Manifestation of God emanates from His own love, and creation is not but manifestation. Thus if there was not manifestation, the world would not come into being. On the other hand, manifestation is the starting point of servants love toward God. The kind of mystic's manifestation determines his special kind of love, putting him in a particular category of lovers of God. The impacts of this issue may be studied both theoretically and practically. Explaining various types of Manifestations of Glory and the Beauty, in brief, and introducing two well-known groups of mystics i.e. followers of the mystic trend of spiritual intoxication (Ashab al-Sukr) and those of the mystic trend of sobriety(Ashab al- Sahw) who enjoy respectively the elegant manifestation and the regal one, the present article deals with the theoretical impacts. It then discusses the effects and influences of their enjoying various manifestations in theoretical aspects and in the field of loving God. Achieving this goal, the micro theories of affection, befriending, love, and the unity of existence originating from the macro theory of divine love are studied in the article. Comparing and analyzing the ideas of Ashab al- Sukr and Ashab al- Sahw about the above- mentioned issues, the article indicates how different manifestations give rise to fundamental changes in mystics’ perceptions and interpretations of major issues of existence such as divine love.