A significant portion of world energy consumption belongs to building sector, And HVAC systems have an important share in building energy usage. In this research, a novel HVAC system has been proposed which is based on three technologies of combined heating and power, ice thermal energy storage, and solar heating. The system is named CCHP-ITESS as an abbreviation of previously mentioned technologies. This system was modeled on a case study building in Tehran, to obtain energy consumption, costs, and payback results in comparison with conventional HVAC systems. In order to realize the effect of energy prices on the economical results, the same system and building were simulated for the city of Los Angeles, California, US. The results showed that both scenarios will lead to significant reduction in net source energy consumption, which is 36. 87% reduction in Tehran and 40. 28% reduction in Los Angeles. However, the system is not economically reasonable in Tehran because of the low energy prices and has a 39 years of payback period, but is absolutely feasible in Los Angeles with ab payback period of less than 3. 5 years. As a result, application of this system is feasible in Los Angeles and not feasible in Tehran.