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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the sociological factors affecting social health among students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The research method is correlational and analytical. The statistical population includes all the students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz in the second semester of the year 2017-2018. The sample title is intended. The findings of this study show that students' social health is moderately upward and there is a direct relationship between variables of access to facilities and services, quality of life, communication skills, religiosity and gender with social health variable and the relationship between age and social health. There is a reverse, but there is no significant relationship between socioeconomic status variables in both mental and objective dimensions with social health. The results showed that there is a significant difference between gender and social health. The results of multivariate regression show that the research variables account for 13. 1% of the changes in social health.

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    1 (53)
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers to remarriage among women. Research hypotheses were formulated using economic theories of marriage, social exclusion, changing roles and cultural values. The research method was descriptive and the data were collected by survey method and questionnaire. The statistical population was all widows (divorced and dying wife) 18 to 55 years old Covered by the Relief Committee in Sanandaj. The sample size was 377 according to Krejcie and Morgan table. Sampling was done by simple random method. The hypotheses test results show that there is a significant and direct relationship between the social exclusion and belief in cultural stereotypes with no remarriage variables. There is also a significant and inverse relationship between the modern attitude to remarriage and self-reliance with barriers to remarriage variables. it can be said that Cultural change and the rise of individualistic values, along with financial independence and self-reliance among women, can not only reduce the tendency to remarry, but can also be accelerating factors for remarriage among women.

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    1 (53)
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Elderly people as an important part of society may sometimes be neglected, while age related issues become more and more important as their population grows. Social exclusion of the elderly is likely to increase with disease and disability. Problems and costs resulting from the neglect of the elderly, especially elderly people with disabilities in relation to the need for further research. In this research, we study the impact of disability on social exclusion of elderly with use of survey method and 378 questionnaires among varamins elderly. This people choose by random stratified sampling. The results indicating that disability associated with social exclusion, that disabled elderly are more at risk of social exclusion. On the other side, healthy elderly and disabled are close together in terms of the political and cultural dimensions of exclusion and same on the economic front. Disabled elderly only in social dimension of exclusion received higher scores than healthy elderly.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (53)
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This qualitative study describes and analyzes the social challenges and life problems of veterans below 25% and explains the causes of their dissatisfaction. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews and in-depth interviews with 30 veterans under 25% in Khorasan Razavi province. The results indicate that the major problems of the veterans begin with the method of scoring by the Martyr Foundation. This procedure of scoring creates adverse consequences like a sense of Foundation's lack of trust in veterans, the inadequate functioning of the Veterans' Commission, and the incorrect determining the percentage of injury, a feeling of discrimination on the basis of Foundation's unfair treatment, the suffering resulted from people Pretending to be a veteran, and a decline in the status of veterans in society. These problems have led to a sense of deprivation of respect, benefits and organizational identity which has ultimately led to dissatisfaction with the Martyr Foundation and other organizations. Veterans are demanding a revision in determining the percentage of injury, being respected and honored as a veteran in the society and finally, forming a working group of veterans in the Foundation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (53)
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Conclusion of prior research and narrative of participant confirmed the incorrect of wife selection in process of divorce. Because the first stage of family is the wife selection, and most of the divorcees for the reason of this incorrect selection of wife, so, this research with qualitative methodology and with approach of grounded theory and conservation with 14 divorced men's in Gachsaran city. Based of narrative of participant men of this research, three category "situation of inconvenient of marriage, heterogeneity, and paradigm of unsuitable of wife selection" as a contexts and reason for in correct wife selection. Men's of this research in situation that in constraint of social pressure and limited, and don’ t have time for knowing their wife, and in spite of don’ t love each others, and don’ t have suitable situation for marriage, selected person for marriage that heterogeneity with property of special, familial, and socially of them. Thus, could tell that "if the selection of wife is incorrect, context of divorce in family's increase".

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (53)
  • Pages: 

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Nowadays, social networks play an important role in the transmission of information among individuals in society. Among the audience of social media, young people are its customers and its lively audience. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting the tendency of virtual social networks among youth in Andimeshk. The research method was survey research and the data collection method was a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consisted of all youths of 20-30 years in Andimeshk city. 348 persons were selected as sample size using Cochran formula. Sampling method was multi-stage clustering and SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a positive and direct relationship between the variables of social disadvantage and family perspectives with the tendency to virtual social networks. Regression analysis shows that 26. 6% of the changes in the propensity to virtual social networks are related to independent variables and the variables of social freedom and type of family perspective have more influence on the propensity to virtual social networks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (53)
  • Pages: 

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Religion is one of the oldest institutions of human beings that have the subject of study by various thinkers. The indeterminate nature of this concept (religion) has led to the plurality of its definitions and conceptualizations. The social aspect of the institution of religion has brought it the fore of sociologists' attention and Bourdieu is one of the sociologists who examined the evolution and development of religion through invention of concepts such as field, habitus, and capital. Bourdieu scatteredly has spoken about the sociology of religion in his articles and books. Accordingly, in this paper, it is attempted to present his ideas and notions on the sociological analysis of religion in a coherent and categorized way via documentary method. According to Bourdieu, market relations and rules dominate the field of religion. In this field, we see the roles of producer, supplier, consumer and salvation good. The actors in the field of religion struggle over obtaining religious capital and promote their status in the field of religion based on the amount of capital earned. The monopoly over the goods of salvation leads to the formation of a hierarchy system in the field of religion.

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