In the culture and lifestyle of Imam Reza who is the interpreter of the revelation, all religions despite their historical demonstrations, are expressions of a single nature. However, deviation of religions from the mainstream which has been done throughout the history by the corrupt rulers has caused them to separate from each other. Today what humanity desperately needs, is interfaith dialogue and interaction among religions to reduce existing gaps and to bring together the hearts of their followers and to guide them towards salvation. Accordingly, the Quran Addressing Muhammad (S.) says: "We've raised you for the salvation of all humanity," on the other hand one of the unique features of Islam, is its universality which makes it to belong to all human beings of every race and ritual. During the time when Imam Reza was selected as a crown prince he took an influential step to resolve differences among religions and pointed out the present weaknesses in the distorted religions. He can be identified as one of the figures who were pioneers in the practice of dialogue among religions in Islamic Society. The great examples of such dialogues are his debates with Jathliq, Rasoljalut, Hebaz, UmranSahebi and some other scholars of other religions.Using a descriptive-analytic method, the author has tried to investigate the approach taken by Imam while discussing with the adherents of other religions.