About unfair damage to a person who is a guarantee, if it is due to reluctance, sometimes Mukrah, sometimes third parties, and rarely Mukrih himself are responsible for the damage. Damage caused by reluctance is in some cases due to reluctant crime and sometimes to non-crime. In addition, reluctance may be related to the loss or aggravation of the destruction or defect or imperfection of another person’ s property (both guaranteed and non-guaranteed property). It may also force another person to usurp the property, without reluctance to waste, defect, or impair that property, and that person can be forced to take legal action. In addition, being forced to incur material and moral damage in reluctant adultery can be examined according to Article 9 of Iranian Penal Code. In Jzeach of the above cases, the question under consideration is "what is the effect of reluctance on the civil liability of Mukrah and Mukrih. " The answers to these questions are not the same in all of the above cases. In most cases, reluctance excludes civil liability, but in some cases, it does not exclude him of his liability. In this study, the answers to the mentioned questions have been examined according to Imamiyah jurisprudence, public and Iranian law (with emphasis on Iranian Penal Code and Direct Taxes Code).