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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Evolving the planning and image of Isfahan, the foundation of a new life of capital for the grown-up population, immigrants and various minorities occurred in Shah Abbas (I) era. New-Julfa which its original core was built by the merchants and prominent Armenians under Shah’ s support, was gradually developed and added to its credibility. This large neighborhood, which is introduced as a “ town” , “ village” or “ neighborhood” in Safavid tourists' reports, played a significant role as a part of the new structures of the Safavid capital in its diversity and advancement. The geometry of New-Julfa form and its physical-spatial structure is comparable with the new parts of the capital's development. Identifying the common features of the physical-spatial structure of the new constructions would be advantageous to correlate restoration projects, including the urban restoration of New-Julfa, as an inspirational and effective source. The research seeks to determine mutual physical-spatial structural principles of the capital center and the New-Julfa. Understanding the morphology of two physical-spatial structures of new Isfahan and the New-Julfa and recognizing their mutual principles is the purpose of this research. Research is following the framework of qualitative studies and the methodology of historical-interpretive and analytical research. Not only historic documents and texts, but also contemporary researches are covering the needed tools and materials. Regarding the morphology literature, French school seeks for different layers influencing urban morphology. The first layer contains the elements of physical-spatial structure including gates, ways, bridges, natural factors, specific architectural and urban elements, route networks and the regularity of block divisions. On the other hand, the context of Isfahan with its natural, cultural and spatial background had to become a competitive capital with powerful states due to the will of Shah. The intellectual, social and political layers which affect the morphology of the Safavid Isfahan can be searched through the historic texts. The different layers are subsets of the principles that research is looking for. Two mentioned structural characteristics show semantic structural relations explaining the use of common morphology ideas. Five principles were discovered in the findings including: symbolic principles, managing-governing principles, cultural-social principles, morphologic principles and landscape principles. The symbolic principles represent the right choice of Isfahan as the Shi'i capital, which has the ability to exemplify religious-philosophical concepts in its structure, and at the same time experiencing the admission of the culture of immigrants. The managing-governing principles based on Shah Abbas's orders and actions include direct monitoring of the design and implementation of projects, invitations and encouragement of the officials to participate in the capital construction. Social-cultural principles indicate paying attention to social activities, which also encouraged the participation of the wealthy people in construction projects. The morphological principles implies how the elements of the physical-spatial structure are influenced by the formation and relations between the components of the structure. The landscape principles reflect the cultural signs of both the immigrant and habitants communities while displaying specific visions and meaningful perspectives on the spatial structure and urban landscape.

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Architecture is the thought of creating a terrestrial paradise, the material that makes our home. Living may be considered as the first act of the self-consciousness of man, which, in conjunction with himself, overshadows his material and spiritual needs. The nature of habitation is so important in human thought that its long history dates back to the history of human philosophy. The present study has been developed specifically in terms of the position and importance of philosophical vocabulary such as perception, both in terms of architecture and concept (habitation) in the perceptual approach, as its subset. History of the topic of sensory perception, philosophical views, with emphasis on the profound theory of the perception of the phenomenological philosopher, Merleau-Ponty are part of the intellectual foundations of the study. On the other hand, the development of human societies and changing lifestyle and habitat of people, the need for studying and attention of designers and planners to the quality of spaces and perception of the environment were aimed to improve the satisfaction of residents. The effects of human senses in the process of large-scale perception and their importance in terms of inhabitants, is the question that this research has focused on. The research method of this paper is a combination of method, i. e. rational reasoning and quantitative and qualitative mix, which has also used documentary and library studies. Meanwhile, data collection tools based on library studies, purpose-based note-taking and using questionnaire were used for this purpose. The statistical population has been inhabitants of Zanjan housing complexes for more than two years. Cluster random sampling method was used and the collected data was analyzed using SPSS16 and Amos24 software. The keywords obtained in the questions and the effect level have been determined through meaningful judgment. The study reveals that the space of each residential complex in addition to visual effects contains other features that can stimulate the audience's senses, and is the source of arousal of feelings and desirability. Findings of the research showed a significant relationship between the components of sensory perception and the quality criteria of residential complex space. As the findings of this research indicate, the sensory components of residential complexes play a role in its environmental qualities and affect the room's comfort and residents' satisfaction. In such a way that, although it is possible that the power factor play the most important role in the initial selection, which itself requires independent research, for inhabitants of more than two years of residential complexes, there is a fall in the rating of this sense in the impact graph. The order of the impact of the senses in this study was as follows: (1) hearing, (2) olfaction, (3) sense of touch, (4) vision and (5) movement experience. The study found that residents' perception of residential complexes cannot be considered a purely visual process, but we also use our other senses beyond the sight. morphological principles implies how the elements of the physical-spatial structure are influenced by the formation and relations between the components of the structure. The landscape principles reflect the cultural signs of both the immigrant and habitants communities while displaying specific visions and meaningful perspectives on the spatial structure and urban landscape.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The issue of facade is a fundamental and important topic, not only for urban designers, architects and professionals but also for the administrative institutions related to the urban problems. This is really an important issue because of the fact that the facades are the symbol of visual identity and are like the urban window which is seen by the observers in their first contact with the city. Despite this, the trend of urban facades’ construction and their design ignore these considerations and as the results the codifying and implications are not proper. So not only the environmental perception, but also receiving visual information have encountered with problems and due to these the level of arousal and pleasure decreased and visual equilibrium could not be creates. In this regard, a glance on the urban window of Tehran as the capital presents the dissonance, chaos, inconsistent visual identity. This paper aims to define the process of environmental perception and also to explore the influence of emotional aspect on the interpretation aspect and semantic implications. Then, based on the models of environmental preferences, the implications of the different facades are determined. For revealing the semantic implications of facades in Shariati Street (as the case study) experts and observers viewpoints have been considered. Research methodology in the first step and in data gathering phase is based on picture survey. In this step, according to theoretical framework, the data was analyzed via qualitative method and four types of facades were defined including exciting, relaxing, boring and stressful. This step is considered as the base for other phases of this study, and also for avoiding of interpretation by the researcher, this typology was checked by experts at the first step. In the next step, for specifying the semantic implications, qualitative method and Delphi technique was used in two rounds (using 20 designers). The data analyzing method is qualitative-quantitative in this step. Considering the fact that meaning has cultural and the semantic implications and is influenced by socio-cultural context, the viewpoints of 160 observers were also analyzed. For this quantitative method (closed questionnaire) and statistical analysis were used. The results show that the sematic implications of facades are adaptable to the emotional response, and revealed the factors which should be avoided in order to prevent from formation of boring facades. For example the results determined that the repetition of forms, lack of diversity in color and material, uniformity, lack of harmony and coordination, too much simplicity and lack of pattern may form a boring facade in the spaces. This is due to the fact that lack of innovation, amazing and complexity in a standard level, may decrease the level of arousal in the facades and thus the sense of pleasure may decrease. As a conclusion in the first step, it is important to find the position of a space or a faç ade based on its identity and function in the emotional network and then to find the characteristics of facades’ elements which lead to environmental arousal and pleasure. Doing this, the codifying the facades might be appropriate and logical. components of the structure. The landscape principles reflect the cultural signs of both the immigrant and habitants communities while displaying specific visions and meaningful perspectives on the spatial structure and urban landscape.

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Nowadays, with the advent of long distance military weapons, the role of cities has become more important in provide safety in wars. Military threats have continued due to insecurity in the Middle East and the presence of valuable potentials in Iran. Safe urban design, by paying attention to the physical vulnerability of the city against threats, can improve the conditions of cities. It tries to plan new urban development properly or to solve existing problems by identifying appropriate urban morphology from the perspective of passive defense. Obviously, some concepts such as city structure, urban texture, urban form, density, and urban networks can be effective in reducing the vulnerability of the city to military strikes. In this context, it seems that such concepts should be reorganized and redesigned. Observing passive defense considerations in designing and organizing urban facilities can significantly reduce their vulnerability. Moreover, recognizing the characteristics of suitable urban morphology from the perspective of passive defense in new urban development can be a solution for urban security. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the vulnerability of various urban sprawl against air strikes from the point of view of passive defense considerations. As a case study, the 6th district of Tehran has been selected because of valuable land uses, such as ministries, governmental agencies and private organizations. The method of measuring the vulnerability of various urban sprawl against air strikes in this research is descriptive-analytic. This practical research is carried out by collecting theoretical literature review using documentary methods. The survey method with observation, interview and questionnaire is used to achieve this goal. For this purpose, evaluation criteria are extracted by studying theoretical literature of passive defense considerations and urban morphology. These criteria are determined by conducting interviews with experts and were cared for in the Delphi method. The statistical society of this study are urban planners and architects who are proficient in passive defense considerations at relevant universities and organizations. Twenty of them were randomly selected to complete the questionnaire. Then, using the Inversion Hierarchical Weight Process (IHWP), the importance and weight of the criteria and sub-criteria were determined. The GIS software program, by disassembling layers for each criterion, provides the final vulnerability map for the 6th district of Tehran. Due to the objective and scope of the study, it only examines the vulnerability through the map. However, Argentina Square, Kargar Street and the Shahid Ghomnam Highway have high vulnerability in the area due to their high construction density and old age. Generally speaking, it can be concluded that smaller blocks with low shaped compaction, along with large land lots and low occupancy levels of the masses, can be regarded as an appropriate city morph from the perspective of passive defense. Regarding the buildings, low density and newly constructed ones, proper quality and low complexity form are considered appropriate. Moreover, wide streets, confinement, and low-level integration are appropriate from this perspective.

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The presence of citizens in outdoors can influence the liveliness of neighborhoods in the city and at the same time, can improve public physiological health. Thermal comfort, as a physiological need, is one of the most important requirements to facilitate the presence of citizens in open public spaces, which has an increasing importance especially in hot and dry climate including Lar. Therefore, one of the most important priorities in neighborhood design in such a climate is considering thermal comfort in outdoor public spaces. This research is aimed to search for principles of designing a neighborhood unit in order to provide thermal comfort in urban public spaces. The research pursues a step-by-step simulation process by which the best alternative design for achieving outdoor thermal comfort is obtained. In order to design different steps in simulating process, environmental criteria was derived from previous studies. Geometry, greenery and material that is used in building facades and on pavements, were three criteria which influence thermal conditions and are considered as simulation process steps. Achieving thermal comfort in outdoor spaces should not cause extra energy consumption for buildings, therefore finding the best orientation of buildings for reducing energy consumption in interior spaces is one of the design issues, the main point which was neglected in previous studies, and eventually in this process we optimized the orientation of buildings. In this study, ENVI-met software version 4 is used for modeling the available urban fabrics and simulating design scenarios. ENVI-met model is validated through a comparison between field measurement and simulation results. Meteorological data (temperature and relative humidity) were measured for 7 days from December 10th to December 16th 2016 in the new town area of Lar. The physiologically equivalent temperature (PET) index has been chosen to assess the space design scenarios thermally. While designing, using a step-by-step simulation process facilitated the achievement of an optimal model based on three criteria: urban geometry, greenery, and facade material. The aforementioned models were simulated between 9 A. M to 17 P. M in two days Jun 21st and Dec 21st in each step of the process. The final design has been optimized after simulating 37 different scenario models. Simulation results confirm the crucial effect of geometry on street thermal conditions. In the case study of Lar, an east-orientated street with 5 degrees’ rotation designed with two W/H aspect ratios, leads to the best thermal condition. Simulation of the neighborhood center based on greenery criteria shows that among two existing tree species of Lar, Albizia lebbeck in comparison with Palm makes better thermal conditions and reduces Physiologically Equivalent Temperature (PET) by 3. 94 degrees on average. Simulation of neighborhood center based on material criteria shows a negligible effect on thermal condition of space; it approves previous studies results; thermal conditions of space in denser tree canopies with higher aspect ratio are less affected by materials of space facades and ground pavement.

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Nowadays, most of the major municipalities are faced with many new projects up and running, sometimes their essential resources to start or finish them is several times more than the annual calculated budget. Most of the project-driven organizations use project portfolio management approach to deal with these types of problems and better productivity of their projects. The main constituent components include a process framework, decision criteria, methods and models of choosing the portfolio. The main objectives of this study is Identifying the most important aspects and criteria of projects selection and prioritization in the Department of Urban Development and Architecture, optimal portfolio selection and offering a mix of relative value models for the study's project portfolio selection. This study is an applied research in terms of objective and a descriptive-review one in terms of data collection. The instruments of data collection are reviews of documentation, interviews and questionnaires. According to the paper findings, the project portfolio management consists of a four-step process, portfolio selection, approval, implementation, monitoring and control. The project portfolio is defined and chosen as the first step through a five-step process, classification of projects, comprehensive evaluation of project, project selection, prioritization of projects and balancing the portfolios (in the case of more than one portfolio). The second step is making decisions of the approval and allocation of resources. Implementing the approved portfolio usually done at the third step and finally, the fourth step is consisted of a continuous and regular reporting and monitoring of all the undertaken works during the process of the running project portfolio. Classification methods and models of portfolio can be pointed out as other findings of this research. The project portfolio selection procedures can be classified into four groups, relative value models, economic value models, optimization models and artificial intelligence models. Unlike the economic value models, the relative value models assesse the projects based on a comparison against fixed scale or other projects and take advantages of qualitative and quantitative criteria for the projects selection simultaneously. The proposed model for Urban Development and Architecture Department of Tehran Municipality's project portfolio were offered as a combination of Delphi, Analytic Network Process and TOPSIS techniques. In the first phase of the proposed model, Delphi method was used to determine the dimensions and criteria of the projects selection and prioritization. In order to select and prioritize case study projects, decision criteria were separately recognized and classified through technical, financial, social, environmental and economic cases for the selection of new projects, and technical, financial, social, environmental, risks and economic cases for the prioritizing new running projects with low percent of physical progress. In the second stage, weights of the dimensions and criteria were determined through network analysis process, so that, social, environmental and financial criteria obtained more points than the other groups by reviewing its results in both the selection and prioritization. In the third stage, final grading of the projects was done by TOPSIS technique, and the projects portfolio orders and points were determined. The results of the first step can be used in the resource allocation in the second step process of portfolio management.

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Stakeholders’ conflicts in urban regeneration leads to incompatibility, disagreement, and inconsistency within or between stakeholders. Lack of these conflicts management may not allow that the whole capacity of participation to be realized, and consequently fails to attain urban regeneration. Therefore, recognition of the existing conflicts among stakeholders and representing a proportional pattern for conflict management is of great importance. The institutional approach in urban regeneration management processes is concerned with the creation of "institutional capacities in local communities. " In other words, through supporting and developing the community networks, and through creating a wider network of trust and support, the intended objectives including stakeholder conflict management in urban regeneration can be achieved. A "cooperative approach" is needed to build institutional capacity. Collaborative approaches in urban regeneration can assist the creation of the fields that can act as learning environments in which stakeholders learn new methods of communication. Governance is considered as the basis where institutions can play their roles and is known as a decision-making process through the collaboration of multiple stakeholders. This model of governance bring many stakeholders together in associations held in common with public organizations to participate in consensus-based decision-making. Identifying the influential components of stakeholders’ conflict management in urban regeneration, with collaborative governance approach, leads to organizing the mutual relations among the stakeholders (state, local community, public section, and private section), as well as providing the conditions to achieve the objectives of community regeneration. This study intended to present a conceptual model for "stakeholder conflict management in urban regeneration based on collaborative governance. " In the recommended model, we clarified the main components, including the institutional design of urban regeneration, conflict management, and collaborative governance approaches that affect the conflict between community regeneration stakeholders and their interactions. Collaborative governance and collaborative planning process is the consequence of community innovation based on community conditions. However, it is possible to reveal a conceptual model, which includes the main stages of providing basic conditions of incorporating cooperative engagement in the process of urban regeneration. Clearly, each proposed conceptual model is localized considering its institutional necessities. Thus, the model presented for conflict management must be coordinated with the institutions in Iran and concerning a more precise application, be coordinated with the institutional context of communities. According to this model, after identifying various types of conflicts between community stakeholders, i. e. cognitive conflicts, conflict of objectives or interests, normative conflicts, and conflicts of relationships, which are proportionate with various conflict management styles, i. e. obliging, integrating, dominating, avoiding, compromising, we determine the status of each type of conflicts in the process of interventional management in the local community urban regeneration design. Such a variables as trust, understanding, legitimacy, and shared commitment are the most substantial components effective in the collaborative process, which eventually lead to institutional capacity building and changes in the system that help to make our institutions more effective and adaptive.

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