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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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    1 (31)
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The main question of this research is how the political and cultural structures of Saddam government caused rise and spread of violence in the post-Saddam Iraq? Research hypothesis refers to this point that action of the violent groups who is seeing in form of radical and extremist actions in Iraq society is rooted or derived of the tyranny and autocratic structures of Saddam government. For answering to this question is used the description and analytical method and over-determination concept of Althusser. Findings of the research show that Saddam government in order to reproduction of its power used two oppressive machine and ideology of Ba'athist party. So, this act forced Iraqi citizens have become a Passive and unconscious subject in an environment joint Saddam of fear and apprehension. so these citizens have no remedy or alternative but obedience of the dominant ideology. The subjects in Saddam state have become so enthusiastic with Ba'athist party and its ideology Saddam than not only helped the project of power reproduction of baas party but also internalized the way of the reproduction of power that it mostly is dine through violence. This internalization along ton drowned or crumbling complexes of oppression in Saddam era led to action of Iraqi citizens in Saddam era has taken form of violence.

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    1 (31)
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In recent decades the deepest and widest enmity based interaction must be looked for in relations between Iran and America. If we assume the enmity between America and the Soviet Union was the symbol of the cold war era, after the disintegration of macro ideological hostility between the two super powers the face of the present international system has to be sketched based on very hostile interaction and existential conflict between Tehran and Washington. The question has to deal with this: what is the foundation of mutual action policy based on zero sum game(victory for one comes only through the destruction of the other) between Iran and America? Comprehensive and continuous efforts to make ineffective and if possible to replace settled arrangements in the region and transformation of the quality of distribution of power in the system which gives the US the most dividend by Iran (in the context of balance of power strategy) and on the other hand, conscious and purposeful practices, simultaneously, to bring about soft disorder(to shape conditions in order to change elites in the authority to a destructive ones and to enhance the position of the domestic opposition of the system in order to cause instability)and hard disorder(establishing embargo and pushing Iran ) by the US (in the context of hegemonic strategy) are the background of the animosity between these two capitals.

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    1 (31)
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This article examines the process of transferring Singapore to the developed industrial world. this process realizedby the adaptation and transfer of technology and capital from developed industrial countries, the manufacturing sector was a backbone of Singapore's economic growth, Singapore 's pathway into modern economic growth can be meaningfully characterized as a trajectory of ‘ labor-intensive industrialization, to a very open, high-wage producer of high-technology, capital-intensive products in several steps. after the independencethe country had undergone a rapid industrial advance based on low-cost labor, low-to middle-level technology, and a rapid increase in exports, during this period foreign investments were sought in mainly labor-intensive activities. by the early 1970s, the unemployment problem that had plagued Singapore since independence was largely solved, and policies attempted to restructure the industrial base toward more capital-and skill-intensive activities. This phase, Industrial Restructuring, lasted to 1980s. by 1985, with much of the opportunity for technology catch-up in manufacturing having been exhausted, policies were directed toward diversification of the industrial base, ffollowing this trend since the 1990s, Singapore has closed the technology gap with developed countries and become a creative economy among industrialized nations.

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    1 (31)
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The Nordic region is geographically encompassed by the Scandinavian environment and the Nordic region. From the perspective of welfare and development, the Nordic region includes Northern European countries including Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland. The notion of Nordic (being from the north) placed security-development concepts and structures on the internal and external policymaking of the countries within the region. The present study examines the role of the being Nordic in Swedish foreign policy with an emphasis on identifying and understanding this region. The main hypothesis of the present paper is that the Nordic-North security environmental perception by the Swedish elite has created certain features and trends in Swedish foreign policy that have changed the orientation and practices of Swedish foreign policy in the new era, especially in recent years. Given Sweden's leadership role in the region, the country has sought to extend these features to other governments in the region as well and creating a new security environment based on the Nordic tendency in Swedish foreign policy and other countries in the Nordic region. Extensive emphasis on the neutrality of the Nordic region, internationalization, development, and emphasis on the Nordic cooperation rather than mere cooperation with the European Union, peaceful-military security-building coalition within the European environment and the centrality of regional development are among the trends that show Swedish new foreign policy orientation based on emphasis on the Nordic region in the new era.

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سیاست جهانی

Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 31)
  • Pages: 

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سوال اصلی پژوهش حاضر این است که ساختارهای سیاسی-فرهنگی دولت صدام چگونه باعث ظهور و گسترش خشونت در عراق پس از صدام گشته است؟ فرضیه پژوهش به این نکته اشاره می کند که کنش گروه های خشونت گرایی که در قالب اقدامات رادیکال و افراطی در جامعه عراق مشاهده می گردد، ریشه در ساختارهای استبدادی و فراگیر دولت صدام دارد. برای پاسخ به سوال پژوهش از روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و مفهوم تعین چند جانبه آلتوسر استفاده شده است. یافته های تحقیق نشان می دهد دولت صدام برای بازتولید قدرت خود از دو دستگاه سرکوب گر دولت و ایدیولوژی حزب بعث استفاده نموده است. این کار باعث گردید شهروندان عراقی در فضایی آکنده از ترس و دلهره به سوژه های منفعل و ناخودآگاه تبدیل شوند که چاره ای جز تبعیت از ایدیولوژی غالب نداشتند. سوژه ها در حکومت صدام چنان با حزب بعث و ایدیولوژی آن عجین گشتند که نه تنها به پروسه بازتولید قدرت بعثی یاری رساندند؛ بلکه روش بازتولید آن را که عمدتا از طریق خشونت انجام می پذیرد درونی کردند. این درونی شدن خشونت به همراه عقده های فروخورده سرکوب در دوران صدام موجب گردید تا کنش شهروندان عراقی در دوران پساصدام شکل خشن به خود گیرد.

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Faraji Mohammadreza



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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (31)
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foreign policy is one of important functions of actors in international system, so that lack of proper and correct foreign policy leads to confusion about goals and functions of the actors in the international system. one of the concepts that is very much related to foreign policy and is one of elements foreign policy is Power. The present article by assuming power as a very important tool in drawing foreign policy and accepting this fact that the international system is cyclical and has experienced multiple cycles of cycle, attempt at answer to question that cyclical of the international system and its phenomena what affection have on actors foreign policy? Long cycle, points turning, cycle phases and non linearity of events and phenomena in points turning and long cycle phases are the most important foreign policy parameters in international system cycles. therefore, the international system actors drawing their foreign policy and strategy with respect to the existing cycles, and the relationship between foreign policy and the cycles of power is a direct and immediate connection, so that the effectiveness of foreign policy states is highly influenced from high power cycles and different phases in international relations.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (31)
  • Pages: 

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The Westphalia’ s conceptual boundary, whose task is to defend the principle of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national independence, is one of the factors in the separation of national identity. Due to the rapid evolution of technology and the expansion of cyberspace in the age of globalization, some believe that the role of borders is fading and even disappearing completely. In connection with this claim, the present study was based on the hypothesis that the arguments and ideas that negate the border and the land in relation to globalization do not correspond to the current realities of geographical space. In globalization, only the relative functions of borders undergoes change, transformation, and diversity (And that doesn't necessarily mean the performance is fading), but the existence of borders has stability. In order to prove the research hypothesis, the authors, Comparing the characteristics of borders in the two centuries of Westphalia and globalization, examined the reasons for the existence and continuity of borders in the era of globalization, with four approaches: philosophical (epistemological), rational (Reasonable), functional (functions) and Positivism (experimental). Also, due to the Width and scope of globalization threats, we are witnessing the security of borders as much as possible, so that the outbreak of Coronavirus in most countries in the form of absolute control of international, national and sub-national borders, It is another proof that the hypothesis of a Without Border world.

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    1 (31)
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Regionalism emerged as a relatively new phenomenon after World War II and gradually spread to different parts of the world. This phenomenon is now at its peak and has brought the countries of different regions closer together for various purposes. Various political, economic, and security reasons can be cited as the conscious policies of countries. Two of the trends in regionalism in the world are the regionalism of Southeast Asian countries and the establishment of ASEAN and the regionalism of the Persian Gulf states and the establishment of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council. The present paper seeks to answer the question of what are the goals of the formation and development of regional convergence in the two organizations of ASEAN and the PGCC, and what are the similarities and differences between them? Using descriptive-analytical methods the article argues that the two regional organizations both were formed in response to an external threat, from the outside-in perspective. However, over time, ASEAN was able not only to maintain its original function, but also to extend its scope from a military-security organization to other areas such as economic, cultural, and social. ASEAN has been more successful in expanding its functions, and this move can be attributed to the transition from limited and realistic regionalism to new regionalism with aspects of liberalism. The PGCC has also embraced aspects of liberalism and market economics, but political-security issues remain a priority for the organization.

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  • Issue: 

    1 (31)
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Changing power equations at a global level has had a profound effect on changing the nature of Iran's foreign policy in the Middle East. In the years since 2013, with the election of Hassan Rouhani as Iran's president, Soft Power has officially been on the agenda in Tehran. However, at the regional level, this was accompanied by a reaction from regional powers, and in particular Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the question raised in the present article is: "What has been the application of soft power in Iranian regional politics under Hassan Rouhani in terms of what components of Saudi Arabia's plan and reactions have been Iran's most important regional competitor to this Iranian soft power transformation? ” Saudi Arabia initially showed a positive attitude towards Iran's soft power under President Hassan Rouhani. However, Donald Trump's rise to power on the one hand and the Saudi embassy’ s fire in Tehran have become factors in the country's comprehensive confrontation with Rouhani's foreign policy in the region. As a result, we can see that Saudi Arabia has come under pressure from Trump against Iran. Predictive confrontation with Iran led Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and Bahrain. Efforts have also been made to create a "NATO-Arab" coalition to undermine the soft power of the Rouhani government.

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  • Volume: 

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    1 (31)
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It has always been one of the most important factors for economists to identify the relationship between foreign investment and domestic market attractiveness. Therefore, identifying the factors affecting the investment attractiveness and market attractiveness of these areas can have a direct impact on the volume and volume of trade in the country. This issue has been the main reason for doing this research and trying to identify and present the pattern of factors affecting the attractiveness of free market investment in Iran. In this applied study, a sequential mixed approach has been attempted to formulate an initial model by examining the literature on the basis of the data theory based approach of Free Zone Market Attraction Factors. Then, by presenting this conceptual framework to the experts and using in-depth interviews, their expert opinions on the pattern of investment attraction factors in the Free Zones market of Iran were extracted. In the quantitative part, the results obtained from the experts were evaluated with the opinions of executive managers, experienced people and Owners of industries in Anzali Free Zone in order to elaborate the relationship between dimensions, to design the model of “ Investment Attraction Factors” . Finally, the indicators of "demand", "competitiveness", "business convenience", "investment attractiveness" and "purchasing experience" were identified as the most important factors in the attractiveness of the Free Zoneof Iran (Anzali region), which based on these indicators, solutions were proposed to improve the attractiveness of the Anzali Free Zone Investment Market.

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