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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The research is about compilation and validation the optimal future model of security in international council. From this perspective, the qualitative research strategic and analysis the contents have been used. The research's data were collected with using of semi standard interview with 15 experts of security field, elected with using of theoretical sampling method and with using from method of contents analysis and type of contents network, was analyzed and the conception model of network measurement was made. The findings of the quality research showed that the optimal future model of security in international council includes 7 comprehensive contents: 1-consideration to the security treaties of bioenvironmental issues, 2-consideration to World Independent Civil Society Mechanisms 3-consideration to constant development of societies in achievement to international peace and security 4-being necessary of presence of women in achievement to international security. 5-Development and coping with misuse from human rights mechanisms in international level. 6-Consideration to cultural convergence and coping with its inconvenience in international level. 7-Furthermore, for validation of the contents and the made model, two methods of validity assessment to communicative method and audit method and for reliability testing, two methods of reproducibility and transferability or generalizability have been used.

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International relations as any domain of socio-political interactions faces with issues such just and unjust, moral and immoral, right and wrong, i. e., issues traditionally discussed in political theory. This article aims to examine the relationship between International Relations and political theory in its various aspects. The main concern here is to show how the two are tied together. It is argued that the connection is through three main ways: political theory is a source of inspiration and /or legitimization for theoretical claims of various IR theories; the presence of normative concerns usually associated with political theory in even the “ positivist” or “ scientific” theories of international relations; and finally the existence of international political theories with clear normative aspects especially as it has been reflected in communitarian/ cosmopolitan debate particularly between and among realists and liberals. This clearly shows the ever presence and inevitability of political theoretical notions and discussion for the theory of international relations.

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yosefzehy naser



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    4 (34)
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The first channel of international socialization is "foreign policy". The agents of foreign policy by presenting international norms in domestic assemblies with the aim of internalizing them are leading their governments towards "socialization". State socialization is one of the transnational tools for the development of countries, but sometimes foreign policymakers take a non-social approach. The most important consequence of socialization, especially for developing countries, is the acceleration of the development process. One of the structural causes of the socialization of states is "foreign policy"; because the structure of foreign policy defines a set of guidelines, principles, and epistemological rules for foreign policymakers which can be a factor or an obstacle to international socialization. The idea of linking international socialization and development with a focus on foreign policy, which will be a new window into development studies, is discussed in this article with a case study of Iran. "What does the structure of the foreign policy of Iran have a relation with international socialization? " is Our main question. According to our explanation, Iran's foreign policy has three atmospheres: religious atmosphere (anti-domination, invitation and supporting of Muslims, unit Ommat); revolutionary atmosphere (anti-westernism, anti-Americanism, the export of revolution and change of international system); modern atmosphere (non-interference, peaceful coexistence, membership in international organizations and adherence to international law). These atmospheres respectively have created three different types of socialization: international religious socialization (post-development); revolutionary international socialization (anti-development); institutional international socialization (development-oriented). Therefore, Iran's first goal in the international system is often "socializing" rather than "socialization. "

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    4 (34)
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In the Permanent global politics of the 21st century, the role of energy has been of strategic importance. The use of energy and transfer is as a strategic advantage to a coastal country. Accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran and Russia, as the Caspian coastal states, are central players in the region's energy policy. Russia, as a state that claims to dominate the resources of the countries separated from Russia, and Iran, as the best route for energy transfer that makes credible claims in this area, are at odds with each other in foreign policy. The central question of this study is what is the quality of Iran-Russia regional and trans-regional policy approach to the Caspian energy issue? On this basis, the research hypothesis is that although Iran and Russia are in agreement on preventing the penetration of transnational powers, especially the United States, they are competitors in how to exploit, control and export Caspian energy resources. The findings and research findings also prove that the Iranian-Russian foreign policy approach to the Caspian energy field is not sufficiently consistent. Therefore, in this study, Iran's and Russia's goals in the field of energy, monopoly policy, regional and trans-regional energy market entry, counterterrorism, intervention and presence of foreign powers in the pattern of friendship and hostility between the two countries are variables that are Analytical-explanatory is examined on the basis of the theory of neorealism.

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    4 (34)
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Influenced by the so-called Arab Spring, which led to the ousting of authoritarian regimes in West Asia and North Africa from power, the Libyan people succeeded in overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi after four decades of rule, following protests and effective NATO intervention. And brought about profound changes in this revolutionary country. Leading research aimed at examining the developments and influential field actors in post-Gaddafi Libya has tried to answer the question of what factors affect the lack of security in the new Libyan political system by using the theoretical components of Third World security studies and a descriptive-analytical approach. Is? The hypothesis that can be put forward as a research finding is that the accumulation of obstacles and guys in post-revolutionary state-building has led to post-Gaddafi Libya as a disintegrated, fragmented and divergent society, which is in the spiral of conflict and degeneration. Is becoming a haven for modern terrorists, including ISIS; Relying on the element of religion and with the aim of gaining political power, the groups have not only been institutionalized to prevent the establishment of any democracy, but have also targeted the security of the region and even the international system on a larger scale.

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    4 (34)
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The major problem in the Islamic world has been always the relation between religious law and reason. Assuming Leo Strauss's theory about what he called 'Classical Political Philosophy, ' with Aristotle's 'lack of politics' in the Islamic world and Plato's 'laws' in the Christianity at the middle ages, and with comparing the thoughts of Avicenna and Aquinas about this relation, this paper attempts to address 'Practical Wisdom' to light the relation between religion and politics and its results. The research question is: what is the relation between reason and religious law/revelation, and what is its impact on practical wisdom. The hypothesis is that Avicenna limited the reason to the theoretical wisdom as pursuing Happiness in the hereafter by dividing the wisdom to practical and theoretical, with the domination of Plato's understanding in practical wisdom, led to a situation in which politics follow the religion. On the contrary, by entering Aristotle's epistemology, Aquinas place reason and revelation in theoretical and practical wisdom, which complement each other, with a kind of coordination and independence; and in the realm of practical wisdom, the legislator's reason and god's law complete that. As a result, Aquinas's idea led to the separation of politics and religion.

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    4 (34)
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The developments that began in the Middle East in 2011 had consequences. The protests against Assad caused crises and the emergence of the most violent terrorist groups, and took on an international dimension. A crisis that has shaken regional and supra-regional powers such as Turkey and Russia. Turkey entered the field because of its borders and the threats posed by terrorist groups, and Russia, in order to maintain its economic and military ties with Syria, and to avoid reducing its influence in the Middle East. Russia and Turkey previously had extensive cooperation, which was opposed by the Syrian crisis and the two countries' positions, culminating in the downing of a Russian fighter jet on the Syrian border and the severance of all ties with Turkey. But, once again, the two countries turned to cooperation. The purpose of this study is to explain the relations between Russia and Turkey in the Syrian crisis from the perspective of contingent realism. The main question is what theoretical model can be used to explain the relations between Russia and Turkey in the Syrian crisis? In response to the main question, the research hypothesis is based on the fact that Russia-Turkey relations are based on the transformation from the phase of tension and severance to cooperation and closeness of relations based on contingent realism based on prioritizing cooperation rather than competition in rival power relations. It can be explained for profit. The research method in this article is qualitative with an explanatory-descriptive approach.

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    4 (34)
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The Political Nature of Water Resources in the Middle East and the Prediction that water will Replace Oil as a Source of conflict, is a Key Element in Ensuring stability and calm in the Region. High water Consumption according to the Population Growth Pattern of the Middle East and Government Tense Water Policies to control Border and ground Water, especially in the eastern Mediterranean, have made Water Management a Crises in the Region. Israel has Stolen Water from Border Rivers and underground Aquifers through a combination Policies Threatening and Encouragement peace with the Arabs, and it has made any Water contract Conditional on Israel’ s Water supply and Considers control over the water Resources of Jordan, Yarmouk, Hesbani, Banias and all key Aquifers as a minimums Security Requirement. In addition, using water desalination Technology, it has taken steps to Solve its Water Shortage in Comparison with the Surrounding Environment. Explaining the Issue, the question the Article is, How has Israel Provided Water Security in Comparison with its Surroundings? The Results indicate that Israel Pursues and underground Development policy in the Golan Heights and the West Bank and taking advantage of the Desalination strategy along with Modifying the Consumption and cost Patterns, has ensured its Water security. The Authors of this article have explained it in an Explanatory way, Based on Library date and the comments of Political Officials.

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    4 (34)
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After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the bipolar system in the world collapsed and international relations changed. Following the collapse of the bipolar system, new powers emerged in various parts of the world that could challenge US presence and influence in their own regions. Despite the ups and downs of Indo-US relations during the Cold War, the current US-India relationship is very broad and in all cultural, economic and military dimensions. India's relationship with the United States (or India-US relationship) refers to the international relationship that exists between India and the United States. Although India was one of the pioneers and founding members of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961, India developed a closer relationship with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. During that period, India's cooperation and strategic and military relations with Moscow, along with its socialist policies, negatively affected its relations with the United States. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, India began to examine its foreign policy in a unipolar world and to take steps to develop closer relations with the European Union and the United States. Today, India and the United States have extensive cultural, strategic, military, and economic ties. Today, India is trying to participate in international management by joining international and regional institutions, and by joining economic trends such as BRICS and strengthening SAARC, etc., it is trying to strengthen its position in the decision-making of the international system.

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