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The purpose of this study was to determine the psychometric properties of Persian version of the sports commitment questionnaire-2. 443 athletes (male: 240 and Female: 203) from 16 team and individual sports, were selected by random cluster sampling. The face and content validity confirmed by sports psychology experts and the correctness of the translation was verified by a specialist in English. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the general 12-factor model (type of commitment and commitment resources), the 10-factor model (commitment resources), and the 2-factor model (types of commitment) fit well with the data. Intra-class correlation coefficient above 0. 76 indicates appropriate temporal reliability and also Cronbach's alpha above 0. 75 represents the acceptable internal consistency of the questionnaire. These findings suggest that the sports commitment questionnaire-2 can be used as a valid tool for assessing the type of commitment and sport resources in the Iranian athlete community.

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The purpose of this study was to design the attitude and orientation model of Iranian volleyball community based on optimistic and pessimistic attribution. The research method was descriptive-analytical and 288 men and women volleyball league players were selected according to Cochran formula and cluster sampling method. The instruments included self-report attribution style, Willi’ s sport attitude and Gill and Dieter’ s sport orientation questionnaires. Pearson correlation coefficient, Friedman, variance, Watson, Sobel and structural equations were used to analyze the data with PLS software. The results showed no significant relationship between attribution style with sport orientation and sport attitude. However, there was a significant relationship between sport attitude and sport orientation. Also, regression analysis showed that the components of success and power were able to predict sport orientation. Priority of sport attitude was component of success, power and component of failure avoidance in first to third order. Model convergence validity and model divergence validity were also confirmed

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The present study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the ethics improvement of professional Iranian football athletes. The present study is a type of mixed research which was conducted in the field. The statistical population of present study included all players of Iranian Professional Premier League. 165 people were identified as the research sample. Data collection tool in this study was a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire. The results showed that 5 personal, sport, biological, mental and environmental factors improve the ethics of professional Iranian football athletes among which the environmental factors were identified as the most important factor. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the environmental issues to develop the ethics of professional Iranian football athletes. Due to the results of present study, it is suggested that by examining and monitoring the sport environment of athletes and emphasizing the values of sport and society in this environment to promote the ethics of athletes.

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This research aims to design strategy for lifestyle development by emphasizing the role of the socio-psychological and motivational status of sports models. The purpose of this study is practical, and its research method is descriptive-analytical. To collect the required data and information, documentary-library and field studies were used. The Delphi technique was used to collect the information and opinions of stakeholders. This method analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using the Delphi technique and SWOT model which examines strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and presents strategies and strategies to analyze the lifestyle development with an emphasis on the role of socio-psychological status. And motivational sports models with the help of sports models of different disciplines, managers, officials, and professors of sports management to 30 people. To collect the information from sources and methods of field research, library studies, the study of upstream documents, information of survey forms with open-ended questions from experts in the field of lifestyle, questionnaire to identify the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats and internal and external analysis matrix, focused group discussion sessions, interviews with managers and experts in the field of lifestyle were used. The study showed that 10 factors were identified as strengths, 12 as weaknesses, 9 as opportunities, and 12 as threats to the socio-psychological and motivational status of sports models. The interior and exterior are located in house V; Therefore, defensive strategies must be implemented which lead to "maintenance. " Thus, the strategies should be considered to minimize the weaknesses of the socio-psychological and motivational status of sports models and reduce threats severity to the socio-psychological and motivational status of sports models. According to the results of the present study, it is suggested that practical steps be taken to promote the Iranian-Islamic lifestyle with the motivation of sports models.

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The aim of this study was to Investigating the relationship between apology and forgiveness culture with athletes' behavioral tendencies. The method of the present study was correlation. The statistical population of the study included all athletes who used the sports services of indoor clubs in Tehran, who regularly participated in sports activities in these spaces, the exact number of these people was unknown. According to the formula of Cochran's sample size in the uncertain conditions of the statistical population and also the high distribution of the statistical population in urban areas of Tehran, 450 people were selected as the research sample. In order to analyze the research data, structural equation test was used in SPSS and PLS software. The results of the present study showed that there is a significant relationship between the culture of apology and behavioral tendencies of athletes. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between forgiveness culture and athletes' behavioral tendencies. Therefore, in order to develop and improve the behavioral tendencies of athletes, it is necessary to properly improve the culture of apology and forgiveness.

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The present study was designed and conducted to investigate the role of personality traits and the psychological capital on sports commitment (case study: Ministry of Sports and Youth) staff. The present study's statistical population includes all Ministry of Sports and Youth employees whose number due to the information obtained from this ministry was 890 people, including 569 male and 321 female. A questionnaire was used to collect the information. The present study results showed that personality traits affect the level of the sports commitment of Ministry of Sports and Youth staff. Also, the results showed that the psychological capital affects the level of the sports commitment of Ministry of Sports and Youth staff.

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This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting the improvement of working life quality in swimming Coaches. The present study was descriptive survey. The statistical population was 773 people who were swimming Coaches of East Azerbaijan province. The data collection was a 40-item researcher-made questionnaire. The applied statistical method in the present study included the exploratory factor analysis. The results of present study showed supporting for swimming coaches in legal disputes in the workplace, improving the appropriate treatment system in the work environment of swimming coaches, insurance support for swimming coaches, reducing stress and work stress of swimming coaches and improving the technical knowledge of swimming coaches in the field. The work was identified as the most important way to improve working life quality of swimming Coaches. Paying attention to the identified factors can positively affect working-life quality in swimming Coaches.

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REZAEI SH. | Monazami A.H.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the concepts, effective factors and consequences of organizational Loafing in Iranian sports organizations and sport federations. This study has a qualitative approach and we used the grounded theory as a research method. For gathering data we studied high level documents and we interviewed with 17 experts who were aware of this subject. The validity of this research was examined and approved by the interviewers and then expert professors. The reliability of it is %89 which was obtained by using the methodology of the interstitial agreement. For data analysis we used the continuous comparison method in three stages: open, axial and selective coding. The results showed that the factors of dissatisfaction, organizational loafing, structural change and reform, transformational leadership, teaching and learning mechanisms, monitoring and control mechanisms, nature of group, job and organization, nature of employee demographic, external and organizational climate factors, organizational culture and Increased performance and productivity were identified and extracted as effective components in organizational Loafing in Iranian sports federations and organizations. Based on these results, it is recommended that managers of sports organizations pay special attention to these factors.

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Our study aims to identify the effect of observation, imagery and execution on selected psychophysiological indices and imagery ability. The participants were categorized into four groups (action kinesthetic imagery, action visual imagery, action observation and action execution). at pretest, the participants imagined each revised movement imagery questionnaire items. During imagery, their psychophysiological indices were recorded. Participants rated ease of imaging based on this questionnaire and did their exercises for three sequence days according to their groups. The post-test was performed as the pre-test protocol. The univariate covariance analysis test revealed significant differences between the score in variables of skin temperature level, heart beat and breathing rhythm but there was no clear advantage for a specific group. On the other hand, there were no significant differences between four groups in the ability to visualize at posttest. Therefore, it seems that all four methods are equally effective in the imagery ability.

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The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of group semantic therapy and group metacognitive therapy on the resilience of female students. The method of this present study was semi-experimental. The statistical population was students of Azad University which, according to the statistics, was 120 people. Sixty people were selected as samples and were divided into three groups: mean therapy, cognitive therapy and control. The data collection tool was the Sobhan and Lajaz (2012) Sports Resilience Questionnaire. ANCOVA and ANOVA tests were used to analyze the data and the results showed that group meaning therapy has a significant effect on the resilience of the research samples. Group metacognitive therapy also had a significant effect on the exercise resilience of the research samples. The group meaning therapy played a more prominent role in improving resilience in the research samples than in group metacognitive therapy. Based on the results, it is suggested that sports administrators use sports psychologists in their environments to form stronger goals among their athletes.

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the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of psychological capital components on the development of sports participation of veterans and the disabled in Iran. The research was mixed (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the study includes university professors' familiar with sports for the disabled, athletes with disabilities, and managers and experts in sports for the disabled. These individuals were purposefully selected for qualitative interviews on the subject of research (15 people and continued to the point of theoretical saturation). And in the second part (quantitative), the questionnaire was distributed among the disabled in Tehran (384 people). The Conner-Davidson (2003) Resilience Questionnaire, Shearer and Carver (1985) Optimism Questionnaire, Schwarzer and Jerusalem Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (1995) and Schneider (1991) Hopefulness Questionnaire were used to collect data. The questionnaire for the development of participation in public sports, including 24 items, was developed in two main components: psychological and physical factors and social factors. To analyze the data, elongation and skewness indices are used to examine the data distribution, and to review and answer the research questions, first the Max QDA Pro version software and then to examine the demographic status, drawing and modeling. Measurement and structural modeling of SPSS software version 24 and PLS version 0. 2 were used. The results showed that resilience, optimism, self-efficacy and hope have a significant effect on the development of participation in public sports for veterans and the disabled. These results can be fruitful in order to prepare the disabled and veterans for a sustainable presence in sports activities.

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The present study was designed and conducted with the aim of designing an ethical decision-making model for professional Iranian football referees. The method of the present study was qualitative. The statistical population of the study included experts aware of the subject. The data collection tool in the present study was interview. According to the research results, it was found that the causal conditions in the present model include individual factors, safety factors, regulatory factors and structure and environmental factors. The results also showed that the underlying factors for improving the ethical decision making of referees include knowledge and expertise, values and facilities and equipment. The results showed that the intervening factors include economic factors, political factors, social factors and human factors. According to the research results, the strategies are in four areas: safety and security, development of facilities and equipment, policy-making and education, as well as cultural development. The results of the present study also showed that the consequences of developing ethical decision-making among Iranian professional football referees include individual and professional consequences.

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Psychological issues are integral components of all areas of behavior, including sports. The current study attempts to find the relationship of disappointment with self – handicapping and doping tendency in sportsmen in Fars province. This was a field study using a descriptive correlational design. The population of the current study included all sportsmen competing in boxing, weightlifting, and track and field, out of whom 384 sportsmen were selected as the sample of this study. The participants were selected by convenient sampling and data were gathered using three questionnaires. The disappointment questionnaire (Beck, 1979), doping tendency questionnaire (Petró czi, 2007), and self-handicapping questionnaire (Jones & Rhodewalt, 1982) were used as the instruments of the study. The reliability coefficients of the instruments were calculated and confirmed using Cronbach's alpha test, and combined reliability was measured by PLS software. PLS3 software was also used to analyze structural equation modeling data. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between disappointment and self-handicapping. The results also confirmed the relationship between doping tendency and disappointment on one hand and self-handicapping and the tendency to doping on the other. Moreover, the results confirmed the significant role of self-handicapping as a mediating variable in the relationship between disappointment and doping tendency. Also, the model of the effect of disappointment on the tendency to doping showed an appropriate fitness. Finally, it is suggested that, in addition to an acceptable level of supervision, the psychological issues of the athletes should also be taken into consideration in different levels of competition.

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The aim of this study is the modeling of effective factors on aggression outbreak the Esteghlal and Perspolis fans. The research method was appliedal in terms of purpose. The statistical population consists of fans of Esteghlal and Persepolis football clubs. The sample size was 387 people based on Morgan’ s table. The tool of the research is questionnaire that reliability and validity were confirmed. Smart PlS software was used for data analysis and model design. Findings showed that contextual factors had the greatest impact and Managerial and functional factors had the least effect on the incidence of aggression. According to the results the highest number of violent behaviors is in the age of 20-29, so "Emotion control and stress management" should be included in the educational titles of the Ministry of Education, universities, the Ministry of Sports, federations and clubs, So, that we can teach the principles and rules of going to the gym to teenagers and young people.

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The aim of this study was to examine a model of Coach-athlete relationship quality based on coaches’ perfectionism and verifying mediating role of forgiveness and controlling behavior. in this study A total of 270 coaches completed four scales: Perfectionism, Forgiveness, Controlling Behavior, and Quality of Relationship. The proposed model was evaluated using structural equation model. Result revealed that coaches’ perfectionism negatively predicted quality relationships with their athletes. Results also revealed that coaches’ forgiveness positively predicted quality relationships but coaches’ controlling behaviors negatively predicted quality relationships toward their athletes. The results of path analysis revealed that the relationship between coaches’ perfectionism and the relationship quality toward their athletes were mediated by forgiveness and controlling behaviors, and Perfectionism was inversely (positive) related to relationship quality with the entry of these mediators. its concluded that relationship between perfectionism and quality relationships is not a simple linear one, but other variables such as forgiveness and coaching behaviors play a mediating role in this relationship.

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