Inflation expectations as one of the factors influencing inflation formation plays a decisive role in economic policy. Decision making and decision making in relation to issues such as consumption, savings, production, investment, the choice of asset portfolios, wages, exchange rates and interest rates are all shaped by inflationary expectations. In this study, the problem of formation of inflationary expectations among capital market participants in laboratory space using Z-tree software has been studied. To this end, Taylor's expanded rule first examined the central bank's behavior toward inflationary depreciation and estimated the Bank's central counterpart effect. The average inflation expectations of the participants in this experiment was 14. 12%. Based on the results of this study, at a significant level, 95% of 34. 7% of participants in this experiment formed their expectations based on the rational expectation pattern, 22. 1% of individuals based on the matching pattern of expectations and 43. 2% based on learning models. Therefore, monetary authorities, with the knowledge of how the formation of inflationary expectations among capital market participants can be appropriate policies, in line with the direction of existing liquidity towards the capital market, which controls inflation and prevents the movement of liquidity in the community towards the foreign exchange market and gold To adopt.