Sohravardi has classified human souls in the perfect, the middle and the low in, both, knowledge and action, the pious, the perfect in knowledge but low in action and the low in both knowledge and action. Again, he has classified them in purely simple, impurely simple, purely and perfectly unsimple, perfectly but impurely unsimple, imperfectly but purely unsimple and imperfectly and impurely unsimple. Among the souls, as he says, only the perfect in both knowledge and action would attain happiness and joined the light of the lights. The highest degree of happiness can be found in this group. Those of the most degree of atrocity among the atrocious are imperfect in both knowledge and action, and the perfect in action but imperfect in action; these seek refuge in God from the intensity of retribution. As for the others, though they would finally be included by Divine favor and rescued from retribution, they would be surrounded in the darkness.