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The main aim of this paper is to determine the capable areas for cultivating pistachio through considering of Geo statistical Analysis the major effective factors. The necessary climatic daily data of weather stations For the 300 synoptic stations, the station was set up by 2016. The topographic data include relief, slope, aspect, and TIN layers extracts from 1: 250000 topographic maps of the region. The maps of land use and vegetation land cover were prepared from the 1: 250000 maps of national soil and water Research Institute. The spatial analysis facilities of GIS were utilized for numerical calculation and the spatial geodatabase of the region was established. Then spatial and description data was entered into the data bank. Finally by overlaying analysis in ArcGIS, cultivated area was classified according to its capabilities. The results showed that 707273/88 KM2 Of the area (43%), Not suitable for spreading pistachio cultivation (Including altitudes and urban use and steep slopes, seaside and riverside streams, shoals, saline and swampy lands) and 585130/39 KM2 (35/57%) From the country of Iran Area Including plain areas and agricultural use) was recognized as suitable for the expansion of pistachio cultivation. These areas are located in the east and south east, center and northeastern Iran.

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Urbanization and urban growth as a global phenomenon have affected all the countries of the world. Ahvaz city has seen its diverse body tissues throughout its lifeless life. Over time, land use in Ahvaz city has undergone a lot of changes due to the presence of factors and forces that has been unfavorable and has affected agricultural land so much. The main objective of this research is to investigate the physical development of Ahvaz city. This research is applied in terms of nature and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. In order to achieve this goal, firstly, the physical expansion in the city of Ahvaz was reviewed in the comprehensive plan approved in 2010, and then 14 indicators were extracted to study the optimal development of Ahvaz city development, which were standardized using Fuzzy Logic (FUZZY) Continued for the optimal model using the ANPDEMATEL combined analysis model. Three levels for the expansion of this city have been identified in combination with OVERLAYFUZZY and GAMA/ 0 in the GIS environment, the output maps were also extracted using the ENVI and ARCGIS software. The results showed that at the level of predictive models of agricultural land with weights of 0. 101 and 0. 118, the most important factor has been changed in the process of physical expansion of the Ahvaz city. Also, using the map of physical expansion in the year 2010 and the outline map of the level of physical expansion in this study showed that the physical expansion of the Ahvaz city is not consistent with the comprehensive plan approved in 2010.

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Air pollution is one of the major problems in large cities, which can be harmful to human health and the environment. Isfahan is one of the most polluted cities in Iran. Its geographic location and low wind speed, industrial activities, transportation, agriculture, and other human activities have created critical air pollution conditions for the city. Nitrogen dioxide is an important pollutant of air pollution, which is monitored using ground stations and satellite measurements. In this paper, daily data of nitrogen dioxide from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) satellite sensor, wind and surface temperature of Isfahan Meteorological Station data were used between October 2004 and May 2016. The average amount of nitrogen dioxide in the measured range is. The highest amount of nitrogen dioxide ( ) was observed in December and the lowest ( ) was observed in July. The standard deviation of the winter season ( ) is higher than the summer season ( ). The correlation coefficient of nitrogen dioxide with wind and temperature was-0. 41 and-0. 54, respectively, which indicates the higher importance of temperature in nitrogen dioxide changes. After the formation of the time series, the average monthly nitrogen dioxide content was determined using spectral analysis of least squares of statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods. These statistically meaningful peaks corresponding periods have been eliminated from the mean monthly nitrogen dioxide time series, and with the linear fit on the residual time series, the trend has been calculated. The nitrogen dioxide trend for Isfahan is per year with 95% confidence.

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The interaction of city and village is a spatial-spatial and geographical phenomenon, and thus recognizing, discovering and discovering the rules governing it in the context of human-environment interactions is a geographic issue that has a special theoretical and practical significance. Also, considering the role of these relations in the process of development and development of urban and rural centers, in addition to the importance of studying the types of these relationships, the recognition of its socio-cultural, socio-cultural and spatial effects on urban and rural development in the context of sustainable development of rural and urban areas It is very important. This study is to investigate the interrelationship between Jiroft city and surrounding villages through descriptive-analytical method. The method of collecting information based on library and field studies is complete including questionnaire, observation and interview. To do this, out of 1288 villages in the city, we selected 47 randomly selected items and 384 questionnaires were filled in among the villagers. The data were analyzed using Kruskal Wallis & Anova tests (T-test ANOVA) and Pearson & Wilcoxon correlation tests and Wendel Kandal test. . The results of the research show that Jiroft as a middle town and a major pole of agriculture in the south of the country, as well as in terms of aggregation of facilities, capital and manpower in the region, is dominant in the region and its superiority in the area has a two-way relationship with its surrounding villages. On the other hand, the villages under the sphere of influence, also by establishing economic and social-cultural processes, trade relations and investment in the manufacturing, market and urban housing sectors, have the dynamics of the economy and the growth of the city of Jiroft as well as the development in their village as "city dependence" Provided relative.

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Although decades have passed since the introduction of a sustainable agricultural approach in the country, But the agricultural system is based on the use of non-native technologies, use of chemical inputs and Excessive exploitation of nature and Therefore, the formation and development of sustainable agriculture has faced major challenges. In this research, the researchers, considering the importance of agricultural sustainability especially in rural areas of the country and its role in maintaining the basic resources, considered the issue of agricultural sustainability In the villages of the central district of kuhdasht county and have studied and analyzed the agricultural sustainability gap in this region. For this purpose, 20 villages were selected by stratified random sampling method based on the location of the villages (plain, mountainous, and foothills), indicators of agricultural sustainability were developed and After completing the questionnaires by agricultural users, coding and data entry were performed in Excel and SPSS. Then, using the TOPSIS multivariate decision analysis, the studied villages were classified based on agricultural sustainability and They were classified into four clusters (Stable, semi-stable, unstable and very unstable) using cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that the agricultural sustainability level in the villages of this region is unbalanced in ecological, social and economic dimensions. This imbalance was seen both in the rural districts and at the level of studied villages.

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today, the importance of the square that have once been a place of interaction for city dwellers, has diminished. the purpose of this study was to identify the effective parameters on improving the quality of space and preserving the historical identity of the square and organizing the square by providing scientific and practiced solutions to enhance the quality of space and preserve its historical identity. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and the statistical population in the present study are people in square. random sampling from people of different ages and insights, after starting with the least number, continued until we reached the theoretical saturation of research. the data collection tools are field and library. the analysis was in the form of an open and closed-ended questionnaire that the validity of the questionnaire was assessed as face validity (experts opinion). and whit using the swot technique and spss software were analyzed. among the various items to memorize the square, the name of Gharamalek square with 59. 3 % is reminiscent of the historical and valuable space and with naming this space a living historical place is embodied in people's minds. the sum of factors and applications such as the comprehensive mosque, the historical bath, the silk road and etc have been instrumental in establishing the identity of the square. the silk road that used to cross this area in the past and is not known today, ad a negative effect on people's mental image. Conclusion whit designing and improving the quality of space can transform the square to enhance the level of social relations that different groups of people can attend into a collective space. and strengthening and spatial bonding and visual of square elements can be effective in creating an attractive centrality for the whole neighborhood.

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An infill development of the process of urban developing and reusing empty or unused parts or sections of existing urban areas that have already been developed. the infill development, which may be considered as the simplest interpretation of endogenous development, tends to extend development on these lands, with emphasizing the abandoned and empty intra-city lands. Current research with an analytical approach in the infill development with the emphasis on the 8th district of Tabriz Municipality and utilizing statistical-spatial methods has been get involved to this issue. This kind of research is known as descriptive-analytical. the methodology of this research is based on quantitative-spatial approaches. the research method used in this study is a combination of documentary-library methods. in the analytical section, considering the indicators and requirements of infill development in the form of 16 target indicators, the case study and feasibility of infill development in Tabriz 8th district have been discussed. in the current study, to investigate and analyze the strategic role of infill development in regeneration of the urban texture worn of the historical-cultural axis of the metropolitan city of Tabriz, utilizing the geographical information system (GIS) software and Overlapping Functional Analysis, type of weighted overlay and FAHP is done. The results of present study are presented in the form of three priority development plans as well as unauthorized developmental areas.

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In some areas, it is surprisingly possible to see a dense cover of rangeland species that has sustained soils and controlled the sedimentation rate of marl lands. It seems that some of the physical and chemical properties of marl are the main reasons for such a cover in the areas covered by Marlene formations. This research was carried out with the aim of thorough and systematic examination of plant species and determining the need for habitat and their protective role in the eastern, southern and western regions of Ilam. For this purpose, 48 specimens of Marne deposit were harvested from three areas and 33 physical and chemical tests were carried out. Botanical investigations were carried out using recurrent field observations and plots at 180 points, and plant specimens were identified after transfer to the plant museum According to the results of experiments on marl samples in these three regions, according to the stratigraphy of marl formations Gurpi, Pabdeh, Gachsaran and Aghajari, the sediments of these three areas were evaluated for the salinity (EC), bulk density (BD), sodium (Na +) and Soil saturation percentage (SP) and some physical parameters such as sand, sand and silt particles have significant differences. This difference can be one of the factors affecting the diversity and diversity of vegetation grown in three areas. The most important point is that in both eastern and western regions of Ilam, the species of Quercus brantii is abundant and dominant, and it can undoubtedly be considered as the most adapted plant species in the areas covered by Marlene formations of Gurpi and Pabdeh in these zones. . The second dominant species is No mu, Ha sa and Zi nu, which is compatible with the southern marl zone of the city of Ilam.

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As a novel idea for discussion on the role of industrial development on regional development, the term “ cluster” became noteworthy since 90’ s in order to increase competitiveness. Territorial development researchers believe that formation of regional industrial clusters improves competitiveness and plays a role in promoting competitive advantages and regional development. Hence, because of the possibility of realization of competitive advantage, Tourism clusters became a focal point for research and policy making. Against this background, the purpose of this research is to analyze and review the role of industrial clusters on development of regional competitiveness and assumes that the higher number of relations in an industrial cluster leads to higher level of regional competitiveness. The research applies descriptive-analytical research method and utilizes questionnaire to collect data. The data was studied by SPSS and Lisrel software packs after approval of validity and reliability of data. Findings corroborate the relation between higher number of relations in industrial clusters with higher level of regional competitiveness and also identifies the contributing factors to development and stimulation of regional development which are ranked by the order of their effect as follows: 1. Social relations, 2. Geographic and location relations, 3. Economic relations, and 4. Institutional relations.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial pattern of urban green space distribution applying the Network Analysis Process Model (ANP) and VIKOR (Case Study: District 5 of Tehran). After the Islamic Revolution, due to various reasons such as overflow of population to Tehran from the central and southern regions and the flood of refugees to Tehran, it has faced with the increase in population and development, which makes it important to study the distribution of green space in different parts of the city. Two types of questionnaires were used. The first questionnaire was completed by available sampling method from the participants in the parks of the area. The results were then analyzed using the VIKOR model. The second questionnaire was distributed among the relevant experts and analyzed using the ANP method. Considering the fact that the factors such as appropriate equipment, size and suitability for children had the highest weight, it is suggested that places for green space in the studied area should be determined in order to increase the number of green spaces. It is because, location was mentioned as an important factor. This can be achieved through the construction of parks in places close to residential areas away from military and arterial locations. Areas 5 and 2 suffered from the lack of green space and residents' dissatisfaction with the green space, thus being recommended; these are the first areas to increase green space and improve it by the municipality of the region.

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Cinemas and local movie theaters belong to the people of the city, which are designed to have a meaningful presence of citizens in the environment, as well as to strengthen intellectual and social relations. Cinemas and cinema campuses include a valuable collection in terms of culture, old and new art, a place belonging to the people of the city, which is necessary and inevitable in order to spend leisure time of citizens and also to strengthen intellectual and social relations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of cinema and film screening venues on improving the art cinema market and cultural promotion of urban spaces. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study includes the citizens of District 6 of Tehran. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The library-field method was used to collect data. In order to analyze the research data, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. The results showed that cinema and movie theaters have a positive and significant effect on the art cinema market and cultural promotion of urban space, so that the variable amount of cinema and movie theaters on the art cinema market more than cultural promotion It was an urban space. Other results of this study also showed that the improvement of the art cinema market has a mediating role in the relationship between cinema and film screening places with the cultural promotion of urban space.

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vulnerability is considered as an inherent talent of underground water system that depending on the sensitivity of the system to anthropogenic effects. Natural vulnerability is based on the geomorphologic features of surface karst, type and level of aquifer recharge and hydrodynamic aquifer karstic aquifer in Fars province is the most important source of water supply for the supplement of drinking water of communities in the province, which are prone to pollution due to the natural conditions of the region and human activities. karstic aquifer of Shispir and Borghan plays a vital role in supplying drinking and agricultural water around them. The aim of this study is to estimate the natural vulnerability karstic aquifer of Shispir and Borghan using the proposed model of Cast action 620, and prioritize the level of aquifer in the field of conservation measures and provide management solutions in order to better protect them in this model. To prepare a natural vulnerability map are used geological maps, soil, vegetation, digital elevation model (10 meter) and precipitation statistics of meteorological stations and vulnerability map is evaluated as three factors of C, O, p. In the end, the region in terms of damage in five levels was classified in very high, high, low, low and very. The results of the COP model show the natural vulnerability of the region is high. In addition, the amount of vulnerability in the two upper and upper floors of this region is about 47 % where is the highest coverage area of that region of Shisper aquifer. The results of this study show the efficiency of the proposed methods by Cast Action 620 to detect and protection of groundwater resources from vulnerabilities and natural pollution.

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Many contemporary urban environments are not self-sufficient with the physical and mental characteristics of the residents. Proper and purposeful design of urban environments can reduce the risks to health. The rivers of urban valleys and their open spaces are our natural and national wealth and heritage. Their value in urban plans remains unknown. In this study, in order to organize spatial space along urban rivers with a health promotion approach to achieve suitable environmental conditions for the survival of Darkeh River in Tehran (between the Modiriat bridge and Hemmat highway) and improving the quality of the surrounding environment. The research method was descriptive-analytical with survey technique. Using SPSS and LISREL8. 80 software, the descriptive data of the questionnaire were analyzed. Internal and external environmental factors have been identified through field interviews from residents of three neighborhoods of IranZamin, DehVanak and the scope of the project using SWOT method. Using the Pearson continuity test and the SEM continuity diagram, it was found that there are four direct components of river flow organization (safety, continuity, vitality, flexibility) and improving the health of citizens in these three neighborhoods. At the end of the conceptual model, based on the effect of independent variables of organizing river-valleys on the dependent variables of citizenschr('39') health, it was presented and drawn and the fit of the conceptual model was confirmed using standard values of T test. In the end, based on the current situation and analyzes, 11 strategies and 39 design strategies have been presented.

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cultural axes as Part of public spaces in cities Play an important role in meeting human needs Many urban theorists Cultural Aspects As One of the main components of a city system is known Because along with its functional role Increase community in urban spaces so In order to further these spaces And to meet the needs of the people We must pay attention to the quality of perception of the environment And examined them in this research Such an approach is in re-creation By identifying and evaluating the dimensions and principles of recreation Promoting the quality of environmental perception in the Enghelab axis The aim of this study Recreation of the cultural axis of Enghelab Street Emphasizing the quality of environmental perception current study A field research with a descriptive-analytic approach And looking for the answer to this question, What are the socio-cultural components of social regeneration in relation to the components of the quality of environmental perception? To formulate a theoretical framework First, using the documentary method The theoretical basis of the subject is detailed And then Analyzing existing approaches Emphasizing the quality of the environment Trying to rationalize the arguments As a result, a conceptual framework has been developed for this purpose In addition to the qualitative analysis of urban spaces In that quantitative analysis of the indicators has been done using a questionnaire To measure collected data Regression statistical test To measure the factors affecting regeneration And the quality of the environment, Pearson Correlation Test To measure the relationship between the components of perceptual quality and regeneration And Friedman test in order to prioritize each indicator And the average rating of the indicators Citizens' perspective is used The results Suggests that Among the indicators, Respectively, Environmental component, first priority and then content component Promote the quality of the environment

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Quality of life is one of the important issues that was first brought to the attention of scholars by the extensive development of technology and industrialization process in the Western countries, and it is increasingly being studied in this field, and this is important due to the increasing increase in quality of life studies in public policy monitoring. Quality of life can be used as a powerful tool for monitoring community development planning. The existence of spatial and spatial inequalities in the city has caused many problems, including the weakness of resources, inappropriate housing, the problems and damage caused by social inequalities, and undermined the quality of life. In this research, that of terms methodological, descriptive-analytic and in terms of purpose, it is functional used the statistics blocks of Urmia, in the census of 1395, and remote sensing data in combination with GIS have been to understand the quality of life in the 5 regions of Urmia. The criteria defined in this research are in 4 sections: social (including 9 sub-criteria), access to public services (5 sub-criteria), physical (4 sub-criteria), natural (4 sub-criteria), which are based on decision analysis Multi-criteria and integration of layers in the GIS environment. Weights obtained for social dimensions, access to public, natural and physical services derived from network analysis model are respectively 0. 506, 0. 323, 0. 116 and 0. 055. The results show that as far as the southwest is moving along the northeastern part of the city, blocks that have a better quality of life are rising. In the urban regions of the region 2, quality of life is more favorable than other urban regions. The results of such studies can help urban planners to better understand and prioritize urban issues as a dynamic environment.

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Identifying barriers and adaptation requirements is crucial for the successful implementation of climate change adaptation practices at the local level, especially in mountainous rural communities with limited local resources and technology. Due to the importance of this issue, in the present study, the barriers and requirements for adaptation to climate change in mountainous villages were investigated. The present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire, free interview and observation of the researcher from the study area. The statistical population of rural households is Papi section of Khorramabad city (N = 2346). Using Cochranchr('39')s formula and sampling method, 330 households were selected as a sample. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics and exponential exploratory co-integration rank test (Johansen method) were used. The results showed that farmers in the mountainous villages of the study area face several adaptation barriers that are more serious institutional, normative, technological and information and cognitive barriers. Given that adaptation conditions are an important factor in reducing or eliminating adaptation barriers and improving farmerschr('39') adaptation capacity to climate change, local economic development, local infrastructure, production technology, and the granting of micro-credentials are the most prominent adaptation requirements in these were the grounds. In addition, due to the effective role of government, cooperatives and villagers themselves in rural development, a rational adaptation framework for selecting optimal adaptation strategies in cooperation with these three, as appropriate regional adaptation measures and policies for research proposals was presented.

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According to a new urban paradigm using new innovative systems like crating ubiquitous city with smart convergent systems is a way to solve urban problems. The ubiquitous city is a future city in which physical spaces and electronic spaces are convergent. In terms of structural view ubiquitous city consists of space, ICT, and human. This research method is applied and descriptive analytic one. By reviewing the literature on 15 aspects and 77 indices are gathered and selected. Required data for research gathered through field study. Research result indicates that the distribution of indicators of Ubiquitous city in Tehran metropolitan is very inappropriate. The most significant shortage (More than 50 %) in Tehran metropolitan are in U-Health and care U-Governance, U-culture, and sports, U-education, U-housing, U-transportation, infrastructure, citizens, trade and finance aspects. In turn, U-facilities, U-environment, U-energy network, and U-water network are the only aspects that the distribution of indicators (More than 50 %) are appropriate. In general, dimensional classification showed that 13. 33 percent of the dimensions were in an excellent condition, 13. 33 percent in good condition, 20 percent in moderate condition, 40 percent in poor condition and 13. 33 percent in deplorable condition. The existence of indicators also showed that 33. 76 percent of the index is not available at all85% of the indicators are incomplete, and only 23. 37% of the indicators are fully exhaustive — finally, the priority of indicators propose to the development of U-city in Tehran metropolis. the results of this research applicable for furthor transformation of Tehran to ubiquitous city.

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The most important part to be considered is the determination of the carrying capacity of the protected areas, since these areas are able to accommodate a large number of tourists, so if these areas are not planned more accurately, the number of tourists will exceed the cc limit of the area. Resulting in instability and degradation of these areas, and therefore knowledge of the status of the area's cc will greatly help to control the damage. The aim of this study was determine potential, and social-cultural cc with the purpose of the establishment in ecotourism development. Therefore, in order to the determination of the potential of this area, calculation of the social-cultural cc after the identification of the social-cultural pressures using model PSR the social-cultural pressures regarding the calculation of the correction by applying the percentage corrections of the pressures and the relative importance using the techniques ANP and of each of them after the grading layer using the techniques WLC and builder model at Arc GIS10. 5 combined. Social-cultural cc in the direction of the development of ecotourism determined. The results 50% of the content that the level region has high cc, 33% of the surface area has an cc and 17 percent of the level region has low cc. Findings of the research show that there is a low range of cc in the central part of the region; finally, based on the findings, suggestions have been made to increase the regional distribution cc.

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Today, urban livability is the key concept in urban planning. At present, the concept of sustainable development and livability is one of the new concepts in developed countries. The city of Bojnourd has witnessed unequal urban spaces due to the increasing population growth, especially in the last three decades, so the necessity and importance of the issue of livability is quite evident in the city today. This study was developed with the aim of evaluating and measuring urban viability and the factors affecting it. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Bojnourd, the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, one-sample t-test and linear regression were used in SPSS software. The results of this study showed that the situation of urban livability in Bojnourd, according to the general average obtained, which was equal to 2. 75, is in a situation below the average. Also, in terms of the studied dimensions, the social dimension with an average of 2. 84 has the highest average and the environmental dimension with an average of 2. 67 has the lowest average. Also, the results of this study show that the situation in Region 2 is better than in Region 1 of Bojnourd. Other findings of this study include the positive effect of citizenschr('39') sense of security and health on urban livability.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of dust on the economy of Ahvaz. The present study has used descriptive and analytical research methods. In addition, this research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. The statistical population of the study includes specialists, managers, experts and professors in the field of environment and dust in the city of Ahvaz is 65 people. The sample size was selected based on the total census of 65 people. A questionnaire designed in urban economics in the city of Ahvaz, which has four main variables. Based on this, the questionnaire has 32 questions that will be researcher-made and each of the four main variables has eight questions. Experts and professors formalized the validity of the questionnaire and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbachchr('39')s alpha of 0. 81. Data analysis was performed based on structural equation analysis in Smart PLS software. In general, dust has affected the economy of Ahvaz city and this has been in such a way that dust on urban housing with an impact factor of 0. 63 and a value of 11. 4 T, Dust mites on urban transport with an impact factor of 0. 60 and a value of 9. 94 T, dust mites on urban facilities and facilities with an impact factor of 0. 54 and a value of 6. 70 T and dust mites on urban finance with an impact factor of 0. 68 and a value of T 16 / 12 has had an impact

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ABEDINI MUSA | Ghale Ehsan | Aghazadeh Nazfar | Mohamadzadeh Sheshegaran Maryam

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Studies have shown that the role of thermal temperature measurement in studying and estimating surface temperature is very important. Earth surface temperature is an important indicator in the study of equilibrium energy models on the ground at the regional and global scale. Due to the limitation of meteorological stations, remote sensing can be a good alternative to earth surface temperature estimation. The main objective of this study is to monitor the surface temperature of the Earth using satellite imagery and a relationship that can have a surface temperature with land use. For this purpose, the relevant images were first obtained and the necessary pre-processes were applied to each one. Then it was compared to modeling and classification of images. Firstly, in order to study land use change, land use classification map was extracted for each two years using a controlled classification method. Then, to study the land use change, the land use change map was extracted for a period of 28 years (1987-2015). Became finally, in order to monitor the surface temperature, the surface temperature map of Meshginshahr was extracted. The results showed that there is a strong relationship between land use and surface temperature. High-vegetation areas and low-temperature blue areas. Also, rainfed farming has the highest average temperature relative to adjacent areas, which indicates the dryness of agricultural products in the Meshginshahr city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Previous research has acknowledged the importance of human resources in service companies by influencing the end customer and has shown that if internal marketing succeeds, external marketing will also develop, but describing this development is beyond the reach of purely quantitative or qualitative studies. . In this regard, simulation can come with the help of the humanities and identify the factors influencing the development of internal marketing. In this study, using the systems dynamics approach, factors affecting the success of internal marketing were investigated. The statistical population is all marketing experts at Fiberglass. Primary data were obtained through interviews with them and secondary data from company documentation. Dynamic drawing and modeling and final loop identification through VENSIM PLE software Four key loops were identified for the dynamic internal marketing model that included customer orientation, knowledge, satisfaction and motivation. And the results showed that if the identified four loops were supported and developed, internal marketing would have a high growth. Among these factors, customer orientation became more important to be achieved by developing a culture of customer orientation in organizations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In recent decades, the issue of resilience has become a specialized and public issue in society. Concepts of resilience in urban communities, which is in fact an action against development at the national level and purely physical development on an urban scale, and an attempt to achieve qualitative standards in the field of urban planning. In the meantime, the issue of resilience in urban communities means that society is able to withstand severe natural disasters without major damage, injury, production stoppage and reduced quality of life, and also at the superficial level, the goal of resilience as an ideal. The world is at the individual, organizational and community level. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of urban governance on urban resilience. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of citizens living in Tehran and experts in the field of research. The sample size was estimated for the statistical group of citizens using Cochran's formula 384 people and for specialists 60 people. In order to analyze the information and achieve the research objectives, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. Findings of this study showed that urban governance has a direct effect on urban resilience so that 0. 42% of the variance of urban resilience variable can be explained by urban governance.

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In this Research, the maximum temperature of selected stations in Khuzestan province and the numerical values of 8 extreme climatic indicators belonging to the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection, Monitoring and Indices (ETCCDMI) were used in the statistical period of 1987-2017. To analyze the trend of extreme climatic indices, the Man-Kendall test was used and to estimate the slope of the trend line, the Sen’ s estimator was used. In this study, given the importance of global warming that severely affected all aspects of life, the authors explore the relationship between climatic factors and maximum temperature in Khuzestan province until to rely on it, and ones can predict and forecast air temperature at this region. For this purpose, the temperature of selected stations in Khuzestan province and numerical values of 8 climate indicators in the period 1987-2014 have been used. To understand the relationship between climate indicators and maximum temperature at 1 to 12 months of delays, Pearson’ s correlation coefficient was used. The results showed that most of the extreme climatic indicators in the study period had a significant trend. The TX10 and TN10 indices have had negative trend in most stations and the TX90, TN90, TXx, TXn, TNx and TNn indices have had positive trend. According to the results of correlation coefficients can be concluded that all studied signals have a significant effect on the province's maximum temperature. The correlation between maximum temperature and indices PNA, TSA, WHWP, WP and NAO, was more than the other climate indicators. Results also showed that the entire indices except NAO have significant positive correlation with maximum temperature of the province. PNA index with a delay of 10 months has the highest positive correlation with maximum temperature of study area.

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