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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Women may find physical and mental change during premenstrual, which may have causing restrictions in daily living, and job responsibilities and reduced quality of life. One of the physical changes during this period is edema. Prevention of edema, which is the first step, is important for reducing premenstrual syndrome. Many women are interested to use complementary and alternative medicines for relief from their premenstrual symptoms; therefore purpose of this study was to identify the effect oral Royal jelly on edema symptom of premenstrual.Methods: This triple blind randomized controlled trial study was carried out on 110 cases, who had premenstrual syndrome and live in dorms of Tehran University of Medical Sciences and were randomly divided to two groups of intervention and control. Questioner had two main parts of personal characteristics and premenstrual profile 2005, which during intervention had been used the general part of edema that include overly breast swelling, bloating, edema and weight gain in the category of edema and self-checked daily for two months. Intervention of Royal jelly and Placebo had been continued for two menstrual cycles.Results: Equality of two groups according to personal characteristics and edema symptom before intervention were checked and there were no significant difference. After intervention there were significant difference of edema scores between Royal Jelly and Placebo group at the end of first menstruation cycle (p<0.01) and second menstruation cycle too (p<0.01).Conclusion: This study showed that Royal jelly was effective in reducing edema symptom. Therefore Healthcare team can to perform it in Medical centers. Evaluating the effect of Royal jelly on other symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Because Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) leads to suicide, familial problem, interpersonal and job disorders in affected life and has direct and indirect effects on society so, removing this problem has been emphasized.The object of this study is determining the effect of magnesium and placebo on premenstrual syndrome severity in the affected persons that go to medical-health centers of Esfahan University of medical sciences in 1388-89.Methods: The participants of this essay were placed randomly in intervention or control group.The place of essay was 10 medical-health centers of Esfahan city and the duration of this study will be four month. For confirmation of recognition, persons completed daily rating form in their home for two month, then they randomly placed in one of two groups (magnesium or placebo) and drug intervention was done on them and the results was comprised.Results: After statistical analyses, the results were as follow: The average of PMS score in two groups decreased after intervention in compare to before it and it was significantly with P-value less than 0.05 (P<0.05), but this deduction in magnesium group was more than placebo group. (P<0.05) Conclusions: The findings of this study totally showed that magnesium drug has more effect than placebo on premenstrual syndrome.

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Introduction: Nursing is known as one of stressful occupations. Due to the high sensitivity of the nursing, any carelessness and error, has created irreparable damage to the patients, their family and country and economic burden of health care increases. This study investigated the effects of peppermint aroma on the accuracy level of nurses working in intensive care units.Methods: In this semi experimental study, 32 nurses who were employed in critical care units were selected through convenience sampling method.They were randomly subjected to peppermint essence and water (as the placebo) as the aromatherapy process in two different days. Before and after each intervention, participants were asked to take Bonardel Test. data were analyzed by SPSS16 software and paired t-test Results: The mean (± SD) of changes in nurse's accuracy (before and after intervention) the use of peppermint essential oil has been 8.44 ± 4.65 and placebo 1.07 ±1.80. Changes in accuracy in the use of peppermint oil was significantly greater than placebo (p<0.001).Conclusion: Regarding the results of nurses subjected to peppermint essence and the increase in their accuracy, it is possible to apply this essence, for improving the accuracy.

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Introduction: Because of being assosciated with changes and complications, menopause is a critical and sensitive period. Its common symptom include: vasomotor signs, psychologic changes and sleep disorders, witch could influence on work, social tasks, quality of life and the sense of wellbeing. Usually Hormon replacement Therapy (HRT) is thr treatment option that is assosciated with side effects and lots of women do not desine to use it and it has contraindicated for some else Nowadays after hormone therapy the attention is toward Selective Reuptake Serotonin Inhibitors (SSRIs), so accordingly to these effects of St john's wort and passion flower, we use them for reducing menopause symptom.Method: this prospective clinical trial was performed, in 1388.59 menopaused women who had include criteria, were participated in the study. The sampeling was convenience and the subject were allocated randomly to two groups (n=30 St johns wort and, n=29 in passion flower group). Demographic data were collected through personal charchtric questionace. Kopperman index was used for menopausal symptoms (hot flashe & insomnia), witch were filled in 3 periods: befor prevention, third week and sixth week of intervention.Results: the results has shown that the means of total menopausal symptom score in both groups (St john's wort and passion flower) in the third and sixth week of intervention were statistically significant (p<0.05). But there were no significant differences between two groups. So both herbs reduced the menopausal symptom simillary.Conclusion: regarding to the effect of St john's wort and passion flower on treatment of premature menopausal symptom (vasomotor, insomnia), at least the useage of these herbs are suggested for all women who are contraindicated for HRT.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The most common syndrome in women is PMS. Premenstrual syndrome is one or more periodic large collection symptoms before menstrual cycle, which lead to degree of changes in personal activities and active lifestyle for him and followed by a period with no symptom is generated. Hypericum Perforatum L. and vitex agnus are two herbal remedies that have been used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. The purpose of this study is determination of the effect of Hypericum Perforatum L. and vitex agnus and VitE on Premenstural Syndrome.Methods: This is a one-stage clinical trials. The study sample included 210 women with PMS were placed in three groups of 70 (Simple randomized). In the first group, Vitex tablets; second group, Hypericum Perforatum L. tablets and the control group were given vitamin E for 2 months. Before and 2 months after the intervention were compared with standard chart of PMS. Intensity of Symptoms were identified with the number 1 (no symptoms), 2 (mild symptoms), 3 (moderate symptoms) and 4 (severe symptoms). The results were analyzed using SPSS software. In the study of descriptive and inferential statistics including Mann-Whitney U test, Kolmogrov Smirinov, test t paired, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test and one-way ANOVA was used for diffraction. The significance level for all tests p<0.05 was considered.Results: Measure of average intensity of Symptoms were received in Hypericum Perforatum L. group 62.03±31.54 before intervention to 38.76±12.11 after the intervention; in Vitex group of 61.23±30.54 to 25.25±17.78 and the vitamin E group, from 61.24±32.04 to 54.9±19.24. Compare average intensity of Symptoms in the Hypericum Perforatum L. group and in vitamin E group (p<0.005), also Vitex group and in vitamin E group (p<0.001); and in the Hypericum Perforatum L. group and Vitex group (p<0.001) before and after intervention; Showed that has increased; but this is a dramatic decrease in Vitex group.Conclusion: This study showed that Vitex a good therapeutic effect for Premenstrual syndrome treatment and it can be used as an effective treatment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: The irritable bowel syndrome is most common functional gastrointestinal disorder (FGID) that Psychological factors play an important role in development and exacerbation it’s symptoms. The aim of this research was to study the effect of therapeutic touch on state and trait anxiety in patients with irritable bowel syndrome.Methods: The research hypotheses were tested by using pre and post test semiexperimental design with control group. The study sample was consisted of 24 patient that randomly assigned in experimental and control group. Experimental group, in addition to drug therapy, 4 times (once per week) were receiving therapeutic touch. Participants completed Spielberger state-trait anxiety inventory. Data was analyzed by Mann-Whitney U Test.Results: The result showed that there is a significant difference between experimental and control group in state anxiety scores, in the other words, therapeutic touch reduced state anxiety in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Also, therapeutic touch reduces trait anxiety in patients with irritable bowel syndrome, but this reduction was not significant.Conclusion: The results this study could starting point for do more research in this area and if approved, use of therapeutic touch for reduced anxiety of patients with irritable bowel syndrome.

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Introduction: Aloe vera has been traditionally used for burn healing but clinical evidence remains unclear.Today, because of fewer side effects and less expensive medicinal plants, their use is increasing.This study compared the effects of silver sulfadiazin 1% and Aloe vera gel dressing on burn wound healing.Methods: This randomized, controlled trial in vali Asr Hospital of Arak city was done.The patients were randomly divided into two equal groups; group I (n=32): treated topically with of silver sulfadiazin 1% cream control group; and group II (n=32): patients treated topically with Aloe vera gel. By using the Wound assessment tool bats - Jensen examined the wound healing process. analysis of variance REMANOVA was used to evaluate the differences of wound healing parameters between treated and control groups. All analyses were performed using SPSS 17.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). A P-value lower than 0.05 was considered significant.Results: Experimental group mean improvement in the baseline 30.515 with a standard deviation of 0.316, and the fifteenth day of the 13.303 SD 0.516 AKA controls at baseline 31.219 with a standard deviation of 0.321, and the fifteenth day of the 19.188 with a standard deviation of 0.524 dropped. There was a significant difference between groups on the fifteenth day (P=0.000, F=467.602).Conclusion: Due to the complication of silver sulfa Dyazyn cream 1% relative inhibition of epithelialization and wound discoloration in the area, Aloe Vera Gel can be a good substitute for wound healing.

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