The story of Kaykavus ascent to sky and his falling has mentioned three times in the Shahnameh: One at ShirchinAmol Grove. Another, his falling place were listed "Sari". This name is recorded in the other texts as“ Shahre chin, ShirchineAmol, Shirhin, Ahabire chin, Sharhin, Hamchenin, Tonekabon, Narvan, DaryayeGorgan, Sari, Siraf, … Which these names geographically are unrelated. This problem can be solved only by comparative mythology. The myth of KayKavus in different parts is mixed with the story of Nimrod and Abraham in Islamic narratives. One of the components of Kaus's myth is the story of his pursuit byNerioseng and falling into the FarakhKard sea, Probably this section has been replaced by myth of Israfilangel, And various forms of this angel's name, including seraph and seraphine, which are also recorded in Persian and Arabic texts have been recorded as the place of the fall of Kavus. And because the scribes were not familiar with the name, they changed it to other forms.