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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Rashad Laleh

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Perception of space is a complex issue. Besides, it is the way to identify the universe. Human creates the space and space affects human. There is a reciprocal relationship between the two. A relationship that leads to the experience and interpretation of the environment and leads to the interaction of man and space. If the right interaction is formed between man and space, they will be unified. The presence of nature in space makes human’ s relationship with environment easier. The necessity of this issue is because the connection with nature is an inherent need in human beings and architecture based on nature tries to bring the building into a special interaction with some of the inherent dependencies of human beings. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to explore how humankind perceives the presence of nature in architecture. The case study of the research herein is the traditional houses of the Gajar-era located in Tabriz. The methodology of the research follows the perspective of Islamic scholars on the authentic perception of the environment. In theoretical studies, a model has been given for the perception and presence of nature in traditional houses which has been corroborated in subsequent by interviewing people who have lived in the so-called houses. Analyses and discussions of the obtained data are based on structured equations and are contentbased. Theoretical findings showed that mankind, in consistency with its emotional and imaginative perception and ignoring personal tendencies and motives, can establish an epistemological connection based on sensible reasoning to achieve a practical result. Finally, by instilling the perceptions into the heart, incentives for action will emerge. On the other hand, it became clear that nature is reflected in the architecture of Qajar houses based on approaches, well-coordinated relationship between the ecosystem, integration with nature, similarity with nature, and improvement of nature. Assessment of the foregoing issue in traditional houses of Tabriz, through the mentioned approaches, revealed that, essence of human with experiencing advantages and disadvantages based on Material and spiritual sides of nature and semi-natural elements, in derivative perceptions level, desirably percept nature and establishes interactive and integrated connections with nature. At this stage, direct connection with nature and then similarity to nature plays an important role in the material, semantic understanding and ultimately the optimal interpretation of nature in humans. But what leads the way of human perception in space, from desire and will to thought, is to add general concepts to the approaches obtained from conventional that promote and complete nature in order to create a favorable space to meet human evolution needs and consequently the evolution of nature approaches in architecture in the structure of thought and human considerations. Finally, Presence in such an atmosphere has been able to perfect human perception, so that human understands the true meaning of nature. Therefore, in the encounter of understanding and emotion, human values and influences nature by expropriating it, and over time, it leads to the continuous production and reproduction of the the place of human evolution.

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In general, place, and space, regardless of the cultural context, are often discussed based on the concepts and studies of Western thinkers and not merely based on Islamic principles. This research has been written to analyze the quality evaluation indicators of desirable Iranian-Islamic housing in the post-revolutionary period based on the method of hierarchical analysis. First, using the Islamic epistemological framework and system from the type of narrated sources (Quran, narrations, and hadiths), the indicators and, consequently, the quality components of contemporary housing were extracted. Then, these cases have been analyzed using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Expert Choice software. It should be noted that in this article, 48 questionnaires completed by experts (researchers in the field of housing, architects and urban planners, faculty members, university professors, and doctoral students in the field of architecture and urban planning) were used. The case studies of the present study are based on the construction time parameter into 4 sets, which include the period of post-revolutionary buildings. The purpose of this article is not to compare the periods or just a random study of examples of this period, but to provide an overview of this period and the quality of housing after the Islamic Revolution according to different models and indicators derived from theoretical foundations and it originates from Islamic texts and framework. The validity of the questionnaire was checked and confirmed by experts. Also, the internal consistency of the responses was investigated by calculating the incompatibility rate and since the incompatibility rate was less than 0. 1, the reliability of the tool was ensured. The results indicate that the semantic aspect of residential buildings after the revolution has been severely neglected, which shows the lack of attention to human needs. Among other important categories, attention to human size and scale, attention to nature, climatic considerations of the region, and indigenous materials are the most important things that should be considered to achieve optimal housing in the Islamic context. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the quality of contemporary housing and how to achieve the desired housing in the Islamic context. What was obtained in this study is that in each period under review (buildings after the revolution), attention to human needs is one of the most important categories that should be considered by designers and stakeholders, and to achieve the desired housing, is recommended. In fact, according to experts, the most important point that has not been considered in this historical period is human needs, which has been largely neglected in periods such as recent decades (the 80s and 90s). What is suggested for future studies is a comparative analysis of buildings after the Islamic Revolution with previous periods (first or second Pahlavi) that can be done as an independent study in the field of housing or even other functions. As mentioned in the discussion section, the semantic aspect of residential buildings has been severely neglected after the revolution, which shows the lack of attention to human needs. Among other important categories, attention to human size and scale, attention to nature, climatic considerations of the region and indigenous materials are the most important things that should be considered to achieve optimal housing in the Islamic context.

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The geometric proportion system in architectural monuments determines the consistency of the components of the building with the holistic building structure. In most architectural monuments, the geometric proportion of the structure is visible at the entrance of the building and is followed through the whole building. The current research is evaluating the renovation and comparing the emerged similarities and differences in the entrance spaces of the Abbasi Jame’ Mosque and Seyyed Jame’ Mosque in Isfahan. This evaluation is based on analyzing the geometric proportion system in the formation of the components and the dominating relations on the plan structure of the entrance spaces in these two buildings. The main thesis of this study is the similarity of the geometric elements and the plan proportion system of the mentioned mosques entrances. Proving these similarities, the geometric proportion plan of one building can be used as lead for conservation or renovation of the other building. The data collection and analysis method of this paper is based on library and field data collection and precise numerical and forming analysis. A comparative technique is used to measure the plan geometric proportion of the entrance spaces of the two Jame’ Mosques in Safavid (Abbasi Jamae’ Mosque) and Qajarid eras (Seyyed Jame’ Mosque in Isfahan). To analyze the samples, the current plan of both mosques was drawn with great details. Then, the plan of the entrance section was divided into different parts. Because most of the entrance spaces were quadrangular, the length and width dimensions of each part of the plan became apparent. Also, the diameter angle with the length of each space was determined. In the next step, Lengthto-width ratios were measured in the plan of different sections of the entrance space of the samples. Then, the specified ratios were compared with the ratios of the proportional system of Iranian geometry and with this method, the basic shape of each space was determined. The use of a regular hexagonal base shape to arrange the entrance plan of the two mosques was distinguished, in the current plan of the entrance to the two Abbasi and Sayyid Jame’ Mosques in Isfahan. Spatial circulation was analyzed; moreover, the use of a similar geometric organization was identified in both Jame’ Mosques. However, the repeated organized ratio of the section of the entrance space plan in the samples was not detected. Therefore, based on the findings of the analysis and comparing them with each other, it could be understood that despite the similarity in appearance of the entrance space of the two buildings, there were significant differences in their spatial structure system. So the overall results of the study supported that the holistic structure of the two buildings follows the same rules of the Iranian geometric proportion system. Also, the results of the analysis highlighted the creative architectural skills are applied in the entrance space of both buildings.

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Physical individualization means a set of attributes and properties that create a special meaning for each space, what identifies the body are the same characteristics that make it different from others. The unique attributes and characteristics of each space that act together as a set, distinguish a body and distinguish it from others. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the physical identification of houses and to achieve the evolution of the physical individualization of historic houses in the eighth district of Tabriz. At the beginning of the article, the definitions of individualization are stated from the perspectives of different thinkers, and then, according to the theoretical foundations, the components of physical individualization of houses are obtained to analyze a case study. Factors affecting physical identification can be divided into two categories of physical and human factors. In physical factors, using descriptive-analytical research method and based on Schultz theory, it was studied in three levels of exposure (typology, morphology, and topology). Based on the typology formed in an area of the eighth district of Tabriz, historical houses from the point of view of physical typology were classified into two main types of Qajar and first Pahlavi houses. Historical houses were studied according to the theoretical foundations of the research from the perspective of morphology and topology. Based on the findings, the distinguishing component of physical identification in the second type in terms of morphology (which includes the variety of openings and arches, variety of floor alignment, variety of decorations, details and materials used in interior and exterior and exterior views of the building and its architectural form) and spatial diversity, heat diversity and diversity of function and spatial arrangement of the components of topology have decreased compared to Qajar. The variety of light and the scale of the spaces were somewhat equal in the two species. The human component can be divided into two components: the architect and the residents or owners. Two internal and external factors affect an architect's work of art. Due to the lack of information about the architect and the inhabitants of historical houses, these two internal components cannot be examined and external factors affecting the architect, including the social, political and cultural conditions of the Qajar and first Pahlavi eras, have been examined. In the Qajar and first Pahlavi periods, due to the developments that took place in various political and cultural fields, major differences in values, thoughts, tendencies and methods of architecture and urban planning have emerged. This diversity is reflected in the architecture of residential buildings. The study of political and social developments of the Qajar and first Pahlavi periods of the study area in terms of external factors affecting the architect and residents, confirms the claim that in general the physical identification of Qajar historical houses in the eighth region of Tabriz is more transparent than the first Pahlavi houses in that area. It is more specific and the evolution of houses has shifted to simplicity.

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Researchers require appropriate resources to conduct researches. In historical studies, data can be extracted only from these resources. Thus, in historical research especially in historical studies on architecture, the importance of these resources is doubled. Notwithstanding the resources of architectural historiography in Iran are very rare, since the architecture is considered as Container of life, it is almost not a resource that does not provide information about architecture. Therefore, this extent of resources makes identifying and organizing them to research in the history of Iranian architecture very rigorous. On the other hand, regarding the research of the history of Iranian architecture, researchers are faced with a wide range of unknown resources related to all aspects of human life, which makes risk of drowning in the ocean of information ahead. Thus, it seems to be necessary to identify and organize the resources of Historical Studies on Iranian Architecture. Recognizing the resources and understanding the dimensions, levels, species, and priorities for referring to them can reduce the time costing on the one hand and increase the validity of the data on the other hand. In this article, it has been tried to provide a clear view of the resources of historical studies of Iranian architecture. Based on the study of the background of the researches, the lack of theory, theoretical framework and conceptual model in this field was obvious and there were no coherent research results to identify the sources and discover the logical and hierarchical relationship between them from inductive strategy and specifically method. Therefore, the method of grounded theory was used to reach purpose of the research by focusing on the academic studies of the last four decades in the field of Iranian architectural studies. The discussion begins with what the resource is and definitions of it. Then, based on the literature on the subject of famous species of historical studies on Iranian architecture resources are introduced and then, based on the extracted codes, the species identified by this research are presented and completed. Depending on the type of expression, the time interval to the subject, the accuracy and the level of superficiality or depth of information and the degree of validity, several categories can be defined as the resource in the field of historical studies on Iranian architecture, which are generally dual. These dualities include; first-and second-hand resources, specialized and general resources, artistic and non-artistic resources, and explicit or implicit resources. In addition, there is a classification of resources in terms of the type of expression, which is also divided into two general categories of written and unwritten. By identifying and classifying these resources based on the mentioned method, a new formulation of the resources under the central concepts was done and finally three basic concepts for the types of the classified resources were introduced including: expression, time and depth of information. These three key concepts of expression, time and depth were identified as the basis for organizing the resources of historical studies on Iranian architecture and seven main types of them were introduced. These three concepts and seven categories include various levels and dimensions of resources and provide a proper tool for researchers to identify, categorize and prioritize in referring to the resources of historical studies on Iranian architecture.

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Asadi Mahal Chali Masoud

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Nowadays, there is no possibility of determination of inhabitants’ lifestyle and needs, as the relationship between architect and them has been changed. It goes through making lots of changes in their home structure and even in their lifestyle, from inhabitants’ side. This study aims to prioritize the different sections of housing based on the lifestyle and expectations and needs of young personnel of the Armed Forces in terms of purpose in applied and developmental research. In this case some questions are delivered: What are the different aspects of young personnel of the armed forces lifestyle? Or, which kind of problems have they ever been stuck in housing issues? Or, how are their priorities in the housing sector as their expectations and needs by living in the organizational housing? The lifestyle is considered as a collection of comprehensive functions used by a person; not only meeting their needs, but also it narrates their personality and embodies them to the others. The lifestyle criteria which have impacted the housing issue are family size, social relationship, etiquette, human basic needs, and economic status of the family. The housing is composed of those criteria in the different contexts and situations. It is analytically descriptive in nature. The statistical population of this study is young personnel of the Armed Forces and the sample size is 324 persons. Cluster analysis and factor analysis using SPSS and Excel software were also used for data analysis. After reviewing the theoretical basics of lifestyle and housing using the cluster analysis method, based on economic status, social status, and personal and family characteristics, the young personnel of the armed forces were categorized into three groups. Then, using factor analysis method, prioritizing different parts of housing based on lifestyle, expectations and needs of the three groups. As the lifestyle cloning in the past fifty years, the concept of housing has been changed by accommodation. This kind of change are shadowed into the religious thought, political mind, economical position, foods and clothing, and even the manner of living. The Iranian family got used to spending lots of time in the yard and the house’ s other open spaces and living with the nature, but nowadays, it is untouchable. In the modern houses, there is lack of such spaces and persons are obliged to live in an apartment. Finally, by acquiring the young personnel’ s minds about the armed forces’ houses, some innovations have been earned. The results of query show that the parents' bedroom, reception and kitchen are among the top three priorities of the first group, which is justified by the strong social relationships of the group. For the second group, parental sleep is also a higher priority than other spaces. The next priorities are the living room and the kitchen. For the third group, given the strong economic status, poor social relationships, and strong individual and family characteristics, the priority of having a children's bedroom, a kitchen and a parent's bedroom is acceptable to other spaces. To include their minds about different spaces and rooms are important because of the helping the designers to make comfortable plans for them in order not to have to change their lifestyle.

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The historic urban fabric of any city is its historical heritage and identity. It is also known as a valuable asset due to its cultural, social and economic role in the city. Historic urban fabrics have undergone physical, social and economic changes due to various factors such as interventions and actions of urban management. Among these, economic changes are of special importance because the formation and spatial-physical and functional transformation of cities is affected by the economic variables and acts on it. The city as an economic center plays an important role in the economic development of the country. Economy is one of the most important factors that affects the vitality and viability of historic urban fabrics. Lack of attention to the historic urban fabric has consequences such as a decline in investment and decay. The implementation of urban projects is intertwined with the economics of urban fabrics. Among the urban interventions in the historic urban fabrics are large-scale urban projects and flagship development projects that are designed and implemented with the aim of increasing economic vitality and improving the quality of the environment in the historic fabric. The implementation of these urban projects affects land prices. Land price-as an economic indicator-reflects features such as the social and economic value of urban fabrics. Tabriz is a historic city that has a lot of tangible and intangible heritages. The historic urban fabric of Tabriz-covering 1336 hectare-is located in the central part of the city. This region has undergone physical, social and economic changes in recent decades due to various factors such as urban management activities. The present study aimed to investigate the economic impact of urban planning on buffer zone of Sahib-ul-Amr complex in Tabriz-as an example of historical urban fabric-in order to investigate the economic impact of urban projects on this area. The Sahib-ul-Amr complex is part of the Sahibabad complex in the ancient core of the city. Sahibabad is one of the most important and valuable architectural and urban complexes in Iran in terms of antiquity, pattern and spatial and physical structure, which has been formed and evolved during the historical developments of the city. Despite its historical value, it has degraded over time. In this research, mixed quantitative and qualitative research method have been used. Quantitative data related to the price of urban lands in the study area in the period 1992 A. D. to 2014 A. D. have been collected and analyzed. Other data analyzed are: 1. qualitative data related to functional components, land use and activity of functional units, 2. data related to physicalspatial components, 3. Information representing the patterns of ownership (as another economic manifestation) and 4. urban documents such as master plan of Tabriz and aerial photographs; Moreover, observations and field studies were interpreted using inference. The results show that the implementation of large-scale development projects in the historic urban fabrics has led to an increase in the price difference between residential and commercial properties and a decrease in the value of housing in the historic urban fabrics. In addition, the implementation of such projects in the study area has eliminated the linkage between textures and their failure to attract capital and economic activity has exacerbated the recession in the historic urban fabric.

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There are numerous affecting indices on the quality of urban soundscape and sonic comfort is the most important among them. There are several components involved in the acoustic behavior of places, the most important of which are the form, materials and volume of the space. How these characteristics affect the acoustic behavior of the Sarâ s of Tabriz Grand Bazaar and consequently its effect on the sonic comfort and quality of the soundscapes of these spaces is the issue that the present study addresses. The quality of the soundscape depends to a large extent on the sonic comfort, which is directly related to the Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of the space. Sonic comfort is directly related to the Sound Pressure Level as well as acoustic behavior of the area and intensive sound produced by the sound sources. Basic affecting components on the acoustic behavior of an area are: parametric features, form, and volume of the area. In this regard, the Sound Pressure Level as a basic component in this research in the studied spaces has been measured. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the mentioned indices are affecting acoustic behavior of Sarâ s of Grand Bazaar of Tabriz as well as sonic comfort of the Sarâ s. Three Sarâ s with large, medium and small volume of Tabriz Bazaar Sarâ s were selected as the case studies. These spaces are Middle Haj Hossein Sarâ with high volume, Old Haj Hossein Sarâ with medium volume and Mirza Mohammad Sarâ with low volume. Volume difference of the three khans is the same. Volume of small Sarâ is 6000 cubic meter smaller than that of the middle Sarâ ; also, the large Sarâ is the same amount larger than that of the middle one. In each Sarâ , five points have been selected to measure the Sound Pressure Level. These five points are the four axial points and a central point that are designated as the focal points of the measurement. At each of the five points, one-minute shots were taken with an Acoustic Camera. One of the outputs of the acoustic camera is the Spectrum Diagram. This diagram shows the Sound Pressure Level by frequency. In addition to the spectrum diagram, the acoustic camera provides output Sound Pressure Level values by frequency in tabular form. Using the precise details of the Sound Pressure Level at each point of measurement, the average values of the Sound Pressure Level in the three modes of minimum, middle and maximum were calculated. The result of these mean values was then plotted for each Sarâ in the form of a graph. According to the comparative study of the diagram, it was concluded that although parametric indices were different acoustic behavior of the three Sarâ s were the same. The acoustical behaviors of all three Sarâ s of Mirza Mohammad, Middle and Old Haj Hossein have been to weaken the sound waves, especially the bass sounds. Also, all measured SPL values are in the range of human hearing and sonic comfort. In other words, the traditional architectural and urban design that has led to the creation of Tabriz Bazaar, in addition to paying attention to the visual and spatial components, is also effective in providing sonic comfort.

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Encompassing the social and cultural variations, lifestyle is of great significance in the daily lives of residents in the field of architecture and housing; since it involves the interactive relationship of individuals' actions with the semantic system and objective structures. In other words, the thought and behavioral patterns of individuals and social groups, which are the main elements of values and value systems, in coexistence to meet needs, lead to the development of lifestyles in different social groups; architecture, on the other hand, acts as a medium and diverts people's habitus and actions. The concept of residence in the Iranian Islamic culture, as settling in a place to gain peace with the family and find individual and collective self by communicating with God and surrounding nature, is based on selecting a way to achieve excellence and avoid degradation. Thus, architecture and lifestyle are formed in interaction with each other. The present study examines the components and characteristics of lifestyle and its practical implementation in the public living space using a qualitative method and inductive approach to form a conceptual framework of how to represent the Iranian Islamic lifestyle in architecture, based on the theories of Islamic thinkers. In addition, Bourdieu's theory has been considered as a research model aided by the theory of Grounded theory. Consequently, the lifestyle of thirty families living in newly built residential complexes in the city of Tabriz, in the living room and catering section has been surveyed by a questionnaire, interview, and observation. The results indicate a complete mismatch of the living room and reception design with the lifestyle of residents and also the inefficiency of design or inflexibility and adaptation of equipment and space designs to the needs of individuals due to lack of in-depth study of values in the social and cultural context. While the lifestyle of the residents is relatively in accordance with Iranian Islamic values in the field of education of family members, body management, gender stereotypes, consumption patterns and promotion of religious life patterns, human relationship with God, with others, with oneself and with nature. However, popular beliefs have also created problems such as luxury, which is not in line with Islamic values such as moderation and having harmony with the general conditions and has also affected tastes. There are obstacles in the formation of neighborhood institutions-organizations and relations, but architecture has not created a basis for solving these obstacles in the dimensions of worship, social, moral, beliefs, finance, thinking and science, chronology, family, health, but the Individuals have either subconsciously adapted to the current situation or tried to overcome these obstacles by making internal changes. Therefore, it should be considered that Islamic values are the main components of meeting the resident needs, and this development by the cultural class and by transferring awareness, as a media of architectural art, can provide the right to choose by creating a desirable option. In this context, people's interests and tendencies are directed towards Islamic values and culture, and individuals become aware of their beliefs.

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Islamic spirituality is one of the mental states of human beings which has a high status in its perfection from the perspective of Shiite thought where Pilgrimage is one of the Islamic customs and ethics. The pattern of pilgrimage tourism in religious, devotional and prayer spaces can create a spirituality focused on the pillars of Islam. In line with the principle of bowing and celebrating the rituals of God, especially the shrines of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), the holy shrines are among the centers of interest in Iranian cities that can be developed with a pilgrimage approach. The purpose of this article is to recognize the place of holy shrines in the spirituality of pilgrimage cities, which has been done by analytical research method and interdisciplinary research and logical reasoning and by using documentary and library study methods. The Findings of the research emphasize four strategies: A) Pilgrimage Arsen pattern; in pilgrimage cities that have holy shrines, with the development of complementary layers of pilgrimage and the needs of the surrounding areas, a city with a center of holy shrines is created. This type of pilgrimage arsenic is present in some cities and regions of Iran such as Qom, Mashhad, Rey and Shiraz. In order to solve problems and meet existing social, functional, spatial and physical needs and urban landscape in the arsenal of pilgrimage arsenic and surrounding texture in this case, it is necessary that the collection of tombs, uses and surrounding spaces in the light of pilgrimage, be mixed with spirituality and its events, and Arsen create a lasting pilgrimage in the mind of the pilgrim and the community. The characteristics of the proposed pilgrimage arsenic are: the center of a religious and devotional space and building (worship, prayer and culture (mosque, Hosseinieh, Mahdieh, Mosalla, Zeinabieh, etc. ); Planning the complementary and required uses of ArsenShahri (cultural, medical, educational, service and commercial) with the model of urban Arsen such as Dar al-Shifa, Dar al-Quran, school. B) Attention to the context around the holy shrines; Planning of mixed orders compatible with urban Arsan complex in the routes leading to the religious and cultural center. As it gets closer to the center, the cultural and religious atmosphere including. Harmony, diversity and cohesion, unity and spatial and physical integrity in the urban Arsan complex and the balance of mass and space in the complex; Respect for the visual and elevation of the central element and the dominance of the religious building over other spaces and buildings increases and vice versa. Of course, it is necessary to mention that the type of plans of each tomb is different from other tombs depending on the local conditions and may not require intervention in one case and vice versa. In addition, the context of the holy shrines requires attention to their civil rights and property rights, as well as their comfort and tranquility, which is necessary to pay attention and respect in spatial and physical programs and interventions. C) Protection of the landscapes of the pilgrimage arsenic; The holy shrines with beautiful skyline and elements of Iranian-Islamic architecture, especially domes and minarets, entrances and porches, as well as the arts of bedding, brickwork and tiling show beautiful landscapes in pilgrimage cities. In most of the pilgrimage cities of Iran, with their chaotic constructions and incompatible architectural style, these landscapes have often violated the height of the shrines and blocked the view of the tomb or have weakened the spirituality of landscapes. D) Development of social and cultural activities; Sacred shrines can be tailored to the needs of different social groups, especially enthusiasts, pilgrims, families, children, women, adolescents, youth and the elderly. This dimension of educational, leisure, recreation and sports needs can be done by attracting donations and the help of specialized enthusiasts. It should be noted that the spaces required for these needs may be provided in the pilgrimage Arsen complex and often in other parts of the city directly from the shrine.

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What is Islamic Architectural Design? It is a question which may be answered upon built patterns of past but what about future? That is what this article is about. Here it is argued that Islamicness in architecture could be based on Islamic lifestyle which in turn is based on Islamic moral and functional tradition. Here it is claimed that if right social and individual behaviors from original Islamic texts are systematically considered, there would be a clear new approach for architecture to be called as Islamic. So first some potential of those Islamic contents are introduced that are usable to construct such a theory of making built environment including vast descriptions about some basic elements of the city (home, mosque, street andbazar), topological norms about closeness, territories and so on, and the most important of all, behavioral patterns of human which are vastly articulated in Islamic texts. Besides, there are some metric characteristics of space as well as configurational ones that are helpful for theory making. Next step has been a survey of positivists’ social and behavioral theories of built environment to evaluate their compatibility for applying to making Islamic behavioral theory of built environment. For this purpose two critical examples of those theories are selected: “ Space Syntax” of Bill Hillier and others as an objective socio-behavioral theoty and Irwing Altman’ s theory of social behavior as subjective example. The comparative study among them with Islamic texts here results in some critical inconsistency in their presuppositions about human-environment relations with those of Islam. While “ Space Syntax” is sharply founded on configurational determinism of social relations, Islam sees it an effective force its social consequences are not considered obligatory though. Simultaneously some concepts in Altman” socioenvironmental theory such as privacy, intimacy, territoriality and crowding have different features in Islamic behavior and some of them may not be taken as important factors for this system of environmental behavior. It is concluded that such theories of human-environment relation are based on a vertical process of theory making which aims to provide a naturalistic vision of human world made up of analyzing of behavioral phenomenon. It is while Islamic interpretation of environment-behavior is systematically organized to analyze phenomenon on the basis of a supreme view of human world. So any theoretical effort to interpret EB phenomenon will be a “ lateral debate” which means an internal organization of the phenomenon under light of Islamic world view but not making an Islamic world view. These arguments are abstracted via conceptual models. Then an independent approach towards theory making in this field upon Islamic behavioral content is introduced based on “ lateral debate” . At first, two basic kind of EB content in Islamic text are considered: religious ethical duties for special places and environmental situations and spatiality of behavioral patterns of orthodox Islam. Via some critical examples it is shown that such contents have strong potential to be used for a systematic interpretation of EB. To realize this interpretation, a key concept is developed in this article which can be called as “ Duty Situation” . It is considered as important as its counterpart in current EB studies i. e. “ Behavioral Setting” and has some common features with it as spatiality and a given set of behavioral content. But its difference lies in its two characteristics which stems from its foundation upon Islamic duty-oriented ethics: the first one is that its behavioral content is a normative one that refers to what Islam wants from the situation so existing behavioral patterns of people in this respect it only makes a ground for those essential behavior that should be evaluated on the base of its consistency with it. The second point is independency of the two: spatial situation and behavioral content in terms of cause-effect relationship; later one results from idealistic view of Islam towards the social environment whose natural or existing circumstances are not idealized but considered as a ground that should leads towards ideals. Through establishment of concept of “ Duty Situation” , author’ s final proposed model of Islamic EB relationship emerges.

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ayashm masoumeh

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The subject of the Islamic city and theories around it has always been studied in various fields and from different perspectives. But paying attention to the ideals in each field and geographical context is the missing link of these researches and studies. Therefore, in the present study, with the aim of inferring the indicators of the Islamic city from the perspective of the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a step has been taken to connect the concepts of this field. The research question includes: "What are the indicators of the Islamic city from the perspective of the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran? " this is; In other words, in fact, the first step is to recognize the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran and in the second place to analyze the manifestations of the Islamic city in these ideals. The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolution are now referred to as "discourse" in the various literature researches. The discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran is explained in three levels: content, structure and strategy. In relation to the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its manifestations, and relying on discourse and its levels, we can say that the content level, religious and doctrinal principles; examples of structure level, upstream documents; and finally, the example of the strategy level, the words of key and influential people who explain and refine macro strategies at the national level with their words. According to studies, the ideals of the Islamic Republic are manifested in three areas: religious and doctrinal sources, superior documents and important and key personalities. In this regard, the ideals manifested in three areas were studied from the perspective of the relationship with the Islamic city. In terms of purpose, the research is of the type of applied-developmental and qualitative studies. The research method was content analysis and descriptiveanalytical and logical reasoning approach, using library and documentary studies and in order to explain the reliability of the research, the retest reliability method was used. The indicators of the Islamic city are explained in the form of three dimensions under the heading: macro and operational goals, principles of the Islamic city and moral guidelines and lifestyle. The three dimensions of the Islamic city indicators derived from the ideals of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the various areas and scales show the impact of this important. And then according to the mentioned dimensions, twenty indicators of the Islamic city were identified. These indicators in a way represent the ideal-Islamic city resulting from the ideals and ideals of the Islamic Republic. In general, among these indicators, the virtues of human-Islamic ethics and monotheism have been highly emphasized. Paying attention to the ideals reflected in the indicators of the Islamic city can provide a new perspective among theorists, managers, urban planners and theorists in this field to pay deep attention to the context and effects of ideals on the city to intervene in the city and present and make the right and workable decisions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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