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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Fedele Fabiola

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Context: Endometriosis is a chronic condition affecting 10% of women in their reproductive age worldwide. Endometriosis symptoms can seriously impact the quality of life and the mental health of women. Although it could be found in over 60% of adolescent girls and adolescents may suffer from advanced forms of it, there are not enough studies on psychological impacts of endometriosis in adolescence. Evidence acquisition: In this narrative review study, research studies and systematic review studies conducted from 2000 to 2021 were searched in the PubMed, Medline, and Scopus with the following keywords: “ young women OR adolescents OR adolescence” AND “ endometriosis” AND “ psychologic* OR emotions OR well-being OR quality of life” . Results: Endometriosis symptoms substantially affect the psychological well-being of young women. They often report physical pain, reduced general health and vitality, poor physical and social functioning, as well as limitations in emotional functioning. Conclusions: These data highlighted the need for increased awareness concerning this disease for its early diagnosis and focused on healthcare assistance and psychological support for adolescent girls with this condition.

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Background: Examining the evolutionary process in life span indicates that adolescence is known as one of the most vulnerable stages of life, during which the prevalence and occurrence of emotional problems increases significantly. The present study was conducted to determine the causal relationships between problem solving, mindfulness, and social competence mediated by cognitive flexibility of female students. Methods: The method of the present work was correlational, which was performed in the form of path analysis. The statistical population included all the ninth-grade female students in Zanjan in the academic year 2019. Based on the population size, 338 were selected as a sample through cluster sampling. For data collection, questionnaires of mindfulness (2006), social competence (1990), cognitive flexibility (2010), and problem-solving inventory (1982) were employed. The collected data were analyzed by the use of path analysis method, maximum likelihood method, Pearson correlation tests, path analysis, and SPSS/Amos software version 25. Results: The results showed that there is a direct relationship between mindfulness (β =0. 63, P=0. 001) and flexibility (β =0. 14, P=0. 001) with problem solving. The study of indirect effects also revealed that the effects of social competence on problem solving (β =0. 272, P=0. 001), mindfulness on flexibility (β =0. 165, P=0. 002), and mindfulness on problem solving is significant. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that mindfulness, social competence, and cognitive flexibility can be considered as fundamental factors in solving the problem of ninth-grade female students.

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Background: Aging is an inevitable physiological process leading to a progressive decrease in muscle mass and function, which is called sarcopenia. Correspondingly, this study aimed to investigate the effect of High-Intensity Interval Resistance Training (HIIRT) on certain sarcopenia-related factors in elderly women. Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study in which thirty elderly women aged 60 to 70 years, from April to September 2020, volunteered to participate and were randomly assigned to the experimental (n=15) and control (n=15) groups. Body Mass Index (BMI), Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass (ASM), Appendicular Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (ASMI), and body fat percentage were measured using bioelectric impedance analysis; handgrip strength was measured via Jamar dynamometer; walking speed was measured employing six-meter walking test (6MWT); IGF-1 level (µ g/L) was measured with Mediagnost kit (Germany) and serum myostatin level (ng/L) was measured using ELISA kit from R&D Company (USA) via Enzyme-Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) method in two stages: pre-test (week 0) and post-test (end of week 8). Independent t-test was subsequently utilized to assess the research variables through SPSS software version 23 at 0. 05 level of significance. Results: The results indicated a significant decrease in body fat percentage (1. 05± 0. 79, P<0. 001) and Myostatin (MSTN) (87. 25± 82. 38, P<0. 01) and a significant increase in handgrip strength (-08. 58± 4. 50, P<0. 001), ASM (-4. 91± 0. 28, P<0. 001), ASMI (-0. 19± 0. 11, P<0. 001), and 6MWT (-0. 42± 0. 26, P<0. 001) in the experimental group compared to the control. There was also an increase in IGF-1 (-0. 83± 2. 90, P=0. 88), yet it was not significant. Conclusion: The major components indicative of sarcopenia were improved through High-Intensity Interval Resistance Training. Therefore, HIIRT appeared to be one of the most important coping strategies for reduction of muscle mass and strength in older women. We could thus conclude that it is necessary for the elderly to do this type of training.

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Background: Psychological distresses and stresses are believed to significantly increase the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). In contrast, healthy lifestyle plays an effective role in the prevention and treatment of IBS. The present article investigated the effect of integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness therapy on the lifestyle of patients with IBS in Tehran. Methods: This study was quasi-experimental (pre-test, post-test, and a one-month follow-up design, and a control group). The statistical population herein included all the women with IBS referred to the Gastroenterology Research Center of Shariati Hospital in Tehran in 2020. We selected 30 patients who were willing to participate in the study using convenience sampling and randomly divided them into the control and experimental groups (n=15 per group). The experimental group underwent 12 sessions (90-minute sessions, two days a week) of integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness therapy, yet the control group received no intervention. The research instrument included the Lifestyle Questionnaire (LSQ). Data analysis was carried out using repeated measures ANOVA. Results: The results indicated that integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness therapy effectively improved lifestyles in women with IBS (P<0. 001). The mean post-test and follow-up scores of the experimental group were 162. 58± 30. 83 and 166. 00± 26. 61, respectively, which increased compared to the pre-test (110. 58± 10. 02), post-test (107. 17± 9. 52), and follow-up (103. 33± 7. 24) of the control group. Conclusion: Integrating cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness therapy could be recommended as an effective training to improve the lifestyle of women with IBS.

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Background: Considering the fact that neonatal are the most susceptible group against different kinds of disease, the present study aimed to evaluate the predictive power of the theory of planned behavior on the intention of pregnant women to neonatal care. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 100 pregnant women were selected in their trimester of pregnancy via random sampling in health centers of Arak in 2019. Data was collected using a questionnaire and interviews with pregnant women. The questionnaire included demographic characteristics of the mothers and the theory of planned behavior construct. The data were analyzed via Pearson correlation and linear regression. Results: The average age was 26. 12± 4. 9 years and their marriage age were 3. 9± 2. 7 years. There was a close correlation between perceived behavioral control and behavioral intention (r=0. 40; P<0. 001). Over 40% of the pregnant women were found not to have enough overall neonatal care-associated knowledge. The mothers who were better prepared for parenting tended to have a higher level of schooling, perceived control behavior, and knowledge. Regression analysis revealed that the constructs of the theory of planned behavior predicted variance of 32% in intention. Perceived behavioral control and knowledge were the most significant predictors of the intention to neonatal care (P<0. 001). Conclusions: This study supports the predictive ability of the theory of planned behavior for neonatal care; therefore, the design of educational intervention should be based on intention and knowledge as the most important predictors of maternal behavior.

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Background: Galectin-3 and pentraxin-3 are recognized as cardiovascular risk factors, levels of which change in the pathological conditions, including type 2 diabetes. The aim of present research was to investigate the high and moderate intensity aerobic training effects on galectin-3, pentraxin-3, and some inflammatory mediators levels in type 2 diabetic women. Methods: Our study was a randomized clinical trial, conducted on the 36 type 2 diabetic women with an average age of 46. 95± 3. 49 years old, randomly assigned to three equal groups, including control, continuous training with moderate-intensity (MICT), and high intensity interval training (HIIT) groups. Both MICT and HIIT program performed three sessions per week over a 12-week period. Training intensity in HIIT and MICT group was 90 and 60-70 percent of maximum heart rate, respectively. Blood samples at the baseline and after the 12-week training intervention were collected and the variables levels were measured via ELISA method. Repeated measures ANOVA test and Tukey post-hoc test were employed for data analysis. The research is documented in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (registration number: IRCT20200729048252N1). Results: Galectin-3 levels significantly decreased in HIIT and MICT groups (P<0. 001). However, no significant differences were observed for Pentraxin-3 levels between different group (P=0. 306), yet paired t test indicated that Pentraxin-3 levels significantly decreased in HIIT group (P=0. 003). In addition, serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α ) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) significantly declined in HIIT and MICT groups (P<0. 05). Conclusion: HIIT and MICT intervention results in a significant decrease in inflammatory mediators and HIIT protocol was not superior to MICT protocol for observed changes in inflammatory mediators.

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Background: Wisdom is considered as a concept based on cognition, deep understanding and insight, reflective thinking and also a combination of considering individual interests in interaction with the interests of others. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of academic experiences, critical thinking and cognitive flexibility in predicting the wisdom of Tehran University students. Methods: This research was a correlational study. Herein, 275 female postgraduate students in 2020 were selected through multistage random cluster sampling. In order to collect data, the questionnaires of wisdom, academic experience, critical thinking and cognitive flexibility were employed. Data were analyzed using SPSS-23 software and hypotheses were tested through multiple regression. Results: The results showed that in academic experiences (P=0. 002, β =0. 13), critical thinking (P=0. 001, β =0. 19) and also in cognitive flexibility (P=0. 001, β =0. 57), the predictors were positive and significant. Also, wisdom and the predictor variables explained 51% of the variance in the criterion variable. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, academic experiences, critical thinking and cognitive flexibility play a role in increasing and fostering students’ wisdom, as a result of which students can make wise and realistic decisions in the process of solving real life problems.

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Dear Editor, Health is considered as one of the fundamental values and requirements of human development, emphasized in divine religions and international documents. Therefore, all governments are obliged to mobilize all their resources to meet the health needs and provide quality and affordable health care at all levels of public health, medical, and rehabilitation services for each member of the society. This responsibility has been devoted to the health system (1). In addition, the health systems have tried to properly do their responsibilities to ensure the health of communities, move towards universal health coverage (UHC), and achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) by establishing various mechanisms (2). One of the essential factors that should be considered by policy-makers, planners, and economists of the health system in this regard is health equity. . .

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