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Today, despite growth & development of technology in many countries, disasters and crisis management has transformed to one of the emerging challenges for managers and planners. Natural disasters and human-caused ones lead to crises by integrating to human vulnerability. The issue of gender in disasters is one of the important & critical aspects of human vulnerabilities. Generally, concentration on gender issues in disasters is a relatively new debate which its commencement refers to the 1990s. Existing researches in the field of gender and disaster are confined especially in the branch of temporary settlements. In addition, most programs in the area of temporary settlement, locking a gender approach, are concentrated on creating planned camps inside or outside the city. In programming for transitional settlements, the critical strategy is perception of this fact that transitional settlements have been chosen by the displaced populations. This understanding will determine which options should be supported and how the supports should be offered, at each phase of response. In this paper, efforts are taken to investigate the issue of transitional (temporary) settlement based upon a gender approach by benefiting from the field studies in district 9 of Tehran, one of the most vulnerable districts in this city by having the potential for defining transitional settlement types. The procedure includes surveying theories and basics of temporary settlement, detection of women vulnerabilities, and then conceptualization and extraction of dimensions, indicators and effective variables in desirability of transitional settlements. In this paper, social aspects and environmental perception of different types of transitional settlement have just investigated with variables such as security and protection, privacy and human dignity, willingness to participation, viability and vitality, amenity and discipline. The number of necessary samples from the statistical community (the women residing in district 9 of Tehran), according to Cochran Formula was determined 380 persons. In the current research, the random sampling method was used for selection of samples; and at the end, the data gained from SPSS software have been analyzed statistically. The main objective of this paper is prioritizing transitional settlement types in the format of the single indicators and combined ones defined by women. In this regard, the final result of study showed that among main options of transitional settlement from women’s viewpoint, settlement in the host families and collective centers are the highest desirabilities (73.89 points) and planned as well as equipped camps have the least desirabilities (32 point) out of 100. According to this, in order to settle the women residing in district 9, the planners and disaster managers shall support the choice of settlement with host families and collective centers and minimize the women vulnerabilities in the conditions prone to getting homeless by detecting the weaknesses strengths, opportunities and threats of these options, and by providing appropriate strategies too.

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The term “urban sprawl” is often used as a synonym for undesired low-density or otherwise unplanned urban spatial development. More often, though, sprawl is defined in terms of “undesirable” land-use patterns - whether scattered development, leapfrog development (a type of scattered development that assumes a mono centric city), strip or ribbon development, or continuous low-density development. However, the precise definition, as well as its desirability, is debated. From mid of twenty century, urban sprawl has become as a main subject and challenge in spatial policy making agenda of most of governments. In this kind of urban expansion, land as a main source of development is utilized in a higher rate than population growth. Such kinds of development, for lack of mixed land use, lack of centrality and inefficiency in accessibility, etc. leads to wasting non-recyclable resources and energies (resources like land for developments and energy for center-periphery commuting) on the one hand, and polluting environment as their impacts on the other hand. However, intensity and substance and physical forms of urban Sprawl would be different dependent upon levels of economic and social development of countries and their planning system. Major factors which caused the urban sprawl in Iran were parallel with starting exogenous development process in the country. Rapid urbanization fueled by motorization, rapid growth of population and rural –urban immigration, central government ineffective land policy, land speculation, etc. prevent from infill development and led to land uselessness within cities as well as increasing urban sprawl in suburbs. All these processes led to a massive transformation of agricultural land into urban land uses all over the country and provided some evidences that urban is taking place as a pattern of development. So, it seems that the mentioned pattern in our country is different from its origins (in American cities). Although the urban sprawl began four decades ago in Iran, but has yet to be empirically measured or characterized. Present paper aims at defining and measuring the characteristics of urban sprawl in three middle range Iranian cities according to a preferred theoretical framework inferred from literature review. In case studies, the authors have used GIS based data and methods like factor analysis and SPSS for measuring their urban development characteristics and defining the areas that show higher indices of sprawl development. Research findings indicate that lack of centrality and low level of mixed land use are the main factors defining urban sprawl development in the case studies. This is in contrast with western countries' situation in which low density development is the main characteristic of sprawl. The findings show that the highest rate of urban sprawl is observed in the areas of Sanandaj and Ardabil that were developed and affected directly by the governmental land policies.

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By increasing the population, articles and activities in cities, different and sometimes contradictory solutions are expressed for urban development, in a way that usage of these solutions causes the appearance of suburbs, country sides and vast immigration of villagers to cities etc. especially in the late 20th century. Continuation of this process not only causes urban sprawl and immethodical growth of city in their surrounded lands and environment but also it induces the stunt of central district of traditional cities and destroys the natural environment. But by appearance of new approaches of urban development as a new urbanism literature like infill development, sustainable development and reusing of existing facilities being considered. Therefore brown fields, vacant and abandoned lands especially in the middle parts of cities or in the historical context - the fields that in spite of their location within the city, having installation, under and up ground facilities and appropriate access to CBD, etc. hindered from development and be vacant, abounded or useless - in recent years because of their high potentials are considered by dealers and developers more than before. Some benefits of the mentioned approach is absorbing growth in existing communities, reducing growth pressure on rural areas, providing efficient use of lands, infrastructures, and services, and improving the quality of life in older communities. Infill approach enhances the character, viability, and function of existing communities. Maintains or restores spatial continuity to streetscapes, strengthens neighborhoods, respects historic preservation, and introduces compatible uses that complement existing community attributes and needs. However, infill development projects facing with Physical, Social, Regulatory, Economic infill projects that make their, uncertain and expensive. In the face of these limitations, most developers avoid infill projects in favor of developments that contribute to sprawl. Therefore in this paper, the capacity development of Brownfields, abandoned areas and non-used ones in CBD of Qazvin will be assessed by hierarchical analyses (AHP), on the basis of the standards and indices of infill development- as the research approach- that have been retrieved from obtained methodology of global case studies. These indices that are prioritized according to their importance include: readiness of land for development, the zoning regulation, economic factors, and access to supporting services, access to communication networks and physical condition. Finally 23 identified lots were classified in 5 categories on the basis of their development capacity and it was determined that the various social, economical, physical, management and environmental functions such as downturn, loss of social tendency to development the properties by the owners and investors, management challenges, loss of regional criteria, especial characteristics of some properties because of their heritage property and etc., have caused formation of such spaces in CBD of city. Therefore by examining the reasons of formation of these fields in the center of Qazvin, it will be cleared that the highest development abilities are related to the limitations that have the most physical, economical, social and environmental functions problems; and the largest development abilities are related to the lots that have suitable condition in zoning regulation.

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A new deal in the field of concepts and viewpoints about urban management was made by new challenges and problems due to extension of urbanization and globalization. That deal intends to make a mutual linkage between urban management and political and socio-economic structures and therefore changes the role of urban management from delivering different services to attract public participation. In these conditions, urban planning and management make a great attention to lower levels and tangible dimensions of city life and use each community as a tool for managing cities, making sustainable development and social solidarity and creating identity and character. Also a pervasive approach can be recognized which intends to use the human resources and financial ones by assigning the major role to the community; this attitude is called the community-led approach. Recognizing the major characteristics of this approach, adjusting it with Iran and conditions of Mashhad city in Iran, and representing a pattern for implementation of the community-led approach in this city as well as feasibility study of this pattern are the purposes of this research. In this research the recourses about community-led approach are studied, and the basis and principles are recognized; then the research studies the characteristics and the role of them for realizing this approach. After that, on the basis of study results and interviews whit Mashhad urban management experts, it represents a pattern that consist, of many factors, parameters and indicators of community-led approach and tests this pattern by selecting two communities in the city, according to the physical-social typology of Mashhad communities. Finally, by analyzing the results, the article, represents a pattern and some strategies and methods for implementation of community-led approach in the structure of Mashhad urban planning. Study of basis and principles of community-led approach shows that it can be explained by four viewpoints; consist of community theory, participatory approach, asset-based approach and social capital theory. The survey shows that two major factors, including community and urban management, have critical roles in implementation of the mentioned approach and urban management, because of starting this process, has a similar role. Hence, amplification of information systems of urban management, training the participatory methods, making community meetings with urban authorities, establishing a community council and a community management organization, and trying to reach the community planning are among the most important steps to implement the community-led approach in Mashhad. In conclusion, feasibility study of community-led approach in Mashhad shows the lack of many indicators and the tough implementation of this approach in this city. Since the most of significant criteria in this pattern are in the field of urban management tasks, it can be expected that recognition, understanding and real intention to implement the community-led approach by urban management, make the realization of this approach possible and convenient.

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While a glance to sustainability reveals its first definitions with the most emphasis on taking advantage from resources without compromising future needs, cultural sustainability is a term which is rather place oriented or at least place-related; not only because each community has its specific culture and value systems but also for the variety and diversity of its residents’ needs and desires. Moreover culture can be defined as an ability to retain cultural identity and to allow change to be guided in ways that are consistent with the cultural values of the people. Also culture is seen as an important contribution to all of the other fields, including social, and provides a contextual explanation which incorporates diversity and understanding. Hence, mostly due to the pressure of cultural issues and, most importantly, the increasing threats posed by rapid globalization to local identities, culture has gradually emerged out of the realm of sustainability and is now recognized as having a separate, distinct, and integral role. Within the community development field, culture is defined broadly as being the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or a social group. It includes not only the arts and letters, but also modes of life, the fundamental rights of the human being, value systems, traditions and beliefs, etc. (UNESCO, 1995). Within the sustainability field, culture is discussed in terms of cultural capital, defined as “traditions and values, heritage and place, the arts, diversity and social history” (Roseland, 2005). The stock of cultural capital, both tangible and intangible, is what we inherit from past generations and what we will pass on to the future ones. However, achieving the culturally sustained urban places is an objective which cannot be met exclusively by the manipulation of the physical environment, and in considering the wide range of elements which must be incorporated in achieving sustainability, it is more often the non-physical variables that are the most effective ones. The main objective of this article is to determine the priority of culture in programming toward sustainable development. To get more focus on the issue, two case-studies (United States and Canada) has been taken to study and investigate their main indicators which are effective on cultural programming. Finally the findings of this study are compared with the indicators and the stakeholders in the city of Tehran concerning the cultural issues. The outcome of the research reveals that cultural diversity and enforcement of cultural identities are fundamental goals towards cultural sustainability. Hence, as long as culture is assumed as a high rated aspect in sustainable development, it’s quite important for the municipality of a metropolis (such as Tehran) to have its own indicators in supporting local identities and characteristics.

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With globalization, the economies of most countries have become incorporated in a global capitalist economy through the advanced communication technologies and multi-national companies and institutions. This process causes some changes in the nature and form of built environment such as public spaces, etc. There for, the globalization leads to a kind of fear about creating similar landscapes around the world, commercialization of the built environment, transformation of the urban form, threatening the local landscapes and identities and ultimately damaging the built environment, as well as the natural one. So the attention to the local ideas will be necessary. Urban public open spaces and globalization have a Mutual interaction. On one hand globalization affects on forms and activities of public open spaces, and on other hand urban public spaces have a considerable influence on competitiveness and competitive picture of cities and are of great importance for the urban culture and city life. Thus urban open spaces have an important role in addressing with cities of globalization era. Because of that in this paper, the open spaces of the historical center of Tehran are considered. The key questions of this paper are as follows: 1-What are the impacts of globalization on public open spaces in Tehran? 2- How the urban public spaces can help non-global cities to have a stronger position in the global era? This paper shows that Tehran with a population of about 12 million is one of the important capitals in the Middle East and has a dominant role in national transactions but it has recognized as a non-global city. Different studies confirm this too. Short (2004), classifies Tehran in his "black holes" and describes it in the typology of non-world cities as a "resisting city". With the criteria of GAWC Research group, Tehran has minimal evidences of world city formation but it is not a global city. Also some studies show that Tehran has not started globalization process yet and as the process develops, this city stays more and more behind it. In accordance with this research, although Tehran is not a global city and even has not started the globalization process so far, but it needs to achieve the requirements of competitiveness in the era of globalization and enhancement its global image. According to the above mentioned approach, design principles of urban open spaces of the historical center of Tehran in the era of globalization, is identified and presented. These design principles are: 1- Improvement of Global Image of Tehran and Efficiency in Local Scale, 2- Access to information, 3- Efficiency in local scale, 4- Identical Continuity, 5- Legibility and Meaning, 6- Animation and Richness, 7- Safety and Security and 8- Ingravibility. Finally this paper presents a series of actions to follow in designing the public realm of non-global cities (like Tehran) in the context of globalization era.

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In people-environment relationship lived-experience is likely to be a significant component of place meaning known as phenomenological works that attribute to understanding unconcealed environmental properties and meanings. In this article a group of selected persons was conducted to find out the emotional dimensions of a place named Shavadan. Shavadan found as a sophisticated underground space of Iranian houses in Dezful. It looks like – but really it is not - a segregated part from the whole configuration of a house. This place with 5-15 meters depth has been excavated completely under the ground with access to a series of stairs mostly from the courtyard. This study regards to human well-being and his demands and focuses on the non-physical human needs that mostly are not responded. The main problem is that while human live in architectural contemporary modern places, the answers to his emotional demands are totally incomplete. There are different places throughout Iranian traditional architecture in which dwellers positively might be influenced in interaction with whole space. Throughout the variety of indigenous house typology in Iran, searching a variety of indoor residential spaces, mostly the private types, and the case study was selected in Dezful city for its existing residents and special distinctive properties of Shavadan that cannot be easily found in modern buildings. Shavadan which means a dark place is used during hot summer days. It has been excavated completely under the ground with access to a series of stairs mostly from the courtyard. There is a peculiar feature where the walls and roof are exactly in the form of buried/ dug ground but not an ordinary ground, which looks like an integrated screen of stony texture. Geologically, Dezful’s earth is sedimentary rock, called conglomerate. Consequently, among the verities of living spaces, at the time of long hot summer days, even the total shadowed parts of semi-open space “Iwan” are uncomfortable, and therefore the residents move to Shavadan till the heat intensity would drop at about sunset. Concerning the non-physical aspects of Shavadan, the person’s image of being in a living space, taps into a personal experience, never studied before to understand its nature. To learn about such kind of place that is meaningful to people, a phenomenological study and 20 semi-structured interviews conducted to find ant the human experiences in the mentioned place. Here, the research questions are based on two matters of what people do experience in interaction with place and how they experience it. Two groups of people participated for interviews inside Shavadan the first group had no experience, so they perceived the place for the first time; and the second one the local people experience it they lived in the place, experienced it and communicated with it by their occupation of the space. The feelings and emotions of the member of two mentioned groups were conveyed through their non-physical interaction with the environment. The qualitative thematic analysis reveals phenomena such as distinctiveness, tranquility, relief as well as thoughtfulness, etc.

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Islamic architecture has been developed very well within a vast geographical world of Islam. Studying the evolution of the valuable structures, built since 1000 years ago in different parts of the Islamic world indicates that there is a valuable potential in traditional Islamic architecture to be considered in developing contemporary architecture. Among these valuable structures, the designs of various types of minarets and tombs are considered to be studied and analyzed in this paper. The minaret which means the place of light was built as a landmark and monumental structure. They were built to help passengers finding their ways and also as a memorial related to the kings and their builders. They were also built as a part of mosques from where Muslims were called to pray in the right times. According to a viewpoint some towers like Qabus tower were built as tombs. Today minarets are transformed to towers with a bigger plan and greater different function like PETRONAS Twin Towers (KLCC). In this regard the process of tower design (minaret) from Qabus tower, Jam minaret and Qutb minaret have been studied and their impact on each other has been analyzed and their relation with PETRONAS tower has been mentioned. Comparative analysis of these towers and Tomb shows that designing the façade of PETRONAS Twin Towers has been under impression of designing the plan and façade of Qutb Minar in India. Qutb Minar itself was constructed under impression of Jam Minar and Qabus tower and Aliabad Tomb in Iran (all built before 13th AD). Qutb Minar and the other towers which affected the form of Qutb Minar are the samples of Islamic architecture, so it can be also said that PETRONAS Twin towers have been constructed as a sample of evolution of Islamic architecture. The outline plan of all these towers are almost circle and as it is shown in studying the evolution of these towers, the façade of Qabus tower has angular grooves, and Jam Minar’s façade is circular and decorated with projected brick works (Names of the God and the verses of Quran). There is a combination of angular and rounded grooves in Qutb Minar’s facade and Aliabd Tomb in Iran. The façade of Qutb Minar’s has been decorated with cream and rosy stone (names of the God and the verses of Quran). It seems that the design of façade in KLCC has been under the effects of the towers and the tow that mentioned above. The materials which are used in façade of Petronas Twin Towers are glass and metal (steel and aluminum) instead of brick and stone. These materials are used because of their brightness and consistency as well as their availability. This research has a message to Islamic architects (and the other ones too), who want to design with respect to Islamic architecture, that if they do adequate research about the chronology of Islamic architecture and its design creation in the past, they can do successful design to get international opportunity like the architect of Petronas Twin Towers.

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The objective of this paper is to reach the architectural “form” of Hasht Behesht palace through its “figure”. In order to share and to be contemporaneous with the past’s valuable architecture, it’s inevitable to study their forms. In doing this, the presence and influence of the factors and facts related to the work’s poetic and artistic form is more tangible than its skeletal form. This article neither claims to record the history, explain and analyze the architecture of the Palace on the desk of artistic criticism, nor is it limited to pure sciences or subjective point of view without any proof. In fact, it tries to share and be contemporaneous with architecture and also attempts, as much as it can, to pay attention and point out to the reality of life. The essence and truth of the architecture of this Palace is not just the objective source and material to be researchable as a concrete material in the hands of the scientists of the pure sciences or in laboratories. In fact, the dissection of mere form of on architecture al work which generates baseless imitations, and researches like those done by materialists about the materials will themselves be the veil to understanding its truth; a veil which has unfortunately become dominant nowadays. Mystery in this architecture along with showing the unity of the components, also leads them toward a “form” beyond the materialistic mold of the structure’s “figure”. In this article form is studied in the way that the mysteries of the elements – such as water, light, time –as well as material, and center have realized a good and perdurable experience in the form of valuable architectures such as Hasht Behesht Palace. The mystery of water made a transubstantiation of the material world in allegorical forms and was a sign of God’s reflect and emanation in the universe. Substance, which was like wax in the hands of the form of the artist architect and its supernatural and spiritual concepts, was considered as the structure’s materials and substances in the level of figure. In this Palace, continental parameters of the materials, substances, and natural elements were “manifestation of the truth” and not just as the raw material ready to be extracted with the most efficiency. They were dignified and - in the meantime- controlled, and were exploited by man and his life as well. Light in this environment acted as a cognitive factor in the pursuit of exalting the percept and was animating the various shapes and areas in a spectrum of dark to light. You can not talk about the truth of architecture in these areas without time. The time of these areas was perceived in accordance with the inner understanding of the qualitative content of architecture by the evidence. The connection space of the Palace measured and assessed the surrounding areas as a symbol of the center of the universe and acted as a focus and a destination for its surroundings. These places shared the contemporaneousness with the real life at those times.

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