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Khodapanah Kuomars

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Tourism planning requires understanding the interaction between supply and demand and the impact of each in relation to the other; Therefore, planning the destination of tourism is one of the important factors of development planning. In the meantime, network analysis is one of the most up-to-date and efficient analytics that enhances their power over superior centers by linking small centers. Given the weakness of the attraction and the diffusion of many tourism destinations, their arrangement in the form of a network helps to synchronize the potential of these destinations; Therefore, network analysis and its applications in regional tourism development are essential. This study aimed to increase the competitiveness of these attractions within the framework of network theory by using a descriptive-analytical method, and the research data were collected by field survey method. The statistical population of the study consisted of 79 villages around 5 tourism centers of Ardebil district. Data are analyzed using NODEXL software, and density, degree, contrast, self-centered computational networks and gravity relations graph. According to the study of tourism network and presenting the spatial pattern in Ardebil area, the research findings show that most single cell villages were studied in south east and southwest part of the region. The central and western part of the region, large multicellular villages, are located in the central, western and northeastern parts of the region. The region's multi-celled villages are located around the tourist centers of the region (Ardebil and Sareen). Therefore, regional development and tourism management should strive to strengthen the link between the region's attractions, and establish a complete network and linkage for optimal use of the region's attractions.

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By review of Iranian tourism literature, it can be understand that religious has recognized as an important factor for tourism development in tourism destinations. Regarding this issue and in this way, the purpose of this paper is examine the important factors affecting rural tourism development from tourist's perspective by the role of religious and destination image. In the present study, Statistical population was the tourists of ZebarKhan county city during Spring and Summer of 2017. According to Morgan table, and Stratified Random Sampling method, 385 tourists were selected. In order to collect data, we used questionnaire. Reliability were measured by internal consistency. Validity were measured by convergent and divergent validity. Convergent validity measured by Average Variance Extracted and divergent validity measured by Fornell-Larcker criterion. To test modifier impact of religious, we first divided the sample into 2 separated groups. For this purpose, the participants were divided into two groups of high (more than 3) and lower (less than 3) based on religiosity variable. There were 147 patients in the first group (low) and 238 in the second group (high). Then we used group comparison approach of Structural Equation Modeling (LISREL). Results show without modifier role of religiousness, attractions, infrastructures and local people behaving have most impact factor to rural tourism development. By considering role of religiousness as a modifier role, religious could modifier the relationship between local people behaving and tourism development. It also modifier the relationship between attractions and rural tourism development. Moreover, destination image has played his moderating role.

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Marine and lake terraces are the base for Climate Geomorphology Investigations Especially in Quaternary. These Terraces are important not only for climatic aspects but also, they can show a lot of truth in earth and environment evolutions History, Archeology and Human History. . The Urmia Lake because of unstable development and climate change, faced to serious roughness. In order to analysis water level fluctuation of this lake, we need comprehensive study in Urmia paleolimnolgy and investigation other factors such as Human, Climate, Geomorphology, sedimentology and geology that affected this lake. Quaternary sediment boundaries in coastal plain Paleo Lake Coastline was mapped using GIS and RS. for study area. Probability location of Plaeo Lake terraces was drowning using satellite images. In field work besides sampling, lake terraces were investigated in aspect of material, granolometry, color and specially fossils. . Finally paleo lake level reconstructed on satellite images and area that affected by increase paleo lake level was determined One of the most important evidence to reconstruction of the Urmia lake palogeomorphology and paleo limnology is lake terraces; This research was done with focus on identification and determination ages of Urmia paleo lake level in order to achieve changes in eustatic and water volume in Late Pleistocene Sedimentological and geomorphological studies of terraces around Lake Van provided a preliminary framework for lake-level variations. In field studies, 24 lake terraces were found in Quaternary sediments. Lowest terraces are located in Islami Island in elevation of 1297 meters and the highest terraces in Damirchi with elevation of 1366 meters Available data suggest that the long-term lake-level changes responded mainly to climate oscillations. Keyword: 14C Dating, Lake Terraces, Late Pleistocene, Urmia Lake

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One of the effective factors on coastal geomorphology is sea level fluctuations. In addition to sea level fluctuations, the excistence of Khazar fault causes uplifting Alborze Mountains and subsidence of Khazar trench floor. Because of heterogeneous morphology in coastal areas, the influence of sea level fluctuations is not equall in the whole of coastal areas. The study area is located in Gilan province, between eastern longitudes 37°-25ʹ to 38° and northern latitudes 48°-35ʹ to 49°-10ʹ The problem of this research is that the floor bed of channels of the west coastlines Caspian Sea show significant river incision(deepening). Rivers hydrodynamic data such as sediment and water discharge, data related to short, medium and long terms changes of sea level Caspian Sea, topography and geology maps, and satellite images are used. Geomorphic indices were used for Analysis of Cross and Longitudinal Profiles and evaluation of the region neotectonic. The aim of this research is identification of geomorphic evidences of sea level changes in the western plain of Caspian sea, survey of relation between incision rivers with sea level oscillations, Alborz morphotectonic and human activities. The result of geomorphic indices, field observation, and cross profiles indicated in some of the profiles in addition to Alborz uplifting, other factors (human activities, south Caspian basin tectonic subsidence and sea level fluctuations) have an important role in incision of bed rivers. The results would be helpful in coastal management in future. Keywords: Coastal Geomorphology, Caspian Sea level changes, Morphotectonic, River Incision (Lisar, Karkanrod and Shafarod).

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The rip currents are a strong and narrow stream that forms in the surf zone and is approximately perpendicular to the coast. The study area is the coastline of the southwestern part of the Caspian Sea in the Base of Sefidroud River Delta. The purpose of this study is to identify rip current and to investigate the causes of this phenomenon. The main tools and data of this research are Hydrographic map of kiashar sea chart to scale 1/10000 and GPS device with ArcGIS software. The method of this work is based on the recognition of rip current in field observations. In the next step, transferring the points to the software environment and adding it to the geomorphic parameters (sea bed topography, slope, coastline geometry, particle diameter and direction of the waves) to analyze the reasons for the occurrence of rip current in the base of the Sefidroud River Delta. The results show that the diameter of sand particles is smaller in the areas of rip current and the slope of these regions is less than adjacent regions. The coastline geometry also shows a large amount of curvature and indentation in the presence of rip currents that can be helpful in identifying this risk. In areas where there are small ridges between the sea stacks, conditions are created to create and strengthen these currents. Therefore, it can be concluded that because of the close connection between the occurrence of this phenomenon and the presence of stacks and troughs in the Wave Breakdown Zone, It is possible to identify the location of the currents and even assess the accuracy of the depth maps.

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Natural hazards as a repeatable, phenomenon in the absent of degrading system can become catastrophic and have destructive effects and consequences. The present paper aims of identify, the role of urban alleviation components in reducing flood damage in Gorgan City. The research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical and field nature. . Pearson correlation test and " T-test " were used to analyzed the data. The finding showed that Gorgan ' s resilience in updating information creating a rapid alert system, the reconstruction center of disaster population needs, allocating budge, applying statutory construction laws and investing in creating a risk-reducing infrastructure, in general, the infrastructure situation on the periphery of Ziyarat river is not in a good condition. Also, the component of rapid warning system had a highest correlation ( 0, 749 ) and the index of organization and coordination had the lowest correlation with the index of persistence. Based on these finding, it can be concluded that strengthening popular participation and social components, organizational and institutional support, supporting poor and marginalized populations, the allocation of large budgets and finally, the restoration of existing infrastructure can greatly increase the urban alleviation and ultimately reducing the financial and human losses caused by the flood in the city of Gorgan. Key words: Resilient, Reduce Damage, flood, Gorgan city.

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Human health is influenced by the environmental indicators, the basis and the basis of all advances and the underlying principle of sustainable development. On this basis, there will be plenty of effort, planning, and investment in order to get better and better access to health indicators. The increasing trend in the arrival and use of vehicles is one of the most contaminated cases, which, along with its positive role in the comfort of life, the problem of noise pollution, is one of the most important contaminants affecting the quality and health of residents of urban areas. Therefore, due to the effect of noise pollution on various aspects of human health and its high cost of treatment, more studies are needed in this regard. Therefore, the present study, with the knowledge of the importance of the subject, has evaluated the pollution caused by urban traffic and its impact on the general and psychological health of citizens of the metropolis. The study method in this study is based on library studies and studies. Data obtained during the three months of studying the main streets of this metropolis using the B & K-2230, Quest-2900 Is achieved. In sum, the results of this study by comparison in two groups of experiment and control show that in almost all studied streets, the amount of pollution is higher than standard. In the meantime, the share of Imam Khomeini streets on December 19th, Eram and Revolution is more than that, reflecting this pollution based on field studies and the results of analyzing distributive questionnaires among residents adjacent to the streets, the emergence of some Mild to severe illnesses and ultimately reducing the general and psychological health of its inhabitants. These are very common in the neighborhoods such as Amariasar, the western and eastern control streets, Ayatollah Qodousi, Lavasani, Ganjavi, Loghman Hakim and Bui Sina. Less observed.

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Over the past decades, the increase of world’ s urban population has resulted in uncontrolled urban expansions and especially sprawl of the major cities. Accordingly, analysis of such phenomena and determining urban development and sprawl patterns should be taken into consideration as a necessity. This research aims at evaluating 28 physical-spatial indices divided into 4 distinctive groups (Area-Edge, Shape, Aggregation, and Diversity) and 3 levels (Patch, Class, Landscape) in determination of urban sprawl patterns of the city of Kerman using remote sensing data from the period of 1984 to 2018. For this purpose, 8 temporal satellite images were selected with an acquisition date interval of 5 years. Pre-processing, Processing and classification methods were applied to the RS images using ENVI software. Output data from ENVI were imported to ArcGIS software for further preparation of GeoTIFF file. Afterwards, The GeoTIFF file were imported to Fragstats software in order to calculate the 28 indices of this research. Setting weights to the matrix of indices by Shannon’ s Entropy Method and application of MATLAB, we calculated the sprawl of the case study for the years of interest. The findings demonstrates that in the year 1984, the city of Kerman had shown the most proportion of sprawl, and in contrary, in the year 2018, the amount of sprawl was at its minimum extent. In the final stage, Friedman’ s test were conducted via SPSS software, resulting in calculation of the Mean-Ranks of 4 group-indices where they illustrate that sprawl pattern of the city of Kerman is mainly resultant of Area-Edge indices.

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Establishing municipal space in spatial situation subordinates especial principles. Respecting principles can increase success and function of discussing elements in located areas; otherwise, it can cause their vulnerabilities. Applying urban planning principles, like planning of using municipal lots، municipal zoning, decentralization, suitable locating, and preventing development of districts adjacent to dangerous lot using can decrease ratio of vulnerability against threats in cities. Commercial buildings as one of the most important elements of the city have a significant role in facilitating crisis management against urban threats and risks in emergency situation. Therefore, in addition to structural and architectural axes, location is one of the most important and principled axis for assessing the vulnerability of large-scale commercial buildings. This research investigates the subject in large scale commercial buildings with developing-practical nature and descriptive method. In this research, evaluating location of huge commercial buildings uses two spatial criteria, skeletal and geographic and natural and environmental. Using swara and smart methods, this research investigates the subject. The results of evaluation of location indicators shows that criteria occurance are urban threats stand (geography and natural) in the first place with 0/5238 scores to crisis management facilitators criteria (skeletal and spatial) with weighing 0/4762. Using the proposed model, large scale commercial building against the threats and municipal hazards can be evaluated vulnerability and each indicator and criterion of these building vulnerability and weaknesses. Indicator of location in evaluating the vulnerability of the studied building equals to 64/9% that, according to adaptability of passive defense aspect, it is categorized as average building.

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Urban green landscape is considered as one of the most important uses of services and one of the developmental indicators of societies and it is very important in sustainable urban development. Having this important urban user is affected by social inequalities, which is currently considered one of the main problems for today's cities. What matters is that the quality of the green land spaces and the facilities and services provided there. In this research, the relationship between the social status of citizens and the quality of green land space in Kashan city has been investigated. The research method is descriptive-analytic and data collection is done in a field. The statistical population of the study consisted of all residents of Kashan city, 304487 people. A sample size of 200 questionnaires was used to calculate the sample size. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze and analyze the effects of social inequalities on the quality of green land space using T-test and ANOVA tests in SPSS software. Structural equation modeling in Amos software was used. The results of T-test indicate the inappropriate quality of green space in Kashan parks. Also, the results of ANOVA showed that there is a statistically significant difference between the quality indices of green space in different regions of Kashan. Analysis of the results from structural equation modeling also indicates that there is a significant relationship between the social status of areas and the quality of green space in Kashan. Also, among the variables related to the landscape quality index, the factor with the highest factor load was 0. 98.

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Urbanization represents the most dramatic human alteration of the land surface, typically resulting in the formation of urban heat islands. Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter for surface energy balance and urban climatology studies. Understanding the spatial distribution of temperature is the basis for proper planning and environmental policy making. In this study, using Landsat 7 satellite imagery in two time periods of base year (2017-2010) and second interval (2000-2005) were used on average in three warm months of the year Then these images were first geometrically corrected; then these images were used to calculate temperature-related parameters using a single-window method in Gorgan. It was then used to improve the accuracy of the work using the hourly temperature data of the thermal islands analyzed. The results show that temporal and spatial variations of thermal islands in Gorgan have a high cluster pattern. However, the local Moran index and hot spots in the north, northwest and east and downtown have a positive spatial correlation (hot spots). However, there are cold spots in the southern areas of the city. However, many parts of the city of Gorgan have no significant patterns or spatial autocorrelation during the study period. It can be said that the thermal islands of Gorgan depend on two factors: one is the prevailing climatic conditions in the period under study and the second is the prevailing humanitarian conditions in the city. climatic conditions in the period under study and the second is the prevailing humanitarian conditions in the city.

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Urban health is not merely the absence of illness in a given city. Rather, it is the complete physical, mental and social well-being of all the citizens as well as a healthy physical, social, cultural, economic and political urban environment. The main purpose of urban health planning is to achieve equitable access for all citizens to full physical, mental and social wellbeing and to the determinants of urban health. Today, the issue of urban health equity has become one of the most pressing issues in different countries around world. Urban health equity means the absence of systematic differences in one or more aspects of the health status of people or of demographic groups in terms of socio-economic factors and the physical environment. Given the importance of the issue, this study made an attempt to investigate urban health equity in Bojnourd city. The present study uses a quantitative, exploratory, applied-developmental, descriptive-analytical design in terms of data analysis, data collection, objectives, methods and procedures, respectively. According to the results, the residents of Bojnourd do not have equitable access to any of the factors that define urban health, including economic, social, physical-spatial and health care related factors. Access to the determinants of health equity becomes more and more difficult as we move away from downtown Bojnourd. As a result, people living in the suburbs of Bojnourd have the least access to health determinants. In general, urban health is a complex concept that is affected by various factors such as social, cultural and economic factors; the physical environment; the urban health system; and, the political structure. Therefore, citizen health is not something that can be achieved through sectoral planning or measures. Citizen health requires long-term, inter-sectoral and integrated planning with the involvement of all individuals and organizations.

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Quality of life as a concept to show the level of satisfaction inhabitants is from the level of their life which is formed from different dimensions and the variables of satisfaction with the physical quality of neighborhoods are among them. It seems that the primary and old neighborhoods of Ardebil, due to the history and the old physical space and the inability of the traditional environment to respond to the newly created needs of residents in the present era causes of dissatisfaction or low level of satisfaction with the The physical space of the cityhave created low quality of life and related problems. Therefore, the present research to the study of the sustainability of the physical space of urban neighborhoods in terms of residents and the extent of its impact on satisfaction with the quality of life of the inhabitants determines the contribution of each of the dimensions of the quality of life. For this purpose, residents of the six old neighborhoods of Ardebil (Urban neighborhoods of the Aliqapu or Darvazeh, Sarcheshmeh, Tova, Gazaran, Ochdukan and Pir Abdol-Malek) are studied. This is an applied and developmental research and also descriptive-analytical with field studies. The sample size was estimated to be 384 people based on Cochran formula. Multi-stage clustering method was used to determine the sample of the questionnaire. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Data were analyzed by SPSS software Were analyzed and analyzed. For this purpose, descriptive statistical analyzes including central indices and inferential statistics including correlation coefficient, single-sample T-test, one-way ANOVA and regression method were used. results show that based on the stepwise regression model, in contrast to a unit of change in the physical implications of the urban neighborhoods, the satisfaction rate of life quality is 0. 351 units and Therefore, the indicators of satisfaction from the physical dimension of quality of life are the most important and most effective than other dimensions.

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The buffer strips along the river ecosystems createa permeable zone with high hydraulic roughness that enters the surface flow into the hypothetic zone and is permitted to penetrate through its roughness. The metrics were then extracted and the text results converted to the spreadsheets. It should be noted that the landscapes metrics with high inter-correlations amounts were excluded from based on the study objective and expert judgment. Therefore, the difference between the values of different landscape metric in four land uses classes were analyzed by using the SPSS software. At first, the variance homogeneity of the landscape metrics were tested and the differences among different land use classes were explored using the Analysis of Variance test. The significant differences in the values of landscape metrics were determined using the Dunnett test. According to the results, the mean changes of the CONTAG metric in different land uses was ranged from 0. 00 to 69. 80. The minimum and maximum mean values of the mentioned metric were calculated in the residential and rangeland land uses, with the values of 0. 00 and 69. 80, respectively. The mean value of changes in the SPLIT metric ranged from 9. 93 to 27. 97. However, the connectivity of the riparian areas have the highest amount in orchard land use, they have been fragmented due to human interference and fermentation has been occurred in the riparian area patches. Also, the results of accumulation index (AI) showed that the riparian area patches had a high connectivity in the studied reaches with different land uses. At the patch level, the mean value of AREA_CPS metric were between 25. 75 to 36. 96 in the studied reaches of the Gharasso River. The value of ENN landscape metric values ranges from 25. 75 (agricultural land use) to 39. 96 (orchard land use). In conclusion, the results showed that in some reaches located in the upstream parts of the study area which passes through Ardebil city, the riparian area vegetation had high amount of connectivity. Therefore, preserving and restoring vegetation along the river margin can preserve and enhance the environmental values and reduces the severity of damages caused by river flooding.

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In recent years, due to the frequent floods in the Se-Hezar and Do-Hezar watersheds of Tonekabon (Cheshmehkileh) and subsequent flood damage in the Tonekabon urban area, it is necessary to pay attention to the zoning of flood hazards especially in the main river surrounding lands at studied area. In the present study, using a system-based approach in a watershed (interconnection of all elements present in the watershed), hydrological homologous regions were identified using cluster analysis based on topographic, geological, physiographic, land cover and hydroclimate features. By doing this step, three hydrological homogeneous regions were determined in the watershed. In the second step, flood potential was zoned in hydrological homogeneous regions using the criteria of topography, geology, land cover and hydro-climate and applying fuzzy hierarchical analysis method. According to the flood potential zoning map, the most extent of study area has a moderate flood level. Finally, factor analysis was used to determine the most important factors affecting the flood potential of the watershed. The results of factor analysis indicate that 100% of the variance is justified in hydrological homogeneous regions based on 2 factors and 20 variables, while the second factor with eigenvalues 0. 995 justifies 51. 1% of the total variance. In the second factor, the parameters of area, main river length, drainage network density, branching ratio, Horton coefficient, concentration time and forest, range, and high permeability lands percentage have shown high correlation (more than 0. 75) with flood potential of the watershed which the parameter of area is the most important effective factor in the flood potential of hydrological homogenous regions.

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برنامه ریزی گردشگری نیازمند درک تعامل میان عرضه و تقاضا و تاثیر و تاثر هریک در ارتباط با دیگری است؛ از این رو، برنامه ریزی مقصد گردشگری از عوامل مهم برنامه ریزی توسعه است. در این بین، تحلیل شبکه از جمله به روزترین و کارآمدترین تحلیل هاست که از طریق پیوند کانون های کوچک، قدرت آنها را در برابر مراکز برتر افزایش می دهد. با توجه به ضعف قدرت جاذبه و پراکندگی بسیاری از مقاصد گردشگری، ساماندهی آنها در قالب شبکه به هم افزایی توان این مقاصد کمک می کند؛ از این رو، تحلیل شبکه ای و کاربردهای آن در توسعه گردشگری منطقه ای ضروری است. پژوهش حاضر با هدف بررسی و تحلیل شبکه گردشگری در کانون های گردشگری ناحیه اردبیل انجام شده است. روش پژوهش از لحاظ هدف کاربردی و بر اساس ماهیت توصیفی-تحلیلی است و داده های پژوهش با روش پیمایش میدانی گردآوری شده است. جامعه آماری تحقیق را 79 روستای پیرامون 5 کانون گردشگری ناحیه اردبیل تشکیل می دهد که داده های لازم به صورت تمام شماری از مدیران محلی جمع آوری گردید. تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار NodeXLو GIS انجام گردیده است. با توجه به بررسی شبکه گردشگری و ارایه الگوی فضایی در ناحیه اردبیل یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد که اغلب روستاهای تک سلولی در قسمت های جنوبشرقی و جنوبغربی ناحیه مورد مطالعه قرار داشته، تراکم روستاهای چند سلولی کوچک، اغلب در قسمت های مرکزی و غرب ناحیه، روستاهای چند سلولی بزرگ، در قسمت های مرکزی، غرب و شمالشرقی ناحیه واقع شده اند. با استفاده از نتایج بدست آمده و با تقویت ارتباط بین جاذبه های منطقه و برقراری شبکه کامل و هم پیوند، زمینه برای استفاده بهینه از جاذبه های منطقه فراهم می گردد.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The most important factor in the urban textures vulnerability during an earthquake is the physical characteristics such as the age of the building, materials, number of floors, width and the degree of vulnerability. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is the vulnerability analysis of Gorgan texture in terms of physical indices and comparison of the its central and peripheral regions against the earthquake. In this research, cluster and Rao method (R. H. C) was used. The research statistical population consisted of 400 buildings in Gorgan which is determined by the Cochran formula. The findings of the research show that Based on the results of regression correlation test, the relationship between the vulnerability variable and width of the passageway is direct and medium, with type of materials is strong direct, with the number of floors is strong direct. Finally, the relationship between the variable of vulnerability with the number of units in buildings is the direct and poor. Based on regression method, the building materials and number of floors, the age of the building, access to the passageway, and finally the number of residential units in the building have the greatest impact on physical texture vulnerability of the urban areas respectively. The results of the physical vulnerability comparison of Gorgan city the central and peripheral textures indicate that the density average of residential units (equivalent to 1. 92) is lower in the central texture. The age of the central texture building (more than 2/31) is higher. The floors of peripheral texture building (up to 1/29) are higher. In terms of unit’ s accessibility index, the peripheral texture average is 2. 33, so the buildings of this section have more accessible access to wider passages. The final index of the buildings vulnerability in the central and peripheral area indicates that the peripheral texture average is 2. 42 and, consequently, the buildings of this section are less vulnerable.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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