This article compares objects of religious ceremomes III
Tehran in pre- and post-revolutionary times. The main research
question is: Have mourning rituals (as part of the cultural realm)
changed in the contemporary period? As religious objects are the
tangible features of mourning ceremonies, the research question may
also be rephrased as: Have material obgects in mourning ceremonies
held in Tehran in changed? To answer the research question, objects of
mourning ceremonies used in Tehran in pre- and post-revolutionary
times are compared utilizing documentary, participatory observation,
and interview methods.
Research findings reveal that the culture of mourning ceremonies with
objects as its manifestation is changing in Tehran. Old objects such as
the banner, the script, and the podium have survived by acquiring new
functions in the contemporary ceremonies. In addition to these, new
objects, for example pictures of martyrs, texts of political slogans, audio
cassettes, and musical instruments have entered contemporary
ceremonies in response to recent cultural and social conditions such as
the Islamic Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War. Due to the vastness of
the subject and the diversity of mourning ceremony objects, only some
of the changes are confirmed in this article