2024 - 2015
Journal Article
فارسی Version
PTSD, depression and anxiety in Ebola virus disease survivors in Beni town, Democratic Republic of the Congo
View 17
Health Anxiety of Pregnant Women and Its Related Factors During the Pandemic of Corona Virus
View 20
Effect of cognitive behavioral therapy-based counseling on perceived stress in pregnant women with history of primary infertility: a controlled randomized clinical trial
View 13
Prevalence and predictors of posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety among hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 in China
Premedication with dexmedetomidine for prevention of hyperdynamic response after electroconvulsive therapy: A cross-over, randomized controlled trial
View 14
Postpartum depression and postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder: prevalence and associated factors
Mental health problems and social supports in the COVID-19 healthcare workers: A Chinese explanatory study
View 11
Validation of the Persian version of the Positive Mental Health Scale
View 33
Efficacy and acceptability of parent-only group cognitive behavioral intervention for treatment of anxiety disorder in children and adolescents: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy on domestic violence and its consequences in transgender youth: a randomized clinical trial, parallel group study
View 23
Mediation role of alexithymia, sensory processing sensitivity and emotional-mental processes between childhood trauma and adult psychopathology: a self-report study
View 26
Mediating effect of empowerment on the relationship between global function and personal recovery among community-dwelling patients with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional study
View 28
Health anxiety and related factors among pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study from Iran
Effects of sources of social support and resilience on the mental health of different age groups during the COVID-19 pandemic
View 25
Exploring COVID-19 patients’ experienc-es of psychological distress during the disease course: A quali-tative study. BMC Psychiatry
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Unemployment rate, opioids misuse and other substance abuse: Quasi-experimental evidence from treatment admissions data
Association between sleep quality and depression among institutionalized and community older people-Brazilian Western Amazonia
The impacts of coping style and perceived social support on the mental health of undergraduate students during the early phases of the COVID-19 pandemic in China: a multicenter survey
View 12
Network structure of depression and anxiety symptoms in Chinese female nursing students
Prevalence and its associated factors of depressive symptoms among Chinese college students during the COVID-19 pandemic
Family achievements in struggling with schizophrenia: life experiences in a qualitative content analysis study in Iran
The invisible scars of emotional abuse: A common and highly harmful form of childhood maltreatment
The association of different parenting styles among depressed parents and their offspring's depression and anxiety: a cross-sectional study
“, Sex isn’, t everything”, : views of people with experience of psychosis on intimate relationships and implications for mental health services
Childhood abuse and borderline personality disorder features in Chinese undergraduates: The role of self-esteem and resilience
Psychosomatic symptoms questionnaire (PSQ-39): a psychometric study among general population of Iranian adults
View 18
Prevalence and correlates of anxiety and depression in frontline healthcare workers treating people with COVID-19 in Bangladesh
Global and reflective rumination are related to suicide attempts among patients experiencing major depressive episodes
The mediating roles of coping styles and resilience in the relationship between perceived social support and posttraumatic growth among primary caregivers of schizophrenic patients: a cross-sectional study
Effect of hope therapy on psychological well-being of women after abortion: a randomized controlled trial
View 16
Implementation of brief dialectical behavior therapy skills training among borderline personality disorder patients in Malaysia: feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary outcomes
Is set-shifting and central coherence in anorexia nervosa influenced by body mass index, anxiety or depression? A systematic review
View 43
Factors associated with suicide attempts among Australian transgender adults
Executive functions and insight in OCD: a comparative study
Suicidal ideation among Lebanese adults: scale validation and correlates
Symptoms of anxiety disorders in Iranian adolescents with hearing loss during the COVID-19 pandemic
View 22
Sleep disturbances in obsessive-compulsive disorder: influence of depression symptoms and trait anxiety
A modified version of the mental health literacy scale (MHLS) in Iranian people
Prevalence and risk factors for seclusion and restraint in old-age psychiatry inpatient units
View 31
Non-pharmacological treatment of gambling disorder: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials
View 1
Mechanisms of rumination change in adolescent depression (RuMeChange): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial of rumination focused cognitive behavioural therapy to reduce ruminative habit and risk of depressive relapse in high-ruminating adolescents
Body dysmorphic disorder and self-esteem: a meta-analysis
View 82
ENgage YOung people earlY (ENYOY): a mixed-method study design for a digital transdiagnostic clinical –and peer-moderated treatment platform for youth with beginning mental health complaints in the Netherlands
Suicidal ideation associated with depression and social support: a survey-based analysis of older adults in South Korea
Relationship between chronic diseases and depression: the mediating effect of pain
Association between health locus of control and perceived stress in college student during the COVID-19 outbreak: A cross-sectional study in Iran
Burnout and job satisfaction of psychiatrists in China: A nationwide survey