The purpose of this study was to design and validate the environmental curriculum framework based on the upstream documents in the middle school, which was carried out using a qualitative-quantitative method with exploratory design in two sections. The research population in the first section of the research was upstream documents. The sampling method from this population was criterion-based. The data collection tool comprised a checklist and taking notes whose validity was assessed and approved by experts, masters, and professors. The output of this section was the environmental curriculum framework in the format of four elements of the curriculum (purpose, content, method, evaluation), which was used to validate the 42-item questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire approved from the experts' point of view and reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The statistical population of the study in the validation section comprised 2259 people of the experts and masters of the social sciences, experimental sciences, and Farsi literature from six districts of education in Isfahan in the academic year of 2018-19, of which, 329 people were selected by categorized relative random sampling. The data obtained from this section were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis method using Lisrel software. The results showed that the fitness was appropriate for the proposed model based on the indexes (X2/df =1. 947), (GFI = 0. 95), (AGFI = 0. 90), (RMR = 0. 81).