The Westphalia’ s conceptual boundary, whose task is to defend the principle of national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national independence, is one of the factors in the separation of national identity. Due to the rapid evolution of technology and the expansion of cyberspace in the age of globalization, some believe that the role of borders is fading and even disappearing completely. In connection with this claim, the present study was based on the hypothesis that the arguments and ideas that negate the border and the land in relation to globalization do not correspond to the current realities of geographical space. In globalization, only the relative functions of borders undergoes change, transformation, and diversity (And that doesn't necessarily mean the performance is fading), but the existence of borders has stability. In order to prove the research hypothesis, the authors, Comparing the characteristics of borders in the two centuries of Westphalia and globalization, examined the reasons for the existence and continuity of borders in the era of globalization, with four approaches: philosophical (epistemological), rational (Reasonable), functional (functions) and Positivism (experimental). Also, due to the Width and scope of globalization threats, we are witnessing the security of borders as much as possible, so that the outbreak of Coronavirus in most countries in the form of absolute control of international, national and sub-national borders, It is another proof that the hypothesis of a Without Border world.