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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    52 (142)
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Reza Shah's era is the beginning of the modern era and the creation of fundamental changes in the social sphere of Iran. The Women's Awareness Project in this period affected their social life in various ways, especially women of middle and upperclass in urban areas. The formation of a new education system and the extension of the right to education in new public schools to girls were among the government's gender policies that greatly affected the social and personal lives of urban women and girls. The author of the present article did not seek to study the educational policies of Reza Shah's government in the field of women, but while explaining the development of the new concept of motherhood, sought to answer the question of how this concept made women's education necessary and this education in terms of Quantitatively and qualitatively, how was the new mother idea influenced. Research data collected through statistical libraries based on statistics and publications show the new maternal idea and the need to change the traditional patterns of women, primarily by changing the definition of the female uterus from a biological organ to the location of the next generation. And in the next step, with the emergence of the idea of mother-coach, or the education of an educated housewife, the quantitative expansion of women's public education expanded. Of course, in terms of quality, the educational program for women in public schools shows that their education was very different from that of men and was developed with an ideological approach, with the aim of raising a new Iranian wife and mother; For this reason, it has not contributed much to professional life and the formation of an independent female identity.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
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The purpose of writing this article is to test two prominent hypotheses about Rostam al-Tawarikh by the method of falsifiability. Rustam Alhokma is one of the historians that so far, there have been Paradoxical judgments about his personality and Type of historiography; As some historians have considered his works, especially Rostam al-Tawarikh, as an example of "illusion" and "delusion", On the contrary, a number of political scientists have included him a thinker that Some of the basic ideas in the future Constitutional Revolution such as "secularization" and "care for the masses " was placed in his works. The author has tried to test the above contradictory hypotheses by using the method of falsifiability and evaluating their scientificity from the perspective of this method. The author has made it clear that the first hypothesis is formulated by the inductive method and is valid within the framework of this method, but from the point of view of a historical refutation, it is a "falsifiable" hypothesis. However, due to the anachronistic nature and lack of propositions that support that hypothesis, the second hypothesis is irrefutable from the point of view of the Popper method and therefore unscientific.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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The Shah Abbas travelogues provide an account of the process of accepting ambassadors to the Shah Abbas court, reflecting the power relations and mechanisms of its use in Iran. In fact, in the face of the king with ambassadors, many of the traditions, norms, beliefs and components that go directly with the king, his authority, the hierarchical structure of power, the hospitality, and the compassion of the king, are very much reproduced. In this context, what was happening was the creation of a narrative of political culture in Iran that was supposed to influence the imaginations of the envoys and ambassadors. This study seeks to answer the question of how did you object to the policies of Shah Abbas in the process of accepting ambassadors to political authority? The results show that the narrative of travel writers, despite their shortcomings in content, encompasses a variety of references to the Iranian court's attempt to create an authoritarian narrative to influence the minds of ambassadors. In this descriptive-analytical study, the emphasis is placed on the presence of ambassadors in the court of King Abbas, in which the Shah of Iran and his staff come to the hosts seeking to establish a powerful image of Iran and its principles. Rule over the relations of the exercise of power in its political structure.

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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At the beginning of the implementation of compulsory military service, Fars state faced some drawbacks and a lack of coordination among civil and martial units. Such as the lack of details of the participants and the lack of unity of procedure between executive organs. On the other hand, in order to centralize and perform the modern army, Reza Shah emphasized the implementation of this law. Therefore, compulsory military service faced some conflicts. This study is compiled based on a descriptive-analytic model and documentarylibrary resources. The main question of this article is about the challenges that Reza shah government had to encounter in order to execute a mandatory system, and also about the solution to solve them, and finally the result of those approaches. The results show that despite the lack of coordination among the different parts of the state and formational drawbacks in performing compulsive military service, no relinquishment or disappointment was seen in governmental sectors. To stop this profligacy and prevent pluralism, and confront the center of influence of the influential, dealing with evil and insecurity. Reza Shah used all martial and administrative capacities. Compulsive military service was one of those capacities. The pertinacity of the authorities resulted in a gradual decrease in flaws and obstacles in Fars. As well as this, organizations such as state birth certificates also came into existence. Only socially speaking, some people created a challenge for the government offices as they did not accept the compulsive military service.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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The Darehshuri sub-tribe is one of the sub-tribes of the Qashqai tribe. In the political structure of power, the sheriff was officially responsible for the administration of the sub-tribe. In addition to their affiliated sub-sections, the sheriffs employed a group of executive agents who were referred to as "Deī r Bar" and "Adā ra. " The authors of this article want to clarify the relationship between the power of Darehshuri subtribe sheriffs and the duties of their agents. So the question is, why and how did the sheriffs use agents in the council? This field research has been done on the basis of interviews and by supplementing library resources, by a descriptive-analytical method. The findings show that sub-tribe sheriffs used their agents to do family affairs and maintain order in sub-sections with people like the Kadkhoda. As the executive arm, they not only performed duties in the sheriff's office, but also some agents outside the sheriff's office. The agents, while skilled in administrative matters, were warriors whom the sheriffs used to suppress the rebellious people and sub-sections and advance their goals alongside the loyal tribes.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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Among the most precious Iranian lithographic books from the Qajar period is Kulliyat-e Joodi, whose illustrations stand out in their depiction of the women present at the Battle of Karbala. With a focus on Zaynab bint Ali (peace of God be upon her), this study analyses those of the book’ s illustrations that are centered on the women of the Battle of Karbala. It also explores the themes surrounding the event, as well as the thematic and visual qualities of the illustrations. The study asks: “ How are the accounts and themes of the Battle of Karbala rendered in the illustrations? And how are the religious significance and outfit of Zaynab (p) and the other women of the Battle of Karbala shown in the different Manuscripts of the book? ” The findings of this descriptive-analytical desk research helped identify the illustrators of some of the Kulliat-e Joodi Manuscripts whose illustrators were originally unspecified. Many of the studied artworks were not completely faithful to the accepted Islamic historical accounts, with the artist having taken creative liberties with the source text. To show the religious significance of Zaynab (p), the illustrations make her the focus of the scenes and distinguish her with visual elements of holiness. She also notably appears in three different outfits across the artworks. Notions such as the strength of character, support, patience, and grief are highlighted using different artistic tactics.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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During the nationalization of the oil industry, political parties and groups were very active in Hamedan. The Tudeh Party was one of the parties operating in the form of associations and a united council of workers and toilers. Opposing the National Movement and Mossadegh's government, the party was often involved with the "Hamadan National Movement Supporters Association. " The trade union and the united council of workers and toilers of this party and other party organizations, such as the "House of Peace", played an effective role among the workers of Hamedan factories through their activities in the workers' strikes. The purpose of this article was to analyze the activities of the Tudeh Party and the council among the workers of Hamedan. The present article is based on data extracted from archival documents and library resources. The findings of the study show the activity of the Tudeh Party and the United Council of Workers and toilers of the Hamadan branch in opposition to the national movement, by recruiting workers and holding labor strikes in factories in Hamadan. Thus, for the first time, the labor movement in an organized way raised new trade unions and political-economic demands and created political and security problems for the officials of Hamedan.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    52 (142)
  • Pages: 

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Hamadan province in western Iran is one of the most important areas in historical and archeological studies that in different historical periods it had special importance. By studying the historical texts it becomes clear that almost whenever the name of Hamadan is mentioned, immediately has been mentioned Alvand Mountain. In fact, the name of Hegmataneh or Ecbatana has never been mentioned without its mountain, it is clear that before the name of Hamadan appeared on the pages of history, Alvand Mountain has been attention. In view of this necessity, important questions can be asked: what are the most important Parthian artifacts identified in the Alvand Mountain? What are the reasons for the formation of these monuments in the highlands of Alvand? The nature of the present study is descriptive-analytical and the method of data collection is field and library studies. The most important monuments identified in the Alvand Mountain are the reliefs of Mydan Mishan and Yakhchal Valley. These reliefs resemble various monuments of the Elymais region, including; Tang Sarvak II, the relief of the oriental side of Tang Sarvak IV, and Sang e Mahi. Another monument is the Qizlar Qale Si that located at the eastern end of the Alvand Mountain with a strategic location and has dominated communication routes from the south to the central plateau towards Hamadan.

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