This survey carried out in 2011, the aim was surveying water quality of the above fish punds in Khozestan conditions. Water samples from Labeo rohita ponds, 1700 m2 each was examind, and temperature, pH, NO3, NO2, D.O, with the standard methods was majored. The collected data with the help of kolmogorov-smirnov test and variance analyize one way (ANOVA) was tested. The average of water temp in spring, summer, fall and winter was 25.47±1.07, 29.88±1.42, 20.23±0.69, 14.63±0.47 Degree centigrade respectively (P<0.001). The average of pH in spring, summer, fall and winter was 8.51± 0.027, 8.54±0.025, 8.45±0.028, 8.11±0.017 respectively (P<0.001). The average of NO3 in spring, summer, fall and winter was 4.69±0.4, 7.11±0.5, 6.03±0.1 and 6.12±0.9 mg/L (P<0.001). The average of NO2 in spring, summer, fall and winter was 0.312±0.007, 0.083±0.005, 0.473±0.008 and 0.154±0.007 mg/L (P<0.001). The average of DO in spring, summer, fall and winter was 9.21±0.77, 8.36±0.51, 10.41±0.9 and 13.14±0.72 mg/L (P<0.001).