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مفهوم «فاصله اجتماعی» به میزان پذیرش و احساس دوری یا نزدیکی در گروه های قومی و همچنین گتوهای شهری اشاره دارد. این مفهوم در عرصه فعالیت های اقتصادی موجب همگرایی و واگرایی میان کنشگران اقتصادی در جهت تعقیب اهداف اقتصادی می شود. شهر یزد به دلیل محصوربودن در کویر و ویژگی های خاص فرهنگی، دارای خصیصه های اقتصادی خاص هم هست. مردم یزد به دلیل داشتن روحیه همزیستی و رواداری، در تعامل دیرینه با سایر گروه ها و خرده فرهنگ ها قرار دارند. هدف این تحقیق، سنجش و تحلیل رابطه میان فاصله اجتماعی و مراوده اقتصادی در میان کسبه غیربومی و گردشگران یزدی با مردم یزد است. روش مورد استفاده در این تحقیق کمی است که با ابزار پرسشنامه استاندارد و محقق ساخته با روایی 70 درصد از میان نمونه 300 نفری از گردشگران و کسبه غیربومی، به صورت خوشه ای چندمرحله ای در محدوده بافت گردشگری یزد تکمیل شده است. نتایج تحقیق نشان می دهد احساس فاصله اجتماعی پاسخگویان در ارتباط با مردم یزد نسبتا کم است و آنان نگرش مثبت تری به مراوده اقتصادی با یزدی ها دارند. بااین حال، احساس فاصله اجتماعی کسبه غیریزدی از یزدی ها بیشتر از فاصله گردشگران از آن ها است. همچنین نتایج نشان داد بین فاصله اجتماعی و نگرش به خصایص اقتصادی یزدی ها، و متغیرهای زمینه ای مانند جنسیت و سن پاسخگویان، رابطه معنادار و مستقیم وجود دارد.

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احساس تعلق اجتماعی رفتارها، سبک زندگی، تعاملات اجتماعی و سلامت فرد و جامعه را سازمان دهی می کند. این پژوهش به روش کیفی و با استفاده از نظریه زمینه ای، بسترهای مهم شکل گیری احساس تعلق اجتماعی و تکرار جرم را در مددجویان سابقه دار مطالعه می کند. براساس معیار اشباع نظری استقرایی، 27 نفر از مددجویان سابقه دار مراجعه کننده به مرکز مراقبت بعد از زندان در شهرستان کرمان شامل مرد و زن به شیوه نمونه گیری هدفمند انتخاب شدند و با آن ها مصاحبه عمیق صورت گرفت. داده های جمع آوری شده به روش اشتراوس و کوربین در سه مرحله کدگذاری باز، محوری و گزینشی تحلیل شدند و 43 مفهوم، 6 مقوله اصلی و 1 مقوله هسته ای از درون گفته های مشارکت کنندگان استخراج شد. مقوله های اصلی این تحقیق عبارت اند از: 1. مصایب اجتماعی و ضربه روحی در کودکی، 2. گسسته شدن تعلق به مدرسه و بازماندگی از تحصیل، 3. نداشتن پیوندهای اجتماعی و احساس تعلق به کانون اصلاح و تربیت، 4. نداشتن احساس تعلق اجتماعی در خانواده، 5. احساس تعلق به پیوندهای دوستانه انحرافی، 6. سابقه داری و تکرار جرم. مقوله هسته ای «نداشتن پیوندهای اجتماعی و احساس تعلق ضداجتماعی در سابقه داران» نشانگر آن است که پیوند اجتماعی مددجویان سابقه دار به دلیل نبود بسترهای مناسب در زندگی به سمت احساس تعلق ضداجتماعی و درنهایت، کنش های انحرافی و تکرار جرم سوق یافته است.

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Introduction Taking and prescribing medicine has a specific treatment protocol that doctors can prescribe for people according to different diseases. However, there are some drugs and supplements in the Iranian market that are used not only for therapeutic purposes but also for the purpose of beauty and increasing bodily functions. These secondary uses are regulated and managed by the market with some existing cultural discourses about health and body, which are normalized and normalized in individuals. In other words, part of the problem is the practice and set of rules at the macro level, and the other part is the result of cultivating discourses that provide the conditions for these drugs. On the other hand, special body diets and the importance of the body, the induction of drug use has increased, which leads people to make decisions in order to consolidate a certain pattern of use of these drugs. It is not always in the interest of individuals, in fact, where individuals' decisions lead to satisfaction that is not in their favor, these decisions form a market equilibrium that is in the market's favor, where it benefits the most. These conditions provide opportunities for it puts people and the market to achieve their goal through irrational and profitable ways and processes. The Ministry of Health is trying to play its role as a regulator and on the other hand as a supporter of the pharmaceutical industry, but due to the expansion of the market for these drugs in Iran, there is no proper oversight of their treatment protocol and economy. Method This treatise on qualitative practice, i. e. interview, documentary method, and content analysis, has addressed this issue. Drug laws and regulations, press releases upstream documents, and reports have been reviewed, in addition to in-depth socio-cultural issues of in-depth 65 interviews with consumers and stakeholders and officials have been used in this area. In order to analyze the data, the thematic analysis method was used. Finding The research findings are based on a multifaceted process: Institutional level: The role of regulatory institutions in the marketing process and the role of existing policies in the country's pharmaceutical system in the field of hormonal drugs. The second level is the coordinates and relationships of the main actors, in other words. In this study, we address the most important subjects of the hormonal drug market in this logic. The third: cultural discourse, where medical and quasi-medical discourses remove consumer subjects from the heart of marketing processes. In fact, the policies of the field of hormonal drugs, by objectifying their subjects as members of society and also in constructing them, try to show that subjects themselves have the freedom and freedom to choose to buy and consume, that is, the subject who is the elector and can determine the goals and tools to achieve those goals. Results & Conclusion marketization is the product of a mechanism of three aspects of the problem, each of which cannot explain the phenomenon of marketization without other markets or marketing is the mechanisms that affect the expansion of the market for hormonal drugs. A set, or in other words, a network of actions in the political-economic and cultural fields, plays an important role in the normalization and maintenance of these technologies and knowledge and the construction of a bio-political subject. Bio-politics emphasizes the flourishing of life and shapes marketing projects through regulatory changes and disciplinary norms in the form of a lifestyle. That is, all the mechanisms that make it possible for the body to consume certain conditions, are more inclusive of the decisive and authoritarian tools of power. with some existing cultural discourses about health and body, are normalized and normalized in individuals. In other words, part of the problem is the practice and set of rules at the macro level, and the other part is the result of cultivating discourses that provide the conditions for these drugs. On the other hand, special body diets and the importance of the body, the induction of drug use has increased, which leads people to make decisions in order to consolidate a certain pattern of use of these drugs. It is not always in the interest of individuals, in fact, where individuals' decisions lead to satisfaction that is not in their favor, these decisions form a market equilibrium that is in the market's favor, where it benefits the most. These conditions provide opportunities for It puts people and the market to achieve their goal through irrational and profitable ways and processes. the Ministry of Health is trying to play its role as a regulator and on the other hand as a supporter of the pharmaceutical industry, but due to the expansion of the market for these drugs in Iran, there is no proper oversight of their treatment protocol and economy.

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Introduction Tolerance is in fact a paradoxical situation in which people have to endure things that are not acceptable, or even hated and disliked. This paradoxical situation has prevented the tolerance from being into a “ rote learning” in many societies and citizens. Tolerance can be seen as a “ flawed virtue” because it refers to the acceptance of the differences between others and us that we would rather fight, ignore, or overcome. However, ‘ flawed’ a virtue it may be, tolerance may be the only thing that stands between peaceful coexistence and violent intergroup conflict. This makes tolerance a topic of great importance. While scholars have systematically studied political (in) tolerance and the closely related subject of prejudice for over half a century now, many conceptual and empirical puzzles remain unsolved. This may well reflect the complex nature of tolerance and the dilemmas which are intrinsic to the idea of toleration. The problem of tolerance is widespread in research. This is due to a number of aggressive manifestations unacceptable for modern society, which is opposed to tolerance. An analysis of the sources on problems of tolerance/intolerance suggests that it is possible to influence intolerance by studying and reproducing tolerance. At the same time, in the contemporary world, where the entanglement and moral density of actions is a prominent feature, tolerance is considered very important for the continuation of a stress-free and peaceful relationship between individuals, and local and global communities. Accordingly, the present study aimed to explain the sociological status of tolerance and its dimensions among citizens 18 years and older in Kermanshah province. Method The research method is descriptive survey, and the statistical population of the study included all citizens over 18 years old in Kermanshah province. Based on the Cochran’ s formula, 855 people were selected by multi-stage cluster. Finding Findings showed that the mean of tolerance in Kermanshah province was 2. 68 (from 1 to 5), and the respondents had the most tolerance socially (3. 03), ideologically (2. 48), and politically (2. 47), and moral-behaviorally (2. 38). Findings also indicated that the variables of education level, gender, marital status, capital and its dimensions had an effect on tolerance, but the variables of age, ethnicity, religion, and city of residence did not have an effect on tolerance. Conclusion In fact, it seems that according to the results of the study, ethnicities and religions in Kermanshah province, regardless of their diversity, have negative effects on the tolerance of the citizens of the province, because it seems that the “ vulgar” type of identity seeking has been prevalent in Kermanshah for many years, especially in the last four decades, which generally seeks to reject the opposite identity and highlights the manifestations that are mainly confrontational and promoters of violence (verbal-behavioral). The presence of stereotypes among ethnic (and of course much more religious) groups in Kermanshah is one of the external manifestations of this kind of vulgar identity. In addition, the results of the study based on the almost identical effects of all three types of capital (economic, social, and cultural) on tolerance indicate the importance of paying attention to multidimensional models in explaining tolerance and side components. This is a topic that has recently come to the attention of contemporary thinkers and, of course, is in stark contrast to the views of many thinkers, from Marxists to modernization theorists (that change in political development is the sole cause of change).

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Introduction The importance of the media in examining the problems of modern society is rooted in their prominent role in shaping the various dimensions of modern society; because one of the characteristics of the modern world is defined in terms of the two concepts of “ time” and “ space” and the relationship between the two. In this regard, what is considered as the sociology of morality in relation to the media is the way of dealing with morals issues in the media as a factor in shaping the general morals of society; today the importance and influence of the media in building and directing public opinion in various fields is not hidden from anyone. Focus on the social morals in sports media and the ways in which the issue of morals and its various dimensions in such media are introduced, promoted and expressed as "representation" is a matter of concern to the present study; What kind of image of morals and moral action is presented to the audience by a media. In other words, sports media what image and translation of social morals, its values and patterns of moral action at the social level, provide their audience. What moral themes they rely on the most and what kind of individual and social behavior they highlight, promote, or denounce. For this purpose, the content of one year from four cases of sports media in Iran, including: “ Iran Varzeshi” , “ Khabar Varzeshi” , “ Abrar Varzeshi” and “ Piroozi” newspapers, has been thematized and typed. Method Four popular sports media have been considered as cases of the most experienced media in Iran and the types of representation and reflection of social morals and moral elements in their contents and contents are categorized and described through “ Qualitative content analysis” method. The unit of analysis in this research has selected the “ Subject” . This research is following Blumer’ s key “ Theoretical Sensitive Concepts” as guidelines for perceiving the phenomenon under study. Finding The findings of the research indicate this sports media in the representation of morals is in the range of the dual “ morals & anti-morals” . Concept such as “ Legalism” has been introduced as positive morals and concept such as “ Rumor” has been introduced as negative morals. The two attributes of "Heroic Character" and "Verbal and Behavioral Violence" are described and defined as the least important moral attributes from the perspective of these media. Results & Conclusion Occasionally, at the macro level and due to his formal reading of the field of sports, elements such as “ trust in the coach” and “ his respect” are portrayed as moral actions, and sometimes on the surface of the micro, it expresses “ popular literature” at the level of individual morals and social morals. This dual reflects the fact that the representation of social morals in this sports media-at the two levels of mental and practical-is the connection of the constraints with the journalistic attractions and political positions of the media and does not follow a single morals code of conduct.

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Introduction The concept of social distance refers to the degree of acceptance or non-acceptance that is felt by members of a group to join a group compared to other specific groups. This concept refers to the degree of acceptance and feeling of distance or closeness in ethnic groups as well as urban ghettos. The concept of social distance in the field of economic activities causes convergence and divergence among economic actors in order to pursue economic goals among them. The city of Yazd has special economic characteristics due to its location due to for being surrounded by the desert and special cultural features. The people of Yazd, because of their spirit of coexistence and tolerance, are in long-term interaction with other groups and subcultures. The purpose of this study is to assess and analyze the relationship between “ social distance” and economic interaction between non-native businesspeople and Yazdi tourists with the people of Yazd. Method The method used in this research is quantitative, which has been completed with a standard and researcher-made questionnaire with a high validity of 70% from a sample of 300 tourists and non-native businessmen in the form of multi-stage cluster sampling in the tourism context in Yazd. Finding The results showed that the respondents' sense of social distance in relation to the people of Yazd is relatively low and they have a more positive attitude towards having economic relations with Yazidis. However, the feeling of social distance of a non-profit business is greater than that of tourists. The results of this study also show that tourists have a more positive attitude compared to businesspeople, both in relation to social distance and in relation to measuring economic characteristics. The results also show that there was a significant difference between the contextual questions of age, gender, education and occupation in relation to social distance. There is a positive and significant relationship between social distance and economic characteristics, so that the lower the social distance, the more positive the attitude towards the economic characteristics of Yazidis and the more the social distance increases, the more negative the attitude towards the economic characteristics of Yazidis becomes. Conclusion Action based on social distance is the level of distance and difference that individuals should consider in their social interactions with others. The issue of social distance, based on the theory of symbolic interaction, with the concepts of “ self and other communication. In this theory, actors act through the meaning they attribute to the actions of others. Accordingly, symbolic interaction of categories such as “ self, other and meaningful action” gives meaning to the action of individuals through separation and differentiation in their action with others and affect the collective identity as another and “ separate selves” . In essence, social distance directs the action of individuals through limiting and differentiating characteristics. Social distance in the economic exchange of actors directs their actions and can lead to the emergence of ethnic entrepreneurship in urban ghettos. Accordingly, the social distance approach implies the role of social factors such as class structure and group and ethnic status on economic activities. With the approach of social distance in economic action, factors such as race, ethnicity and characteristics of residential areas and social factors such as residence and education affect economic success. In Iran, studies related to social distance have been relevant due to their cultural diversity and the existence of multiple mosaic cultures, and many studies have been conducted. However, the studies are less relevant to economic relations, and in this research, an attempt has been made to measure the economic behavior of non-Yazidi businessmen living in Yazd and tourists in relation to the people of Yazd. The innovative aspect of this paper is the importance of economic and social ties in economic relations.

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Introduction Body can be comprehended as the root of human identity, a time and a place in which the social world is embodied. Our understanding of our body and the meanings signified by this understanding vary depending on different social contexts. Moreover, adolescence is a period which body-as an unfinished and changing project-becomes an acute and critical sphere. The main aim in this article, first, is to analyse the understanding and attitude of adolescents in Tehran-as a generation-toward their body and others’ in their peer group. And second, to study the attitude adults-as previous generations-have toward this adolescents' understanding of body. In fact, the main effort is to learn how adolescents distinguish between bodies, and based on what regulations they classify bodies. And then to learn what attitudes adults have toward this understanding of body. Method This study has been done through “ Qualitative Research” and the data is grounded in “ In-depth and Semi-Structured Interviews” with 17 adolescent boys and girls (aged 15 to 18) and 14 adult men and women (aged 21 to 48) in Tehran. The Maximum Variation sampling is used for finding the cases in various types and theoretical sampling is used to achieve conceptual saturation. Finally, the interview data were coded and categorized by “ Thematic analysis” . Finding Results show modern attitude toward body prevails among adolescents and most of them recognize body changeable and becoming. Although this understanding leads to puzzlement and sometimes worry for previous generations, the change itself and its ruling regulations paradoxically follow the totally traditional and gendered (masculine body and feminine body) patterns. Although this configuration seemingly represents adolescents’ embodiment ground breaking and altered, it has roots in values and patterns of previous generations. The same values and patterns but with different emersion and representation. It needs to be mentioned, the existing and continuity of these traditional regulations lies beneath the deep layers of this understanding and cannot be revealed effortlessly. Conclusion Therefore, most of both adolescents and adults contradict the existence and continuity of these regulations. This contradiction is comprehensible. Part of the adolescents' fulfilment and identification is constructed from this contradiction they feel between themselves and previous generations. Approving this convergence of these apparently different regulations in understanding body, causes a crisis in their identification. Additionally, adults resist approving this convergence mostly because the outstanding difference they observe between the emergence and representation of this embodied understanding the adolescents and previous generations have; therefore, adults cannot recognize the fundamental and significant similarities. Occasionally, the idea of existing such contradiction gives identity to previous generations. Therefore, seemingly these two sides of this equation strive to accentuate the differences in order to consolidate the boundaries of “ self” and “ others”-as two or more different generations.

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Introduction The sense of belonging organizes behaviors, lifestyle, social interactions, and health of the individual and community. Impairment of this feeling can lead to negative personal and social feelings, a decrease of sense of cooperation, commitment, and loyalty in social, political, economic matters and even in life, and ultimately deviation and crime. A prerequisite for the development of a society is having healthy citizens with a proper sense of social belonging. Accordingly, the present paper seeks to study the contexts of the formation of a sense of social belonging and recidivism by former criminals. Method This research has been conducted using the qualitative research method and methodology of Strauss and Corbin grounded theory. In the present paper, based on the criterion of inductive theoretical saturation, 27 former criminals referred to the after-care center of Kerman prison, including men and women, were selected by purposive sampling and interviewed in-depth. The data was analyzed according to the Strauss and Corbin method in three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. In this qualitative research for validation have been used strategies of triangulation, member checking, and analytical comparisons. Finding In the process of information analysis, 43 concepts, 6 main categories, and 1 core category were extracted from the participants’ statements. The main categories of this research are: 1) social misery and trauma in childhood, 2) detachment from school and dropout, 3) lack of social ties and a sense of belonging to a correctional center, 4) lack of a sense of social belonging in family, 5) feeling of belonging to deviant and friendly relations, 6) recidivism. The core category of “ lack of social ties and a sense of anti-social belonging by former criminals” indicates that the social ties of former criminals due to inappropriate contexts in life has led to a sense of anti-social belonging and deviation actions and repetition of the crime. Conclusion The extracted core category shows that the social ties of former criminalsin the context of life various stages were not formed properly, and were directed towards non-social and negative affiliations. Finally, the lack of social ties of former criminals in childhood, adolescence, family, and school and the feeling of belonging to the correctional center led to a sense of anti-social belonging and their tendency towards bonding and a sense of belonging to a group of deviant friends. The result of this situation is that they fell into the negative pole of recording and repetition of the crime. In general, the core category of “ lack of social ties and a sense of antisocial belonging by former criminals” reflects the fact that if social ties and a sense of social belonging are not properly formed in important stages of a person’ s life, it has detrimental consequences for them and society. Because it will overshadow other stages and interactions of life such as marriage, married life, making friends, and job. Former criminals’ experience of social segregation, in a variety of ways, lead to their readiness for antisocial activities. Family relationships and social networks are important areas of social exclusion that should be targeted primarily in policies and social work. As a result, the sense of social belonging and social bonds is largely dependent on the interpretations and experiences of individuals in everyday life.

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Introduction Divorce as a social issue can cause many different issues and consequences and sometimes many other social harms at the individual and social levels. These effects and consequences can have consequences for both men and women and on the other hand for children. Divorced couples seem to have an identity crisis and do not have the ability to give meaning to life and achieve success and satisfaction in living together, and people who are determined to divorce, in the difficulty and deadlock of living together, know the final solution to solve the problem, save and re-meaning life and separation. According to what has been said, the present study tries to compare and examine the understanding of women and men in the face of divorce with an interpretive approach and to address the underlying and causal factors as well as the consequences of divorce in the lives of men and women. Method The method used in this study is qualitative and based on this, grounded theory has been used as a guide for interviewing and analyzing the resulting qualitative data. The study population consists of divorced men and women living in Tabriz. According to the present method, sampling continued until a kind of theoretical and information saturation was obtained and in the process of data collection, no new information was obtained during further interviews. The number of people interviewed (sample) in this study was 32 (17 women and 15 men divorced or divorced). In the present study, in-depth interview technique was used to collect data. Finding According to the present study, the causal conditions in the formation of divorce are violence, infidelity and unrestrained sexual-moral burden, sexual dissatisfaction, high-risk marriages, addiction, family differences and attitudes, economic issues, early marriage. Underlying conditions such as the weakness of the education system and counseling centers before marriage and during divorce affect causal conditions. Interfering conditions in male and female divorce also included poor management and lack of personality independence, individualism, reduced divorce ugliness, normative pressures, lack of commitment and responsibility, and domination and control over the other party. Strategies used during divorce, including the support or lack of material and spiritual support of the family, the use of dowry as a lever of pressure and the non-functioning of this lever, saving, supporting or not supporting the law and hot stigma. The consequences of divorce for both men and women include reduced social relationships, the suggestion of illegitimate relationships, the formation of a single-parent family, sexual marginalization, lack of strong economic support, and depression and mental disorders. Conclusion A comparative study of the understanding of divorce between divorced men and women shows a kind of social atmosphere in which we see a kind of class-cultural distinction in the "habit of capitalism and capitalism. " The habit of couples is different and different from each other and they do not have the same social status and have different economic, cultural, social and symbolic capitals. In the present study, we saw that divorce patterns are no longer influenced by the cultural norms of society, and we are somehow faced with breaking the ugliness of divorce and normalizing divorce, such as marriage in society. However, divorce, in our society, despite its ugliness and with a great impact on the lives of people, especially women, can still be considered as the last shot in the butt. Divorced people after a period of time and the emotions and shocks caused by divorce subside more rationally are able to talk about how to get married, cohabitation, the causes of divorce and its consequences, and you can use their experiences and views to understanding the reality of life and divorce benefited.

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Introduction The issue of work and employment has been considered since the beginning of human life. Women's employment is one of the significant issues in different societies. There are pros and cons on women's employment. Hypotheses such as role multiplicity, role conflict, and role pressure suggest that employed women are more likely to be less healthy because of reasons such as greater responsibilities and workload, and the stress of multiple roles. In contrast, hypotheses such as role expansion and role aggregation suggest that employment, which has been added to traditional women's roles is positive and useful, because of increased self-esteem, higher income, and wider social support. Since women in today's society have a very positive effect on the advancement of society and a considerable population of students are now women, this study examines the awareness of female students about women's employment in the Islamic society. Method The research is applied and was conducted with a mixed view (quantitative and qualitative). The data for the first phase (qualitative) were collected by interview and the participants were 11 female students of Humanities at the University of Tehran. Based on the findings of this phase and with using the research literature, a questionnaire was developed and as a result, the data of the second (quantitative) phase was collected by survey method. The sample consisted of 132 undergraduate female students studied Humanities at the University of Tehran, using random sampling. After completing the questionnaires, data were analyzed using SPSS software. Finding The findings of the qualitative section indicate that the positive effects of women's employment can be categorized in four groups: individual and psychological, economic, knowledge and insight, and cultural and social. Also, negative effects can be classified into three groups: individual, family, and social. According to the findings, the reasons for women's employment can be grouped into three categories: knowledge and psychological, economic, and social. The findings of the quantitative part indicate that the level of awareness of female students about women's employment in the Islamic society is moderate. Significant differences were found between students' awareness of women's employment based on the variables: membership in Islamic student organizations, and use of religious programs of Radio and TV. According to the findings, higher education and religious knowledge and beliefs of family members are the most important factors affecting students' awareness about women's employment in Islamic society. In addition, from the respondents' point of view, the most important positive effects of women's employment is the increase of self-esteem and the most important negative effect is physical and mental fatigue. Conclusion This study was undertaken to assess the level of knowledge of female students about women's employment in the Islamic society. In addition, according to the findings, women's employment involves a combination of both positive and negative effects. Therefore, in order to benefit more from the positive effects and reduce the maximum negative effects of women's employment, it is necessary to identify and consider the effective factors. Considering issues such as the nature of the job and the volume and hours of employment of women is important factors that should not be overlooked.

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Introduction In addition to physiological factors, the determinants of fertility levels in different societies include various economic, social, political, environmental and cultural factors. The impact of these factors on fertility varies across different populations and subgroups. Thus, fertility and attitudes toward childbearing, are not only shaped by the economic factors and costs of parturition, but are also significantly affected by the cultural and societal factors. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between religiosity and family values, with childbearing desires and intentions among married women in Tehran. Method The research is based on a survey conducted among a sample of 398 married women using multi-stage stratified sampling method in Tehran. In this study, religiosity and its dimensions (belief, ritual, experiential, consequential) have been analyzed according to the Glock and Stark measure and family values using Inglehart's theory in two aspects of traditional (material) and modern (metamaterial) values. Finding The results showed that mean number of children ever born for women in this study is 1. 58 children and the ideal average fertility is 1. 95 children. Around 74 percent of women in the study did not intend to give birth to another child, while nearly 40 percent of women considered only one child as ideal. The results of bivariate analysis showed no significant relationship between religiosity and its dimensions with fertility desires, but religiosity can affect women’ s fertility intentions. Also, family values are significantly associated with fertility tendencies and intentions. The results of path analysis showed that family value variables (beta coefficient of 0. 243) was the sole significant proximate determinant of fertility desires. Age and socio-economic status while directly affecting desires to have children, influenced fertility ideals through religiosity and family values indirectly. Logistic Regression analysis revealed that religiosity and family values had significant impact on intentions in having children but there was no relationship with The results of logistic regression showed variables of religiosity and family values has a significant relationship with fertility intention but the relationship between the socioeconomic status and fertility intention was not significant. Finally, it can be said women's fertility behaviors are influenced by the socio-economic, cultural and demographic context of society. Conclusion Religiosity and family values as a social and cultural structure play a decisive role in the formation of reproductive behaviors. Fertility behavior as the most important variable of population dynamics is a multifaceted issue and a wide variety of economic, social, and cultural factors influence fertility through complex mechanisms. Therefore, it is vital to identify determinants of fertility behavior in order to design appropriate policies in the country. Government policies must also be in line with the desires and interests of women and families.

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Introduction divorce has always been one of the most challenging issues facing human societies since direct and indirect effects are not only on the psychological balance of couples and children but its negative effects on the cultural system and the economic system are undeniable. Divorce as one of the most influential phenomena in the Iranian society has also been proposed which brings damage to different aspects. This way, we face a growing divorce rate in Iran every day. Some consider this rise as a sign of uncertainty and ultimately, the collapse of the family body and in general, the structure of society, and some consider this trend as a result of increasing individual liberty and the weakening of societal practices. However, the phenomenon of divorce during the last century has led to a growing trend in the global and national scale, wives who suffer from disagreements, are deficient in the skill of life and are involved in unproductive communication patterns. If the couples do not properly acquire the skills of life, including skills of communication and conflict resolution, conflicts in a verbal form and then behave in a manner, and gradual degradation begins in couples' adaptation. Ineffective communication leads to a gap between a profound individual that is experienced in all aspects of life and all parts of society. The lack of communication skills necessary to start and sustain marital life can lead to loneliness, physical illness and psychological pressure, sense of incapacity and dissatisfaction, family problems, and even death. The frustration of improving couples' relationships, false insights, false relationships, besides the side effects that affect the relationship between spouses, also undermine the structure. How to develop and expand the divorce in society and consequently the destruction of healthy relationships among couples on one hand reflects social, cultural, economic, and on the other hand the effect of how marital relations are established among couples. Therefore, strengthening of the relationship and communication skills among couples can reduce the burden of the problem. Communication problems are a pivotal issue in the communication approaches to the family. Families in which both husband and wife are understanding and feel satisfied with life have a better function and play a better role. Marital satisfaction is one of the factors of achievement and achievement of the goals of life communication problems are a central issue in the communication approaches to the family in terms of their attachment, the relationship between spouses can be effective in terms of satisfaction and attachment. In this study, we try to identify and explain the challenges and relationship between couples from the perspective of cultural differences in the way of qualitative research method which ultimately forces couples to divorce each other. Research Method In terms of research methods, this research is a quality that uses the method of content analysis. It is also purposeful, exploratory, and practical. The statistical population of this study consists of couples exposed to divorce, academic experts, counselors and senior managers in the field of social communication. The statistical sample of the study is 30 people who were selected through theoretical and targeted sampling method. Findings The required statistical data were collected and analyzed using the semi-structured specialized interview method. Goba and Lincoln criteria were also used to evaluate the quality of the research results. Conclusion The results showed that the cultural causes of couples' communication challenges exposed to divorce in three categories: non-adherence to religious, moral and social values (including 10 components), individual and family abnormalities (8 components) and differences in subcultures (2(. Component) are located.

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