Journal Article
فارسی Version
Association between Food Choices Motivators and Physical Activity in Body Image (dis)Satisfaction in Portuguese Adolescents
View 30
The geographical distribution of human cutaneous and visceral leishmania species identified by molecular methods in iran: a systematic review with meta-analysis.
View 39
Health-related quality of life and its influencing factors for elderly patients with hypertension: evidence from Heilongjiang province, China
View 11
Management of Dental School During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Application of Intervention Mapping
View 13
Online learning-related visual function impairment during and after the covid-19 pandemic
View 10
Prevalence of the acute respiratory infections and associated factors in the rural areas and urban slum areas of western Maharashtra, India: a communitybased cross-sectional study
View 16
COVID-19 vaccination acceptance and its associated factors among a Middle Eastern population
View 23
Public Knowledge and Practices Regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Cross-Sectional Survey From Pakistan
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The Evolution of Technology and Physical Inactivity: The Good, the Bad, and the Way Forward
View 26
The COVID-19 pandemic and economic growth: theory and simulation
Resilience and higher education support as protective factors for student academic stress and depression during covid-19 in the Netherlands
View 15
Implications of Twitter in Health-Related Research: A Landscape Analysis of the Scientific Literature
Knowledge, Attitude and Acceptability of the Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Vaccination Among University Students in Indonesia
View 14
Impact of COVID‑, 19 related lockdown on the frequency of acute and oncological surgeries- lessons learned from an Austrian university hospital
View 12
The impact of COVID‑, 19 lockdown on injuries in Saudi Arabia: Results from a level- I trauma center
Impact of work-family conflict on sleep complaints: Results from the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil)
Consequences of a Diagnostic Label: A Systematic Scoping Review and Thematic Framework
Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Neurotransmitters in the Brain
Family cohesion and stress consequences among Chinese college students during COVID-19 pandemic: a moderated mediation model
Perfectionism in adolescence: Associations with gender, age, and socioeconomic status in a Norwegian sample
Family function, loneliness, emotion regulation, and hope in secondary vocational school students: A moderated mediation model
The Role of Social Determinants in Mental Health and Resilience After Disasters: Implications for Public Health Policy and Practice
One-Year Update on Salivary Diagnostic of COVID-19
Mental workload and job satisfaction in healthcare workers: the moderating role of job control
COVID-19 Pandemic: an opportunity for Universal Health Coverage?
Examining rural and racial disparities in the relationship between loneliness and social technology use among older adults
View 17
Women face to fear and safety devices during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: Impact of physical distancing on individual responsibility, intimate, and social relationship
View 2
Effect of Aerobic-Based Exercise on Psychological Well-Being and Quality of Life among Older People: A Middle East Study
Factors Influencing Mental Health Among Chinese Medical and Non-medical Students in the Early Stage of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Effect of EAP Psychological Intervention on Improving the Mental Health of Medical Workers Under the Novel Coronavirus Epidemic in China
Public perception and hand hygiene behavior during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
View 35
Societal Impacts of Pandemics: Comparing COVID-19 with History to Focus our Response
Addressing health literacy in schools in Germany: Concept analysis of the mandatory digital and media literacy school curriculum
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Safety Practices about COVID-19 among High School Students in Iran during the First Wave of the Pandemic
Challenges faced by healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative inquiry from Bangladesh
Mental health disorders in nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications and coping strategies
Psychosocial factors associated with resilience among Iranian nurses during COVID-19 outbreak
Predictors of Shift Work Sleep Disorder among Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study
Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, or Psychological Antecedents: What Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Better Among the Bangladeshi Adults?
Risk, trust, and flawed assumptions: vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic
Acceptability of COVID-19 vaccine among hospital employees in the Department of Paediatrics, Gynaecology and Obstetrics in the university hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland
View 1
The Association Between COVID-19, Air Pollution, and Climate Change
Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on the Behavior of Families in Italy: A Focus on Children and Adolescents
View 20
The Relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine hesitancy: A scoping review of literature until August 2021
Evaluation of a short-term digital group intervention to relieve mental distress and promote well-being among community-dwelling older individuals during the COVID-19 outbreak: A study protocol
Development and validation of the knowledge and attitude scale toward COVID-19 pandemic breaking transmission chain (KA-C) among Iranian population
View 52
Public stigma toward female and male opium and heroin users. An experimental test of attribution theory and the familiarity hypothesis
Factors behind the higher COVID-19 risk in diabetes: A critical review
Future Challenges of Nursing in Health System of Iran
View 31
Research on Financing Mechanism of Long-Term Care Insurance in Xiamen, China: A System Dynamics Simulation
View 29
Non-pharmacological approaches to depressed elderly with no or mild cognitive impairment in long-term care facilities. a systematic review of the literature
COVID-19 as an “, Infodemic”,in Public Health: Critical Role of the Social Media
View 24
Investigating Preventive Behaviors Toward COVID-19 Among Iranian People
View 27
Availability, affordability, access, and pricing of anti-cancer medicines in low-and middle-income countries: a systematic review of literature
A critical theoretical approach to cancer disparities: breast cancer and the social determinants of health
Prevalence and Incidence Rate of Diabetes, Pre-diabetes, Uncontrolled Diabetes, and Their Predictors in the Adult Population in Southeastern Iran: Findings From KERCADR Study
Dementia incidence, burden and cost of care: a Filipino community-based study
Effects of pandemic outbreak on economies: evidence from business history context
Probiotics, Pre-biotics and Synbiotics in the Treatment of Pre-diabetes: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Teaching anxiety, stress and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic: evaluating the vulnerability of academic professionals in Mexico through the adapted COVID-19 stress scales
Behavioral risk factors and adherence to preventive measures: Evidence from the early stages of the COVID‑19 pandemic
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer researchers in 2020: a qualitative study of events to inform mitigation strategies
Occupational stress and mental health among healthcare workers serving socially vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 pandemic