Medicinalchavil plant (Ferulago angulata B.) is an important plant belonging to the Apiaceae family. In order to determination of the best explants and hormonal combination for callus induction, this experiment carried out in Yasouj University usingtypes of explants including root, shoot, leaf (separated from seedling obtained from embryo culture) and fragmented embryo and hormone combinations of NAA with BAP each of at 5 levels (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg/l) and 2, 4-D at 5 levels (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 mg/l) with BAP at 5 levels (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 mg/l) at 1/4 MS medium culture. These treatments arranged as factorial experiment using randomized completely design with three replications. Results of Analysis of Variances showed that main effects, two way interactions and explant´NAA´BAP interaction were significant (p£0.01) for callus induction percentage, callus fresh weight, callus dry weight, callus length, callus diameter and callus volum. In other experiment also, these effects were significant forcallus induction percentage, callus fresh weight, callus dry weight, callus length, callus diameter and callus volum. The result of experiment indicated that root explant at the all concentration of NAA had positive effect on callus induction. In addition root explant at 1 mg/l 2, 4-D and 1/5 mg/l BAP was the best treatment for callus induction. In general, because of good responses of chavil plant to callus induction, these results could be used in breeding programs of chavil plant.