Conclusion of prior research and narrative of participant confirmed the incorrect of wife selection in process of divorce. Because the first stage of family is the wife selection, and most of the divorcees for the reason of this incorrect selection of wife, so, this research with qualitative methodology and with approach of grounded theory and conservation with 14 divorced men's in Gachsaran city. Based of narrative of participant men of this research, three category "situation of inconvenient of marriage, heterogeneity, and paradigm of unsuitable of wife selection" as a contexts and reason for in correct wife selection. Men's of this research in situation that in constraint of social pressure and limited, and don’ t have time for knowing their wife, and in spite of don’ t love each others, and don’ t have suitable situation for marriage, selected person for marriage that heterogeneity with property of special, familial, and socially of them. Thus, could tell that "if the selection of wife is incorrect, context of divorce in family's increase".