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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The competitive position of the destination brand is the provision of a framework by the destinations through which they can show their distinction from other destinations. Various aspects of tourism brands have been addressed in various studies, but the issue of competitive positioning of tourism brands has not been addressed. Competitive positioning of a brand not only creates a positive image in the audience's minds towards competitors but also turns relative advantages into competitive advantages, leading to development in various dimensions and identification. The purpose of this study was to present a model of the influential factors and consequences of the competitive position of the tourism brand in Gilā n province. It was a mixed-methods study in which the systematic model of data-based theory has been used in its qualitative part. In terms of the data collection method, it is field research. The research population included professors of management and geography and managers of tourism in Gilā n province. In the qualitative part, theoretical sampling was used as one of the types of purposeful sampling, and the number of samples due to theoretical saturation was 11 individuals. The results of semistructured interviews to develop a model of the competitive position of the tourism brand of Gilā n province by coding method showed that 321 open codes were identified and classified in 26 concepts based on Strauss and Corbin's (1998) approach in seven main categories, including competitive sources, the competitive position of Gilā n brand, contextual factors, destination management, and positioning and destination branding operations, intervening factors and consequences. Also, to measure the model designed in the quantitative part, the opinions of 169 managers, master experts, and experts in the field of tourism in Gilā n province were used. The results of this section also showed a good fit of the designed model with the obtained data. Other results showed that the key factor in positioning the destination brand in customers' minds is the operations related to positioning, branding, and advertising of that destination, and all other factors will be more noticeable with the correct implementation of this factor.

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As an interconnected whole, the city needs a strong organization with integrated management. With the entry of the private sector and volunteer groups into policy and government, we can see a more desirable form of city administration. Cities have found no way to govern and manage themselves except laying the groundwork for the development of democracy, all of which implies a new way of governing cities called good urban governance. This model is defined as a participatory development process in which all stakeholders, including the government, the private sector, and civil society, provide a way to solve the problems of the rapid urbanization process. This paper aimed to identify the influential and prominent factors in good governance of Urmiā . It is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of the research method. The nature of the data is qualitative and quantitative, and the method of data collection is the library research and field (interaction questionnaire). The research sample included 35 experts of urban planning, city managers, and researchers (22 managers and experts and 13 researchers) who were selected by the Delphi method and snowball. The prominent and influential factors have been analyzed in the Maxtor software environment, and the degree of competitiveness, convergence, and agreement among the main factors has been determined. Twelve prominent and influential factors in the good governance of Urmiā were examined. The results showed that direct and indirect effects among the factors represent the highest number of effects for a provincial factor with 187 effects. The highest level of competitiveness was related to the social networks, with a rate of 1. 83. Road development, housing, and an urban management organization with 12 events per goal have been identified.

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    1 (8)
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Severe coastal winds, either directly or by flooding the coastal waters, can damage installations or cause disorder in various human activities such as shipping, commerce, recreation, etc. This study investigated the temporal-spatial variability of maximum coastal winds using the maximum wind data from stations in Iran's northern and southern coasts. Statistical analysis of the average maximum wind speed showed that the Persian Gulf coast had the highest speed. The monthly changes of the maximum wind indicated that the maximum monthly average is related to November in Anzali port and the minimum rate is for Chā bahā r station in all months. Generally, the variability of summer and autumn months is less than spring and winter. The maximum wind direction on the shores of the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea has a clockwise shift from east to west. Linear regression analysis was used to study the trend of maximum wind speed, which indicated the heterogeneity of the line slope of the stations on the southern coasts and the homogeneity of the northern coast stations with a positive slope.

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    1 (8)
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In the field of planning, especially health care development planning, decision-makers need new approaches to respond to the changes and ways to predict future changes to be more prepared for the future. The data collection method was documentary and field methods. For this purpose, reviewing documents and literature and interviews have been used. The research population included health experts in the Makrā n region who have been selected by the purposeful method. Theme analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data. The morphological analysis, Morphol software, Ré gnier's abacus technique, and the desirability of the hypotheses were used to formulate the scenarios. After identifying and examining the influential factors, 9 factors were identified as the most important factors affecting the development of health services in the Makrā n region. The data were analyzed in Morphol software. 4988 scenarios were identified as the first or preferred scenario, from which the top ten scenarios with the highest probability of significance were extracted. The present study has identified the leading scenarios for developing health services in the Makrā n coastal region on the horizon of 1415.

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    1 (8)
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To investigate the super-heavy precipitation of Karkheh Basin, daily precipitation statistics of the basin (2005-2018), radar satellite images of Sentinel 1, Landsat, and data on specific humidity, pressure, geopotential height, omega, and wind flow have been used. The results show that the total of heavy rainfall by year shows an increasing trend. Heavy rainfall varies from a minimum of 11 to 40 days (long-term cumulative amount) at the basin level. Most of the heavy rainfall in the basin occurs in the last days of winter and the first days of autumn. The location of Siberian high-pressure, Sudan low pressure, Pakistan lowpressure surface systems and dynamic high-pressure systems of Saudi Arabia and the Mediterranean is the dominant pattern and determinant of extremely precipitation in the Karkheh catchment. The main reason for the increase in the lake's water area in extremely precipitation is not the increase in the number of days of the rainy, but the large expansion south of the Mediterranean trough, eastward movement of the Saudi anticyclone on warm seas and vertical water vapor flux north of the warm southern seas. Also, in examining the position of the jet core to create extremely rainfall, the most suitable position of the core was observed in the transverse position of 24 degrees north and longitude 42 east (center of Saudi Arabia), so that in this case the most unstable part of the jet (exit area Jet) corresponds exactly to the front of the trough on the Karkheh basin.

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    1 (8)
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Diversity is the basis of the sustainability of any system. Whatever the system varies, its sustainability and dynamism are preserved over time and place. Understanding the barriers to rural diversification is one of the attitudes towards sustainable rural development. This study aimed to study the barriers to the diversification of the rural economy from natural, institutional, economic and social dimensions in South Marhamatā bā d. The research is applied with a descriptive-analytical method. Library studies and field surveys (observation, interview, and questionnaire) were used to collect information. The spatial scope of this research is the south Marhamatā bā d village in Miā ndoā b County. This sub-district has 19 villages and 3363 rural families. 353 families were selected through the modified Cochran formula as the research sample size. T-test was used to analyze data. The results of the research showed that from the viewpoint of the villagers of the region, in terms of the barriers to the diversification of the rural economy; organizational-institutional factors such as the lack of access of villagers to loans and financial resources, the lack or inappropriateness of financial services, and the lack of public and private sector investment, have had a more prominent influence on the creation of barriers to the diversification of the economic activities of villages in the region.

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