Destruction of forest watershed has numerous effects up and down stream environments. So that, destruction of forest watershed addition to erosion and fertility reduction in disturbed areas, causes washing and nutrient transport and other pollutants in the land surface by runoff to water ecosystems and as a result of contamination of these resources. Therefore, the present study was conducted to quantitatively compare the nutrient and organic matter loss from undisturbed and disturbed forest areas in Education a Forest Watershed of Tarbiat Modares University (Kojor watershed). The study was taken place in two treatments with three replications is storm basis by using 6 m2 plots. The results show that the Enrichment ratio of organic matter and nutrients is different for different elements and for both regions. The results present study indicated high dependency Enrichment Ratio to rainfall amount and sediment concentration. So that indicated lowest Enrichment Ratio in events to high intensity, and versa. also statistical results comparison Enrichment ratio in the two regions showed that carbon and potassium, have not significantly different if the phosphorus and nitrogen have significant difference. The results indicated that of OM and P loss was 25 kg. ha and 57 g.ha, respectively. The similarity nutrients concentration amount of in unit of m3 runoff for OM and P is equivalent 415 g and 20 mg respectively. Also the event of date December 2009the event most erosive as in terms of runoff production and the nutrients Loss of were identified.loss of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the disturbed areawas more than undisturbed forest at ratio of 5, 10, 16 and 8, and concentration rate of 3, 2, 1.1 and 1.4, respectively. The maximum loss of nutrient reported in the rate of 25 kg.ha-1. Enrichment ratios for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were found to be 0.33±1.38, 0.11±1.13, 0.25±1.86 and 0.20±1.24 undisturbed area and 0.36±1.59, 0.37±1.57, 0.22±1.98 and 0.29±1.008 in disturbed area, respectively.