained at millet and no nitrogen application and the highest grain phosphorus (1.04%) was obtained at control treatment (no green manure and nitrogen application) and the highest grain potassium was measured at mung bean green manure and 50% chemical nitrogen +biological nitrogen fertilizer (Nitroxin).Overall the results showed that application of green manure plant in rotation programs could be positive from ecological point view that could improve soil physical and chemical properties and other nutrients. Also, the application of biological fertilizer caused to decreased 50% of chemical fertilizer.

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