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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Tehran metropolis for many reasons including location type, inadequate physical development, lack of observance of balanced development and alignment of land, failure to observe the precautionary principle in environmental issues as a preventive principal, and. . . always subject to the risks of natural hazards The population density is the main cause of existential and environmental problems in Tehran. Including threats that threaten Tehran, impending earthquakes and environmental problems. of course, with the possible earthquake in Tehran, and despite the population density in the capital, which is 19 times the national average, the damage rate and casualties resulting from it can lead to a human disaster. Therefore, the application of legal principles can be an effective solution for the most The above-described problems. By implementing the existing laws on the topic of de localisation of Tehran, including: (balanced development and land testing in the framework of the principle of equality, the implementation of e-government in the framework of the principle of compliance, the reduction of government in the light of paragraph 10 of the third principle of the Constitution, the realization of welfare state means Real in the framework of the principle of legitimate expectation, serious efforts to reduce the damage caused by possible earthquakes and environmental problems in Tehran in the light of the application of the precautionary principle, etc. ) can greatly overcome the major problems of this city. In the present study, we intend to provide a legal perspective to provide solutions to reduce the potential damage caused by these natural hazards. The research method is descriptive-analytical and applied.

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Background and Objective: In the recent decade, the issue of soil contamination with heavy metals such as nickel and lead is one of the most important environmental problems. According to data from the environmental protection agency, nickel is hazardous at large amounts and a dangerous pollutant and lead is the most important pollutant in the environment. This study was conducted to investigate the soil pollution status of Gachsaran refinery using environmental indicators of pollution coefficient, pollution degree index and modified pollution degree index and to investigate the potential of alfalfa refining plant which is native to Gachsaran region. Material and Methodology: From the soil of Gachsaran refinery in 2017 as the center of pollution, were selected four ranges of 0-500 meters, 1000-500 meters, 1500-1000 meters and 2000-1500 meters. In each range, 5 soil samples were taken from a depth of 0 to 30 cm. The ICP-OES device was used to determine heavy metals. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Findings: The analysis of the environmental indicators of the studied area showed a significant degree of contamination for nickel and a high contamination rate for lead. Comparison of mean concentrations of nickel and lead in cultivated soil samples with alfalfa cultivars showed significant difference with mean nickel and lead concentrations in the studied area. Discussion and Conclusions: In general, Alfalfa as a native plant of the region in inappropriate pollution conditions can absorb and extraction nickel and lead from the soil. The final results of this study indicate that ability of alfalfa plant for phytoremediation of nickel in the soil contaminated with petroleum products is higher than that of lead in the Gachsaran refinery.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objectives: Concern about climate change and its effects on various aspects of human life in general and agricultural production in particular is growing. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to assess and predict of climate change induced temperature and precipitation of Kermanshah township. Method: The calibration and validation of the HadCM3 model was performed 1961-2001 of daily temperature and precipitation. The data on temperature and precipitation from 1961 to 1990 were used for calibration whereas data from 1991 to 2001 were used for model validation. SDSM version 4. 2 as a downscaling model used to downscale general circulation models to station scales. Findings: The least difference between observed data and simulation data during calibration and validation showed that the parameter was precisely modeled for most of the year. This study under A2 scenario, three time periods (2020, 2050, 2080) were simulated. Discussion and Conclusion: According to our simulated model, precipitation showed a decreasing trend whereas temperature showed an increasing trend. The result of this study can also be used as an optimal model for land allocation in agriculture.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Groundwater is one of the most important water resources for irrigation usage in arid and semi-arid regions like Iran. So, in order to determine groundwater potential zones, it is important to specify its quality variations over a plain. The aim of this study was to zoning the groundwater quality of Mokhtaran plain, Iran, for irrigation using network analysis (ANP) method. Material and Methodology: Regarding this purpose, this research was conducted to zone Mokhtaran Plain’ s groundwater located at latitude between 32˚ 13’-32˚ 46’ N and longitude between 58˚ 40’-59˚ 45’ E in South-Khorasan, Iran, in 2015. Sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), total hardness (TH), sodium solubility percentage (SSP), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), permeability index (PI), magnesium adsorption ratio (MAR) and kellyes ratio (KR) were used to create water quality layers in GIS. Analytical network process (ANP) was utilized to implement these layers. Findings: The results showed that quality of groundwater was better at the east region compared to the west. According to the results, appropriated region for irrigation covered about 40. 72% of the plain (consist of sub-categories: 3. 28, 17. 09 and 20. 35% in the class of very appropriate, appropriate and semi-appropriate, respectively) and non-appropriate one covered 50. 28% (consist of sub-categories: 49. 11, 7. 35 and 2. 82% in the class of semi non-appropriate, non-appropriate and very non-appropriate, respectively). Discussion and Conclusion: Regarding the results, it is necessary to extract groundwater at north and east part of the plain. Indeed, rainfed agriculture must be considered in other parts of the plain.

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Background and Objective: Radionuclides are naturally occurring in water, soil, plants and air, and today, industrial and urban pollutants are also effective in increasing its level. As part of this research, the impact of Arak wastewater treatment plant production on environmental radiation in the Meyghan wetland entrance area was examined. Material and Methodology: In this study, 10 sediment samples, 10 water samples and 10 reed samples from the water input zone from the Arak wastewater treatment plant to Meyghan wetlands were collected. The specific activities of radionuclides were determined using gamma ray spectrometry method employing high purity germanium detector (HPGe) and maps of the distribution of radionuclides in this area were prepared for sediment and water samples. Findings: The average values of specific activity of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 137Cs in sediment samples were 22. 86, 27. 26, 409. 04 and 6. 34, and in water samples 2. 67, 3. 04, 23. 7 and 0. 37 as well as in reed samples 8. 8, 9. 59, 45. 66 and 2. 26 in Bqkg-1, respectively. The amount of radium equivalent activity in sediment samples ranges from 84. 14 to 104. 55, with an average of 93. 34 in Bqkg-1. Discussion and Conclusion: The average Raeq value in the sediment samples obtained as 93. 34Bqkg-1, which is less than the global average (139. 7Bqkg-1). It seems that the pollutants are removed from the water taken in calm ponds and the treatment section by active sludge, and the water entering the wetlands contains a small amount of radioactive contaminants.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Today, dust risk management is critical global challenge, especially in the Middle East. The aim of this study is to analysis temporal and spatial changes of dust occurrence in Lorestan province. This analysis used for risk control and adaptation to achieve sustainable development areas. Material and Methodology: Changes in dusts were analyzed during a 17-year period (2000-2016) for 8 synoptic stations. Best model, with lowest MAE and RMSE, was selected for analyzing spatial variations. The CoKriging model interpolation was used to provide dust risk map. Then, this map converted in to a pixel grid in ArcGIS software. Findings: The results of annual dust survey show that Khorramabad station had the highest number of days with the average frequency of 16 days in year. The highest frequency of dust storms was in June and July whiles the lowest was in November and December. The results of risk zonation mapping that about 21 And 71 percent of the region has a high risk of the dust storm in term of below 10 and one kilometer of horizontal visibility, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Due to the high risk of dust, it is possible to provide prevention and control programs and also compatibility of the regional development goals with Iran land use planning and conservation and restoration of soil and water resources in order to achieve the preventing desertification and climate change. This research with a promising and pragmatic approach has provided a remarkable description to policy makers, managers, and other natural disaster stakeholders in the of Lorestan province development.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objectives: Escherichia coli is the most common fecal coliform in the cow manure that is considered as an indicator of groundwater contamination. In this regard, the present study was designed to investigate the preferential transmission and retention of Escherichia coli bacteria as an indicator of pollution in terms of using saline water. Material & Methodology: Laboratory studies were conducted in preferential flow system with synthetic m acro-pores with different diameter and salinity treatments under saturation flow in 2016. E. coli and chloride bio-tracer were used for detecting the effect of different water salinity levels. The wastewater samples were collected continuously during the transmission experiment at specific intervals. At the end of the experiment, three depths of soil from each column were sampled in two macro-porous and matrix areas. Then, the concentrations of bacteria and chloride were analyzed. Findings: The highest and the lowest concentration of E. coli in the collected drainage were observed in salinity of 1dS m-1 and 4dS m-1, respectively. At a depth of 5 cm, the bacterial retention rate was maximal and equal to 1. 3 × 105 CFU-1. Discussion and Conclusion: The results showed that most of the treated bacteria were retained in the surface layers of the soil. Also, the amount of contaminants passing through the soil decreased with soil depth, so that the retention rate was decreased 10% per 5 cm increase in depth. In addition, the high concentration of bacteria exhausting from the soil columns treated with high salinity is due to the role of minerals such as salt in the transmission of bacteria. Therefore, water salinity can play an important role in reducing the pollution of groundwater resources.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Organophosphates are the basis of many pesticides and chemical warfare agents. Organophosphorus pesticides (OPPs) are a class of chemicals that generally act as cholinesterase inhibitors and have been widely used in agriculture due to their high efficiency as insecticides. The main purpose of this study is to present a new method for extracting diazinon toxin from ambient water. Material and Methodology: In this research NiZnS nonmaterial supported on the activated carbon synthesized and characterized with various method including XRD, FT-IR and TEM. Then these nanomaterials with 45 nm average particle size was applied for extraction of diazinon pesticide based on dispersive nano solid material-ultrasound assisted microextraction (DNSUAME) from environmental water samples prior to HPLC-UV. The optimum effective variables on the extraction yields were investigated by central composite design. Findings: The optimized DNSUAME combined with HPLC-UV allowed quantification of trace levels of diazinon in the water samples. The advantages of the proposed method based on the new nanomaterial include simple, and inexpensive synthesis method; rapid and convenient extraction operation, feasibility for large-volume samples, high sensitivity, and precision and accuracy in preconcentration and determination of diazinon. Discussion and Conclusion: At optimum conditions values of variables set as 15. 5 mg of NiZnS-AC, 5. 5 min vortex and 5. 5 min sonication time. At optimum conditions method has linear response over 0. 001-10 μ gmL-1 with detection limit 0. 0005 μ gmL-1 with relative standard deviations (RSDs) less than 6 % (n=6).

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Climate change causes changes in rainfall patterns, temperatures and their amount, and these changes can affect plant performance. In this study, the efficiency of DSSAT model in simulating tuber yield and water use efficiency of potato plant under future climate change in different irrigation treatments and cultivar as an adaptation strategy was investigated. Material and Methodology: For this purpose, the precipitation data, minimum and maximum temperatures were produced using the LARS-WG5 statistical exponential micro-scale model (Long Ashton Research Station-Weather Generator) under the HadCM3 general circulation model. The A1B scenario was applied to future periods of 2011-2040, 2041-2070, 2071-2100 and the basic period 1988-2016. DSSAT model and SUBSTOR-Potato model were used to simulate potato growth and yield. Prior to use, field data collected from Ardebil, Iran that were calibrated and validated. Then the values of tuber yield and water use efficiency were simulated in future periods. Three irrigation treatments were used such as full irrigation (FI), 15% less than control (LI1) and 30% less than control treatment (LI2), with five potato cultivars Agria (the conventional cultivation of the area), Caeser, Savalan, clones 397081-1, and 397082-10 with 3 replications. Finding: According to the results, under the A1B scenario at the irrigation levels of FI and LI1, simulated values of tuber yield and water use efficiency showed the highest values for 2040 and 2070 compared to the basal period. It was also simulated by selecting Savalan cultivars, 397081-1, and 397082-10 the highest increase for tuber yield and water use efficiency values for 2040 and 2070 periods. Discussion and Conclusion: In following, The Less reduction in percentage of yield allowed the low irrigation (LI1) to replace the full irrigation (FI) treatment in future periods compared to the baseline period. Because of the importance of conserving and saving water resources in future climate change periods, irrigation of 15% less than full irrigation is recommended for irrigation of potato fields. The results of the simulation of water use efficiency can also emphasize the use of irrigation treatment 15% less than the control.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Due to increasing constructions on clay and marl hells in part of Tabriz and because of the unfavorable quality and characteristics of the soil and its liquefaction during earthquake, the area is also exposed to the risk of landside. This paper attempts to demonstrate the risk of landslide in Tabriz using visual and statistical evidence. Material and Methodogy: landside susceptibility assessment was performed by means of Evidential Belief Function Model. Then The environmental impacts assessment of landslide were performed using promethean II model in three environmental, economic, and social phases, and at end, the landslide strategy plan was developed to help decision makers, the statistics used in this research are related to year 2016. Findings: 82/9% of Tabriz areas are at risk of landslides. High construction densities were identified with residential areas below 75 m2. Access to the city’ s road network is less than 30%. 142 hectares in health centers, 853hec in facilities and equipment, 430hecin urban green space deficiency was identified. More than 70% of vital centers require strengthening. Discussion and conclusion: required zones in medical department, security, urban green space, vital centers require strengthening, facilities and equipment presented. The average landslide velocity from 1956 to 2020 is 41/65 meter. High slope and location difference, the texture of the earth and its non-dense layers, northern slope snow catcher, fine texture, the gradual erosion of sediments is effective in creating landslides over time.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Separation of waste from the source is one of the basic strategies in household waste management. To achieve this goal, different policies are adopted by planners and city managers, and the rate of achievement of goals can also vary depending on the type of policy. To investigate the impact of policies on household waste management in the form of facilities, opportunities and incentives, the present study was conducted in August 2015 in District 8 of Tehran Municipality. Material and Methodology: For this research, 400 samples of Tehran citizens were selected by quota-random sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire and face validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used to assess the validity and reliability of the questions. Data analysis was performed using Spss software version 16 and descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings: The results of testing the research hypotheses showed that the variable of facilities and opportunities for waste segregation is correlated with the behavior of waste segregation. But the economic incentive variable has no significant relationship with waste segregation and this hypothesis was rejected. Further investigation revealed that the tools of economic incentives through factors such as promoting the issue of waste segregation using sources such as writers, radio and television news, etc., as well as citizens' awareness of municipal policies and executive programs in the field of waste management (law Waste management, dry waste collection methods, how to communicate with the municipality, etc. ) can be effective on waste segregation. Discussion and Conclusion: The findings suggest the complexity of identifying and determining the factors affecting the behavior of waste segregation and in general the need to consider a set of social factors in predicting environmental behavior. Emphasis on incentive tools and components alone can not affect waste segregation behavior or lead to citizen participation and cooperation. Lack of proper information to citizens regarding municipal programs such as the implementation of the waste segregation plan or lack of awareness about the waste management law are among the factors that have challenged the successful implementation of this plan.

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In this article, an attempt has been made to review the measures in question in the Middle East, citing the international custom in the field of requirements and responsibilities in order to control dust. In this article, the legal requirements and regulations in the field of long-term and transboundary pollution (such as the precautionary principle and similar principles) are studied, along with examples of internationally accepted commitments and memoranda, and considering the problems in the Eastern region. And the requirements of the commitments and memoranda of understanding approved in this region have been analyzed in a descriptive-analytical manner with a comparative approach. In the end, according to the environmental situation of the region, the author makes some suggestions in the field of quantities and shortcomings in the commitments and memorandums of the region. Certainly, formulating the principles of a regional convention to prevent and curb the dust phenomenon, using the successful experience of Southeast Asian countries, is not only functionally important, but also legally helpful for critical situations. Utilizing contractual obligations in drafting regional conventions to deal with the phenomenon of particulate matter will be more efficient and enforceable than conventional obligations. The need to adopt judicial, legal and executive measures at the regional level; Including the implementation of policies prohibiting the change of use of forest, wetland and river lands; And the draft executive plan for multilateral cooperation between the countries of the region to deal with dust is one of the proposed measures. Despite the efforts of international environmental organizations; The results of this study show that without a regional convention to control particulate matter and other environmental crises, it will not be possible to solve the problem.

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Background and Objective: Harmful oil compounds have various dangers on marine organisms and human. Now with this threat of oil pollution in the country's water resources, especially the Caspian Sea, what strengths and weaknesses can there be to counteract this threat? The purpose of this study is to get acquainted with oil pollution and its derivatives and to explain the prioritization of the Caspian Sea environmental protection strategy of threats caused by oil pollution. Material and Methodology: SWOT analysis (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) is an important tool for strategic study, situation analysis and providing appropriate solutions to obtain an answer to this question. Therefore, the main strategy of this study is to use the SWOT model as a tool to assess oil pollution in the Caspian Sea. Findings: According to the results of this study, with strategic prioritization in the total share of Caspian oil pollution, there are two threats (Russia and Azerbaijan) and three opportunities (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran) that the most important weakness and threat in river resources and the most important Capability and opportunity have been identified in urban resources. Discussion and Conclusion: What has been underreported in these studies is the use of cross-border diagnostic analyzes because these analyzes, as official reports approved by international environmental organizations, can be the basis for periodic evaluations and based on them to determine strategic priorities in pollution control management of the Caspian Basin.

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SADEGHI SHAHDANI MEHDI | Mohammadi Samchouli Aliakbar | Rastegari Koupaei Mohammad Javad

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Climate change, such as the increase in hazardous N2O greenhouse gas, is always associated with various economic and developmental consequences. The environmental Kuznets curve indicates that the increase in greenhouse gases emissions until a country's development is directly related to that country's level of production and inversely related after development. The purpose of this study is to investigate the environmental Kuznets curve for N2O greenhouse gas emissions in Iran. Material and Methodology: The method of answering this problem is quantitative and through econometric analysis of time series data in the period 1960 to 2017 and the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) has been used to study and analyze variables. Findings: The results of the dynamic model show us that the area under cultivation has a negative effect and gross domestic product (GDP) and exports have a positive effect on N2O emissions. GDP2 also has a sign opposite to its root, and the inverse quadratic relation is established. As a result, the assumption of the Kuznets curve in Iran isn’ t rejected. Discussion and Conclusion: The maximum point of the chart for Iran in terms of GDP per capita will be around $7, 500. Therefore, if we go beyond this amount, N2O emissions will decrease. At present, the country's GDP per capita is about $6, 900 and we are on the upward trajectory of the Kuznets Curve. As a result, reducing N2O emissions will have a negative impact on Iran's growth. Thus, it isn’ t possible to implement some policies to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions without major consequences in various sectors of the economy.

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Isfahan is one of the most contaminated cities in Iran due to its special geographical conditions, topography and proliferation of pollutants. Industries, traffic, domestic and commercial pollutants are considered the main sources of air pollutants in Isfahan. The methods used to predict and estimate air pollution are methods interpolation. The aim of this study is to investigate the scattering patterns and modeling of particular matter PM2. 5 and PM10 in the city of Isfahan using interpolation IDW and Cokriging methods. Material and Methodology: in this study, the concentration of PM2. 5 and PM10 pollutants in winter and summer of 2018 were measured at 137 points of urban area and in linear path by portable device measurement of air pollution (CEM model). Zoning maps for each pollutant in the cold and hot season were in Arc GIS 10. 6 environment. In order to verify the accuracy of 30% of the data, the RMSE in both methods was compared. Findings: the result of pollutants distribution with important emission sources, such as high traffic areas and close areas were consistent with the zayanderood river route. Cokriging method has better performance than IDW method in values of RMSE, although in the validation process, there was little difference between fitting the IDW and Cokriging methods. Discussion and Conclusion: in the zoning maps, hot spots of pollution (maximum concentration) were observed in central regions of the study area, which is a major contribution to most of the vehicles around the city.

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Background and Objective: Sustainable social development in any society definitely depends on having happy and vibrant citizens, which unfortunately today, due to various social, cultural and political issues on the one hand and the reduction of social interactions of citizens and the lack of suitable context for activities. Public in urban spaces On the other hand, we witness several problems, including the reduction of the phenomenon of social vitality in cities, which is one of the main concerns of urban planners and urban management systems. The city of Hamedan is no exception to this rule and is mainly exposed to social harms due to the lack of suitable spaces and facilities for social interactions. The purpose of this study is to bring humans closer to nature and urban green spaces and increase social vitality through urban park design. Material and Methodology: This research is qualitative in terms of data and applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of nature and method of research and has been collected through library studies and field research. A questionnaire for measuring participants' opinions is also a questionnaire. In May 2018, 383 people living in the city of Hamedan were randomly collected through which the type of attitude and the need for citizens to develop social vitality and public sports through the design of a sports park was assessed. Findings: One of the main findings of this research is in fact emphasizing the direct impact of the existence and design of a sports park and the development and promotion of public sports in Hamadan on increasing urban social vitality. This study show that due to the shortage of available facilities for citizens in this region for public sport activities, design of sport parks, in addition to increasing the urban visual qualities and also various social interactions in urban areas, can help the development and promotion of public sports culture, upgrading public mental and emotional comfort as well as increasing urban social vitality. Discussion and Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to design the desired sports park based on standard principles and criteria and with the aim of promoting the culture of public sports and increasing social vitality in urban spaces, and in this regard, the cooperation of various media and related institutions and finally architects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Rice husk is an agricultural by-product material comprising about 22% of the weight of rice. Even though some of this husk is converted into end products such as feedstock and adsorbent most is burnt openly, causing environmental and health problems especially in poor and developing countries. Therefore, it is very important to find pathways to fully utilize the rice husk. Material and Methodology: In this study, the fabrication and characterization of ZSM-12 zeolite using rice husk ash as an alternative cheap silica source, and synthesis and characterization of magnesium oxide nanoparticles in ZSM-12 matrix by solid state reaction and ion exchange methods is reported. Disk diffusion method and MIC were used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of nanoparticles on gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) strains of bacteria compared to standard commercial antibiotic disks. Findings: Synthesized samples were evaluated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-Ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. XRD results revealed diffraction peaks for each of the two compounds in the MgO/ZSM-12 nanocomposite. Discussion and Conclusion: Transmission electron microscopy image of nanocomposite indicated that nanoparticles size of MgO is ~ 35 nm. Nanocomposite exhibited antibacterial activity with minimal inhibitory concentration of 96 μ g/mL against E. coli and S. aureus.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: In aquatic ecosystems heavy metals are very important due to their toxicity and endurance and having a high bio-accumulation in the environment. The aim of this research, Evaluation of the concentration and distribution pattern of heavy metals (lead, zinc, chromium and cadmium) in surface sediments of the Karun River. Material and Methodology: To determine the concentration and distribution of heavy metals (lead, zinc, chromium and cadmium) in sediments of the Karun River in summer and winter of 2015, six stations were selected and from each station 3 samples of sediments were randomly collected. After transferring samples to the laboratory, drying and digestion of samples, the measurement of heavy metals was performed using a Flame atomic absorption spectrometry. An inverse weight-distance method was used to interpolate the distribution of heavy metals. Findings: According to the results, zinc had the highest concentration and cadmium had the lowest concentration among the studied metals in the surface sediments of the Karun River. The mean concentrations of lead, zinc, chromium and cadmium in summer were 26. 28, 72. 36, 53. 48 and 3. 85 μ g/g dry weight and in winter were 13. 47, 59. 59, 30. 26 And 0. 42 μ g/g dry weight, respectively. Discussion and Conclusion: Comparison of the measured heavy metals concentration by the American and Canadian national guidelines indicated that levels of Cr in the summer and Cd in surface sediments were higher than the Threshold effect level (Canadian Guideline) and Lowest Effect Level (NOAA Guideline). Whereas Concentrations of other metals were lower than mentioned limits. The findings of this study provide useful information on the distribution of heavy metals concentration in the Karun River sediments which can help monitoring and assessment of sediments in the region.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: Today, energy consumption is on the rise due to population growth, growing human needs, and rising global temperatures. One of the major consumers of energy is buildings with an infrastructure of more than 2, 000 square meters. Therefore, reducing energy consumption in buildings should be given much attention. In other words, the purpose of this paper is to control the cooling system in summer and to control the heating system in winter so that the current temperature and humidity of the room are taken into account. Material and Methodology: In this study, fuzzy logic control for building air conditioning system to increase energy efficiency and provide a comfortable environment has been investigated. A theoretical model is extracted from the fan coil unit and the heat transfer between the air and the cooling fluid. The control variables are room temperature and relative humidity and control results, the percentage of cooled and heated water flow rate in summer and the percentage of hot water flow rate and injection steam in winter. Findings: In this study, we found that by using an intelligent controller and compatible with the fuzzy system, up to 90% of energy loss can be prevented. Discussion and Conclusion: Fuzzy control results are compared with conventional proportional-integral-derivative control. Fuzzy controllers are proven to be more efficient and consume less energy than PID controls.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    6 (109)
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Background and Objective: An important achievment to urban stability is enjoyment of healthy and wellbeeing environment and having enough green space. While the urban forests do the best performance among different groups of green spaces, therefore, evaluating of this topic, is one of the important methods for solving of environmental problems. Material and Methodology: This study will pay attention to check of the quantitative and qualitative status and comparison of two regions of Tehran with the goal of obtaining information for the conservation and optimal development of green space. Collecting the data, were conducted through the field operation and systematic randomly sampling. Totally, 83 plots in two regions have been determined. Then, descriptive indices, adaptive tables of statistical tests for assessing and comparing of quantity and quality of trees in these two regions have been used. Findings: The results indicated that there was a significant difference in the crown cover of urban forests between two regions with no significant difference in other traits. Results showed buttonwood (Platanus orientalis) had highest frequency within two regions. There was a positive and significant correlation between traits like, plots with height, diameter at breast height, main collar diameter, number of tree in plot and number of roots. Discussion and Conclusion: While there weren't any difference between succulence of trees in two regions, results showed the highest level of freshness in regions 1 were obtained by oak (Quercus macranthera), white berry (Morus alba) and Poplar (Populus nigra) and in 5 regions regarding to acacia (Robinia Pseudoacacia) and trees of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) were respectively. Therefore, the species listed for the development of urban forests in these areas can be investigated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    6 (پیاپی 109)
  • Pages: 

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کلانشهر تهران به دلایل متعدد از جمله نوع مکان گزینی، توسعه فیزیکی نامناسب، عدم رعایت توسعه متوازن و آمایش سرزمین، عدم رعایت اصل احتیاط در مباحث زیست محیطی به عنوان اصلی پیشگیرانه و غیره همواره در معرض خطرات ناشی از مخاطرات طبیعی قرار داشته است. از جمله مخاطراتی که تهران را تهدید می کند، زمین لرزه قریب الوقوع و معضلات زیست محیطی مستقر است. تراکم جمعیتی اصلی ترین علت وجودی و وجوبی معضلات زیست محیطی مستقر در تهران می باشد. مسلما با وقوع زلزله احتمالی در تهران و با وجود تراکم جمعیتی موجود در پایتخت که 19 برابر میانگین کشوری است، میزان آسیب ها و تلفات ناشی از وقوع آن می تواند منجر به یک فاجعه انسانی شود. لذا می توان اعمال اصول حقوقی را راهکاری موثر برای غلبه بر معضلات بالا دانست. بااجرای قوانین موجود در زمینه تراکم زدایی از تهران از جمله: توسعه متوازن وآمایش سرزمین در چارچوب اصل تساوی، اجرای دولت الکترونیک در چارچوب اصل انطباق، کوچک سازی دولت در پرتو بند 10 اصل سوم قانون اساسی، تحقق دولت رفاه به معنای واقعی در چارچوب اصل انتظار مشروع، اهتمام جدی برای کاهش آسیب های ناشی از وقوع زلزله احتمالی و معضلات زیست محیطی مستقر در تهران در پرتو اعمال اصل احتیاط و. . . می توان تا حدود بسیار زیادی به عمده مشکلات این ابرشهر فائق آمد. در پژوهش حاضر قصد داریم از منظری حقوقی به ارائه راهکارهایی جهت کاهش آسیب های محتمل ناشی از خطرات طبیعی یادشده بپردازیم. روش تحقیق حاضر توصیفی-تحلیلی و کاربردی است.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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