In this research, a plan for the intelligent design of dry landscaping has been proposed for urban green spaces, non-residential, and administrative units with a rainwater harvesting approach. In this plan, by using two infiltrate and non-infiltrate layers and designing a drainage network between the two layers, due to the appropriate slope of the area, rainwater runoff can be extracted. Also, to prevent using different drains with an economic justification approach, we have created systems to collect and direct rainwater to the exit point of the system and guide rainwater to the desired source. By implementing these systems, soil moisture, especially in the output range of each section, and the efficiency of this project will increase. Executing this project will reduce water consumption and increase efficient use of harvested water, and as a result, will have significant economic profitability and help conserving water resources. Daily rainfall, runoff, evaporation, and soil temperature were determined by the equipment. The results showed that with this design, runoff can be doubled, soil moisture of the region can be increased up to 5%, rainwater runoff can be stored to a large extent to be used for different purposes, and reduce the intensity of soil temperature and evaporation, which can reduce water consumption for green space irrigation. On the other hand, with the implementation of this project and the design of suitable artificial feeding systems, rainwater runoff can be intelligently directed to the groundwater aquifers. This positive environmental approach can play a crucial role in reducing land subsidence, especially in the plains of Iran.