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Mass motion is the world problem and is the most common type of natural phenomena of forming surface of land so that it has been occurred in all geology era. In Iran, due to geographical situation and different climatic variety was always problematic and have had abundant physical and financial injuries. Two thousand (Duhezar) with 3.8175 kilometers big in southern of Tonekabon. Investigation conducted in that studying area is one of mass motion of sliding has been researched. The level of that recycling has been occurred was 270 meters and 20 meter wide. The research aims to study most effective factors on sliding and preventing from damages compromising that of Duhezar area and method of research is measuring and using field studies upon air pictures and satellite and topographical maps and geological maps. The results of the study show that a number of factors including: slippery, sensitive clay minerals, stone aerospace, destroying vegetation coverage. Slippery imminent incident has been increased and factors such as water, and earthquake caused creating slippery of earth in an area of study.

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Therefore, seeds collected from 1700 m a.b.l in Kojor, Mazandaran province were putted under a variation of stratification treatment in wet sand at different temperature and periods such as, warm stratification at 20oC for 1 months, cold stratification at 2-4oC for 2,3,4 months and warm-cold stratification for 1,2,3 months cold after 1 months warm stratification. Results showed that the highest germination (80%) at the rate of 1.25 seeds/day took place in cold stratification for 4 months and the lowest (17%) at the rate of 0.32 seeds/day in warm-cold for 1-1 months res. Comparing of results between cold and warm-cold stratification in the cases of percentage and rate of germination state that cold stratification for 2 months stimulates germination about 27% at the rate of 0.56 seeds/day. However in warm-cold stratification for 1-2 months res. Germination was about 60% at the rate of 0.88 seeds/day. Cold stratification for 3 months stimulated germination about 73% at the rate of 1.17 seeds/day where these characteristics in warm-cold stratification for 1-3 months res. were about 72% at the rate of 1 seeds/day. On this basis, it can be said that seeds of Persian Hogweed has Morphophysiological dormancy and the best way for braking dormancy and stimulation of seed germination is stratification in cold-wet sand for 4 months.

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Salty bio habitats usually contained a large quantity of mineral salts edible salt so that plant species that grow in this rangelands choice different methods in order to afront with this problem. Salty rangelands of Golestan Province is one of the areas that has salty soil with low depth under ground water table. In this area grow halophyte plants such as Frankenia hirsuta. Frankenia hirsute is a perennial plant of the Frankeniaceae family. To afront to saltiness problem, this plant gives out the salt from different its organs leaf or shoot by means of salt-glans. Therefore to determine the percentage of NaCl sampling has been done in red by titration method. Statistical analysis showed that there are a significant diffrence in the amount of NaCl in air organs at the level of 1% and 5% in a way that average amount of NaCl was 2.13 for the exclosure area and 1.37 for the under grazing area. Which the highest level of NaCl belongs to under grazing area and the lowest level belongs to exclosure area.

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Soil erosion washes out the nutrients from watershed, caused soil depletion and water pollution. Information on nutrient loss variations is therefore very important. The aim of present study was to study of phosphorus (P) and organic matter (OM) loss and relationship between sediment graph and OM and P loss in Kojour watershed in hyrcanian ecosystem. For this purpose, Discharges, suspended sediment (SS), P and OM loss resulting from storm events were sampled at one fixed point of river using the manual sampler. Results showed that 48 gr OM and 11.5 mlgr P in 1000 gr sediment were bonded. Also results depict P and Om loss dramatically affected by suspended sediment.

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In most of developing countries, destruction of environment occurs due to sloganeering attitude toward environment and constant development ignoring the capacity end power of the land for development planning. Consequently, execution of such plans as mentioned above has mostly been disturbed clue to non-intervention of natural aptitudes of the land in operating and productivity process and eventually, humans have faced destruction of the environment. Therefore, in order to constantly and desirably operate the environment, operating process should be done within a planned framework based on knowledge of geographical characteristics of the environment. This research is aiming at industrial analysis of Amol County an Mazandaran Province and it has been planned based on ecologic capacity and designation of desirable grounds for further development. The results obtained from the said research indicates that 88.05% out of total industries established inside and outside industrial parks of Amol County has been located in desirable ground, 7.20% has been situated in average ground and 4.74% is located in undesirable ecologic ground of industrial utilization. 88.05% has been situated in desirable ground due to locating the said industries within the plain areas 14.32% total area of the said county has been allocated for this purpose. The same has been established discarding environmental tolerance capacity leading to condense of space and activity and consequently rise of environmental consequences in Amol County accordingly.

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Wetlands are unique ecosystems that are effective in the natural ecological functions that can be including flood control, water purification and stabilization of the coastal strip and…. .Since none of wetlands are not as same as another one in the ecological functions completely, therefore have different vulnerability rate. So adequate understanding of wetland is necessary for effective protection. Since the biodiversity-rich wetland ecosystem management plan of Miankaleh has been identified. So one way to protect its biodiversity is ecological function assessment will help experts to Select the correct way in wetland biodiversity management. In this study of the ecological functions of wetlands, The Hydrogeomorphic approaches have been used. Due to Basis wetland disaster for comparing the ecological functions of wetlands, has been used the calibrated criteria of Hydrogeomorphic approach of South Florida Water Management District for calculation of wetland function index (FCI). With regard to considering the extent of the areas studied, mean scores were acquired in the form of a matrix. Ecological function of wetland ecosystems and ultimately the most ideal and most desirable criteria for the least affected of the ecosystem in question has been found. The result confirms that the ecological functions of wetlands Miankaleh have an acceptable condition, based on criteria specified in the method of Hydrogeomorphic approach. But in according to situation of some land use, it is necessary to planning the restoration of ecological functions absolutely.

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Rural communities are the parts of related to forest that their wrong function is make destruction the forest. Therefore is necessary be considered the problems of rural communities and their dependence on forest and accuracy management done in this case. Therefore this study been investigated dependence to forest Korchi village located in noor city. Method of collection data has been rapid assessment by interviewed technique. Thus balance costs and income, per capita was calculated for each person. According to data from field operations, have been established kind and amount of dependence people to forests. The results showed that except for households that have done sold land, others are below the poverty line. grazing, preparation fulewood and piling, harvest fruit, Bee breeding and change land use forest are dependent people to forest. forest usage per person was calculated equals 23739846 rials a year. Since that operations such as Bee breeding for forest is not harmful, so it is recommended that be provided the necessary facilities for this rural affairs.

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Management activities like grazing intensity and land cultivation effects rangelands characteristic. For sustainable utilization from rangeland information of changes is required we should knew these changes. Soil surface indicators and functional attributes help to judge about management impact. So for investigation on these activities effects in Mauntain rangeland, one vegetation community was selected in Pulor region. Five cases including: three grazing intensities (heavy, moderate and low), recently cultivated and relict areas that cultivated last two decades were assessed. Landscape function analysis (LFA) method was used to evaluate management effects on soil surface characteristics and rangeland functional attributes. In this method for determination of three functional attributes of stability, infiltration and nutrient cycling 11 soil surface indicators were considered. They are soil surface cover (soil protection from erosion), perennial canopy/basal cover, litter (cover, origin, degree of decomposition), cryptogam cover, crust brokenness, type and severity of erosion, deposited material, soil surface roughness, soil surface resistance to distribution, slake test (soil stability test) and texture were used. Based on results land cultivation reduced functional attributes. By increasing grazing intensity leave out palatable species and dominate annual in heavy grazing area. Vegetation and soil surface layer degradation increased soil erosion, created gully and reduced functional attributes. In relict area because of reestablishing homogenous annuals, soil indicators and functional attribute were improved.

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The plant species dispersion in world and its variety in regions depend on close relationship between plants and environment conditions that is result of physical and biological interaction. This research aims are studying site demands and some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Acer monspesulanum. By attention to geographic side and ground shape, 500 m2 circular plots were considered in a way in which the specific tree species is in a group shape. In order to soil study, some profiles were prepared in different positions and routine Pedology tests have been done. Software Excel and PC-ORD were used respectively to import and analyze the data. Results show that geographic side had no effect on DBH, height total, trunk length, crown length, crown surface and diameter breast height (DBH). Only farmland with crown have shown significantly different in this manner the trees in valleys have the widest crowns. The best situation about the characteristics were at northern sides and its worst situation related to western sides and the best growing position exist in trees at valleys.

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حرکت های توده ای یک معضل جهانی است و متداولترین نوع پدیده های طبیعی شکل دهنده سطح زمین می باشد که در تمامی دوران های زمین شناسی به وقوع پیوسته است. در ایران نیز به دلیل وضعیت جغرافیایی و تنوع آب و هوایی مختلف همیشه مشکل ساز بوده و خسارات جانی و مالی فراوانی به همراه دارد. منطقه دوهزار با مساحتی حدود 308.75 کیلومتر مربع در جنوب شهرستان تنکابن قرار دارد. با بررسی های انجام شده در منطقه مورد مطالعه یکی از انواع حرکت های توده ای که زمین لغزش است مورد توجه و تحقیق قرار گرفته است. سطح آن از نوع چرخشی بوده که به طول 270 متر و عرض 20 متر رخ داده است. هدف مطالعه شناخت مهمترین عوامل اثرگذار بر لغزش و جلوگیری از خسارت های ناشی از آن در منطقه دوهزار بوده و روش کار به صورت پیمایشی و با استفاده از مشاهدات میدانی و مطالعه بر روی عکس های هوایی و ماهواره ای و نقشه های توپوگرافی و زمین شناسی انجام گرفته است. نتایج مطالعه نشان داد یکسری از عوامل چون شیب، کانی های رسی حساس، هوازدگی سنگی، تخریب پوشش گیاهی، پتانسیل وقوع زمین لغزش را افزایش و عواملی چون آب، و زلزله سبب ایجاد زمین لغزش در منطقه مورد مطالعه شده اند.

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