Applying a content analysis and using psychological texts, Quran and Narrations’ commentaries, the paper deals with this topic. Spouses’ loyalty in the light of love is created with three factors of commitment, intimacy and passion. Loyalty can be progressed by strengthening ideological, economic, social and cultural conditions within families as well as increasing agreeableness among the spouses. By developing loyalty, the spouses’ trust to each other will be increased and family institution will be strengthened. One of the strategies of deepening and consolidating the spouses’ loyalty is satisfaction of biological, emotional, cognitive, social, sexual, and beauty needs of each other. Improving ethical and humanistic virtues between the spouses especially virtue, chastity, honesty, truthfulness and righteousness as well as recognizing the personality and intellectual horizons of spouses is another strategy to create trust among them. Analyzing intimate relationships, observing each other’s rights, mutual respect, participating in family responsibilities, agreement, physical and sexual attraction, and having positive attitude about each other are other factors of developing trust and strengthening the family organization.