Along with the beginning of the movement of translation, Muslims began to get familiar with the ideas of Greek philosophers. It may be said that more than all other philosophers, it was Socrates who was paid attention to. The earlier Muslim philosophers such as al-Kindi and al-Farabi were familiar with the Greek inheritance, and it is evident that they were influenced by Aristotle in various disciplines like logic, metaphysics, physics, psychology, and ethics. But, it should be noted that politics is the only discipline in which Muslims' familiarity with Aristotle's works is dubitable. Thus, it is difficult to speak about Aristotle's impacts on the development of political thoughts of Muslim philosophers. According to some researchers, impacts of the Greek inheritance on politics in the Islamic age is restricted to those of Plato and some other philosophers before him, in this regard, they deny Aristotle's impacts on the ideas of Muslims thinkers. Since the subject matter of the present writing hinges directly on solving this problem, in the introduction, the author will provide a historical discussion in this concern, and in what follows, accepting Aristotle's impact on Muslim philosophers, he will discuss this impact till the age of Ibn Rushd and some other distinct Muslim philosophers who have somehow discussed politics.