The competitive position of the destination brand is the provision of a framework by the destinations through which they can show their distinction from other destinations. Various aspects of tourism brands have been addressed in various studies, but the issue of competitive positioning of tourism brands has not been addressed. Competitive positioning of a brand not only creates a positive image in the audience's minds towards competitors but also turns relative advantages into competitive advantages, leading to development in various dimensions and identification. The purpose of this study was to present a model of the influential factors and consequences of the competitive position of the tourism brand in Gilā n province. It was a mixed-methods study in which the systematic model of data-based theory has been used in its qualitative part. In terms of the data collection method, it is field research. The research population included professors of management and geography and managers of tourism in Gilā n province. In the qualitative part, theoretical sampling was used as one of the types of purposeful sampling, and the number of samples due to theoretical saturation was 11 individuals. The results of semistructured interviews to develop a model of the competitive position of the tourism brand of Gilā n province by coding method showed that 321 open codes were identified and classified in 26 concepts based on Strauss and Corbin's (1998) approach in seven main categories, including competitive sources, the competitive position of Gilā n brand, contextual factors, destination management, and positioning and destination branding operations, intervening factors and consequences. Also, to measure the model designed in the quantitative part, the opinions of 169 managers, master experts, and experts in the field of tourism in Gilā n province were used. The results of this section also showed a good fit of the designed model with the obtained data. Other results showed that the key factor in positioning the destination brand in customers' minds is the operations related to positioning, branding, and advertising of that destination, and all other factors will be more noticeable with the correct implementation of this factor.