Sixty-year history of Town and Country Planning in the world, raised a fundamental question: why following the successful models in the process of Town and Country Planning don't have always similar results? Whether, the origin of differences and ambiguities are not in the boundaries, interrelation among the levels of decision making, policy making, uncontrollable democracy in land ownership, irrational use of land, programs instability and lack of appropriate development patterns, irrational zoning, or in a word in the execution of land administration?The principle aim of this research is to evaluate the role and importance of land administration in the realization of goals and programs to improve Town and Country Planning. In this study we have used mainly descriptive and analytical methods, we have found to the conclusion that the land administration is the most fundamental precondition for implement policies, plans and programs in Town and Country Planning, at the extend of territory.The experiences which has been obtained from the leading countries in the field of Town and Country Planning, also shows that land administration and its role is very important, because that, independent of the all way views and of the pre-determined policy, it depends, before anything, else on how to managing, planning and land use, as the most important actions and evolutions of the Town and Country Planning.