The property of the person goes to his heir after his death, but the financial rights of the deceased will also be inherited or not? To answer, the source of the financial rights must be determined, whether it is a contract between the parties, such as a right of pre-emption, or an Iqa’ (Unilateral act), such as a right of Tahjir (Revival of property), or a law, such as a right of copyright. The criteria for distinguishing financial rights from non-financial rights are the tradability of these rights and the ability of converting them to money. Some rights, including pre-emption rights, options and copyright, are transferred to the heir unanimously, such as the deceased’ s property. However, for rights such as benefit and tolerance, there is disagreement between jurists and legal experts that whether they can be passed to the heir or not. The most important reason for inheriting these rights is the reason. This present study, which has been compiled with the aim of understanding the view of Imamiyah jurisprudence and Iranian law on inheritable financial rights, has been done in a descriptiveanalytical method and data has been collected through a library filing method. Another issue is whether the transfer of some financial rights to the heirs is accepted, should all the heirs together exercise this right or can some of them exercise this right? Given the multiplicity of viewpoints, the financial right is apparently a single right and will be enforceable if all the heirs request it.