The main purpose of this research is sociological study of community-based development plans in order to understand their attributes and requirements. The methodology is qualitative and based on grounded theory that its process has been done in three stages of coding including: open, axial and selective coding. In this regard, using purposive sampling and applying the theoretical saturation criterion, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 people, including: Palangan local community members, fish breeders, local informants and employees of institutions related to the fish farming project. The results of data analysis during the three stages of coding indicate the identification of 305 concepts, which with further refinement and elimination of duplicates, finally 276 concepts were created and in the axial coding stage, were classified into 43 categories. These categories in the present study in the form of a paradigm model include: causal conditions(natural and cultural potentials), central category(formation of community-based development), underlying conditions(local community of Palangan, extent, intensity and time period), intervening factors (Educational factors, government factors, institutional factors, economic factors and geographical factors), strategies(economic, policy, research, educational, extension, regulatory, managerial, supportive, health, social and cultural), and consequences(tourism boom, increase the spirit of tolerance, modeling the behavior of tourists, new jobs, rising housing prices, increasing pollution, lifestyle changes, changing consumption styles, social dynamism, reviving some traditions, reducing the desire for traditional jobs, social harms, relative income improvement, Horticulture development and the formation of conflicts of interest) was presented, and in the selective coding stage, with the narrative story, the central category was linked to other categories and the pattern of community-based development emerged.