The connection between Plato's Philosophy and Illuminationist Wisdom can be found, regardless of Suhrawardi's statements about Plato as one of the most prominent sages endowed with gnostic intuition, through the analysis of the agreements between these two philosophers in treatment of the key ideas rooted in what Suhrawardi calls “ the eternal substance of wisdom” . According to this method, which goes beyond the mere historical researches, the works of the two philosophers are compared in respect of possessing themes concerning spirituality and initiatic path. The goal of the true philosophy conceived and practiced by Plato and Suhrawardi is happiness, and this happiness amounts to the likeness to God. Therefore, the most fundamental theme in this philosophy is the homogeneity of human essence with divine truths which has been forgotten as a result of attachment to body. The initial principle of philosophy as a spiritual path is thus the remembrance of the deiform self as a capacity in man to achieve that goal. Suhrawardi and Plato, in addition to reasoning about this theme, have also dealt with it in a symbolic-allegorical way. The symbols concerning the theme in question can be found particularly in Suhrawardi's mystical treatises and in such Plato’ s dialogues as Republic and Phaedrus. Symbols such as hedgehog, dewdrop, bird, heart and world reflecting cup, winged chariot, eye of soul and their correlated symbols, such as captivity in trap, leather, cave and hole, burial in grave are all representative of the dual status of man, celestial as well as mundane.