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FARAJI AMIN | Sahneh Fariba

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The ecologic capability evaluation determines which human activities can be performed on which area of land and conversely, which activities are impossible, economically unviable, or detrimental to environmental sustainability. This study set out to evaluate the land ecologic capability in Golestan province of Iran to develop agriculture (cultivating wheat) through land use planning and to investigate the factors effective on the agriculture ecologic capability. The study was exploratory in terms of method and applied library research method for data collection purposes. The identified factors include climate, precipitation, temperature, evaporation, topography (altitude), slope, slope direction, land use, water resources, flood zones, land types, erosion, and soil. Then, the optimal location of land for wheat cultivation was done in four stages using ARC GIS software and its tests in order to zone the lands appropriate for what cultivation. To this end, the raw data of the intended layers was extracted and examined, and the areas appropriate for cultivation were determined and classified. The appropriate values were assigned to the aforementioned layers so as to generate the final layer map to zone the lands appropriate for wheat cultivation. Finally, via overlaying the wheat-cultivated lands on the intended layers, the ecologic capability map of the area was made. These were then classified into three categories, namely lands with appropriate and high capability (about 13%), lands with medium capability (over 80%), and lands with low or no capability (about 5%). The intermediate territory of the province has the most fertile lands with semi-humid, temperate Mediterranean climate (Alborz highland plains). As a result, the best cultivation areas of this province are located in its intermediary and southern parts that have deep, high quality agricultural soil and adequate rainfall.

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Equitable distribution of services at the regional scale and achieving a balanced spatial structure in the region are among the most important goals of sustainable regional planning, especially in developing countries such as Iran. In this regard, one of the most important strategies and policies in regional spatial planning is the decentralization of development. The purpose of this study is to identify the most important urban areas of Fars province in order to determine the priorities of development and decentralization of the unipolar development of the province. To this end, the regional network modelling based on graph theory and the concepts of social network analysis are used to conduct the spatial analysis of Fars province. The data used in this study includes the Fars province road network extracted from the OSM open source system, as well as the spatial information of the urban and rural areas of Fars province extracted from the website of the Statistics Center of Iran. Regarding research methods, Pandas Library and NetworkX Library were used in the Python programming platform to form the network graph and analyze the centrality indicators, while ARC GIS software was for final processing and visualization of data and information. According to thenetwork centrality indices and the location of the province cities, notwithstanding Shiraz as the main hub of development in the province, Zarghan, Sadra, Kavar, Lepui, Khane Zenian and Noorabad are the main development priorities. In addition, the Shiraz-Marvdasht and Shiraz-Khaneh Zenian roads were determined to be the most important transportation paths and communication corridors. The results and findings of this study showed that network-based modeling and the use of graph-based analytics (in particular, social network analysis techniques) can be useful and effective as new analytical methods in regional studies and planning.

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Compared to other cities, metropolises are exposed to the more vulnerabilities derived from environmental disasters because of their population, and the vulnerability of most of them is even increasing. The assessment of vulnerability, especially in specific intervals, generates new foundations for better urban planning and management. Additionally, the concept of the term “ vulnerability” has been emphasized in the context of studying the relationship between naturalhuman interconnected systems, and consequently, in urban ecology. On the other side, population movements in different districts of big cities always follow different models. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to identify the spatial connection of population changes of the districts of Tehran metropolis with the changes in environmental vulnerability intensity in the last decade. The methodology of the research included the assessment of vulnerability in three layers, namely the damages stemming from natural disasters, urban structure, and environment in the last decade in Tehran. In addition, the vulnerability has been measured in accordance with the census statistics of population changes in 22 districts of Tehran in the recent decade. The results of the research modeling show that the southern area of the city has had the highest increase in vulnerability during the last decade, and so, it has had the highest reduction of the population, too. Nonetheless, the district 18, which is located in the west zone of the city, has faced an increase in population despite its increased vulnerability. Moreover, the northeastern area of the city has faced increased vulnerability as well as a sharp increase in population during the last decade. These changes can challenge this part of the city because of possible future crises. Finally, the reduction of vulnerability along with the increase in urban population has happened in the northwestern area. To keep this vulnerability low, the acceptable capacity of the population in this part of the city (especially district 22) should be taken into account.

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Due to the growing importance of environmental problems and increasing human interventions in natural environments, it is necessary to use spatial planning and sustainable development approach in order to conserve natural resources and move along with the land and its productive capacity. The rough topography of Lorestan Province has caused a large part of its lands to be recognized as national lands due to their steep slope and the necessity of preventing the destruction of natural resources. However, there some activities such as agriculture, industry, tourism, etc., which are possible if certain conditions and criteria are met. Regarding the dependence of the region's economy on agriculture and the increase in unemployment, these lands can be used to develop agricultural activities based on their environmental potentials using spatial planning approach. The purpose of this applied study was to determine the potential of national lands of Chalancholan basin in the east of Lorestan Province for the development of agricultural activities. We used tools and data such as topographic maps, geological maps, climate data, pedology, hydrology, and Arc GIS software to determine national lands with agricultural potential based on the guidelines and standards of the Forests, Range, and Watershed Management Organization of Iran, taking into account the local conditions. To this end, first, the land units (geomorphology) were determined and then, the allowable land uses were specified in each of the homogeneous environmental unit. Next, different variables were used to assess the suitability of national lands for agricultural land uses. The study results showed that national lands under study are more suitable for dryland agriculture compared to irrigated agriculture and horticulture, the reason of which is poor pedogenesis due to geological characteristics of the region and limited water resources. The study results indicate that the lands located in the plains and alluvial sediments are more suitable for irrigated agriculture and horticulture, while the lands surrounding the plains are more suitable for drayland agriculture.

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Population distribution, economic functions, as well as the status and role of cities in the urban system change and evolve through their interaction with other cities over t ime. This change in the organization of the urban system is not a static one, but rather it is a context-dependent issue. Alborz province has experienced highly rapid changes in the urban system that have led to the emergence of severe imbalances in the urban system, increasing population and functional concentration in its metropolitan area compared to other cities and the marginalization of other cities of the province in the urban system. The typology of urban system in Alborz province that aims at describing the spatial pattern in which the cities of this urban system are organized and proposing the possible scenarios for the future spatial pattern of this urban system are the subjects of this article. This issue has been pursued through the analysis of the morphological and functional spatial pattern of cities, the analysis of the grounds affecting the formation of the urban system, and for the examination of the possible futures for the urban system. This research had mainly a descriptive nature, relied on quantitative methods and spatial analyses, and emphasized both morphological and functional aspects. According to the findings, the main east-west corridor of the province is the most important factors in the spatial pattern of this province’ s urban system. The urban system of the province might develop in future through three possible spatial scenarios. These scenarios include the corridor, polycentric, and monocentric development patterns. It seems that in the urban system of Alborz province despite the spatial concentration of the population and the majority of the provincial functions in Karaj metropolis, there are potentials for the realization of a more balanced development. The potential and tendency to the corridor development model around the east-west axis, which agrees with the natural, infrastructural, and economic structure of the region, is one of these tendencies that can create a demographic and functional balance in the urban system of the province and lead its cities to take various economic roles.

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Nowadays, the vulnerability of urban settlements is one of the urban security risk factors. Meanwhile, shelter is one of the most important components of increasing the safety factor in cities in the face of hazards. In the present study, which was conducted using a "descriptiveanalytical" method, an attempt was made to find the most appropriate place for the construction of an urban shelter in District One of Ahvaz metropolis. Theoretical data of the research was collected via library research, and after extracting the indicators, the spatial analysis of each index was obtained using GIS modeling. The analysis shows that the best places to build an urban shelter according to specific fuzzy patterns are located in the proximity of the Museum of Contemporary Art, adjacent to the Laleha Cultural and Educational Center, along the Khuzestan Agricultural Jihad Organization, Pars Hospital and Shahid Rajaei Hospital, near Hazrat Khadijeh High School, Hajar Technical Schools, etc.

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Land use mapping and land use maps related to the prediction of spatial-temporal changes provide a major portion of the information required by urban planners and administrators to adopt correct measures and make principled decisions to achieve sustainable urban development. The purpose of this investigation was to examine land use and land cover changes in Yasuj city in the past and, consequently, to predict the spatial pattern of the land structure in the near future. In this study, the satellite object-based image analysis of the images taken by Landsat satellite in 1990, 2000, and 2018 was used to make a dynamic modeling of Yasuj lands use changes. Moreover, a combination of the Markov chain and automated cells were employed to predict land use changes. The results showed that during the period between 1991 and 2018, the area of pasturelands decreased by 7. 18%, while the total area of residential areas increased by 2. 02%. That is to say, the spread of Yasuj city has led to the increase in the residential and irrigated cultivation lands, while it has decreased pastures, forests, dryland cultivation areas, barren lands, and gardens. Furthermore, the development process of Yasuj city shows its tendency to physical-spatial expansion in all dimensions. Moreover, the land use map for the years 2030 and 2040 was predicted by the CA-Markov model. The results showed that during the period 2018-2040, pasturelands, dryland farming areas, and forests will decrease 1. 08%, 1. 03%, and 1. 47%, respectively, residential areas will increase by 4. 17%, and the waterbody will change a little. The results of the study show the high efficiency of the CA-Marcov model for monitoring the trend of changes, especially urban growth, for the coming years based on the pattern of changes in the past years.

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The dependence of the farmers and agricultural life on water resources and the existing crises has a direct relationship with various challenges of this macro-social structure. In the global water crisis, the cultivation type is simultaneously the major culprit and victim. The purpose of the present study is to examine the role of hydrological and population-related factors in preventing the aridification of an area as one of the most devastating environmental disasters. By its selection of the appropriate crop for any area (which prevents water wasting), water resources management can prevent the dependence of that area on the agricultural crops of other areas and help decrease unemployment rate. In order to manage the effect of water demand on the balance of water resources flowing in the Kuhdasht County, the topographic data was combined with other data through the geographical information system and using enhanced AHPFUZZY method. The purpose was to weight the hydrological and population-related data (including the sub-criteria of river, well, spring, residence, people, men, and women) and determine the location priorities based on the field data, satellite images, and the data existing in the Lorestan province related to the amount of water needed by various products. The intention was to create jobs while protecting natural resources. In addition to the prevention of underground water levels and the destruction of wells, springs, and aqueducts, the results of this study specify the conditions for scientific and principled cultivation, reduction of poverty, and creation of jobs through planned management in the research area based on the consideration of crop type, cultivation method, and cultivation time. According to the obtained results along with the consideration of the fact that agricultural activities are heavily practiced in the area (where dryland farming is performed in mid-level grasslands), the management of the area under study was classified into five levels, namely very weak, weak, average, good, and very good. This analysis can help the land managers to change the existing conditions toward a rule-based management of water resources.

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Oil pollution in the pipelines transporting petroleum products is an inevitable consequence of population growth and industrialization of communities. In addition to negative environmental effects such as groundwater and soil contamination, it causes changes in the geotechnical properties of local soil. Changes in soil engineering properties can lead to soil rupture and poor performance of transmission lines. Therefore, this study intended to assess the effects of the oil pipeline in the north of Iran on the environment using environmental geotechnic parameters during operation. By analyzing the Iranian matrix, it was found that there were 5 negative effects and consequences in the row and column. The consequences in the column were related to the diversion of the river, creating dams, and spinning, while in the row, these were related to landslides and soil contamination. The results of laboratory studies to investigate the effect of soil contamination on geotechnical parameters showed that the uniaxial strength of samples is decreased by 22%. In addition, the analysis of soil rupture by PLAXIS software showed that by changing the angle of the reinforcements from 20 to 23 degrees, the slope reliability of the soil decreases to less than the minimum reliability in the regulations. Finally, it was suggested that in order to reduce the negative effects and consequences of the projects, the pipelines should not be crossed through forested and sloping areas as much as possible.

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One of the important aspects of development from the spatial perspective is the evaluation of the effective long-term processes on the institutional mechanisms of a land and the determination of share of the respective areas in this regard. For many years, economy has been hurriedly moving toward a knowledge-based stance, and the countries that have neglected this movement have been deprived of fundamental developments. In this applied study, which adopts an analytical approach and a quantitative view, the necessity of the proposition of a strategic attitude to the two-way relationship between higher education and the industry sector of Iran is addressed. To this end, first an overview of the previous studies and theoretical principles are made. Then, following the questions and hypotheses and determining the evaluation and analysis methods, the detailed information on over 11 variables (including panel data of 31 provinces of Iran from 2016 to 2019) are collected. These are then analyzed and tested using Excel, Eviews, and Arc GIS through spatial econometrics, generalized method of moments (GMM), weight matrix and geographic-spatial correlation (λ ), and KP-HET diagnostic tests. According to the results, the spatial correlation between higher education and industry in Iran is highly significant, and the shock resulting from the industrial and educational development is completely mutual. That is to say, the shock inflicted upon a given province has spread to other provinces of Iran. The findings of this study confirm the effects of the emphasis on the centralization policy stereotype and the prescriptive – rather than land-use-based – roles given to certain parts of Iran. In fact, the very high spatial correlation demonstrates that the nine less-developed provinces of Iran have experienced trivial industrial growth due to a lack of higher education infrastructure. On the other hand, the results of this study shows how the market demand for labor of the university graduates is aligned with the functions of the knowledge-based industries of Iran.

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The increasing population growth along with human activities has led to the booming of waste production. The selection of inappropriate landfill sites contributes to the increased potential of underground pollutions. The purpose of this study was to zone the underground water vulnerabilities of Karun County in Khuzestan Province to select the optimal landfill site, so that a site with the least vulnerability of aquifer would be selected for waste disposal. Two models were used to zone the aquifer pollution potential, namely GODS and SINTACS. After preparing the vulnerability maps of the two models in GIS software, the appropriateness levels of the sites for waste disposal were prioritized. The results of SINTACS model demonstrated the following vulnerability statistics: 455. 22 hectares have no vulnerability potential, 780. 84 hectares very low vulnerability, 3281. 31 hectares low vulnerability, 12582. 4 hectares low to medium vulnerability, 11169. 9 hectares medium to high vulnerability, 9449. 6 hecaters high vulnerability, 5844. 15 hectares very high vulnerability, and 495. 72 hectares totally at vulnerability risk. Moreover, in GODS model, nearly 215. 576 hectares have negligible vulnerability, 560. 544 hectares low vulnerability, 5169. 08 hectares medium vulnerability, 37471. 9 hectares high vulnerability, and 641. 9 hectares very high vulnerability. In both models, the least vulnerable zones comprise a small part of the area (1. 03 percent in SINTACS and 0. 49 percent in GODS model). This level can be selected as the optimal landfill site (rank 1), while other zones are ranked lower due to their higher aquifer vulnerability levels.

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Using a spatial information system to manage real estate data has two advantages: one is the storage of valuable data using a real-world spatial index, and the other is the ability to analyze and visualize this data in a new way by collecting numerous information sources. In this research, using the Survey Analyst extension and the Cadastral Editor tool of ARC GIS software, a property registration map (cadastre) of an area of Kerman city has been prepared as an example. First, the required maps were collected, and then the geo-database of the study parcels of the studied area and their topology were designed. In the next step, the Cadastral Fabric Dataset Layer was created, which is the starting point for working with data related to parcels. By transferring parcels to Cadastral fabric, they can be edited or even drawn as a new parcel. In addition, by entering the descriptive information of each parcel, such as owner’ s name, type of use, cadastral ID, number of floors, etc., the specifications of each plot of land (parcel) can be accessed. Then, the Automatic Parcels Division tool was implemented as a tool in GIS for automatic division of land plots. This tool has the ability to automatically separate parcels based on shape, size, and direction. This tool can perform divisions visually and statistically very similar to real-world divisions.

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Environmental hazards, which encompass a wide range of natural hazards and human hazards, are among the barriers to development in different areas. Landslide is one of the hazards affecting different natural and anthropogenic factors and is one of the barriers to socio-economic and constructive development in each region. In this study, considering the different criteria, the potential of landslide occurrence in Tabriz city has been evaluated using FBWM model. The criteria used in this study are slope, curvature, elevation, fault, geology, vegetation, river and creek, roads, aspect, and land use. FBWM model is used to weight the criteria. This model is one of the newest multi-criteria decision-making models that weigh the criteria by comparing the criteria with each other and generating a nonlinear optimization problem. Finally, after weighting the criteria and creating standard maps, the standard maps and weightings were merged together and overlaid to produce the final map of landslide susceptible areas in Tabriz City. Based on the results, the north and northeast areas of Tabriz have high potential for landslides; these areas correspond to Valiasr town, Baghmishah, Einali Mountains, Pasdaran highway and the surrounding areas. On the other hand, the southern regions of Tabriz have a low potential for landslides. According to the results, 2. 5% of Tabriz territory is located in very low potential areas for landslide occurrence, 15. 16% is located in low potential areas, 36. 04% is located in moderate potential areas, 40. 97% is located in high potential areas, and 5. 33% is located in very high potential areas for landslide occurrence. The results of this study have implications for organizations and organs such as Tabriz Municipality, Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, the Geological Survey and Mineral Explorations of Iran (GSI), and other organizations related to environmental risks.

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One of the pillars of spatial planning is determining the role and function of regions based on their competitive advantages. By developing innovative infrastructure that supports production, regional competitiveness improves regional efficiency and forms a network of complementary and reciprocal relations between regions, which ultimately leads to the capital attraction, value creation, and integrated regional development. In this regard, the present study aims at identifying the creative regions of Iran and determining the competitive advantages of those regions. This study is explanatory applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of methodology. Derived from the document analysis of secondary sources, quantitative data was used to analyze both creativity and competitiveness. The data used to identify creative regions included the number of scientific and research centers and companies, consulting engineers, the industries with high and medium technology, employees in the manufacturing sectors, and the university students of the provinces of Iran. Moreover, the number of employees in major activity groups was used to determine competitiveness. Factor analysis and cluster analysis were performed to identify creative regions, while correspondence analysis was performed to determine competitive advantages in SPSS software. The results show that the provinces of Tehran, East Azerbaijan, Isfahan, Khuzestan, Fars, Kerman, and Mazandaran have the knowledge infrastructure capacity required for creative regions. Isfahan’ s share of construction is 11. 1 percent, while Tehran’ s share of information is 41. 2 percent. The interpretation of angles smaller than 0. 2 between correspondence analysis vectors reveals that Tehran and Isfahan provinces have competitive advantage in information and communication and manufacturing, respectively. It was also found that most regions of the Iran do not have a specialized role and the competitive advantages of the provinces are not supported by the knowledge infrastructure of the regions.

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