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The Ghezel Ozan basin in an area of 50000 KM2 is in the northwest of Iran. Recognition of variables like captivity and deviation of rivers, erosion and compact surfaces, the affects of old lakes by the reflected affects on 1: 50000 scaled topographic maps of the region, are some of the points which is tried to find out the changes of Quaternary of the basin. Although Ghezel Ozan basin is ended to Caspian sea as an open basin, the geomorphologic and topographic evidences show that this basin became independent between two basins of Ghom and Orumiye after Pasadenian moves and also was multiple closed sub basins which the waters were moved to the central pits in each surface such as Bijar, Zanjan, Tarom, Yangi Kand and Miyane. The size of some of these pits is such huge so that could be visible in topographic maps by water network and marl sediments of their bed. On the other hand, some are very small and limited which follow the local topographic position or has shaped under the influence of the main processes of the time and has been destroyed by changes. The past topographic situation and the main processes of glaciers in cold Quaternary, has made different lakes near Ghale Chay River. Pari Lake is an obvious example. However nowadays it is irrigated by an artificial channel ramified by Ghale Chay River.

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The aim of this study is to identify the spatial distribution of Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux Convergence (Vertically Integrated) Moisture Flux Convergence) on Iran’ s atmosphere. To achieve this aim, the monthly ECMWF gridded data used during the period from 1/1979-12/2013. First, based on the specific humidity content in the atmosphere, troposphere divided into three layers (850-1000hPa), mid (700-775hPa) and upper (500-600hPa). In order to achieve VIMFC spatial variations on Iran, spatial self-correlation methods of globular moron and hot spots used at 90, 95, 99 and 99/99 percent significance levels. The results of this study showed that the spatial distribution of VIMFC in Iran during the first layer of troposphere and especially during warm months of year has a high cluster pattern and in cold months of the year and in the third layer of troposphere cluster pattern decrease. Based on the hot spots index in the first layer of troposphere low height regions, in the second layer of troposphere the high regions of the Alborz, zagros and central mountains and in the third layer of troposphere alpine regions of central and eastern Iranchr('39')s mountains has positive spatial self-correlation (hot spots). The results show that in winter and autumn during the second period (1999-2013), the range of hot spots of the VIMFC show a significant reduction compared to the first period (1979-1998) on Iran.

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Rural services and the power and location of rural services are one of the important issues in planning. In examining patterns and systems of rural services, the status and importance of each village in terms of utilizing a variety of rural services and its ability to receive or transfer Services are considered as an essential element and element. The spatial analysis of services can be described and explained in the context of distributive justice. The rural areas of the Tankeman district of the Alborz province have faced rural immigration in recent years, while faced with challenges in terms of enjoying some rural services. In order to plan and optimize the rural service system in this section, it is necessary first of all to evaluate the situation of each village in terms of utilizing rural services. Based on this, by providing a questionnaire from 16 selected villages in this section, the status of each village was evaluated for different types of rural services based on the number of existing services and the decision matrix was formed and then through Antherapy method, the weight of each specified service and then prioritized by using COPRAS model. The results show that the main village has basic services. But they are facing challenges with modern and new services. Accordingly, the villages of Bakhtiar, Nukand and Mohammad Abad Khalisheh, Kareem Abad, Qasem Abad and Dengizak have the most benefit from rural services, and this situation follows a cluster pattern.

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Groundwater resources are important part of the sweet water available to humans. The present study studies and evaluates the quality of water resources of karstic basin of Roein Esfarayen. For this purpose, sampling of water from water sources was carried out and groundwater quality of the area was evaluated in terms of drinking, agriculture and industry using Schoeller, Wilcox and Langelier diagrams, Water Quality Index( WQI) and groundwater quality index (GQI). According to the results of the analysis of the samples taken and the relevant charter diagrams, most of the water sources in the area were in the good category for drinking. The results of the Wilcox diagram showed that only S7 (Springs of Zargara), S6 (Springs of Sarang Zwucha) and S20 samples (rivers at the basin outlet) had saline water but could be used for agriculture and the rest were suitable for agriculture. The water quality table of the regionchr('39')s springs in terms of industrial use also showed that all of the water samples of the region except the Springs of Sangvah, which contains sediment-bearing water, have corrosive properties. The WQI index is also indicative of the quality of all samples taken in drinking water, and only the surface water of the basin outlet whose WQI is above 50 is in good condition. Location and quality zoning of drinking water from the GQI index was also carried out. The GQI quality index in the region varied from 93. 42 to 95. 87 in the region. Therefore, it can be said that although the minimum quality of samples is related to surface water of the basin, but this quality value is also in the appropriate quality category. Therefore, in total, all the water resources of the study area are in the category of quality in terms of drinking water standards.

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Reviewing the damage caused by landslide proves the need to examine the factors influencing the occurrence of this phenomenon and the prediction of its occurrence. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to improve the prediction of landslide occurrence in the Taleghan watershed using Shannon Entropy Theory. Among the factors influencing the occurrence of landslide, ten factors of elevation, slope, slope direction, geology, vegetation, land use, water congestion, fault, road, rainfall as independent variables and sliding zones were considered as dependent variables. Then, using the entropy index, weighing was calculated for each of these factors based on their effectiveness, and the value map of each parameter was calculated according to its weight. In the next step, by mapping these maps with the map of landslides, a risk zoning map for the basin was drawn up. After calculating the Shannon entropy index, it was determined that 86% of the landslide area is in three medium-risk, high-risk and highly hazardous areas, indicating that the final map of the zoning is based on the correct method. Also, the total quality index (Qs) in this method was equal to 2. 3, which indicates that this method is more reliable and more suitable for zoning of landslide hazard in Taleghan watershed. The accuracy of the method (P) for the entropy model was equal to 0. 24, indicating a more appropriate resolution of the risk zones in this method.

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Both visual and service quality of urban landscape play an important role in the process of visual visibility assessment and effectiveness of these services as well. Given the fact that the existence of dead, cold, and soulless spaces in cities is affected by heterogeneity and visual contamination that is free from eye-catching and desirability. Therefore, this research seeks to evaluate the visual quality of the urban landscape of the Eil Goli district of Tabriz through the scale of the SERVQUAL tool. Understand the gap between the current situation and the expectations of Tabriz people on the 45-meter of El-Goli Boulevard towards the visual quality of the urban landscape; to realize the views and preferences of Tabriz citizens regarding the visual quality of urban landscape for the 45-meter El-Goli Boulevard in order to eliminate the weaknesses while improving its visual quality, taking into account the priorities and preferences of the people and to provide informative background for decision makers to improve the urban landscape design of Tabriz. So, data collection is carried out through the various sources in a comparative-analytical manner, using the documents, records and reports. The research statistical society includes citizens, specialists and experts and managers of the Department of Parks and Municipality of District 2 in this area which totally 310 questionnaires used for data collection. A questionnaire, expert analysis and library analysis will be carried out in the field observations for two sides of the El-Goli 45-meter Boulevard. The SPSS software, Klomgroph-Smirouph and One-way ANOVA used for analyses, checking the normal distribution of variables and comparing the five dimensions of service quality respectively. The results of the study indicate the relative satisfaction of the three groups under study. Also, some suggestions presented in order to increase urban satisfaction for the 45-meter boulevard of El-Goli, Tabriz city

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Interactions and sometimes contradictions in economic and cultural priorities which happen due to social transformations, changes in paradigms and changes in economic – political systems led to changes in urban regeneration concept. The role of culture in urban regeneration had significant changes comparing to other factors; and the cultural focuses became the main approach in urban regeneration in recent decades. The quality of built environment and level of residents’ satisfaction plays an important role in regeneration policies of target areas as well. This study investigates the impact of environment quality variables (environmental, physical, economic and social) on level of residents’ satisfaction in cultural neighborhoods of Kerman, with the goal of improving the regeneration process. The method of this research is applied-developmental in terms of the aim, and descriptive and causal comparative in terms of the nature. This study uses questionnaire as a tool for collecting data. The study sample size is 513 and the data were analyzed by SPSS and AMOS softwares. The results demonstrate a significant direct relationship between economic and physical variables as well as social variables and consequently the same relationship between economic and the sense of satisfaction. The results also indicate a significant inverse relationship between environmental variables, which are effective on sense of satisfaction, and economic variables. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) show that improvement in the condition of economic, physical and environmental variables, will improve condition of social variables and the sense of satisfaction in the studied neighborhoods. Furthermore, analysis showed that economic variables have more effect on social variables and eventually on the sense of satisfaction as compared to physical and environmental variables. Therefore, the negative effects of each four aforementioned factors could be decreased in the studied neighborhood through planning and application of culture-led regeneration policies. Accordingly the increase in the sense of satisfaction would improve the revitalization and sustainability in these neighborhoods.

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A new urbanism theory has emerged in recent decades in response to numerous urban problems of the twentieth century, with the goal of creating vibrant, compact, diverse and desirable cities in terms of work, walking, life, and transportation options. In view of the widespread acceptance of this theory among the Iranian researchers, the aim of this study is to assess the sustainability of organic and planned neighborhoods in Mashhad based on the spatial-physical indexes of new urbanism. In this regard, two neighborhoods, Rah Ahan (organic neighborhood) and the second phase of Rezashahr (planned neighborhood) were selected. This research method is descriptive-analytical and the mixed model of AHP and GIS has been used to assess the stability of two neighborhoods. Accordingly, the Sustainability Measurement Model was used as a hierarchy in the form of 7 physical-space indicators (type of road, pedestrian width, land use, area of lots, access to the center of the neighborhood, number of floors and access to public transport). Tthe research results show that in Rezashhar, 68. 43% of neighborhood area has moderate to high stability and 31. 57% of the total of the neighborhood area is the lack of stability, and in Rah Ahan, 70. 84% of the total of the neighborhood has moderate to high stability and 29. 16% of the total of the neighborhood is lack of stability. Therefore, according to the spatial indicators of the new urbanism, the neighborhood of Reza Shahr is more unsustainable than the old neighborhood of Rah Ahan. Therefore, this study shows the richness of traditional Iranian urbanization and the superiority of old neighborhoods. So, it can be said that traditional and organic urbanization is a more appropriate basis for applying the new urbanism approach and this approach can be used in the form of urban regeneration.

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Information on a variation of impervious surface is useful for understanding urbanization and its impacts on the hydrological cycle, water management, surface energy balances, urban heat island, and biodiversity. This research attempts to detect impervious surfaces and its changes by satellite imagery in Qaemshahr. The relationship between impervious surfaces and changes in land surface temperature in the city was investigated. For this purpose, after obtaining three images in 1978, 2000, and 2017, and performing the necessary preprocessing, the reflection values of the infrared spectrum and ground surface temperature in the study area were calculated. The reflectance of this spectrum was investigated in various land uses vegetation, asphalt and building areas in two parts of the urban and the suburb. Using the results of ANOVA and Tukey these properties compared to different land uses. By the difference between Permeable surfaces and impervious surfaces, the impervious surface index was calculated. The results of the detection and comparison of the three surveyed images showed that the impervious surfaces in Qaemshahr were significantly increased from 1978 to 2017. In the next step, by calculating the land surface temperature, it was determined that the temperature of the impervious surfaces is higher than the other parts of the study area. An increase in the population of the city followed by an increase in urban construction has led to an increase in impervious surfaces and a reduction in green space and this has caused a rise in city temperatures. The results of this study showed that increasing impervious surfaces has led to an increase of around 4 degrees in the citychr('39')s temperature. Finally, any increase in the impervious surface at the city will lead to unsustainability in the urban environment, if not accompanied by proper planning.

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In this paper, aerosol optical depth measured by Caliop, MODIS, MISR, and OMI satellite sensors is compared with Sun-photometer data located in the Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) from December 2009 to December 2013 over Zanjan city. We computed figures for root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean bias (RMB) between space-born and ground-based sensor measurements. The results show that the Caliop and MISR sensors have the highest correlation (0. 61 and 0. 54), respectively, with Sun-photometer measurements over Zanjan area. MISR, Caliop, and OMI sensors have the closest aerosol optical depth data to the Sun-photometer measurements (the fitted line slope is 0. 68, 0. 61 and 0. 59, respectively) which represents the appropriate model used in the sensors to extract the aerosol optical depth. The variable monthly AOD figures obtained with different sensors indicate underestimation by MODIS and Caliop instruments (0. 32 and 0. 83 respectively) over Zanjan city relative to the Sun-photometer data, and overestimation by OMI and MISR instruments (1. 23 and 1. 08 respectively).

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The city health, social and physical environment with all facilities that perform life activities with ease and efficiency makes possible. Urbanization, followed by its specific problems such as environmental degradation, water pollution, air, soil, increase mental illnesses and civil society more than ever threatened. This has led to todaychr('39')s urban design and urban management many challenges in the field of population, housing shortage, pollution and environmental degradation, social conflicts and provision of services and facilities infrastructure is facing. In this regard, the plan to create a healthy city public participation plays an important role in cities. In fact, a healthy city, city to realize a healthy person. The urban design approach and engage in healthy people. This cross-sectional study and data collection instruments and survey was conducted in two ways. According to the results, the neighborhood Shiite index of the five health (social, economic, environmental, health and culture) desirable standards Healthy City away in some areas also need to redesign and greater participation authorities and people in the neighborhood felt. The paper solutions to create healthy city with the participation of the people through the realization of indicators and metrics have reached a healthy city.

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During the last years, following an increase in damages due to occurrence of landslides, human has decided to reduce such losses. Therefore, identifying regions susceptible to landslide and classifying them can partly help man to prevent from happening above phenomena. The current study aims to demonstrate factors contributing to occurrence of landslide in Candrigh Chay basin and then, flattening the basin regarding risks related to landslide event using one methods, Network Analysis Process. In this direction, as respects to basin morphology and also, findings of past researches, ten factors involved in occurring landslides in Candrigh Chay Basin were recognized and used: lithology, land use, rainfall, slope, slope aspect, road slide, sluice power index (SPI), sediment transfer index (STI). Network Analysis Process(ANP) Method was implemented to score and classify factors and scales. Was carried out in order to measure classes of each parameter. The final map showed that the basin has 4 classes considering landslide. Findings reveal flats with low risk and flats with high risk have the least area in Candrigh Chay basin. On the other hand, flats with medium risk and high risk allocate the most area of basin for themself. Comparing slid surfaces with flats facing risks indicates regions located at high and average risk class possess most areas of slide surfaces so that a flat involving very high risk and a flat with high risk devote 35 percent (79km² ) and 32/6 (72km² ) of landslides for themselves, respectively. In other words, more than 77 percent of landslides conform to flats covering very high and average risk. Moreover, petrology, slope, and, sluice slide were identified as the most effective agents in occurring land_slides. One models, Network Analysis Process (ANP) were utilized through this project.

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Future study as an emerging knowledge is the evolutionary form of strategic planning. This knowledge has been used purposefully in recent years to meet the uncertainty and complexity of various dimension of issues and to designing the future of systems. In this regard, Kurdistan province in western Iran, despite the potential and actual capabilities, has not achieved the development appropriate with capacities and there are many structural problems in achieving this purpose. In this regard, the present study has examined the problems and challenges of lack of development in Kurdistan province with a descriptive-analytical and future study approach. The method of data collection is a survey and documentary studies. The problems and challenges and their effects on the development of the province have been identified to achieve results based on a semi-structured interview from elites and experts. MIC MAC software, environmental scanning method, and system analysis are used to analyzing the data. The results of the research in assessing the extent and the way of influencing of issues and challenges on each other and on the future status of development in Kurdistan province, respectively in the direct and indirect effectiveness and impressionability, indicates that water crisis, poverty, lack of development of industry, unbalanced tourism and animal husbandry, environmental degradation and lack of access to health services, unemployment, and improper management of water facilities play a major role in the future of development in Kurdistan province.

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Agriculture, as one of the most important human economic activities, is closely related to the climatic conditions, and any changes in the climatic conditions can have dramatic changes in agriculture. The main objective of this study is to investigate the spatial changes of the Agro Climatic Feasibility Rosa damascena mill Cultivation in Climate change Condition in northern part of Isfahan province including Kashan, Natanz, Ardestan and Aran Bidgol, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways (RCPs)of 2050. Two groups of factors involved in agroclimatic feasibility of Rosa damascena mill cultivation including environmental factors (topography, soil) and climatic factors were extracted. Based on these factors, suitable zones of Rosa damascena mill cultivation, were identify using Fuzzy gamma function. In the next step, by simulating the climatic elements of the region in 2050, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways, the fifth report of the IPCC, replacing the simulated climatic variables of 2050 under the four lines, by re-implementing the fuzzy gamma function, favorable areas of cultivation Rosa damascena mill was identified in each region in each scenario. In the next step, by simulating the climatic elements of the region in 2050, under the four carbon dioxide emission pathways, the fifth report of the IPCC, replacing the simulated climatic variables of 2050 under the four lines, by re-implementing the fuzzy gamma function, favorable areas of cultivation The Rosa damascena mill was identified in each region in each scenario. The results showed that in the base period climate, about 0. 33% of the area (9025 km2) has a climate suitable for cultivating Rosa damascena mill and more than 67% of the area of the region has a weak talent. The results of the simulation of the climatic conditions of 2050 under four carbon dioxide emission lines indicate that, under all scenarios, favorable areas for cultivating Rosa damascena mill in the studied area have increased. In the trajectory of 8/8 release, the highest class of agro-colliery was the cultivation of the flowers of Mohammadi gardens.

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The research method used in this research is descriptive-analytical, survey and quasi-experimental of simulation kind. Data from research samples with survey method and other data were obtained using written sources and documentary studies and collection tool was selected according to the research objectives based on GIS maps and AutoCAD software outputs and simulation tools or the modeling in Revit software and then were investigated in Excel and the analysis of appropriateness was carried out with the help of simulated outputs and two-dimensional and three-dimensional maps and, a fuzzy logic method was used in MATLAB software, and the sample population is extracted based on a stratified sampling method and the selected residential settlements were in the sixth district of region 5 of Tehran and these residential settlements including Apadana, Ekbatan Phase II and Ekbatan Phase I and III. This article was analyzed with the aim of identifying the role of open and enclosed spaces for residential complexes on improving the quality of the environment, including efficiency by using field multi-criteria fuzzy logic method. After analyzing the data, the results of studying the spatial ratios in three samples of residential area in Tehranchr('39')s 5th district with the performance component of the quality of the environment show that by decreasing the mass ratio (indoor spaces) and increasing the ratio of space (access spaces and green), increasing the quality of the environment cannot be reached, but also increasing the quality of the environment is in direct contact with the observing the proportionality component of the space between the mass and space proportions.

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Assessment is one of the important methods in analyzing the accomplishment of Sustainable development and as one of the necessities of planning can identify potential and actual environmental effect that is emerged as a result of the construction and development and provides logical options to solve them. The purpose of the current research is to assess the environmental effects of multi-layer highways on the neighborhood. The research is applied In terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of nature. Moreover, this research is environment based and uses sustainable development in theory. In order to analyze the data, 8 neighborhood around the Sadr bridge (Tajrish, Gheytariyeh, Chizar, Zargandeh, Sadr, Rostam Abas, Ekhtiyarieh and Pasdaran neighborhoods) were chosen as the analyze unit. Assessment indexes were assed in term of social, skeleton, vision and health-hygiene, economic and ecologic and safety-security domains. statistical Qualitative and quantitative methods including one sample T test and Friedman test were used to rate the domains and spatial analysis methods (spatial statistics) were used to show the status of the neighborhood. We also used the TOPSIS technique and Iranian Leopold in order to rate the neighborhood in terms of environmental effects of multi-layer Sadr Bridge. Results of the assessment matrix showed that Sadr multi-layer project is confirmed by providing corrective options in activities with high and very high damage. Based on the research findings it was found that the neighborhoods around the Sadr multi-layer highway given the assed dimensions, each have a different susceptibility from the multi-layer Sadr Bridge. In this regard, the ecological and skeleton have the most susceptibility and the security each have the least susceptibility from the Sadr multi-layer Sadr bridge and in rating the neighborhood, Rostamabad had the most susceptibility and the Zarhandeh has the least susceptibility from the Multi-layer Sadr bridge.

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One of the concepts that is widely considered in all societies today, especially in developed countries, is the electronic city. The e-city is not an invention or an innovative proposal, but a reality that has shown its place based on the needs of today's society. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of components of business preferences in achieving e-city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical method. Data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed as qualitative and quantitative validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha method and combined reliability. In this study, in order to analyze the research data from the software SPSS and Amose were used. Findings of this study showed that the variables of customer knowledge, customer focus, customer lifetime value, value creation, technology, useful interaction and communication quality have a positive and significant effect on the realization of e-city. Among the research variables, the customer-centric variable with a path coefficient of 0. 38 had the most impact and the customer knowledge variable with a path coefficient of 0. 19 had the least impact.

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Today, the concept of competition has spread in the world in such a way that all countries and governments at the national, regional or local levels are looking for a way to expand and improve economic conditions in favor of investments to stimulate competitiveness. The study of regional development strategies is defined through more competitiveness in the field of capitalist relations and there is less indication of sustainable development concept. On the other hand, due to the complex relationship between environmental, social and economic systems, with the introduction of the concept of competitiveness in the development process, regardless of other subsystems, the field of environmental and social damage in urban and regional systems has arisen and consequences Such as uneven development, increasing social disparities and inequalities and environmental pollution, increasing energy consumption, traffic and other social, cultural and environmental issues; In a way that many metropolises of the world and even Iran are involved with these issues now. In this research, due to the nature of the research, library methods have been used to review the theoretical literature related to the research and to identify indicators related to spatial analysis, content analysis methods have been used. In this regard, first, the activities with competitive advantage in Arak District have been analyzed, spatially using the indexing method and the position of cities has been determined based on the ability to compete in activities with competitive advantage. Then, according to the outlined landscape for Arak District, strategies, policies and spatial rules for use in the region have been written.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of urban resilience in the coastal cities of western Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Therefore, in terms of the nature of a descriptive-analytical research, in terms of purpose, it is an applied-developmental research based on survey and field methods. The method of collecting research data was based on the library method, documentation and field survey method (questionnaire tool). The study area is the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province (Noor, Nowshahr, Chalous, Tonekabon and Ramsar). One-way t-test was used to evaluate the status of urban resilience and its various dimensions. The sample cities are then compared and ranked with the Idas multi-criteria decision-making method based on the status of urban resilience and its dimensions. Excel, Spss and GIS software were used in the research stages. The final findings of the study, according to the general result of one-way t-test for the set of urban resilience dimensions, indicate poor resilience of coastal cities in the west of Mazandaran province in peak travel conditions. Also, according to the results of the Idas technique, out of five cities studied, three cities are in weak groups, ie "low resilience status and non-resilience". Therefore, the situation of urban resilience in the western coastal cities of Mazandaran province can be assessed as weak and undesirable based on the indicators of this study.

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Urban neighborhoods are one of the vital elements of each city and the culture of urban residents is concealed in the texture and sinew of that. The advent of new technologies in urban life and percipitance of designers for construction of buildings led to reduce of fixation sense about their living environment and decrease social interaction. once the historical districts are regarded as symbols of security, comfort and authenticity of the residents, due to inefficiency and interruption of their structures, suffer instability and displacement of their residents. According to this, instability and displacement of inhabitants to districts of historical value are known as the main problem in these neighborhoods. The purpose of this study is to identify the effective factors of authenticity in historical textures of “ Ferdowsi” neighborhood located in distrct 12 of Tehran by phenomenological approach. method. For this purpose, eight persons of this neighborhood were selected by purposive sampling method were collected through questionnairs and profound individual interviews. After recording the interviews, they were implemented in Maxqda qualitative data analysis softwarethe data and analyzed by seven-based Colaizzi methods. Authenticity as one of the individual characteristics will have an effective factor in educating people to live as citizens in the external society and will have a controlling role on human behavior and performance in society. Therefore, preserving and protecting valuable historical monuments, buildings and places. In a neighborhood that is subject to the behavioral and functional characteristics of human beings, in addition to the permanence and sensory richness of the permanence and sensory richness of the space, it will be necessary to transfer originality from one generation to another.

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This study aimed to investigate the temporal-spatial and synoptic features of thunderstorms in southwest of Iran (Khuzestan, Chaharmahal & Bakhtiari and Kohkiluyeh & Boyerahmad Provinces) It was compiled using volatility indices during the period 1985-2015. Results of Frequency Analysis of Thunderstorms at Dezful Station with 479 cases the highest frequency and Ramhormes with 252 days had the lowest frequency. In terms of seasonal distribution, spring was the most abundant with 39%. On a monthly basis, April had the lowest frequency with 21% and August with only 2 cases. In terms of thunderstorms the highest frequency of thunderstorms with no thunder was 21 percent. Synoptic analysis: Most of the time there is a nave (at level 500) or low pressure in the west of the region, east of the Mediterranean Sea with its tabs clockwise. From the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, they entered the south, southwest, and west of Iran On the other hand, the high-pressure system on the Gulf of Aden in the east of the region is round in the clock It has injected moisture, especially at a level of 850 millibars. Interaction between the two systems over the course of the day, It has injected moisture from three sources of the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and then the Persian Gulf into the rising systems of the region. The low-pressure counterclockwise movement of the eastern Mediterranean, Along with the high-altitude clock movement over the Gulf of Aden, it has injected moisture at levels of 850 to 700 degrees.

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Today, given the rapid growth of the world's population and its focus on cities, access to quality housing by urban dwellers is an essential component of influencing the long-term outlook of human communities. At the same time, considering the widespread impacts of housing on urban environments and on the economic, social and physical life of the city and its citizens, it is important to identify the factors that influence the choice of place of residence and housing. The residence has been emphasized on housing features. The type of research was applied and descriptive-analytical in nature; the method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The study population consisted of 384 households living in Tabriz metropolitan area. Then, tests (descriptive and inferential statistics) will be used and finally by diagnostic analysis using SPSS 22 and GIS software will analyze the relationships between variables. The results showed that demographic and lifestyle indices affect residence and housing choice and when demographic characteristics are combined with lifestyle, the choice of residence by the households is examined based on differences. Individual and lifestyle are important. Also, based on the results of the research, selection of residence and housing has a significant relationship with access to business centers, childcare centers, cultural centers, pedestrian access, parking and home warning cameras.

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Understanding the needs and interests of tourists provides a better understanding of tourism and is a valuable guide in designing effective programs for sustainable tourism development. Considering the importance of the above mentioned cases, the present study was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and a library and questionnaire for The purpose of this study was to assess the conformity of tourists' needs with urban tourism management measures so that the needs and expectations of tourism and services and. . . Tourists (383 persons) from Tabriz before traveling with completed tourist services Travel as action They were analyzed by urban tourism management (80 people) and their satisfaction with the trip. The results showed that the average level of satisfaction of tourists with accommodation and tourism infrastructure in Tabriz is moderate. The needs and expectations among tourists regarding infrastructure, transportation, accommodation, services, are consistent with urban management practices and the research hypothesis is confirmed. Urban Management Approaches to Tourism Needs Significantly Impact on Tourist Satisfaction with Tourism Purposes.

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In today's urban planning, the paraphrastic processes of symbolic systems in the city, which aim to show the social and cultural meaning of the physical environment, have received less attention, and most urban contexts, regardless of significant and identifiable differences and similarities and the hidden values in the context and the patterns of traditional urban planning and architecture of Iran are formed, and this makes it important to analyze these processes. The object of this paper is to present a framework for considering change of semiotics system caused by factors affecting the urban identity and comparing these systems in the old and new textures of the city by layered attitude toward the city as a multimedia text. The research is qualitative and the method of research is descriptive-analytic analytic and Semiotics has been used as a tool and method for considering representations and analyzing the identity of the city. Studies in the old context relied heavily on documents and in the new context is field and the samples were studied in hot and dry areas of Iran. The results show that based on the study of representations in the symbolic system in the textual layers of the city form, the duality of meaning and identity of the old and new textures of a city over time indicate several main factors of change within the textual layers of the form of city, the rupture and duality in the human layer and change in the system of codes that affect the structure of the city form, which is manifested in the elimination, replacement or change of signs in the natural, social and artificial layers.

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