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One of the most important features of soil and water in agriculture is salinity which it due to presence of more ions. This study was conducted to determine of the effects of salicylic acid pre-treatment on the growth and physiological factors in Barley under salinity stress condition. Salinity stress was in six levels involving control (distilled water), 20, 40, 60 and 80 Mmol of NaCl and salicylic acid was in four levels involving 0, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 Mmol. Leaf and root proteins, leaf and root proline and germination percent was decreased, also leaf and root sugar was increased by salicylic acid treatments under salinity condition. Meaningful decrement of shoot and non-meaningful decrement of photosynthetic pigments content was by different concentrations of salicylic acid under salinity condition. In other hand, different levels of salicylic acid was caused of changes in physiological factors in plant that improved resistance of plant under stress condition.

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Destruction of forest watershed has numerous effects up and down stream environments. So that, destruction of forest watershed addition to erosion and fertility reduction in disturbed areas, causes washing and nutrient transport and other pollutants in the land surface by runoff to water ecosystems and as a result of contamination of these resources. Therefore, the present study was conducted to quantitatively compare the nutrient and organic matter loss from undisturbed and disturbed forest areas in Education a Forest Watershed of Tarbiat Modares University (Kojor watershed). The study was taken place in two treatments with three replications is storm basis by using 6 m2 plots. The results show that the Enrichment ratio of organic matter and nutrients is different for different elements and for both regions. The results present study indicated high dependency Enrichment Ratio to rainfall amount and sediment concentration. So that indicated lowest Enrichment Ratio in events to high intensity, and versa. also statistical results comparison Enrichment ratio in the two regions showed that carbon and potassium, have not significantly different if the phosphorus and nitrogen have significant difference. The results indicated that of OM and P loss was 25 kg. ha and 57 g.ha, respectively. The similarity nutrients concentration amount of in unit of m3 runoff for OM and P is equivalent 415 g and 20 mg respectively. Also the event of date December 2009the event most erosive as in terms of runoff production and the nutrients Loss of were identified.loss of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the disturbed areawas more than undisturbed forest at ratio of 5, 10, 16 and 8, and concentration rate of 3, 2, 1.1 and 1.4, respectively. The maximum loss of nutrient reported in the rate of 25 kg.ha-1. Enrichment ratios for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were found to be 0.33±1.38, 0.11±1.13, 0.25±1.86 and 0.20±1.24 undisturbed area and 0.36±1.59, 0.37±1.57, 0.22±1.98 and 0.29±1.008 in disturbed area, respectively.

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Monitoring of spatial variability of soil properties are the prerequisite of ecosystem management. There are spatial variability of soil properties that effect on the forest association structure and ecosystem especially in arid and semi-arid areas. The goal of this paper was the investigation of spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties in north Zagros forest using GIS and Geostatistic. Sampling was conducted in systematic- randomness layout and 89 samples were taken. Soil texture, pH, EC, TNV, total N and Organic Matter were measurements. First we accessed the descriptive and the normality of the data then determined Geostatistic analysis to assessment spatial structure than data descriptive and normality test. Maximum accuracy and minimum variance estimation were the most indices for soil characteristic maps. As regards of coefficient of variances (CV) pH has the lowest variable and TNV was higher. The best fit models in varigraphy analysis were Spherical and Exponential exception Gaussian models were fit to pH with range 32441m. For other soil variable variogram ranges were 600-1100m. The lowest spatial structure of soil variables belongs to Clay than EC but other variables have appropriate spatial structure. The results of this Research could improve local schedule for sustainable soil management and for supplying vegetation maps related with soil characteristics.

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In this research we studied the spatial pattern of Acer cineracense and Lonicera nummularifolia in relation to stand forms and topographic factors in northern forests of ILAM province. For this 75 sample plots 2000 m2 were established by random systematic sampling method. Variables in plots included number of tree species, origin of stems and topographic factors. The studied spatial pattern indices included morisita, standard morisita, green, lioyd and ratio of variance to mean. After the collecting data, value of indices was calculated Results showed that for Acer cineracense standard morisita and green indices had positive correlation with elevation. Also for Acer cineracense all of the indices and for Lonicera nummularifolia standard morisita and green indices had positive correlation with slope. For Acer cineracense and Lonicera nummularifolia values of all indices were the most in south aspect. Also the results of precision study of indices showed that for Acer cineracense and Lonicera nummularifolia standard morisita and green indices had the most precision. The results of effect of form stand on Spatial pattern showed that for Acer cineracense and Lonicera nummularifolia the value of all indices in the standard & coppice stands were more than that of the coppice&standard stands. Totally these results indicate the variability in spatial patterns of Acer cineracense and Lonicera nummularifolia affected by the diverse site conditions.

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Investigation of spatial variability of soil properties with other environment change is essential. soil salinity prediction in non-sampled areas and mapping the salinity variability in order to soil reclamation planning is very important. This study aimed to evaluate and analyze the spatial variability of soil salinity by comparing different geostatstical methods, and preparing the map of spatial variability. In doing so, 78 soil samples extracted from 0-30 cm depth of Viseh Valley sent to laboratory. The amount of soil salinity analyzed in the lab. There were used kriging, Radial Basic Function and weighted moving average by Gs+ and GIS soft wares. For comparing these methods, cross validation were used by statistical parameters of MAE and MBE. There is also obtained the MAE=0.14 and MBE=0.01 ds/m for this method. Results showed that kriging method has the highes.

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The potential environmental toxicity of zero-valent iron nanoparticles (nZVI), which were about 1 to 50 nm in size, was evaluated on seed germination characteristics of Pius sylvistris in the soil and aquatic medium. Seeds were exposed to different concentrations of zero valent iron nanoparticles in water (0, 750, 1500, 3000, 6000, 15000 mg/lit) and soil medium (0, 100, 250, 500, 1000 mg/kg ).In the current research, Seed germination percentage, seed germination speed and cell membrane stability were evaluated. The obtained results indicated, that, seed germination percentage and seed germination speed in the treatments exposed to the high concentration of zero valent iron nanoparticles were significantly low in aquatic medium. However, the mentiond characteristics showed the higher values in the soil medium. Cell membrane stability showed increasing trend with increasing the concentration of iron nano particles in both, soil and aquatic medium, Therefore, it seems that inhibitory and toxicity effects of zero valent iron nanoparticles in aquatic medium were more obvious than that of soil. However, further researches are needed to proving of the hypothesis.

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Knowledge of medicinal plants in the field of natural resources in each region is one of the fundamental steps in the field of sustainable development of medicinal plants and can provide important basic information in this field. In this study mountainous rangelands of Kharabesanji with an area of 2715 hectares in the North West of Iran in Urmia city was chosen to identify and collect medicinal plants. In order to introduce species of medicinal and aromatic plants collected from the area, various flora were used. Results indicated that 61 plant species belonging to 14 families were present in the area. Biological form of 61.93% of species are Hemicryptophytes and 16.39% are Therophytes. Phanerophytes, camophyts and geophytes are 9.75, 6.55 and 3.40% of species respectively. A total of 46 species of medicinal plants belonging to 14 families were collected and identified. Statistical comparison of medicinal plants and herbs collected from the entire region showed that 75% of the plants, are medicinal. doing this research significantly increases the number of plants recorded in the region. In addition to the major consumer of medicinal plants, their food consumption by the indigenous people who are sold into the green. Due to the number of medicinal species in this region, we can say this rangeland ecosystem can be viewed as a natural habitat for natural resources exploiting, especially basic education about harvesting medicinal plants.

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Ecological capability evaluation and rangeland suitability assessment is necessary for continuous and sustainable range use. This paper adapted the GIS based on the concepts by the FAO of suitability analysis for recreation in Poshtkouh, Yazd province of Iran. Environmental and ecological parameters (slope, elevation, water resources, soil, climate, the value of vegetation attraction and distance from attraction places) and infrastructure parameters (paths and distance from roads and the distance from city and welfare facilities) affecting recreation were determined and incorporated into the model. The final results showed that from studied area, 1% classified as S1 class, 1.8% classified as S2 class, 4.2% located as S3 class and 92% classified in N classes. Accordingly, between environmental and ecological parameters, temperature, slope, elevation and soil depth and between infrastructure parameters, distance from city and welfare facilities were identified as increasing factor and water resources, the value of vegetation attraction, distance from attraction places and paths and distance from roads were known as limiting factor in recreation suitability.

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Study of rainfall-runoff processes in hydrological models is associated with uncertainty, due to the influence of various parameters. Accurate of these models to predict the basin hydrological response can be improved whit localizing the optimal values of parameters. For this purpose in this study, SWAT semi distributive model and GLUE program in SWAT CUP software package was used for optimization the sensitive parameters. In Ghazaghli watershed with 7072 km2 area in both daily and monthly time studies were performed. After the initial run the model, basin was divided into 37 sub-basins and 278 hydrologic response units (HRU). In sensitivity analysis of initial parameters, 17 parameters of 27 parameters were more sensitive, in daily and monthly period curve number(CN) was determined the most sensitive parameter. After Sensitivity analysis and identification the critical parameters of the model, flow in daily and monthly periods with the 0.69, 0.86 correlation coefficient (R2) and Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient (ENS), 0.68 and 0.84, was calibrated respectively. The values of these coefficients for verification processes were obtained 0.87, 0.86 and 0.65 and 0.83 in during the day and month, respectively. The value of P_factor obtained between 0.34-0.9 and R_factor obtained between 0.51-1.14 indicates after the simulation that shown the low uncertainty and high accuracy of the model in simulation the most of the observed data were within 95% prediction uncertainty band; therefore, this model can be a useful tool to use for management of water resources and watershed characterization and optimal management of water resources systems.

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Estimation of the maximum instantaniuse discharge with use of the model uses in watershed management designing of water constractions, purpose of accomplishment this research is estimate peak flood discharge whereas Chaloos basin set in vicinity Chaloos city and also with attention to damages due to flood with regard to soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) and curve number (CN) by hydrological WMS model used to in Chaloos watershed in mazandaran province. displayed results soil antecedent moisture condition (AMC) and curve number(CN) is important factors and affect on the peak discharge the flood. In this research in antecedent moisture condition(AMC) were is equal approximate observated discharge and estimated discharge, method accuracy said is good in estimation the peak flood discharge and time to peak and in estimation the flood volume with attention to hydrograph figure is have heavy error. Also displayed results in ground management the flood with attention to negative changes is creation that in ecosystem condition with to consider codifyed default in this celeboration that if plant cover increase to value 20 percent peak flood discharge decrease to value almost 10 percent, therefore plant cover to alone have restrictive role in control destroyer floods with high return period, that must perform methods compositive management (structive- biological).

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