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Iran, our Islamic home with thousands-year religious history, has been looking for pure fact while has housed many explorers in itself like sufi poets which have realized an unique existence, creating all creatures, and this has encouraged them to have mystical point of view about every thing their eyes meet around: as faras as they have been seperated from this earthy world and have joined to spirituality. Some Iranian poets who were always looking for a way to present their mystical experiences to enjoy remarkable platform in this way. Our pleasure to say Patrik Navayi, contemporary French poet, the son of a French-Iranian couple, loving Iranian culture and civilization, has taken step in this way while he has felt mystical subject in Iran. Existence of Iranian literature and art, myth, religious, traditions, finally Iranian civilization and culture in Navayi's works proves relatively deep enthusiasm and knowledge of poet about Iran and makes us understand that Iran is a main part of his life and his soul, motivating him to get inspired of this country, has completely combined with Iran and provides an ideal and mystical life for him.Therefor we can say a mystical path has been opening for him in Iran.

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However connoisseurs have not presented an exact and clear definition of "style and stylistics", we can construe it as a special method for perception and expression of thoughts with words.In stylistic analysis of a text we should find specific elements, connection and mutual effect between them.This article contemplate the group of literary works that introduced "religious epics".Considering that any literary work while having individual particulars, is the same as others in some specialities and qualities; So In this mothod, we could consider this group that are similar to eachother from the point of view of genre and subject equally."Religious epic" is one of the sevelal kinds of epics that infact is counted as the subset of "historic epic". Its subject is description of bravery and courage of religious heroine. There are many of this desirable and beautiful poem In persian literature and the oldest is composd in the fifth century.Hamleye-ye-heidari, hamle-ye-heidariye raji and khavaranname are among the famouse religious epic.The pale of Contemplation and criticism about religious epic have not many previous record of spread and deep investigation and research.Although Dr. Hosein-e-Razmjoo, Dr. shafii kadkani and Master Ali-kashef Khansari are among those who more than others have researched about this field. They have wrote some books and articles in this subject.Research method in this text is documentary and ontent-based analysis.In this text, after presenting brief explanation about stylistics and religious epic as an introduction, we have paid attention to the stylistic study of this books, specially the most important of them.We have paid attention to the outside and inside aspect of this poems through considering three main part "meaning, content, particulars", "form and linguistic particulars" and "literary and figurative particulars".Three part of this article are based on the proposed method of Dr. shamisa at stylistic study in three levels of lingual, mental and literary.

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Molavi is one of the shining stars in the sky of the persian literature. His Masnavi Manavi is one of the best sources of philosophy & mysticism in which love is mentioned as the most important in the world, on the basis of philosophy & mysticism.On the other hand, Plato is one of the outstanding philosophers in the western world. His philosophical ideas and intuitions are closely related. All these have made him a mystic philosopher.The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast thoughts and believes of Plato and Molana in terms of matters related to Platonic and non-Platonic love. Also some examples are given.

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Zurvanism is a religion of ancient Iranians whose beliefs have been kept even in post Islamic era in Iran. These beliefs were reflected in most of the works during the Islamic era. For example, works of Nasir Khusraw Ghobadiani are affected by Zurvanism, some of these beliefs are: bevet in fate, the effect and the role of sky and austronums (stars) in human life, discussing about era/time, blaming the world and mundane things, and also exhorting to asceticism. Affectivity of Nasir Khusraw from Zurvanism has been detected in this study.

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The present article tries to study the power and knowledge in the novel “the color purple written by Alice walker from the perspective of post modernism”. In this novel, different elements of post modernism have been restricted to the issues of knowledge and power. The novel “the color purple” is of some features describing it as a post modernist work. Have in, when the characters experience life, they have a relative understanding of it, but when they try to understand the life, they really experience the life. They experience the life through a special knowledge. This knowledge forms a great part of the discourse created by power and power relations. There is no knowledge without power and relevant institutes. In such a society power is an important factor, a source for oppressions, and, at the same time, it has some advantages for some people in the society. Finally, the characters be have strangely, in other words, they suffer from the lack of relation with others. In fact, the characters communicate with each other, but it is not understandable for the others, since the people are merged in to a discoursal network. Discourses differ in different places because people have different attitudes toward life and every thing makes no sense in such a society.

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The correct decipherment of rites, myths and epics occurs comprehensively when superstitious belief, underlying them are analyzed. Our misty and literary epics are full of superstitions which are ignored up to now and this shortage to decode the rites and epics together with the myths is vividly felt. This article tries to study the superstitious beliefs and their functions in the rituals and literary epics such as charshanbe suri, centenary celebration, yalda celebration and shark - ridign Morecover, the application of these for. Magics thatis, sameness magic and association have been depicted in the stories of Ferdowsi’s book of kings, thus, here in, some of the superstitious beliefs there in will be studied.

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If we study mystical tetts thoroughly, we finally get to a single point or pivot. That pivotal point focused on by mysticism is called “Love”, since in this school the final goal to suffer pains, hardships, is to reach God, which is the final goal of the life and human’s felicity. More over, Islamic mysticism is a special thought stemming from the religion of Islam which has decorated the visage of religion. To adore love and to fight against reason is a principle of mysticism. Reason from the eyes of this sect can’t attain every cognition and to compre hand the real truth is impossible by the empiricists. However, love is of a greater status in contrast with reason. A perfect man to be accomplished should first go through the religion and then arrive at love to reach felicity. This theme calminates in mowlana’s mathnavi. Sanai has a dual interpretation about reason. In relevance to the worldly affairs. Reason is a means to perfection, but compared to love, it is of a lower status, which and do nothing. The debate of love and reason is a key and pivotal issue in sanai’s Hadighe and mowlana’s mathnavi. There fore, this article seeks to study these two in these literary works.

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Having studied the poem of khosrow and shirin from the view point of psychology, we will find out that this poem is biphonious, that is, the loud suppressive voice of Nezami lies before the silent voice of the heroine of the story. The silent voice of this character overcomes the loud voice of Nezami. In fact, the gentle behavior of shirin over comes the poet’s suppressive voice. More over, having a psychological study of the story, we will see that the poet’s anima is functional in story telling and personalizing shirin.

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Undoubtedly, contest and defiance inherently exist in the art. However, in the works of so many Iranian literary men, the art of opposing and contesting is not so vivid and the mission of the artists and poets to benefit from their own talents to identify themselves and to promote freedom and culture in the society is not outstanding. Since the men of letters and the poets rendered their own works in accordance with the taste of their contemporary despotic rulers, a sublime thought arising from their meticulous views toward the social events, as a fundamental element in their works, is missing. Freedom and free-thinking in the previous poets’ works was rudimentary. Even mystical movements which were considered as a political movement in the realms of literature, have rendered a different interpretation of these common terms. However, the present writher believes that every artistic work is considered as an example of free-thinking in itself, since in this case, there is a utopia hidden in it which is the output of the poet’s escape from the present reality and even opposing it.

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