In the present research, the personality characteristics of delinquent
adolescent boys in the city of Isfahan have been studied and compared with
those of normal boys of the same age. The goal of this research was to
investigate delinquency, as a damaging phenomenon.
The statistical population of the research consisted of the whole
population of boy students who have been studying at Isfahan high schools
during the second semester of the educational year 1377-78sc (1998-1999)
as well as the whole population of delinquent adolescent boys, ages 14-18,
who have been imprisoned, in the first half of the year 1378sc (1999), in the
Central Jail of Isfahan.
The total number of the delinquent boys imprisoned in the Central Jail of
Isfahan at the time of the research was 50 persons. The sampling procedure
applied to the normal group was cluster sampling in which the subjects were
chosen randomly. The sample size of the delinquent group was 50
individuals too. The research instruments consists of a Self-Evaluation
Questionnaire, Personal Information. Questionnaire and Eysenck
Questionnaire, which, itself includes the Lie Scale and the Scales of
Extroversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism. The validity and reliability of
all these scales have been confirmed under the cultural conditions of Iran.
In the present research, there were 9 hypotheses, including the main three
hypotheses and other hypotheses. All the hypotheses were confirmed. The
results of the main hypotheses are as follows:
There was a significant difference between the mean of extroversion
of delinquent adolescent boys and that of normal adolescent boys
(PO.OOI).The nom1algroup was higher in extroversion.
There was a significant difference between the degree of neuroticism
of delinquent adolescent boys and that of normal adolescent boys
(P,O.OOI).The delinquent group was higher.
There was a significant difference between the degree of
psychoticism of delinquent adolescent boys and that of normal boys