Islamic spirituality is one of the mental states of human beings which has a high status in its perfection from the perspective of Shiite thought where Pilgrimage is one of the Islamic customs and ethics. The pattern of pilgrimage tourism in religious, devotional and prayer spaces can create a spirituality focused on the pillars of Islam. In line with the principle of bowing and celebrating the rituals of God, especially the shrines of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS), the holy shrines are among the centers of interest in Iranian cities that can be developed with a pilgrimage approach. The purpose of this article is to recognize the place of holy shrines in the spirituality of pilgrimage cities, which has been done by analytical research method and interdisciplinary research and logical reasoning and by using documentary and library study methods. The Findings of the research emphasize four strategies: A) Pilgrimage Arsen pattern; in pilgrimage cities that have holy shrines, with the development of complementary layers of pilgrimage and the needs of the surrounding areas, a city with a center of holy shrines is created. This type of pilgrimage arsenic is present in some cities and regions of Iran such as Qom, Mashhad, Rey and Shiraz. In order to solve problems and meet existing social, functional, spatial and physical needs and urban landscape in the arsenal of pilgrimage arsenic and surrounding texture in this case, it is necessary that the collection of tombs, uses and surrounding spaces in the light of pilgrimage, be mixed with spirituality and its events, and Arsen create a lasting pilgrimage in the mind of the pilgrim and the community. The characteristics of the proposed pilgrimage arsenic are: the center of a religious and devotional space and building (worship, prayer and culture (mosque, Hosseinieh, Mahdieh, Mosalla, Zeinabieh, etc. ); Planning the complementary and required uses of ArsenShahri (cultural, medical, educational, service and commercial) with the model of urban Arsen such as Dar al-Shifa, Dar al-Quran, school. B) Attention to the context around the holy shrines; Planning of mixed orders compatible with urban Arsan complex in the routes leading to the religious and cultural center. As it gets closer to the center, the cultural and religious atmosphere including. Harmony, diversity and cohesion, unity and spatial and physical integrity in the urban Arsan complex and the balance of mass and space in the complex; Respect for the visual and elevation of the central element and the dominance of the religious building over other spaces and buildings increases and vice versa. Of course, it is necessary to mention that the type of plans of each tomb is different from other tombs depending on the local conditions and may not require intervention in one case and vice versa. In addition, the context of the holy shrines requires attention to their civil rights and property rights, as well as their comfort and tranquility, which is necessary to pay attention and respect in spatial and physical programs and interventions. C) Protection of the landscapes of the pilgrimage arsenic; The holy shrines with beautiful skyline and elements of Iranian-Islamic architecture, especially domes and minarets, entrances and porches, as well as the arts of bedding, brickwork and tiling show beautiful landscapes in pilgrimage cities. In most of the pilgrimage cities of Iran, with their chaotic constructions and incompatible architectural style, these landscapes have often violated the height of the shrines and blocked the view of the tomb or have weakened the spirituality of landscapes. D) Development of social and cultural activities; Sacred shrines can be tailored to the needs of different social groups, especially enthusiasts, pilgrims, families, children, women, adolescents, youth and the elderly. This dimension of educational, leisure, recreation and sports needs can be done by attracting donations and the help of specialized enthusiasts. It should be noted that the spaces required for these needs may be provided in the pilgrimage Arsen complex and often in other parts of the city directly from the shrine.