There are different patterns in the management of ethnically diverse communities. One of these patterns is ethnic pluralism. According to the principles of this model, all ethnicities, with their cultural assets, including "norms, values, traditions, and customs", benefit from the truth. Therefore, steps must be taken to preserve, and even promote them. According to the ideology of all kinds of governments and nation-states, this model can be defined as a constructive and destructive model. The main question of this research is: is this model in conflict with or compatible with the ideological foundations of the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran? The results of the study are as follows: The principle of diversity in societies, including ethnic diversity, is accepted by reason and religion, and Islam, at this level, does not oppose ethnic pluralism. And, except in some special cases, there is no contrasting approach to many ethnic traditions. But a pluralistic view can lead to the formation, or strengthening, of ethnic prejudices, whereas ethnic prejudice has no rational or religious significance. "Non-valuation of ethnic culture", "Vicious regrets of pluralism", "Negation of ethnic superiority in pluralism with Islam", and "Difference of Islamic idealistic society with ethnic pluralistic idealism" are other opposing views of this view with rational and It is religious.