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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this Paper we attempt to analyze the effect of belief (Eiman), income, wealth, Age, education and family size on income allocation to expenditures in the way of Allah. First we construct a scale for measuring of belief. The Population of the survey is citizens of Zahedan city. For analyzing, we use the SPSS and Eviews software. The data was collected by using a questionnaire depending on 510 samples. We use regression analyses in this research. The result reveals that there is a positive relationship between the degree of belief, income and wealth with expenditures in the way of Allah and negative relationship between the family size and education with expenditures in the way of Allah. Thus، belief, income, wealth, family size and education can explain expenditures in the way of Allah.

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Some Islamic countries which have the main oil and gas resources in the world, extracting these resources without considering public and Muslims interests, even in opposition of their interests and devote its benefits to the few people or spend them against other Islamic countries national interest. So it becomes necessary to study criteria of Islamic law. In this article, it is emphasized on Islamic law and contemporary jurisprudence. According to the Islamic law, existed oil and gas resources in depth of the earth, are considered as public property or governmental property which are administrated today by government on behalf of all Muslims and it is necessary to be extracted as much as needed or being spent for public interest. In other words, in first assumption, Imam Al-Muslims or leader of Islamic community should extract resources according to the Muslims needs and spent its benefits for all people. In second assumption, if leader have possession of property without considering Muslims interests, it isn't correct legally (according to the Sharia) and he will be responsible for refunding the same property or in case of excuse, he will be responsible for refunding benefits of property which have been spent illegally.

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Islamic countries have been confronted with various obstacles in the agricultural sector. This obstacles challenge the development of agricultural sector of these countries. though these countries have a large resource capacity and human potential, they have not has an appropriate situation in the agricultural product market. Using a survey method, in this article we show the main obstacle of Agricultural sector development. So we design a questionnaire and distribute it among 284 professionals who study the agriculture sector in the Islamic countries. The result of Friedman test show that the main obstacles are: industrial and technological underdevelopment of the sector, structural weakness in the agricultural business, R&D problem and lack of connection with global market. On the other hand lack of skilled labor has least importance in developing this sector.

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Zero-sum transactions are transactions in which the expense of one of the traders is against other’ s interest; and just as much as one body harms someone else will benefit. The main application of zero-sum transactions is the risk management. Some believe that the prohibition of gambling is because of being a zero-sum transaction, so every another zero-sum transaction is rejected in Islam. In exploring the concept of gambling will reach the conclusion that literally and in terms of jurists and the Hadith, gambling rests on three pillars: 1-The game 2-The overcoming 3-The betting. Of these three pillars, only "the betting" is available in the zero-sum transactions. The betting means pledging a certain fund by both sides to transfer at the end from the loser to winner. "The overcoming" means that each of the parties have the intention and effort to overcome another which is called "win-lose" in Slang. In the zero-sum transactions no one intends to win and overcome the other side, but all are simply looking to make a profit. "The game" means some work that has no reasonability while a zero-sum transaction has at least an important benefit and rational purpose, that is the risk hedging. As a result, a zero-sum transaction is not gambling.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (21)
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The role of taxes in reducing economic inequalities has been a controversial issue, especially in recent decades. The destructive effects of progressive taxes on productivity have resulted in tax reforms on a global scale. With regard to its features and religious backing in Iran, it seems that Zakat (a religious tax in Islam) can have better distributive effect than current conventional taxes. Moreover, estimates indicate that the tax burden of Zakat, as the major tax in Islam, is less than current conventional taxes for Iranian households. Using econometric analysis of panel data and Gini coefficient, the present study compares the effect of Zakat and that of conventional tax on income distribution in a number of Iranian provinces between 2001 and 2014. The results indicate that the effect of Zakat on income distribution is less than that of conventional tax.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (21)
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The aim of this study was to recontextualize the resistive economy as a behavioral system. This research was a qualitative project case study based on context or recontextualization and is placed among the basic researches based on its goal and has been done using thematic analysis method. The study population consisted of all the supreme leader’ s statements in the scope of resistive economy and thematic analysis has been done based on recontextulization on these documents. In order to authenticate the validity of research data concepts such as credibility, trustworthiness, and defensibility have been used. Research findings indicate that recontextualizing the resistive economy as a behavioral system could be explained in the form of conceptual, structural, and functional themes. Henceforth, conceptual dimension includes components such as comprehending the concept of resistive economy, purpose, necessities, and strategies. In the structural dimension components such as strategic orientation, organizational design and cultural context are important. Finally, in functional dimension components including main activities (central), contextualizing activities and performance considerations are explained. According to the Supreme Leader's emphasis on the implementation of resistive economy pattern and the need for functional patterns application in order to save the country’ s economy and on the other hand, due to the relative weakness of existing patterns in present research, practical implications of the findings have been discussed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (21)
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In traditional economics, there are some disputes over the distinction between Positive and normative economics. The current paper criticizes this dichotomy with a particular view to the ideas of Shahid Sadr. Attention to Sadr's view on the connection of normative and positive economics contributes to the better understanding of the entry of values in economics. The results of the study, which is done by using an analytical approach, show that while the dual positive-normative dichotomy is different from the dual doctrinal-science dichotomy, there have some similarities. From Sadr's view point, economic science is equivalent with positive economics. Doctrinal economics looks like normative or evaluative economics in sense that it engages in evaluations on the base of justice. Doctrinal economics deviates from normative economics by addressing ideal institutional structures and policy making. Regardless of the similarities and differences of the dual dichotomies, Sadr's attention to the link between doctrinal and scientific studies contributes to the better understanding of the entry of values in positive economics. According to Sadr, scientific economic analyses are based on an institutional framework, which is supported by an economic system. Such an institutional framework causes the positive analyses to have a value flavor.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Endogenously resolution of economic problems and realizing economic goals requires a theory which has the capability of coherently regulating economic agent's behaviors through an economic system as a whole. In neoclassical economics which is the so-called mainstream economics, rational choice theory implies an endogenous realization of economic goals such as growth and welfare and every macro theory should prove its merits through RCT. In Islamic Economics, what can provide internal coherence and endogenously realizing economic goals such as growth and justice, is Just Choice Theory. It is important that in Islamic economics, individualism and fragmentation is not allowed and economic system is just the economic aspect of the whole social system. Relying on Imam Al-Sadr economic school, we are trying to deploy the elements of just choice in Islamic economics. The Haq-ut-ta'ah (the right of obedience to Allah) theory, Istikhlaf Theory and Social Balancing Theory provide the basis of JCT through determining and restricting the space, incentive and rules of choice.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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